If you like the firmware, then you can thank by going to myProfile. What is added, changed, deleted: Root is the latest SuperSU (hidden root access).
FUSE firmware (all internal memory is connected into one whole - it turned out 13.5 GB)
Removed trash (Chinese keyboards, Maps, and more)
Added programs - Root Explorer, ES File Explorer, TitaniumBackupPro
Four launchers to choose from (Settings - Desktop) + 4 in the OEM application
Settings - corrected Russian translation.
New item in Settings - System and Screen (here all new added items are located)
- Date and Time in the status bar
- screen density
- Sidebar with programs
- The speed of outgoing and incoming Internet status bar
- Change the font and its size of the system
- Blocking all advertising from the Internet
+ Settings for the developer are immediately displayed in Settings
+ Reworked the look of the equalizer.
+ Added reboot button and reboot in recovery in StatusBar
+ Optimization and fixes for 800X480 screen resolution (we unsubscribe from the problems, I do not have such a device)
+ Translation and graphic changes Factory settings
+ New Settings item - Display - StatusBar settings - Gradient status bar
+ In the OEM application, many programs, factory programs and new themes for the design of regular applications. Install as normal applications.
Removing them later - go to Settings - Applications - Delete update. + Brightness slider added to notification curtain.
+ New radio, music, video (three different color themes) - Other colors are in the OEM application.
+ Added settings - flight mode, mobile data transfer, APN setting
+ New Settings - System - Startup
+ New Settings - Section Information
+ Changed Status Bar
+ Updated Google, Google Apps, Play Store
+ In the OEM application, many programs, factory programs and new themes for the design of regular applications. Install as normal applications. Delete - go to Settings - Applications - Delete update.
Do not forget - you can change the default launcher in Settings - Desktop.
Launcher with GPS speed. Launcher selection in Settings-Desktop - Launcher2mtc3_5_1_1. Activate the Xposed GPS-Launcher module and copy the desired mtc-launcher folder (KM-speed in kilometers, MPH-speed in miles) to the internal memory card (internal_sd) and reboot.
All additional programs and launchers can now be removed by standard methods in Settings - Applications.
+ A new icon (moon) has been added to the status bar to launch Screensaver.
+ Network card settings again appeared.
+ Added support for Init.d
+ Added binary i2cset file for sound.
The system / etc / init.d folder already contains the configuration file for changing the sound (i2cset -y 4 0x1A 0x25 0x01 and i2cset -y 4 0x1A 0x2C 0x60 are enabled by default) (it should have 0755 resolution after the change)
+ Added support for direct sound control from 7floor (in the OEM application there is
mtcsound_7floor.apk , you will need to install it and remove the program Root Explorer file
33i2cset in folder
system \ etc \ init.d )
+ Added KLD launcher (Launchers folder in OEM layout).
+ Added Weather in Screensaver, Radio, Music. You can customize the Weather - Settings - Weather Settings.
+ Translation in Factory Settings
+ Added PCRadio (can be deleted in Settings - Applications)
+ Added a new module for Xposed mtc-music (do not forget to copy the settings folder from the archive with firmware and activate the module in Xposed itself)
In folder
Copy_TO_SD_External (GPS Card) - From KM - there are folders that show speed in kilometers per hour
In folder
Copy_TO_SD_External (GPS Card) - From MPH - there are folders that show speed in MPH (US format)
+ Added various screensavers to the OEM application (analog and digital)
+ Display settings Weathers in the screensaver - Settings - Settings Weathers.
If you do not like the sound in the system - Delete the Root Explorer-om file in the system \ etc \ init.d \ 33i2cset folder + Now all folders with setup .ini files (mtc-launcher, mtc-music, mtc-statusbar) should be copied by the ES File Explorer program (available in the firmware)
to internal memoryinternal_sd !!!
Made specifically for devices that do not have SD Maps (GPS Maps)
+ Added a fully working module for Xposed - mtc-keys (to change the key assignments on the device)
The configuration .ini file with the mtc-keys folder must be located on the external SD card
external_sd !!!
In the archive, along with the firmware, there is an approximate settings file, where by double-clicking the Back key, PCRadio starts (you need to delete the # sign in the [click.2] section).
Read about his settings here -
Modification of software and decorations for GU MTCB / MTCC CPU RK3066 / 3188 - Discussion+ In the OEM application added Launcher and Applications (many versions).
+ Added application MtcdTools to configure the keys on the device. (Located in the OEM application)
+ Installed the latest version of RTH access.
+ Added to the OEM application new regular applications in red and screensaver without displaying the speed of GPS
+ Changed the sound (except radio) (added bass and treble) if you do not like the sound, then delete the file
\ system \ etc \ init.d \ 33i2cset + Redone application
MTCBlueTooth - two-line contacts and two types of color theme - red (found in the OEM application) and blue (default)
+ Custom applications have been reworked - 3 color themes to choose from (blue, red, green) Blue by default, the rest are installed from the OEM application.
+ Reworked all screensavers to display tags and images. The weather is also moved up.
+ Added Weather display in the Radio application. You can configure or deactivate Settings - Weather Settings - Weather on the screen. You can change the color, icons, size, etc. Display Weather automatically by GPS and the Internet (you must enable Settings-GPS -Location - On for all sources) or set your city in manual mode. Selection of display Weather for two providers.
+ Added module for Xposed, to display tags in the screensaver -
xposed-mtc-poweramp + Added a module for Xposed, to display information from PCRadio in a screensaver -
xposed-mtc-pcradio + Added module for Xposed, for bluetooth application -
xposed-mtc-bt-1.5 -
read about him here The shortcut settings are in the file
mtc-bt / mtc-bt.ini where you yourself must register phone numbers.
IMPORTANT: If you synchronize the phone book with your phone - be sure to disable the modulemtc-bt in xposed and reboot. After synchronization, turn it on again! Otherwise, there will be no synchronization! Added module for Xposed -
xposed-mtc-manager -
read about him here The archive with the firmware are examples of settings in the folder
mtc-manager . So if you copy a folder to the GPS map
mtc-manager with file
settings.ini then by default the screensaver will be launched in all applications (and not only in standard ones) in 300 seconds, here are the settings:
# Enable alternative screensaver, if false is specified, the regular mechanism will work:
screenClock = true
# the screen off time, if not specified, will be used from the standard settings in seconds:
screenTimeout = 300
If you want to turn it off completely, then we register:
screenClock = false If you want it not to run in certain applications, then write the package names in the configuration file
ss_exceptions.ini com.microntek.avin
Added module for Xposed -
xposed-mtc-music-2.8 -
read about him here In order not to turn off the screensaver when you click on the MOON in the status bar, we write this in the file
mtc-music / mtc-music.ini # Turn off the screensaver only when you touch the screen. true - yes, false - normal operation.
touch_mode = true
New from April 10, 2017 for RK3188 800X480 and 1024X600 MTCD Firmware # 11 + Updated Google Services
+ Added three new themes for regular applications, red, green, blue with the quick access panel
(the default is a blue theme - the rest are in the OEM application)
+ Added new Settings. Now you can fully customize the icons in the statusbar. Located in Settings - Screen.
When you first start the system after patching, you will have nothing in the StatusBar (not a single icon!)
Settings - Screen - StatusBar Settings - Show-Hide icons in the StatusBar and there we include what you need.
+ Added new screensaver with quick access toolbar (you can immediately launch regular applications)
+ Fixed display of the color palette in Settings - Screen - Settings Bar Status - Gradient Bar Status.
If there are errors like "An error has occurred Lock.apk", then go Settings - GPS - Location - For all sources !! If you do not like the sound in the system - Delete the Root Explorer-om file in the system \ etc \ init.d \ 33i2cset folder Added new Xposed module mtc-radio, to show the names of radio stations. The configuration file is in the folder
mtc-radio / mtc-radio.ini which needs to be copied to internal memory internal_sd (available in the archive with the firmware)
You need to register the frequencies of your radio stations in the mtc-radio.ini file in your city (information can be found on the Internet)
and be sure to turn off the RDS display in Settings - Factory settings - Other !!!
New from April 13, 2017 for RK3188 800X480 and 1024X600 MTCD Firmware # 11.1 Google services are replaced by MicroG (it is recommended to install this firmware without erasing data
(or make Wipe Data in recovery after installing the firmware)
1. go to the microG Settings application and activate background services:
- Register your device with Google
- Google Cloud Messaging
2. In the same place, select the UnifiedNlp settings and select (if you use only GPS, you can skip this):
- location programs (just select one, which one you like more), so that the network search will work
- address search programs - tick Nominatim (coordinate transformation to address)
3. reboot the device
4. Go to the Play Market and enter your account.
We use.
New from April 18, 2017 for RK3188 800X480 and 1024X600 MTCD Firmware # 11.4 Added four versions of Launcher:
1. Launcher with GPS speed and weather (main)
2. Launcher with GPS speed and WITHOUT showing the Weather (change launcher in Settings - Desktop)
3. Launcher without GPS speed and with analog clock (change launcher in Settings - Desktop)
4. Launcher without GPS speed and with digital clock (change launcher in Settings - Desktop)
Added a set of full-time programs without showing the top panel and without Weather. (Located in the OEM application)
The gps-launcher module has been redesigned to show the speed in two launchers.
Other corrections and additions.
New from April 24, 2017 for RK3188 800X480 and 1024X600 MTCD Firmware # 11.5 1. Fixed a launcher with GPS speed and WITHOUT displaying Weather for 800X480 screen resolution
2. Now all programs are available on Google Play with no exceptions (including TomTom)
3. Fixed the widget for the Radio application in Launchers with an analog clock and a digital clock
4. TomTom navigation works immediately and downloads maps.
5. Reduced the height of the Status Bar.
6. At the first boot after flashing, there are now icons in the status bar.
Two versions of firmware with MicroG services and the official version of Google Service.
Download the version with the official Google Market:https://yadi.sk/d/HYOsUi1F3HJ9Y5Download the MicroG version:https://yadi.sk/d/LXl9hJoy3HKZmJ-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
New from September 7, 2017 for RK3188 800X480 and 1024X600 MTCD Firmware # 12.6 1.
Android base dated August 09, 2017 (factory firmware HA) 2. Updated all Google Services
3. Installed the latest version of SuperSU (hidden Root access)
4. New PCRadio with a new module for Xposed from SW. MVG-V70 (now when starting regular programs, the sound of PCRadio is turned off)
5. New screensaver 2 in 1. With analog and digital clock. Change screen - click on it for 2-3 seconds.
6. The startup time of the Never-15-30-60 seconds-2-3-5-7-10 minutes has been added to the screensaver’s launch settings.
7. New Radio with a quick access panel (installed) and without a panel (in the OEM application)
8. In the Music application, a ViperFX launch button and track numbers with a quick access panel (installed) and without a panel (included in the OEM application) have been added
For ViperFX to work correctly when the Music application is running, disable the graphic equalizer there.
9. Added new module for Xposed
mtc-bt version 2.3 (version 1.5 was on previous firmware)
If, after synchronizing contacts with your phone, you didn’t have anything, just exit the Bluetooth application (for example, using the Back key) and go back to it, all contacts will appear. Now disable the module in Xposed is not necessary.
And do not forget to edit the file
mtc-bt.ini (Lies in the archive with the firmware) and register phones for quick access there.
10. Added new module for Xposed
xposed-mtc-manager version 2.5 (on the previous firmware version 1.13 was)
You can read about its settings
hereCopy folder
mtc-manager on
external memory card (GPS map) - everything is in the archive with the firmware, just edit the configuration files for yourself in the program
Notepad ++ Now you can connect any OBD adapters with different names, register them in the file
settings.ini .
Do not forget who does not need to launch a screensaver, then disable it not only in the Android Settings but also in the file
settings.ini in folder
mtc-manager - screenClock = false
# Enable alternative screensaver, if false is specified, the regular mechanism will work:
screenClock = false
# screen off time, if not specified, the value from the default settings will be used:
screenTimeout = 260
# screensaver software package name
screenPackage = com.microntek.screenclock
# name screensaver activator
screenClass = MainActivity
# if the package name and activation are not set, then the standard screensaver will be used
Sound is restored (high and low frequencies are raised) If you don’t like sound in the system - Delete the Root Explorer-om file in the system \ etc \ init.d \ 33i2cset folder
Fixed translation - on and off.
Init.d restarted
Other additions and fixes.
Firmware install must remove all data (Wipe Data) !!!! Do not forget to copy the folders gps-launcher, mtc-launcher, mtc-music, mtc-radio to the root of the internal memory
internal_sd , and the folder mtc-manager in the root of the external SD card
external_sd and activate modules in xposed.
Version with official Google Market: Download the version with the official Google Market:https://yadi.sk/d/bBIUME4_3Mft2rMicroG Version: Download the MicroG version:https://yadi.sk/d/ZZJ2vX0e3MftdK------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
New from July 9, 2018 for RK3188 800X480 and 1024X600 MTCD Firmware # 13 1. New versions of Music - are in the OEM application.
2. In Settings, added item - Screen lock.
3. New screensavers with graphic equalizer (included in the OEM application)
4. New PCRadio - in a transparent style from SW. DUK.
5. New screensaver 2 in 1. With analog and digital clock. Change screen - click on it for 2-3 seconds. (set by default)
6. New Radio with a quick access panel (installed) and without a panel (in the OEM application)
7. In the Music application, a Vis launch button has been added with a choice of a graphic equalizer with a quick access panel (installed) and no panel (included in the OEM application)
8. Correct reboot (including MCU) of the device from the StatusBar (many thanks to svasavagemessiahzine.comfor help)
9. Reduced the volume of the bluetooth call.
10. In the OEM application, Live Wallpapers - Planets have been added (you can try to install them, it will be cool to look in transparent versions of Screensaver, Music and Radio :))
11. Other additions and corrections.
Firmware install must remove all data (Wipe Data) !!!! Do not forget to copy the mtc-launcher, mtc-music, mtc-radio folders to the internal_sd internal memory root, leave other folders on the external SD (external_sd) and activate the modules in Xposed. Version with official Google Market: Download the version with the official Google Market:https://yadi.sk/d/S-HQ3I9N3YxRgjMicroG Version: Download the MicroG version:https://yadi.sk/d/uJPHkAKB3YxRkGIf you like the firmware, then you can thank by going to myProfile.