Kate Mobile Users Club | Kate Mobile Users Club. The main task of the topic is to reduce the amount

Rep: (514)
Kate mobile | Kate Mobile Users Club | Club Mod Kate Mobile | Ways to bypass blocked access to Internet resources

Problems with Kate and how to solve them

User clubKate mobile

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FAQ topics (to read)
AT - Question; ABOUT - Answer; Shl - Exceptions, Supplement.

AT : My post has been moved here, why?
ABOUT : Because in the main topic, from where it was moved, this is offtopic. Similar discussions are underway here.
AT : What is this club for?
ABOUT : The task of the club is to transfer at least part of the offtopic from the main topic here. We want to get a warm, lamp atmosphere here due to less communication restrictions :)
AT : How to join the club?
Application for entry
Applications are not processed, everyone who wants - he becomes a member of this club without making a list.

To join our ranks, just write in your first message some information about yourself:
  1. How long do you use Kate Mobile?
  2. How did your acquaintance with this program begin?
  3. Bought the Pro version? (We calculate the greedy: P) (You do not need to upload screenshots to the forum about how you bought Kate Mobile, how you get updates and what mail you bought Pro version)

After that, write to me inkoumisslink to the post with the application assavagemessiahzine.comlately I don't go often

AT : What are these words you use in posts?
Used slang
  • Varez (English warez is a slang version of “wares”, an abbreviated plural of “software” - “software”) is a program that is illegally distributed in violation of the rights of the copyright holder. Often contains changes and / or additions that allow you to use it for free and with cut-out advertising.
  • Katka, Katya, Katyusha, Kate, Ket Mobil
    etc. associated with the name Katya

    It is already a tradition to call it Kate Mobile, because in the beginning, the word "Kate" is used, which literally means "Kate".
  • Mododely
    People who use their knowledge return a stripped-down functionality in all of us, the beloved client Kate Mobile. For example, saving to the cache, downloading music, etc.
  • Modifications
    The results of the work of our modolelov - various versions of Kate Mobile with restored or new added functionality.

AT : Are there any icons for Kate?
ABOUT : Icons for Kate Mobile
AT : Where can I see all the restrictions in VK?
ABOUT : All restrictions in the VC at the moment (some inconsistencies are possible)
Club signatures
List of club mods
Interesting modifications

  1. BGulag by Vladozzzik
    • Changed interface (icons, colors)
    • Translation to "PrerevolutionarySoviet "language
    • Disable background play disabled

  2. Download modification

  1. Kate Mobile iOs
    • Changed interface (colors as in VK)

  2. Download

This is not the final version of the cap, so if someone has any suggestions, my Koumiss is always open :)

Poll results
Poll "Hello everyone"
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How do you like Kate Mobile 47.0 version?
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How do you like the Kate Mobile 48 version?
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Kate mobile

Let's respect the work of the developer in this topic and refrain from publishing and discussing Varese!

Spoiler for the author of a subject;
Attached Image

Post has been editedMrKirill1232 - 12.04.20, 00:09
Reason for editing: Spring cap: D

Rep: (1740)
Removing restrictions on background music playback 42.2+

1) Decompile apk namely classes.dex
2) Go to com / perm / kate / BaseActivity.smali
3) Find a methodonStop () V
And in it something like this:
invoke-static {}, Lcom / perm / utils / BackgroundMusicCounter; ->backgroundStart () V

invoke-static {}, Lcom / perm / utils / BackgroundMusicCounter; ->isLimit () Z

move-result v1

4) Changemove-result v1onconst / 4 v1,0x0
5) Save and compile

Cheat time
Go on the waycom.perm.kate.BackgroundMusicCounter.smali
We are looking for a method<clinit>() V
In him:const / 16 v0, 0xe10change toconst v0, 0xffffff

Values ​​are written in hex format. 0xe10 = 3600 seconds ->60 minutes

New method
1) Decompile classes.dex
2) Follow the path:com.perm.kate.utils.BackgroundMusicCounter.smai
3) We are looking for a method:isLimit () Z
Something like this:
.method public static isLimit () Z
.registers 4

.line 70
const-string v0, "BackgroundMusicCounter"

new-instance v1, Ljava / lang / StringBuilder;

invoke-direct {v1}, Ljava / lang / StringBuilder; -><init>() V

const-string v2, "isLimit. total ="

invoke-virtual {v1, v2}, Ljava / lang / StringBuilder; ->append (Ljava / lang / String;) Ljava / lang / StringBuilder;

move-result-object v1

invoke-static {}, Lcom / perm / utils / BackgroundMusicCounter; ->getCounter () J

move-result-wide v2

invoke-virtual {v1, v2, v3}, Ljava / lang / StringBuilder; ->append (J) Ljava / lang / StringBuilder;

move-result-object v1

invoke-virtual {v1}, Ljava / lang / StringBuilder; ->toString () Ljava / lang / String;

move-result-object v1

invoke-static {v0, v1}, Landroid / util / Log; ->i (Ljava / lang / String; Ljava / lang / String;) I

.line 71
invoke-static {}, Lcom / perm / utils / BackgroundMusicCounter; ->getCounter () J

move-result-wide v0

invoke-static {}, Lcom / perm / utils / BackgroundMusicCounter; ->getLimit () I

move-result v2

int-to-long v2, v2

cmp-long v0, v0, v2

if-lez v0,: cond_2b

const / 4 v0, 0x1

: goto_2a
return v0

: cond_2b
const / 4 v0, 0x0

goto: goto_2a
.end method

4) We find in it:const / 4 v0, 0x1 and change to const / 4 v0, 0x0
5) Save compile

Post has been editedDoSer636 - 10.10.17, 18:24

Rep: (1740)
Change proxy to your

1) Follow the path:com / perm / utils / ProxyManager.smali
2) Find two methods:
.method public static getProxyAddr () Ljava / lang / String;
.registers 1

const-string v0, "proxy.katemobile.ru"

return object v0
.end method

.method public static getProxyPort () Ljava / lang / Integer;
.registers 1

const / 16 v0, 0xea8

invoke-static {v0}, Ljava / lang / Integer; ->valueOf (I) Ljava / lang / Integer;

move-result-object v0

return object v0
.end method

In method 1, we change the address to our own in the string: const-string v0, "proxy.katemobile.ru"
In the second method, we change the port to our (number in hex): const / 16 v0,0xea8
Allocated what to change!)
Also along the way:com / perm / utils / UkrBlockChecker.smali
.method private static checkUrlWithProxyOkHttp (Ljava / lang / String;) Z
.registers 9

: try_start_0
new-instance v0, Lcom / squareup / okhttp / OkHttpClient;

invoke-direct {v0}, Lcom / squareup / okhttp / OkHttpClient; -><init>() V

new-instance v3, Ljava / net / Proxy;

sget-object v4, Ljava / net / Proxy $ Type; ->HTTP: Ljava / net / Proxy $ Type;

new-instance v5, Ljava / net / InetSocketAddress;

const-string v6, "proxy.katemobile.ru"

const / 16 v7,0xea8

invoke-direct {v5, v6, v7}, Ljava / net / InetSocketAddress; -><init>(Ljava / lang / String; I) V

invoke-direct {v3, v4, v5}, Ljava / net / Proxy; -><init>(Ljava / net / Proxy $ Type; Ljava / net / SocketAddress;) V

invoke-virtual {v0, v3}, Lcom / squareup / okhttp / OkHttpClient; ->setProxy (Ljava / net / Proxy;) Lcom / squareup / okhttp / OkHttpClient;

new-instance v3, Lcom / squareup / okhttp / Request $ Builder;

invoke-direct {v3}, Lcom / squareup / okhttp / Request $ Builder; -><init>() V

invoke-virtual {v3, p0}, Lcom / squareup / okhttp / Request $ Builder; ->url (Ljava / lang / String;) Lcom / squareup / okhttp / Request $ Builder;

move-result-object v3

invoke-virtual {v3}, Lcom / squareup / okhttp / Request $ Builder; ->build () Lcom / squareup / okhttp / Request;

move-result-object v1

invoke-virtual {v0, v1}, Lcom / squareup / okhttp / OkHttpClient; ->newCall (Lcom / squareup / okhttp / Request;) Lcom / squareup / okhttp / Call;

move-result-object v3

invoke-virtual {v3}, Lcom / squareup / okhttp / Call; ->execute () Lcom / squareup / okhttp / Response;
: try_end_2c
.catch Ljava / lang / Throwable; {: try_start_0 ..: try_end_2c}: catch_2e

const / 4 v3, 0x1

: goto_2d
return v3

: catch_2e
move-exception v2

invoke-virtual {v2}, Ljava / lang / Throwable; ->printStackTrace () V

const / 4 v3, 0x0

goto: goto_2d
.end method

4) Save everything and compile.

Post has been editedDoSer636 - 05.10.17, 15:41
Reason for editing: Completed

Rep: (196)
If someone makes a mod with the old color of likes, then one of the simplest ones will probably add
const p0, -0xbf9c78
return p0
in the methodgetLikeColor () I in the file smali / com / perm / kate / theme / ColorTheme.smali
Here is my method code for comparison
.method public getLikeColor () I
.locals 1

.line 113
sget-boolean v0, Lcom / perm / kate / BaseActivity; ->IsCustomTheme: Z

invoke-direct {p0, v0}, Lcom / perm / kate / theme / ColorTheme; ->getNotifyBgColor (Z) I

move-result p0

const p0, -0xbf9c78 # add this line

return p0
.end method

Rep: (1740)
As many people know on some themes in the application, the second color button (the color of the active tab) is not available, why it is not clear. Unlock it: butcher:
Get down to business!
We are looking for a methodupdateEnabledThemeGeneralColor2
ANDif-eqz v0,: cond_f change to if-nez v0,: cond_f
Well that's all. Good luck;)

Post has been editedDoSer636 - 01.02.18, 20:01

Rep: (514)
Various instructions for modifying Kate Mobile

Digging in the application

Kate Mobile data (token, etc.)

Post has been editedMrKirill1232 - 13.05.19, 13:49
Reason for editing: Kus)

Rep: (1740)
Activation of the secret through the code.
Let's start ...
Follow the path:com / perm / kate / Helper.smali and we are looking for footerAddButtonEnabled (Landroid / content / Context;) Z
Beforereturn v1 we change move-result v1 on const / 4 v1, 0x1
That's all good luck;)

Attached Image
Attached Image

Rep: (61)
Take to the club) Yuzayu Kate for 3 years)

Rep: (514)
* andrewio , taken: D

Rep: (2501)
Do not forget to accept me :)
How many Kate yuzayu hard to say ... Year 2-3 exactly: comando:

Rep: (514)
* oleg543 and you are accepted: D

Rep: (1740)
1. I do not remember: lol:
2. Once stumbled and liked :)
3. Pro version is not bought, I use Varese. I love to scold in the code: butcher:

Post has been editedDoSer636 - 22.03.18, 16:48

Rep: (514)
* DoSer636 of course: D

Rep: (514)
Taking advantage of the fact that I am the creator of the topic and the curator (oleg543) cannot delete this post, hold: lol:
Made a quality pack of icons from 7 colors (8 color is normal)

Post in the allotted for this topic

How to replace the application icon?
Questions about installing icons for launchers, ask in the profile topics : Interface
If you do not want to download the launcher write to the topicClub Mod APKor me inQMS and ask to make a version of no root, since they explained to me that integrity was disrupted, etc. (license will not be obtained)

Examples of icons

Post has been editedMrKirill1232 - 10.02.18, 23:57

Rep: (2501)
* MrKirill1232 , ah you are cunning.

Tell me better, what a nonsense with the deletion of voice?

Rep: (514)
* oleg543,
Every month or 2 VC cleans voice messages on your servers ... (which were sent to HP for sure)

Post has been editedMrKirill1232 - 10.02.18, 23:59

Rep: (2501)
* MrKirill1232 are not eligible, let's start with that. And let's end with the fact that I quietly listened to the voice several months ago.

Rep: (514)
* oleg543,
I lost my voice messages several monthly data from the dialogs

Posted 02/11/2018 00:02:

* oleg543,
maybe I'm some kind of special ... just listened to the message from April 19, 17 ...

Rep: (2501)
* MrKirill1232 , now specially checked. At least the message for December 25 is quietly reproduced.

Rep: (514)
* oleg543,
xs what is going on but my voice message for April 8, 17, was deleted in 2-3 months ...

Rep: (12267)

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Time is now: 23/06/20, 6:27