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ADB | fastboot - their use | Work with auxiliary Android utilities

Rep: (6686)
ADB | fastboot - their use

ADB:1.0.41 (30.0.4-6686687)
Make_f2fs:1.13.0 (2019-09-24)
mke2fs:1.45.4 (23-Sep-2019)
Last update utilities in the header:01.08.2020

What is ADB?
ADB (Android Debug Bridge - Android Debug Bridge) is a tool that is installed with the Android-SDK and allows you to control a device based on the Android OS.
It works on all Android devices where this functionality was not intentionally blocked by the manufacturer.
Hereinafter: PC - PC, computer to which the device is connected.
ADB is a console application for PC, which is used to debug Android devices, including emulators.
Works on the principle of client-server. The first time you start ADB with any command, a server is created as a system service (daemon) that will listen on all commands sent to port 5037.
Official page
ADB allows you to:
  • See which devices are connected and can work with ADB.
  • View logs.
  • Copy files from / to the device.
  • Install / Remove applications.
  • Delete (clear) the data section.
  • Flash (rewrite) the data section.
  • Perform various management scripts.
  • Manage some network settings.
Supplied ADB as part of the Android Developer Toolkit (Android SDK), which, in turn, is part of Android Studio.
Unpack the archive (it is recommended to decompress the root disk or to another folder that does not contain Russian letters and spaces in the path). For example: C: \\ adb
Connection settings, device. Drivers.
Customize your phone.
To do this, go to: "Settings" - "About phone" - 7 times click on the build number. In the developer settings, enable USB debugging.
When you connect the USB-cable, select "File Transfer".
Check the connection on the computer.
Go in, early unpacked, the folder with the utilities. In it, in the address bar of a folder, the top write - "cmd" (without the quotes) and press Enter.
Check availability and device drivers are installed correctly. To do this, adb and fastboot command:
adb devices
fastboot devices
If everything is good, the drivers are successfully installed and the phone is properly connected - you will see the following answer:
<device serial number>device
<device serial number>fastboot

If something is wrong, then the List of devices attached will be empty.

Examples of installation on Linux:
ADB and all that can be done with it (Post Martifik # 28444786)
ADB and all that with it you can do (Post Aliana_Basil # 93244308)

Auto-installer for Windows
ADB and all that with it you can do (Post Aliana_Basil # 93708609)
How to use?
Since adb / fastboot - command line utilities, it is necessary to work with them from the command line.
Go in, early unpacked, the folder with the utilities. In it, in the address bar of a folder, the top write - "cmd" (without the quotes) and press Enter.
Further work by the teams that you require.
ADB commands
Solution: CreateFileW 'nul' failed: Can not find the file specified.

Hidden ADB commands
adb -dThe command is sent only to a device connected via USB.
Attention: will give an error if more than one device is connected.

adb -eThe command is sent to the device in the emulator.
Attention: You will get an error if more than one emulator is connected.

adb -s <serial_device_number>The command is sent to the device with the specified serial number:

adb -p <device name or path>The command is sent to the device with the specified name:
If the -p switch is not specified, the value of ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT is used.

adb devices
List of all connected devices.

adb connect<host>[:<port>]
Connect to the android host via TCP / IP over port 5555 (by default, if not specified).

adb disconnect [<host>[:<port>]]
Disconnect from the android connected via TCP / IP port 5555 (by default, if not specified).
If no parameter is specified, disconnect from all active connections.

adb push<PC path><way to android>Copy file / folder PC->device

adb pull<way to android> [<PC path>]Copy file / folder device>PC

adb sync [<catalog>]
Copy PC->device only new files.
-l Do not copy, only create a list.

adb shellRun a simplified unix shell.
Examples of using

adb emu<team>Send a command to the emulator console

adb install [-l] [-r] [-s]<application_name.apk>Send the app to your device and install it.
Example: adb install c: /adb/app/autostarts.apkInstall fileautostarts.apklying in a folder/ adb / app /on disk with:
-l application lock
-r Reinstall application, saving data
-s Install the application on the memory card
Setting split apk

adb uninstall [-k]<application_name.apk>Remove application from device.
-k Do not delete saved application and user data.

adb wait-for-deviceWait for the device to connect.

adb start-serverStart the service / daemon.

adb kill-serverStop the service / daemon.

adb get-stateGet status:
offlineSwitched off.
bootloaderIn boot mode.
deviceIn operation.

adb get serialnoGet the serial number.

adb status-windowContinuous polling status.

adb remountRemount for recording. Required for scripts that change data to.

adb reboot bootloader
Reboot to bootloader mode.

adb reboot recoveryReboot into recovery mode.

adb rootRestarting the daemon as root

adb usbRestart daemon listening to usb.

adb tcpip<port>Restarting daemon listening on TCP port.

adb ppp<tty>[Options] Start service via USB.
Note: you should not automatically start a PPP connection.<tty>It refers to the tty for PPP stream. Eg. dev: / dev / omap_csmi_tty1
defaultroute debug dump local notty usepeerdns

FastBoot commands
FastBoot is a console application for PC. Used to act on sections

fastboot devicesList of attached devices in fastboot mode.
fastboot flash<section><file>Sews the .img file to the device partition.

fastboot erase<section>Erase section.
Sections:boot, recovery, system, userdata, radio
Example:fastboot erase userdataErase user data.

fastboot update<filename.zip>Firmware from file filename.zip

fastboot flashallFirmware boot + recovery + system.

fastboot getvar<variable_name>Show bootloader variables.
Example: fastboot getvar version-bootloaderGet the bootloader version.

fastboot boot<kernel> [<ramdisk>]Download and download kernel.

fastboot flash: raw boot<kernel> [<ramdisk>] Create a bootimage and flash it.

fastboot devicesShow the list of connected devices.

fastboot continueContinue with autoload.

fastboot rebootReboot the machine.

fastboot reboot-bootloaderReload device bootloader mode.
Before the fastboot commands, you can use the keys:
-w wipe user data and cache
-s<serial number>Specify the serial number of the device.
-p<product>Specify the name of the device.
-c<cmdline>Override kernel commandline.
-i<vendor id>Manually specify the USB vendor id.
-b<base_addr>Specify the kernel base address manually.
-n<page size>Specify the size of nand pages. the default is 2048.
Firmware radio.
Rename the radio to radio.img and put it in the ADB folder.
@echo off
fastboot reboot-bootloader
echo After booting the bootloader, press any key ...
fastboot flash radio radio.img
fastboot reboot

Recovery firmware from backup.
@echo off
fastboot reboot-bootloader
echo After booting the bootloader, press any key ...
fastboot flash userdata data.img
fastboot flash system system.img
fastboot flash boot boot.img
fastboot reboot

Flash animation when loading
Downloading bootanimation. Rename the file to bootanimation.zip and put it in the ADB folder.
@echo off
adb remount
adb push bootanimation.zip / data / local

Getting SuperCID (Debrending
@echo off
adb devices
fastboot reboot-bootloader
echo After booting the bootloader, press any key ...
fastboot oem writecid 11111111
fastboot reboot-bootloader
fastboot getvar cid
fastboot reboot

Firmware recovery.
Unpack the image of the recovery. Rename the file to recovery.img and put it in the folder with ADB.
@echo off
fastboot reboot-bootloader
echo After booting the bootloader, press any key ...
fastboot flash recovery recovery.img
fastboot reboot

Firmware boot partition
Rename the piece of firmware responsible for loading to boot.img and put it in the ADB folder.
@echo off
fastboot reboot-bootloader
echo After booting the bootloader, press any key ...
fastboot flash boot boot.img
fastboot reboot

What is LogCat and how to use it?
How to remove logcat in various ways and applications
adb logcat [<Keys>] [<filter>] View logs with debug information:

You can use the logcat command from a development machine.
$ adb logcat
or from remote shell
# logcat Each log message in Android has a tag and priority
The tag is a string indicating the system component from which the message was received (for example: View for the view system)
Priority - has one of the following values ​​(in order from lowest to highest):
V - Verbose (Low priority).
D - Debug
I - Info
W - Warning
E - Error
F - Fatal
S - Silent (The highest priority at which nothing is output).

Get a list of tags used in the system, along with their priorities, you can run logcat. The first two columns of each displayed message will be listed.<a priority>/<tag>.
An example of the displayed logcat message:
I / ActivityManager (585): Starting activity: Intent {action = android.intent.action ...}

To reduce log output to an acceptable level, filter expressions should be used. Filter expressions allow the system to specify the desired combinations.<tag>and<a priority>, the remaining messages are not displayed by the system.
Filter expressions have the following format.<tag>:<a priority>... where<tag>indicates the desired tag,<a priority>indicates the minimum priority level for the selected tag. Messages with the selected tag and priority at or above the specified level are recorded in the log. Any number of pairs can be used.<tag>:<a priority>in one filter expression. To separate pairs<tag>:<a priority>space is used.

The example below logs all messages with an "ActivityManager" tag with a priority of "Info" or higher, and messages with a "MyApp" tag and a priority of "Debug" or higher:
adb logcat ActivityManager: I MyApp: D *: S
The last element in the filter expression *: S sets the priority "silent" for all other tags, thereby ensuring the display of messages only for "View" and "MyApp". Using *: S is a great way to log only explicitly specified filters (that is, the white list of messages is indicated in the filter expression, and *: S sends everything else to the black list).

The following filter expression displays all messages with a priority of "warning" or higher for all tags:
adb logcat *: W

If logcat runs on the developer’s machine (not via the remote adb shell), you can also set the value of the default filter expression by setting the ANDROID_LOG_TAGS environment variable:
export ANDROID_LOG_TAGS = "ActivityManager: I MyApp: D *: S"

Please note that specifying the ANDROID_LOG_TAGS environment variable will not work in the emulator / device if you use logcat in a remote shell or using adb shell logcat.
The export command described above works in OS * nix and does not work in Windows.

Monitoring Log Output Format

Log messages in addition to tag and priority contain several metadata fields. You can change the message output format showing only specific metadata fields. To do this, use the -v option and specify one of the following output formats.

briefShow priority / tag and process PID (default format).
processOnly show PID.
tagOnly show priority / tag.
threadShow only process: thread and priority / tag.
rawShow unprocessed message, without metadata fields.
timeShow date, call time, priority / tag and process PID.
longShow all metadata fields and separate messages with empty lines.

When runninglogcatYou can specify the output format using the -v parameter:
adb logcat [-v<format>]
An example that shows messages in the thread format:
adb logcat -v thread
It should be noted that only one format can be used with the -v option.

View alternate log buffer

The Android logging system holds several ring buffers for the message log and not all messages are sent to the main buffer. To display additional log messages, you need to run logcat with the -b parameter.

Thus you can see one of the alternative buffers:
radio View radio / phone related buffer.
events View a buffer with event related messages.
main View the main buffer (default).

The example below shows a buffer with radio and telephone messages:
adb logcat -b radio

View stdout and stderr

By default, the Android system sends the output of stdout and stderr (System.out and System.err) to / dev / null (deletes). In processes that run on a Dalvik virtual machine (Dalvik VM), a copy of the output to the log file can be written. In this case, the system writes messages to the log using the stdout and stderr tags with priority I.
To redirect output, you need to stop the emulator / device, then execute the shell setprop command to enable output redirection. An example of how this is done:
$ adb shell stop
$ adb shell setprop log.redirect-stdio true
$ adb shell start

The system saves this setting while the emulator / device is running. To use this default setting in the emulator / device, you need to add this command to/data/local.propin the emulator / device.

List of logcat command options
-b<buffer>Load an alternate log buffer for viewing, such as event or radio. The main buffer is used by default.
-c Clear (reset) the log and exit.
-d Display the log and exit.
-f<filename>Write log messages to file<filename>. The default is stdout.
-g Display the size of the specified log buffer and exit.
-n<count>Set the maximum number of log rotations (the number of stored compressed log fragments)<count>. The default is 4. Requires the -r option.
-r<kbytes>Perform rotation every<kbytes>output (split the log into fragments by<kbytes>). The default is 16. Requires the -f option.
-s Set the default silent filter.
-v<format>Sets the format for displaying log messages. The default is brief.
List of PC software for file system GUI via ADB
How to translate into flight mode xiaomi on androyd 10 cherep adb and back?

Useful scripts

Shell scripts for Android
adb shell<shell command>The command is sent through the shell.
Example: adb shell rm -r / system / sd / appRemove applications installed on the memory card.
Example: adb shell rm -r / system / sd / app-privateDeleting applications installed on the memory card in the private section.
Example: adb shell cat / proc / mtdIt will give information about the sections of the internal memory of the device.
It will give something like:
dev: size erasesize name
mtd0: 000a0000 00020000 "misc"
mtd1: 00420000 00020000 "recovery"
mtd2: 002c0000 00020000 "boot"
mtd3: 0fa00000 00020000 "system"
mtd4: 02800000 00020000 "cache"
mtd5: 0af20000 00020000 "userdata"

Example: adb shell dfIt will display information about free resources in the memory sections of the device.
It will give something like:
Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
tmpfs 160664 0 160664 0% / dev
/ dev / block / mtdblock4 40960 1292 39668 3% / cache
/ dev / block / mtdblock3 256000 146888 109112 57% / system
/ dev / block / mtdblock5 179328 125728 53600 70% / data
/ dev / block / mmcblk0p1 15521280 10056880 5464400 65% / sdcard

Create a file with the extension .cmd or .bat in the folder with the ADB (check that .cmd or .bat is the file extension and not its name) and write there:
copy block (set block and outgoing name)
adb shell su -c dd if = / dev / block / mmcblk0p9 of = / sdcard / factoryfs.img bs = 4096

find out what blocks there are in general
adb shell cat / proc / partitions

adb shell mount -o rw / dev / block / mtdblock3 / system
adb shell mount -o rw / dev / block / mtdblock5 / data

Mount partitions / system and / data in ClockworkMod recovery mode.

unlock from the pattern on the lock (after the command to enter any gesture)
adb shell rm /data/system/gesture.key

Graphic lock. Screen lock code - problem solving.

Stop ADB service.
@echo off
taskkill / f / im adb.exe

A few words about the modes of the phone
Getting the logcat of a specific application
Enter the ADB / Fastboot commands to another phone

Platform-tools (adb & fastboot) r30.0.4
Platform-tools (adb & fastboot) r23.1.0 Windows xp
Platform-tools (adb & fastboot) For Android

Past versions

Topics Curator:Displax

Post has been editedahmetov-82 - 25.10.20, 14:08
Reason for editing: How to translate into flight mode xiaomi on androyd 10 cherep adb and back?

Rep: (64)
need help, did everything as described<a href = "http: //www.invalidablelink / reviews-a-articles / 143-program-adb-installing-and-configuring-the-systemuser.html # "target =" _ blank ">HERE </ a>downloaded from the office. the latest version of the Android SDK, put it on the C drive, edit the system PATH variable (c: \ path to the \ tools folder; c: \ path to the \ platform-tools; folder), launch the SDK Manager and check the Android SDK Platform-tools and Android SDK Tools, also tick "Google Usb Driver package", Clicked "Install" - the download is complete. REBOOTED COMP. After running cmd and entered the command adb devices and that's what happened
Attached Image
, after introduced adb shell
Attached Image
as a result, there is no access and not only teams work
Attached Image

help fix

Rep: (1049)
Slajt7, After adb shell you need su

Rep: (64)
smart-ass_fox @ 05/12/2013, 10:25*
need su

Thanks, yesterday it happened

Rep: (8)
Comrades! I try to delete everything from the phone using the fastboot -w command, and nothing happens. An error occurs. How to eliminate it?
C: \ Users \ XXXXX \ XXXX \ adt-bundle-windows-x86_64 \ sdk \ platform-tools>fastboo
t devices
HT264W106XXX fastboot

C: \ Users \ XXXXX \ XXXX \ adt-bundle-windows-x86_64 \ sdk \ platform-tools>fastboo
t -w
erasing 'userdata' ...
FAILED (remote: not allowed)
finished. total time: 0.009s

C: \ Users \ XXXXX \ XXXX \ adt-bundle-windows-x86_64 \ sdk \ platform-tools>fastboo
t erase userdata
erasing 'userdata' ...
FAILED (remote: not allowed)
finished. total time: 0.139s

Rep: (27)
one_desire, What usb port is the phone in? In the main (which is on the motherboard)? In 3.0 or 2.0?

Rep: (17)
Tell the team to solve this problem, I decided to fix the build.prop file and it seems that I’ve got something wrong (there is a backup). Now on the tablet in the system folder there are 2 files: build.prop and build.prop.bak

tried to delete the build.prop file writes "Read-only file system"

Tried to change the same result for the file permissions. :(

How to delete build.prop file and rename build.prop.bak to build.prop

Rep: (1049)
adb root
adb remount
adb shell
cd / system
mv build.prop.bak build.prop

It seems so, I can not check now, I write from memory.

Rep: (17)

fails when executing commands gives errors:
adb root
adbd cannot run as root in production builds

adb remount
remount failed: Operation not permitted


failed on 'build.prop.bak' - Read-only file system

Rep: (1049)
striteroz Well, then the path through the adb is ordered to you. Cache bypassing - by flashing or creating an update for recovery that will do what you need. Or um .... And why not ... Use AROMA Filemanager

Rep: (6)
I did not understand why this is necessary if there is a recovery .. adb and android sdk are the same?

Rep: (1049)
Lestat-andrei @ 06/08/2013, 00:09*
Is adb and android sdk the same?

adb is a program that is located in the folder with sdk tools in the android sdk. But not everyone wants to download a few hundred megabytes of sdk just for the sake of adb. Separately, adb can be found on the network and in the topic header.
Lestat-andrei @ 06/08/2013, 00:09*
what is it for if there is a recovery

Not everyone has a recovery, but adb is always there, another thing is that the launch of it from the root can be blocked in the ramdisk, turning the adb into a useless toy.

Rep: (567)
throughВ® Root Explorergo to the folder / system /, remount the button R / W (it is at the top) and do with these two files what you want

Rep: (1049)
Kyogre, Apparently he does not have a rue, so it will not work out. ;)

Rep: (567)
and what, is it really possible to edit build.prop without root?

and what if you skip the first two teams and start right away with
adb shell
cd / system
mv build.prop.bak build.prop

Rep: (1049)
Kyogre, If the adb is not blocked in ramdisk (ro.secure = 0), then the adb root command will say that it is already from the root and then adb remount can be used, which will remount systems like rw, and do not care if there is root or not. And if you try to break in as adb shell su, then you will need root on the device. If he is, then a request for granting rights will pop up. Only in this case, as you said, you can do everything on the device.

Rep: (135)
adb install [-l] [-r] [-s]<application_name.apk>Send the app to HTC and install it.
Example: adb install a: /adb/app/autostarts.apk Install the autostarts.apk file located in the / adb / app / folder on the disk with:

In the example line, you specified the drive "a: / "and wrote in the explanation" on disk with: " ...

Rep: (1049)
- = Toni = -, Well, a typo in humans. This is problem? : russian_ru:

Rep: (135)
I do not blame anyone, just want to correct the error in the header. : yes:

Rep: (2807)
- = Toni = -,
Press the "complaint" and we will correct: yes2:

Rep: (0)
Please tell me which sections to flash using fastboot forAoson M19 ?
Those. I have the firmware


One .img file and which sections to specify?

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Time is now: 28/10/20, 3:49