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Club players "World of Tanks (World of Tanks)"

Rep: (550)
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Club players battle online "World of Tanks"
We share everything related to the game. Experience, utility, tactics.

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Winners club tournament: comando:
Twice Club Marathonet: Good:
The title "Twice Crasepheg Marathonets" gets
Attached ImagevenomramakaSARS_COVID_19
The first of the club went on a marathon CS-52 LIS!
Proof:Club players "World of Tanks (World of Tanks)В» (Post venomram # 99546718)
The first of the club has finished polar hunting for about 274A!
Proof:Club players "World of Tanks (World of Tanks" (post venomram # 102196863)
Tankmen Forum
Browser script to display player statistics on the forum
Nick on the forum / Nick in the game
  1. sshick в„ў -wizbo
  2. Nikeha -Nikeha
  3. jartex -jartex
  4. PaPyAS -PaPyAS
  5. T54-55 -hran
  6. pmaker -FTC
  7. Santyaga77 -_Danuer_
  8. algaloff -algaloff
  9. Cerebro -Shadowcat
  10. TV13M -TV13M
  11. tr-stalker -trstalker
  12. Dawib -Dawib
  13. Loki69 -INGHENERY
  14. Mil -Mil_Mil
  16. supermelya -supermelya
  17. freemsk1 -freemsk1
  18. Kapax -Maxdroid
  19. funtik7373 -funtik73
  20. lex66677 -Lex66677
  21. AcerLiquid'ok -IGOREKEN
  22. Zben -Zben
  23. P_Lekha -plekha
  24. Tarron -GroundZero
  25. inddigo -inddigo1996
  26. Caleb78 -Hronos78
  27. Apoalyps -Andi1972
  28. Laserfaker -LaserBear
  29. ShkiperKon -Shkiper_Konak
  30. McLaud_savagemessiahzine.com - McLaud90
  31. Liska -Fenix0007
  32. POMAXA2709 -POMAXA2709
  33. LonerCactus -LonerCactus
  34. MesserDen -Tormozstar
  35. ldaleks -Ldaleks
  37. Windows_Seven -ravil5
  38. borets1975 -borets1975andborets2012
  39. Strubbs -Strubbs
  40. veter82 -vetre82
  41. tick -serg1958
  42. mathcode -mathcode
  43. DrDimic -Drdimic
  44. Eyser -Honeycomb
  45. diesel_2005 -2bag_Diesel
  46. Killhanter -AKillhanter
  47. DeeOne -ENDeeOne
  48. doom -doom2x
  49. xsite -Navoirulit
  50. alexey111297 -alex111297
  51. Marvi -Al_Pascudoandlidskoe_BY_PascudoForFan
  52. Xander -Mahoney
  53. Lomion669 -lomion669
  54. mrAjax -mr_Ajax
  55. bakich -bakich5
  56. lobz1303 -lobz1303
  57. koker123 -miklay
  58. MILA.R -Bylaffka
  60. gonhik -tankist_t3485
  61. glazijke -Glazijke
  62. 05320 - Zoot_cat
  63. } l {yJluk -dimiork
  64. slavo4ek -durimaar
  65. V0gel -V0gel
  66. danwinner -danwinner
  67. Nazarov555 -nazarov_alex
  68. Sky_Tiger -Stronger412
  69. demihra -demihra
  70. zagdima -zagdima1
  71. kingside777 -kingside
  72. Dr_SAT -Dr_sat
  73. Gelomen64 -KnyazOleg
  74. Artyom Khoroshev -TeMaTaHkuCT
  75. lkghost -lkghost
  76. StarScrim -Macronx
  77. sergeykuzmich -SergeyKuzmich
  78. Sanitch -Sanitch
  79. van Kertis -Syngenor
  80. vovasmirnov -AZO9001
  81. Frenkus -Ilayfrost
  82. Silver_Screen -Silver_aka_Screen
  83. konvas -Pashikru
  84. RazOR115 -jenek777i
  85. BlackGur -Bo_OT
  86. upgrader -Upgraider
  87. mart677 -mart677
  88. toshiba1984 -ura2384
  89. RIK79 -RIK_79
  90. nik619 -Nikiv_Nik619
  91. +200600 - HakerTT
  92. dadimon29 -dadimon29
  93. buroclever -Frienemy
  94. Slimx2 -Steelhd
  95. TabletPC007 -kill_BCEX
  96. Gandvic -Rudy
  97. 3PG -Esteen
  98. Sepoys -Sepoys
  99. weesla -weesla
  100. gosharik2001 -GEORG_2001
  101. Denis1121 -Denis1121
  102. Redhunter88 -Jackhunter
  103. ToMaTo_0 -ToMaTo_0
  104. RemDigga -angryape
  105. ] _Ne ^ k ^ it_ [-_Ne_k_iT_
  106. ze1bst -ze1bst
  107. takogonikaeshonet -Himmeldonnerwetter
  108. antiamer -Sr_Robinson
  109. kronon4 -kronon4
  110. BooRMaN -AlexFoooX
  111. IL21rus -Duality21rus
  113. dimades81 -dimades81
  114. Gr33n Owl -Green_Owl
  115. daniillomakin -danchik1944
  116. FoxRONy -Foxrony
  117. flabber-smile -tuzhelyak
  118. Installer -Unique26
  119. Master YODA -zadriga888
  120. FreeZe_Nice -Fre3z3
  121. telepuzik.2011 -zmurikov
  122. Racer -DmitryPotter
  123. Electrician79 -Electrician79
  124. mir3x -mir3x
  125. Rocket1972 -Rocket1972
  126. dmialex -dmial
  127. skeivoker -SkeiVoker
  128. Kipkaev Alexander -DroiD_96
  129. GlukVV -_1Gluk1_
  130. N1GZ -N1GZ
  131. crazzyfox -crazzyfox1
  132. sashok32rus -sashok32
  133. DjBooZyyWooZyy -Djbooz
  134. Platenn -Orangutangovich
  135. Jetnavo -Jetnavo
  137. eds.rnd -eds92
  138. badmad1 -KAI39
  139. superuser_5000 -superuser_5000
  140. -RLS- -RLS2011
  141. anagile -Dimbum
  142. x7master -incherobrine
  143. ilyakonst -ilyakonst
  144. Raynarok -ALPA173
  145. Olegga -Okkka
  146. Mr_Help -Mr_Help
  147. dimana97 -linklin56
  148. Redddka -Redddka
  149. poreminima -poreminima
  150. punk18 -Gleb1220
  151. F! GaRo -MuTbka_JIy4e3apHbIu
  152. vlad_pot -dimil
  153. Arkados -Bomner
  154. Dragflow -Dragflow
  155. karakyra -Slash13
  156. vitek500fly -vitek500fly
  157. bondek -pasha_brozer2
  158. vadm69 -Sarmatian_warrior
  159. Iandroidfan -WoThanks
  160. Cartman_lol -tovarichFrid
  161. SYMvlz -Symvlz
  162. Vazhnin.Viktor -k1eane
  163. Takosan -Takosan
  164. kraba -ooOEnderMaNOoo
  165. dima droid -dimad111
  166. Ceratec -_Vazus_
  167. misha1996 -mishaSTAR1996
  168. Jaguar_ksta -Ninelka_19
  169. IceRanger -Norstein
  170. ivanbog -ivan123457887
  171. *** Danila *** -linux_Man
  172. Mad_Dox -LordRevan
  173. Evilball -Sharikovich
  174. Engah -Rojer_enghah
  175. vladiko650 -belka96
  176. hol_baumann -onlyforlulz
  177. Retter -andrew20002000
  178. korby92 -korby92
  179. NicholasLapa -NicholasLapa
  180. back37 -IamBackX5andDestroyer_A
  181. Programman -GermanyPzKpfw
  182. edanal -mogilasan
  183. kk2031 -kk2031
  184. lesha_snopko -lesha_snopko
  185. danik9819 -danik9819
  186. F21 -Ivanov_Viktor
  187. vankog1234 -vankog
  188. general_Taras -general_taras
  189. _HTC_ONE_X_ -wAngelofDeathw
  190. dakurlzz -Onevx
  191. Ghost334 -vertmi
  192. SuperUser123 -SuperUser123
  193. Artem1973 -Punkerrr
  194. Devider007 -Devider007
  195. Me4eniy -Strel0KK
  196. mobo 89 -mobo89
  197. venomram -venomrus1987
  198. Alekc37 -Alekc1995
  199. Nano_Hunter -Nanohunter
  200. MARKus_777 -markus_37773
  201. Bait52 -Bait52
  202. Artem_18 -Artem_18
  203. biqdan -biqdan
  204. viktor_android -lelik_30
  205. gonsoft -GONSoft_Tank
  206. Trav1S01 -skype005
  207. wolf -Sawoy76
  208. SPIDER3220 -SPIDER3220
  209. ATN 84 -atn84
  210. Deha12 -Deha12
  211. Thorkamae -revkit
  212. kingofshadows -kingofshadows
  213. lordShadowich -lordShadowich
  214. Savini -Arelli
  215. Tiguan89 -Janivar05
  216. yan14062001s5570 -Pinyin
  217. MaD_Mike_Nsk -MaD_Mike_Nsk
  218. seneka12345 -seneka123
  219. vass_k -lelushenko
  220. nano26 -englishman95
  221. Satanael13666 -Satanael13666
  222. m1.ry -mr_1y
  223. leutenant12 -Hellishcreature
  224. [DisTricT] Noisy_boy -goretrot
  225. Gisha 7 -angry_gisha
  226. grimix -grimix
  227. bohdan111 -SileMan
  228. Ijenius -Ijenius
  229. ST3R -VIPER_336
  230. -bender- -Bender_2B
  231. fat Tony -Gonso
  232. MegaTaS -LordLamark
  233. CristoKolumbo -Cristokolumbo
  234. Gudelf -Serega06reg
  235. AsTeFu -Astefu
  236. banana_men -Bapywka
  237. HuaweiDonor -donexit
  238. LeBron King James -Dimedrollllll
  239. Andropov Desire S -
  240. sportmaster1983 -sportmaster1983
  241. cat_1982 -cat1982
  242. Panzertank1979
  243. karen2000 -kk228
  244. bss147 -GRlNCH
  245. Gematis -Andrey__37
  246. pilottt -Master_Flom
  247. lukalexrus -lukalexrus
  248. tempico -tempico
  249. MEGA2h -MEGA1337
  250. stasker72 -6e3pyKoe_4mo
  251. jaguar7894 -Mr_Schweppesss
  252. Mikle67 -V_perion
  253. Kernokol19 -nopox_
  254. sark_nwb -SARKNWB
  255. TEM @ atier -Mr_TEMatier
  256. HeKuu_ToMMu -HeKuu_ToMMu
  257. marky_ua -marky_ua
  258. mega_scott -mega_scott
  259. Mr1Alex -Mr1Alexander
  260. I {ib -EVShcrobot
  261. Leger -Ganzubasik
  262. Chewie -Ihaveabomb
  263. Andy_4066 -bariga661
  264. iDesers -FertNoN
  265. theigromane -_granatomet_
  266. Elistaine -Pyurbyaha
  267. Jus2205 -JusAlmighty
  268. rkesha -castalom
  269. BSlavik -PATR0N116rus
  270. benyomin -benyomin
  271. Gauch -___zorg3
  272. 72Angel86 -KP4KEN
  273. BrInGt_ScHmErZeN -BrInGt_ScHmErZeN
  274. suhilya -JIATbIHb
  275. YMO -ysamtme_YMO
  276. WestFring -West173
  277. darkspore -borisyander
  278. DAHET90 -Sony_Xperia1309
  279. luka44565 -luka44565
  280. Shustrik-116RUS -Ghost649
  281. brainkill_bass -flame_bassilio
  282. alexonik -alexonik_RUS
  283. Zarxis -Zarxis
  284. baw17 -baw17
  285. daniil140601 -dasik2001
  286. alexseyuh
  287. breslava7 -maks_and_alex
  288. Vlasov1996 -__Vlasov__
  289. Norad_Stilgar -Norad_Stilgar
  290. vith -vith
  291. jeka1301 -JEKOOF
  292. DeSsaM -DeSsaM
  293. Bagasl -Bagasl
  294. Enotich -Enotich400
  295. nsk_modder -nsk_modder
  296. valtim -Valtimufa
  297. Mr.fallen83 -DarkAngel17
  298. Black Fish -Prospex
  299. Feruzka -Dragon0719
  300. bakich -bakich5
  301. Nikck_M -Nikck_M
  302. CTACCC -pro100mirik
  304. troynoy_rikoshet -troynoy_rikoshet
  305. roma115 -roma115lKZ
  306. mj1996 -zheka1996197
  307. 01_bullet_01 -BoDuTeJlb_HJlO
  308. sas_ki -fusgerts
  309. Redgi123 -shy006
  310. Renat swatik -Promethej
  311. Legololo -T1p_0c
  312. Muhlon -muhlon
  313. chiroksamara -Vactek
  314. Dam2000 -gagamica
  315. DeniskaOdessa -DeniskaOdessa
  316. temaosipov -temaosipov
  317. kekc_86 -Xslon86X
  318. nem-victor -VaRUS_21
  319. Ruslan84 -MAN0708
  320. Bravee -Bravee
  321. YaicesLove -The_stamp
  322. russguru -RussGuru
  323. Q_man007 -Gerasimov3333
  324. maus521 -maus521
  325. swat4sp62rus -PROSWAT_4
  326. Nuke142 -Nuke
  327. I_servion_I -I_servion_I
  328. Jack159 -Jack159
  329. SuperUSERROOT -syber_geroj
  330. pavel39rus -GEORGICH_39_RU
  331. Stas GSK -Tashu_Kak_Mogu
  332. Kaktusik22 -Kaktusik22
  333. 37kadr -koctackz
  334. Bukkie -bukkie1030
  335. BuSHmaker -Bushmaker
  336. n921 -jacowci61
  337. NewVid -Helit
  338. weltkind250186 -Dark_Emperior
  339. sobolev905 -Rodios911
  340. Asus_Peagsus -maksim_26_ru
  341. n1ttel -n1ttel
  342. [Saint_Father] -AzooWare
  343. 3oM6u_B_TyMaHe -3oM6u_B_TyMaHe
  344. vicious.dima -_JaneDoe
  345. BR1ZE -The_game2
  346. Re_Lux -Re_lux
  347. miklyaev -evgenii084
  348. skorpion720 -skorpion720
  350. yulbax -Mera4eji
  351. ~ LeVent ~ -LeVent88
  352. venomram -SARS_COVID_19
  353. zyx1994 -l_DON_l
  354. save_data -KiviZac
  355. chados6 -ChadayII
  356. bolschoy58 -bolschoy58
  357. Mad0908 -Myasce
  358. xoxotok -Hasky_Stars
  359. XA4INA -_____SERGEY_____2016
  360. <<Venom>> - hromoyzorin
  361. "JOSEPH" -Internetx777max

How to become a member of the players club
Leave a message in the subject line:
[CENTER] Application for entry: [/ CENTER]
1. Nickname and link to the profile in the game
2. The desire to start [b] (yes / no) [/ b] in the offline clan [B] ([U] 1 [/ U] / [U] 2 [/ U] / [U] Raser [/ U] / [U] RIOTS [/ U]) [/ B]

Club signatures
Option 1:
[URL = https: //savagemessiahzine.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=256187 WoT Club Players Club [/ URL]

Option 2:
[URL = https: //savagemessiahzine.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=256187ERTClub "WoT" [/ URL]

Option 3:
[URL = https: //savagemessiahzine.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=256187 from the World of Tanks players club [/ URL]

Option 4: : D
[URL = https: //savagemessiahzine.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=256187РЇРЇ tankman! [/ URL]

Option 5: Tankerssavagemessiahzine.com
[url = "https: //savagemessiahzine.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=256187"][font=lato][background=darkblue][color=snow][b]Tankisty[/background][background=darkgrey]savagemessiahzine.com[/ Color] [/ background] [/ b] [/ font] [/ url]

Option 6:
You can also make a \ "self-made \" signature

Forum clans
Clans Attached Image

general information

Names: savagemessiahzine.com/ 4th Perfect Digital Alliance
Tags: [4-PDA]
Mission:common clans
Clan pages: 4-PDA/savagemessiahzine.com
Clan statistics: wot-news.com/wot-news.com
Commanders: kk228/DN1LLIE
Connection:TeamSpeak or Raidcall own server

About the name, tag and emblem of the clan

The following conditions have been agreed with the Forum Administration:
- in the name of the gaming community is allowed to use the combination "savagemessiahzine.com"
- allowed to link to the forum community topicsavagemessiahzine.com
- it is allowed to use the emblem in the form of a stylized digit "4", without the symbols "pda"
- it is forbidden to use this logosavagemessiahzine.com
- it is prohibited to state that the community is official and is supported by the administrationsavagemessiahzine.com

Clan voice communication

Welcome to the Raidcall channel.
Number: 7186267
Description:savagemessiahzine.comwot clan shared
The channel is free, come in whoever you want.
Download RaidCall
TeamSpeak 3 (plugin for him) client, less system loads than skype.
IP -, Room =>savagemessiahzine.com, Password: year of foundation of the forum

To join the clan need to send a message from a template:
[CENTER] Application for entry: [/ CENTER]
1. Nickname and link to the profile in the game
2. Levels of technology
3. The desire to join [b] (yes / no) [/ b] in the forum clan [B] ([U] 1 [/ U] / [U] 2 [/ U]) [/ B]
Applications consideredkaren2000 , TheSeVeRRR
Attached Image
Tag: [RA3R]
Mission:common clan
Limitations:from age 16+, PP is not lower than 49%, not less than 5000 fights.
Clan page: RA3R
Commander: SARS_COVID_19
Clan statistics: wot-news.com
To join the clan you need to send a request for the template:
[CENTER] Application for entry: [/ CENTER]
1. Nickname and link to the profile in the game
2. Levels of technology

The application is sent:venomram | ~ LeVent ~
Clan Avatar to the Forum (for those interested):
Attached Image
Attached Image
Title:Riots of random
Tag: [RIOTS]
Mission:fortifications, lbz, platoon game
Limitations:availability of voice communication (Raidcall: 10470227)
Clan page: Riots
Commander: nsk_modder
Clan statistics: wot-news.com
Recruitment to the clan at the discretion of the Commander
Group in VK:(link)

Useful information

Mini-guides and reviews on the tanks of the members of the forum
Fashion and stuff
Rules for Trade-in
Youtube tank channels
Utility ratings
Game / pc optimization
Session statistics
Useful files
Fashion and software
Do not forget to scan downloaded files for viruses.
Choosing the best tank level?
Fan kit
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Polls archive
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The survey is closed 06.12.2020:
Attached Image

The survey is closed 02.12.2020:
Attached Image

This poll is closed 10/09/2020:
Attached Image

This poll is closed 24/04/2020:
Attached Image

Post has been edited~ LeVent ~ - 31.01.21, 22:59

Rep: (87)
slavo4ek I have 8.0 my assembly ... it's strange that the failure was ...
borets1975, No such program. Fortunately, I used to switch myself ...;)
slavo4ek I tried a bunch of everything, including this ... right now the client is reversed and try ....
wertepi, That not. The norms of the prog If you correctly set up and carefully ... only you need even extended dictionaries to her, preferably from Lingvo ... It is correctly hawked ... or the Internet is aware, she is reconcilized from there with a recreation ...

Rep: (87)
But there is a plus! It has long shocked the program for the dispersion of modems and lost in garbage downloads ...<_<I found and unlocked :-D now my MTS modem and other SIM cards hawts :-D
By the way I tried from Beeline and MegaFon ... well, Megalon says for itself, clean brake! But the pages can argue with MTS !!! Even the movie watched online in HD quality ... just a couple of times the video stopped for loading and it takes into account that the modem is 3.9mb / s ....! In general, I'm shocked by Beelain: Blink: Here are just the grandmother at the Pchelain steal from the account not honestly ...

Rep: (264)
Now I updated the Internet Explorer to the 11th version on the seven ..... Instantly starts: unsure:, seconds do not run as started .. Sites ship quickly, does not lag: lol:

Rep: (1141)
Volcra @ 11/15/2013, 16:09*
Well megal herself speaks for himself, clean brake!

This is in what edges? I have exactly the other sensations of MTS - worse, but cheaper, switched to it from megalon .. Even the letter "G" happens on the display, while Megalon has at least an EDGE has always been and everywhere!
Well, "By the Word about Yusb modems" - the photo "Ryubach" is always in touch! "
Attached Image

Post has been editedkonvas - 15.11.13, 15:36

Rep: (938)
Yorick 37 @ 11.11.2013, 15:56*
Puntosvicher Masthav. You just do not know how to cook it.

By the way, if it's quick, you can simply enter your password into the switch exclusion list.

Post has been editedMarvi - 15.11.13, 16:05

Rep: (57)
] _Ne ^ k ^ it_ [@ 11/15/2013, 00:09*
Sorry, but I will not have a call to the clan because it will play a person not from the forum

I play. As selling - I will inform you in the LAN or I will come out of the clan.

Rep: (40)
Yorick 37 @ 11/15/2013, 17:56*
Pantosvicher, Masthev

in life I will not put this "hole" on my computer ..

Rep: (125)
Hello! Maybe today there are wishing to command game? ;)

Rep: (938)
in life I will not put this "hole" on my computer ..

What are you motivating?

Rep: (87)
konvas, Here is the psycho? :-D one divider, write down the settings of several sims and only sims change;) Operators of Nizhny Novgorod checked. Tele2 so in general only the hedgehog drags, 3zh there is no no on it ... They say that there is 3zh there is 3zh, but there rules Rosstalecom and think that there is also horror ...<_<

Rep: (1141)
Volcra @ 11/15/2013, 17:53*
One exterior, write down the settings of several sims and only sims change

Nope"Backpack with coolers"It knows how to work in several threads immediately (up to 12 at the same time), and if the signal will disappear on 1m-several modems, it will not happen complete cliff, the rest will try to "pull out" by distributing the load among themselves.
It works in the lower MTS, it works in tanks to play Lushe than from the hotel waffles, and MSC megalon is better in quality.

Post has been editedkonvas - 15.11.13, 17:02

Rep: (87)
konvas, Yes. In MSK Megalus cooler!
Cool you came up with! Split everything in a bunch and really should help !!!

Rep: (1141)
Volcra @ 11/15/2013, 18:22*
Cool you came up with!

This is not me ...: blush: This is already "already done" ... by experience - it does not help ... if there is no waffle, or a little iota is plowing from Moscow time and 4zh from Megalon - PPC.

Rep: (296)
Cat_1982 @ 11/14/2013, 20:26*
It is advisable to collect in the evening

in the afternoon there are people

Posted on 11/15/2013, 17:52:

Windows_Seven @ 11/14/2013, 23:46*
For some empty masters Dali. 700 damage all

I took the masters on it when the 10th was piled

Rep: (166)
I want to change your nickname.
Here is the norm bender_2b?

Rep: (158)
I don't like Marder very much. It comes down the month, gets once a week ..
Here you have a fight, 10 frags .. Even the masters did not give. :(
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Post has been editedWindows_Seven - 15.11.13, 18:27

Rep: (199)
] _Ne ^ k ^ it_ [ Please, if possible, make my nickname in the list of tankers withsavagemessiahzine.com ( http://worldoftanks.ru/community/accounts/8489512-ijenius/).

Rep: (1426)
The last patch of XVM, as I understand it,XVM-5.0.1-Test2 ?

Rep: (264)
Added by.
In the clan Pozov later:
* Actions with clans are blocked until 11/15/2013 22:57.

Rep: (198)
Windows_Seven @ 11/15/2013, 19:07*
I don't like Marder very much. It comes down the month, gets once a week ..

He was good in another epoch: D

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Now: 04.02.21, 09:58