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Club Mod APK | There do orders for fashion APK, learn to create them, etc.

Rep: (221)
Attached Image

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  1. Orders for hacking games , including cheating various buns (life, currency, resources, etc.) are accepted in Club cheaters . Discussion of such hacks is conducted in the same place.
  2. Orders made not by the rules of the club are deleted immediately and without warning.
    • Sample order:
      1. The full official name of the application.
      2. Link to the application (savagemessiahzine.com/ Play Market)
      3. The essence of the order (for example: open Premium functions) + your explanations / details. Call things by their first name if the application says "Buy Pro version?" then you need to write "hack on Pro", and not on "Premium" or "Full."
      4. Screenshots (required under the spoiler).
      5. Attached apk file of the application - MANDATORY!

  3. "Just questions" on modifying a specific application without an attached APK are ignored. Make an order as is customary in the club, there are no psychics here, at a distance to see the structure of each application.
  4. Be polite, thank the masters for their work and completed orders. Thank in accordance with the rulessavagemessiahzine.com- not by post-respecting the topic, but by pressing a button Picturenext to the reputation of who helped you. If you do not have 15 useful posts yet, ask the moderator to raise the reputation of the person who helped you with the buttonPicture.
  5. Here, no one owes nothing to anyone.Even the correct order does not guarantee that it will be executed in 10 minutes / hour / day / week, etc. Simply place an order and wait. No need to duplicate and "apat" orders, to remind them to inquire when they are ready, - repetition and obsession probability of performance do not increase. Repeated application has not previously available than 7 days, otherwise the application will be deleted. If someone wants to / will be able to fulfill your order, to carry it out without reminders. If your order is not complied with, it is not because they did not notice him.
  6. Publication of the ordered mod in other topics / on other resources without specifying the author of the mod is not allowed.Let's respect the work of others.
  7. Users who maliciously ignore club rules, risk to get into the black list of the club and get eternal ignore from the masters.
  8. Paragraph 4.20 of the rulessavagemessiahzine.comworks here, which means it is strictly (!) prohibited to discuss and publish hacking programs whose application is prohibited on the forum (in the topics of such programs there is usually a warning and / or developers present). Examples of such applications: HD VideoBox, Torrent Stream Controller, True Phone, Poweramp, Call Recorder from skvalex, Navitel, Yandex.Music, etc.>READ THE LIST(the list is replenished, if it is not in the list, it does not mean that the option is allowed. We read this item of the rules and do not violate.
  9. Before you voice the order, without fail, use the search on the topic to avoid repetitions. Replays trash the topic and are deleted without warning.
Useful information, links, instructions
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How to join the club
  • Application for membership in the club:
    • I want to join the club.
    • 1. Here to describe what you can help the club.
    • 2. Your portfolio (examples of your mods).
    • 3. I commit to follow the rules of the club.

  • Requirements for admission to the club:
    • Left in the subject of the club application, issued in the form described above.
    • Five successful mods.

  • Club Signature:
    • If you want, you can add the signature of the club. She looks like this:Club Mod APK
      [url = "//savagemessiahzine.com/forum/index.

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Previous polls
there will be screenshots of polls

Old hat>here

Curator>SaWSeM (For modes please do not apply)

Post has been editedSaWSeM - 01.04.20, 11:25
Reason for editing: Christmas tree at the dump

Rep: (1963)
* oleg543,
Well here is the fact that only a check, and if the check is in the annex to the main code? Is Malolo, and that's the way I like it Off VC as they checked for the presence of boom iteration method) True vseravno could see everything.

Post has been editedkeks40 - 22.10.17, 21:47

Rep: (1524)
sserratty @ 22.10.2017, 19:09*
* Evgeny Krupetsky,
crack failed, but there protection) when connecting error

Protection of the server software?

Rep: (2499)
keks40 @ 22.10.17, 21:45*
in the annex to the main code?
Well, I mentioned why your old application. There's at least some, but there is a code, in addition to checks.

Rep: (1963)
angel.200x @ 22.10.17, 21:09*
Here is my version of the decision.

But it's funny xD, change the folder for comparison)

Posted on 22/10/2017, 21:56:

If you are interested, you can still do something: D

Rep: (478)
keks40 @ 22.10.17, 21:55*
I can still do something

And come on, if not lazy.

Rep: (2251)
keks40 @ 22.10.17, 21:55*
If you are interested, you can still do something

Program or instructions on how to dump Packed dex file. : D And then all of the known methods and programs do not help me. : Blush:

Rep: (478)
Vadima666 @ 22.10.17, 22:32*
how to dump Packed dex file

SoorSotried it?
In general, I would copy it to load into memory.

Post has been editedangel.200x - 22.10.17, 22:48

Rep: (2251)
* angel.200x,
It tried in the very first place failed.

angel.200x @ 22.10.17, 22:46*
In general, I would copy it to load into memory.

How to do it you can on the example of the gamehttps://apkplz.com/and...s/broken-dawntrauma-hdshow?

Rep: (4411)
Here can somebody tell?
Apknator (Post htc 600 # 66253716)

Rep: (1963)
angel.200x @ 22.10.17, 22:30*
And come on, if not lazy.

Oh, do better tomorrow through budu.Delal aide, nahimichit and eventually fall in the original got Thu debug len.Uzhe later :)

Rep: (478)
Vadima666 @ 22.10.17, 23:01*
How to do it you can on the example of the game

There are no encrypted files dex. At least I have not found. In general, similar to how the project in their own language. In this case, Ruby. Such difficult to disassemble and explore.

Post has been editedangel.200x - 23.10.17, 00:13

Rep: (1963)
We do the action by pressing a soft key. It is also very useful for a general understanding smali
I was asked to qms about that, I do not write broke) will do an example of this application:Attached filewifi_signed.apk(1.34 MB)

Install apk and choose what our soft button will perform. I'm in this application will be done by pressing the volume keys down and it will perform the action "Start Service" button.
Attached Image

Next decompile agribusiness, and in my case, we will begin the search for a strings.xml, will be there to look for the text "Start Service", and we find:
<string name = "start_server">Start Service</ string>

Copy what I have highlighted in red above.
Next, do a search on the resources in the layout folder, and if nothing is found, you are looking for is in public.xml and see there is this:
<public type = "string" name = "start_server" id = "0x7f060025" />

Again, copy that highlighted in red above, continue to do this in the search smali.
In my case file smali / com / mbapp / ftpserver / MainActivity.smali I found this:
goto / 16: goto_c3

.line 350
.end local v1 # "address": Ljava / net / InetAddress;
.end local v2 # "context": Landroid / content / Context;
.end local v4 # "intent": Landroid / content / Intent;
.restart local v8 # "startStopButtonText": Landroid / widget / TextView;
: cond_15e
const v13, 0x7f060025

goto / 16: goto_dc

We pass on the label: goto_dc and see:
invoke-virtual {v13, v5}, Landroid / view / View; ->setEnabled (Z) V

.line 348
const v13, 0x7f050010

move-object / from16 v0, p0

invoke-virtual {v0, v13}, Lcom / mbapp / ftpserver / MainActivity; ->findViewById (I) Landroid / view / View;

move-result-object v8

check-cast v8, Landroid / widget / TextView;

.line 349
.local v8, "startStopButtonText": Landroid / widget / TextView;
if-eqz v5,: cond_174

.line 350
if-eqz v7,: cond_15e

const v13, 0x7f060026

: goto_dc
invoke-virtual {v8, v13}, Landroid / widget / TextView; ->setText (I) V

.line 351
if-eqz v7,: cond_163

Our button v13 stored in the register and placed in the register v8 (which is TextView) as text.
Next ischim above what is the v8 and see
const v13, 0x7f050010

move-object / from16 v0, p0

invoke-virtual {v0, v13}, Lcom / mbapp / ftpserver / MainActivity; ->findViewById (I) Landroid / view / View;

move-result-object v8

check-cast v8, Landroid / widget / TextView;

Our TextView from v8 register has its own id resource 0x7f050010.Dalee go back to resources and file public.xml ischim 0x7f050010 and find:
<public type = "id" name = "start_stop_button_text" id = "0x7f050010" />

Next, take away start_stop_button_text and looking at layout of the text. And we find it in the presence of server_control_activity.xml file:
<LinearLayout android: gravity = "center" android: layout_gravity = "center_horizontal" android: id = "@ id / start_stop_button" android: background = "@ drawable / btn_bottom_last" android: layout_width = "274.0dip" android: layout_height = "wrap_content" android: layout_marginTop = "20.0dip" android: layout_marginBottom = "20.0dip">
<TextView android: textSize = "20.0sp" android: gravity = "center" android: id = "@ id / start_stop_button_text" android: layout_width = "wrap_content" android: layout_height = "wrap_content" android: drawablePadding = "10.0dip" />
</ LinearLayout>

And above linearlayput in which it is therefore possible to say that pressing takes place on LinearLayout, and we therefore take it id start_stop_button here and looking at public.xml and find:
<public type = "id" name = "start_stop_button" id = "0x7f05000f" />

Copy 0x7f05000f and do a search for this in smali:
const v1, 0x7f05000f

invoke-virtual {p0, v1}, Lcom / mbapp / ftpserver / MainActivity; ->findViewById (I) Landroid / view / View;

move-result-object v1

iput-object v1, p0, Lcom / mbapp / ftpserver / MainActivity; ->startStopButton: Landroid / view / View;

Here in the registers, we can see that it is entered in the field
Lcom / mbapp / ftpserver / MainActivity; ->startStopButton: Landroid / view / View;
and do search smali this polyu.Teper we are interested in the moment when the register with this field invokes the setOnClickListener.I find:
iget-object v1, p0, Lcom / mbapp / ftpserver / MainActivity; ->startStopButton: Landroid / view / View;

iget-object v2, p0, Lcom / mbapp / ftpserver / MainActivity; ->startStopListener: Landroid / view / View $ OnClickListener;

invoke-virtual {v1, v2}, Landroid / view / View; ->setOnClickListener (Landroid / view / View $ OnClickListener;) V

Now we are interested in the content field
Lcom / mbapp / ftpserver / MainActivity; ->startStopListener: Landroid / view / View $ OnClickListener;

Because That it contains our smali class nazhatiem.Nam need to find the place where this field is filled, and we find:
new-instance v0, Lcom / mbapp / ftpserver / MainActivity $ 3;

invoke-direct {v0, p0}, Lcom / mbapp / ftpserver / MainActivity $ 3 -><init>(Lcom / mbapp / ftpserver / MainActivity;) V

iput-object v0, p0, Lcom / mbapp / ftpserver / MainActivity; ->startStopListener: Landroid / view / View $ OnClickListener;

Where Lcom / mbapp / ftpserver / MainActivity $ 3; our class to go along the way nazhatiem.Dalee smali / com / mbapp / ftpserver / MainActivity $ 3.smali and method ischim there
onClick (Landroid / view / View;) V

.method public onClick (Landroid / view / View;) V
.registers 7
.param p1, "v" # Landroid / view / View;

.line 390
const / 4 v3, 0x0

invoke-static {v3}, Lorg / swiftp / Globals; ->setLastError (Ljava / lang / String;) V

.line 391
new-instance v0, Ljava / io / File;

sget-object v3, Lorg / swiftp / Defaults; ->chrootDir: Ljava / lang / String;

invoke-direct {v0, v3}, Ljava / io / File; -><init>(Ljava / lang / String;) V

.line 392
.local v0, "chrootDir": Ljava / io / File;
invoke-virtual {v0}, Ljava / io / File; ->isDirectory () Z

move-result v3

if-nez v3,: cond_12

.line 411
: cond_11
: goto_11

.line 395
: cond_12
iget-object v3, p0, Lcom / mbapp / ftpserver / MainActivity $ 3 ->the this $ 0: Lcom / mbapp / ftpserver / MainActivity;

invoke-virtual {v3}, Lcom / mbapp / ftpserver / MainActivity; ->getApplicationContext () Landroid / content / Context;

move-result-object v1

.line 396
.local v1, "context": Landroid / content / Context;
new-instance v2, Landroid / content / Intent;

const-class v3, Lcom / mbapp / ftpserver / FTPServerService;

invoke-direct {v2, v1, v3}, Landroid / content / Intent; -><init>(Landroid / content / Context; Ljava / lang / Class;) V

.line 398
.local v2, "intent": Landroid / content / Intent;
invoke-static {v0}, Lorg / swiftp / Globals; ->setChrootDir (Ljava / io / File;) V

.line 399
const-string v3, "onClick ===>"

invoke-static {v3}, Lcom / mbapp / ftpserver / MainActivity; ->log (Ljava / lang / String;) V

.line 400
invoke-static {}, Lcom / mbapp / ftpserver / FTPServerService; ->isRunning () Z

move-result v3

if-nez v3,: cond_4c

.line 401
const-string v3, "FTPServerService.isRunning =>"

invoke-static {v3}, Lcom / mbapp / ftpserver / MainActivity; ->log (Ljava / lang / String;) V

.line 402
iget-object v3, p0, Lcom / mbapp / ftpserver / MainActivity $ 3 ->the this $ 0: Lcom / mbapp / ftpserver / MainActivity;

invoke-static {v3}, Lcom / mbapp / ftpserver / MainActivity; ->access $ 1 (Lcom / mbapp / ftpserver / MainActivity;) V

.line 403
const-string v3, "mounted"

invoke-static {}, Landroid / os / Environment; ->getExternalStorageState () Ljava / lang / String;

move-result-object v4

invoke-virtual {v3, v4}, Ljava / lang / String; ->equals (Ljava / lang / Object;) Z

move-result v3

if-eqz v3,: cond_11

.line 404
const-string v3, "startService"

invoke-static {v3}, Lcom / mbapp / ftpserver / MainActivity; ->log (Ljava / lang / String;) V

.line 405
invoke-virtual {v1, v2}, Landroid / content / Context; ->startService (Landroid / content / Intent;) Landroid / content / ComponentName;

goto: goto_11

.line 408
: cond_4c
const-string v3, "FTPServerService.isStopped"

invoke-static {v3}, Lcom / mbapp / ftpserver / MainActivity; ->log (Ljava / lang / String;) V

.line 409
invoke-virtual {v1, v2}, Landroid / content / Context; ->stopService (Landroid / content / Intent;) Z

goto: goto_11
.end method

Further, thanks to the second line in this file smali we understand that this is not the activity:
.super ljava / lang / Object;

So he gets a context, which would manage the Activiti. Our same method will Activiti and it is enough to cause us to register p0 contexta.
Next, copy the method into your text document and modify ego.V my case they receive a context as follows:
iget-object v3, p0, Lcom / mbapp / ftpserver / MainActivity $ 3 ->the this $ 0: Lcom / mbapp / ftpserver / MainActivity;

And all this can be replaced byaku in my case,
move-object v3, p0
or simply instead v3 izat register p0, and field challenge simply erased.
Then we go to our Activiti. In my case it smali / com / mbapp / ftpserver / MainActivity.smali and added to 2 methods:
.method public onKeyDown (ILandroid / view / KeyEvent;) Z
.registers 10
.annotation runtime Ljava / lang / Override;
.end annotation

.line 24
move-object v0, p0

move v1, p1

move-object v2, p2

move v4, v1

const / 16 v5, 0x19

if-ne v4, v5,: cond_c

.line 27
move-object v4, v0

invoke-virtual {v4}, Lcom / mbapp / ftpserver / MainActivity; ->doOnClickKey () V

.line 29
: cond_c
move-object v4, v0

move v5, v1

move-object v6, v2

invoke-super {v4, v5, v6}, Landroid / app / Activity; ->onKeyDown (ILandroid / view / KeyEvent;) Z

move-result v4

move v0, v4

return v0
.end method

.method public doOnClickKey () V
.registers 7

.line 390
const / 4 v3, 0x0

invoke-static {v3}, Lorg / swiftp / Globals; ->setLastError (Ljava / lang / String;) V

.line 391
new-instance v0, Ljava / io / File;

sget-object v3, Lorg / swiftp / Defaults; ->chrootDir: Ljava / lang / String;

invoke-direct {v0, v3}, Ljava / io / File; -><init>(Ljava / lang / String;) V

.line 392
.local v0, "chrootDir": Ljava / io / File;
invoke-virtual {v0}, Ljava / io / File; ->isDirectory () Z

move-result v3

if-nez v3,: cond_12

.line 411
: cond_11
: goto_11

.line 395
: cond_12
invoke-virtual {p0}, Lcom / mbapp / ftpserver / MainActivity; ->getApplicationContext () Landroid / content / Context;

move-result-object v1

.line 396
.local v1, "context": Landroid / content / Context;
new-instance v2, Landroid / content / Intent;

const-class v3, Lcom / mbapp / ftpserver / FTPServerService;

invoke-direct {v2, v1, v3}, Landroid / content / Intent; -><init>(Landroid / content / Context; Ljava / lang / Class;) V

.line 398
.local v2, "intent": Landroid / content / Intent;
invoke-static {v0}, Lorg / swiftp / Globals; ->setChrootDir (Ljava / io / File;) V

.line 399
const-string v3, "onClick ===>"

invoke-static {v3}, Lcom / mbapp / ftpserver / MainActivity; ->log (Ljava / lang / String;) V

.line 400
invoke-static {}, Lcom / mbapp / ftpserver / FTPServerService; ->isRunning () Z

move-result v3

if-nez v3,: cond_4c

.line 401
const-string v3, "FTPServerService.isRunning =>"

invoke-static {v3}, Lcom / mbapp / ftpserver / MainActivity; ->log (Ljava / lang / String;) V

.line 402
invoke-direct {p0}, Lcom / mbapp / ftpserver / MainActivity; ->warnIfNoExternalStorage () V

.line 403
const-string v3, "mounted"

invoke-static {}, Landroid / os / Environment; ->getExternalStorageState () Ljava / lang / String;

move-result-object v4

invoke-virtual {v3, v4}, Ljava / lang / String; ->equals (Ljava / lang / Object;) Z

move-result v3

if-eqz v3,: cond_11

.line 404
const-string v3, "startService"

invoke-static {v3}, Lcom / mbapp / ftpserver / MainActivity; ->log (Ljava / lang / String;) V

.line 405
invoke-virtual {v1, v2}, Landroid / content / Context; ->startService (Landroid / content / Intent;) Landroid / content / ComponentName;

goto: goto_11

.line 408
: cond_4c
const-string v3, "FTPServerService.isStopped"

invoke-static {v3}, Lcom / mbapp / ftpserver / MainActivity; ->log (Ljava / lang / String;) V

.line 409
invoke-virtual {v1, v2}, Landroid / content / Context; ->stopService (Landroid / content / Intent;) Z

goto: goto_11
.end method

Where the contents of the method doOnClickKey () V our retouched method onClick, and in the method onKeyDown (ILandroid / view / KeyEvent;) Z 0x19 is a button code (in my case, this reduction in volume), all buttons can be found here:https: //developer.andr..aoid/view/KeyEvent.html
Compile and rejoice) Sometimes it happens that the method onKeyDown (ILandroid / view / KeyEvent;) Z already have and then at the very beginning, we add:
move-object v0, p0

move v1, p1

const / 16 v2, 0x19

if-ne v1, v2,: cond_c

invoke-virtual {v0}, Lcom / mbapp / ftpserver / MainActivity; ->doOnClickKey () V

: cond_c

But you can do simply with p1 and p0) Then we get our nazhatie.Gotovy version here:Club Mod APK (Post keks40 # 66197476)

Post has been editedkeks40 - 23.10.17, 23:10
Reason for editing: in the header

Rep: (239)
keks40 @ 23.10.17, 4:56*
<string name = "start_server">Start Service</ string>
not allocated

Rep: (2314)
Why is the program so write?
Attached Image
Headphones Equalizer Premium v2.1.12.apkNote, the device 4, from custom A5.

Post has been editedMAOQ - 23.10.17, 02:03

Rep: (2251)
* angel.200x,
Here I am about that. Not all packaged dex files so easy
angel.200x @ 22.10.17, 22:46*
In general, I would copy it to load into memory.

Rep: (2499)
* crow28 link

Rep: (1739)
* oleg543 , AtletIQ - mobile assistant for training (Post AtletIQ # 42996413)

Posted 23/10/2017, 8:39:

* hiter67 , Yes

Rep: (671)
Ruslan Altuhov @ 22.10.17, 19:36*
1 original 2 with your patch

Patch worked as it should.
Attached Image

Attached Image
Metrics and analytics off. THX. for the test.
ferhad.necef @ 22.10.17, 20:00*
Apply and assembled properly
THX. for the test. You can check XPrivacy module.
papasha55 @ 22.10.17, 20:18*
Are metrics and analytics to remove?

See above for screenshots.
htc 600 @ 22/10/17, 20:21*
The ultimate goal:
Traffic saving
Well, no data transmission device.

dnk_slash @ 22.10.17, 20:22*
firebase cleans
Firebase, mostly comes as a service. Off. in the manifesto, although it found the link. (In the patch is)
Attached Image

Rep: (2982)
1. UDS Lite
2. Written with 4.3 on 6.0 android 5.0.1 I wrote is not installed, you can fix it?
3. AIC:Attached filecom.samsung.android.uds_1.1.28-1_minAPI18 (nodpi) _apkmirror.com.apk(1.75 MB)

Rep: (4411)
inok_ZP @ 23.10.17, 9:20*
Off. in the manifesto,

What is the problem? This can be done in the patch.

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Time is now: 20/06/20, 21:42