i class = \ "icon-android \"></ i>How To "," # a6c923 "], [" / tag / how-to-ios /? Utm_source = slider1 ","<i class = \ "icon-apple \"></ i>How To "," gray "], [" / tag / how-to-wp /? Utm_source = slider1 ","<i class = \ "icon-windows \"></ i>How To "," # 9B4F96 "], [" interview ","<i class = \ "icon-interview \"></ i>Interviews, "gray"]]], "reviews": [[[357019, "2019/04/17", "ASUS VivoBook 15 Review: A Reliable Assistant On The Way And At Work", "// s.savagemessiahzine.com.to / p6PPebxhz2sjqLz1kFOy7vUld4rz1Lz2hh7GcWz2T.jpg "], [356974," 2019/04/16 "," Review of Blackview MAX 1: cinema in a smartphone "," // s.savagemessiahzine.com.to / p6PPbcXO1rBh5sQTLXo85rkR5cfPKh7G6G7H.jpg "], [356943," 2019/04/15 "," Alcatel 1X (2019) Review: easy, inexpensive, with NFC "," // s.savagemessiahzine.com.to / p6PPYbXO1rBh5MgbvFPgmab9ehKSz0iBELz1ip.jpg "], [356944," 2019/04/13 "," Huawei P30 Review: Five for Autonomy "," // s.savagemessiahzine.com.to / p6PPbgvadABBLz1Ez20WHUYfuyPGz1Tz1gacn4ba.jpg "], [356908," 2019/04/11 "," MSI GS75 Stealth Thin Review: Gaming Power in an Ultra Thin Case "," // s.savagemessiahzine.com.to / p6PPfYbIGU9ESfgbPz2X6UlNKTQF6433wd3fQ.jpg "], [356866," 2019/04/10 "," Review symbiosis: 4G with redundancy for office, car and country house "," // s.savagemessiahzine.com.to / p6PPdcpz0OgxJ98vhYLWbeO3Mu3GsSz2b57J1U.jpg "]]," Reviews ", [[" smartphones "," Smartphones "], [" tablets "," Tablets "], [" smart-watches "," Smart watches "], [" accessories "," Accessories "], [" notebooks "," Laptops "], [" acoustics "," Acoustics "]]]," software ": [[[356992," 2019/04/16 "," "Map Words ”is a universal dictionary-thesaurus of the Russian language," // s.savagemessiahzine.com.to / p6PPZIFpZ0QWNRNWG8r4Rc0mdJuIcsoXTAz1U.jpg "], [356924," 2019/04/12 "," Stellio - a tempting discount on the popular player for "VKontakte", "// s.savagemessiahzine.com.to / p6PPbo9Shqez02w4khYqdjHKo2AdYz1AKUz0QMQ.jpg "], [356916," 2019/04/11 "," Telegram started testing its own blockchain network "," // s.savagemessiahzine.com.to / p6PPdwRnc9D4D2e0WmPgGqDDYQlsyFT9PWz2z0.png "], [356885," 2019/04/10 "," AiGram Messenger is an assistant in any correspondence "," // s.savagemessiahzine.com.to / p6PPaPFxtYFXKz0e000X6z1z2z2GNhqi5WLz0hTwK.jpg "], [356860," 2019/04/09 "," Major Opera update: Web 3 support, crypto skloc and free VPN "," // s.savagemessiahzine.com.to / p6PPXgjEcfTCPWz013cz1s6JHxrU5tVvgTxLkM.png "], [356859," 2019/04/09 "," How does the new Microsoft Edge differ from Google Chrome "," // s.savagemessiahzine.com.to / p6PPerRvohO5EaNWmuDerjojIYZ8VPwLltxt.png "]]," Programs ", [[" programs-for-android ","<i class = \ "icon-android \"></ i>Android "," # a6c923 "], [" programs-for-ios ","<i class = \ "icon-apple \"></ i>iOS "," gray "], [" programs-for-windows-phone-7 ","<i class = \ "icon-windows \"></ i>WP "," # 9B4F96 "], [" devstory ","<i class = \ "icon-devstory \"></ i>DevStory "," "]]]," games ": [[[357051," 2019/04/18 "," Mortal Kombat 11 Final Trailer: no rap, just meat and "that same" music "," // s .savagemessiahzine.com.to / p6PPWbpz2TZitJnspz13dfMRLP0Fkrw05rVFNv.jpg "], [357047," 2019/04/18 "," EA announced the imminent closure of the legendary Burnout Paradise servers "," // s.savagemessiahzine.com.to / p6PPcjbO1rBh5MgbvFPgmarfuZ0z1ej88QcGL.jpg "], [357045," 2019/04/18 "," Lucasfilm hinted at an adaptation of the cult Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic "," // s.savagemessiahzine.com.to / p6PPafl9gtkoQcIfdSNngTwn45Vk0fYf98R7.jpg "], [357036," 2019/04/18 "," The timing of the premiere of The Witcher "leaked to the network," // s.savagemessiahzine.com.to / p6PPdoRxtYFXKTOuikAaBkaYgkTBvcQbthjG.jpg "], [357030," 2019/04/17 "," Truberbrook Overview: A Puppet Quest Without Special Meaning "," // s.savagemessiahzine.com.to / p6PPXz1589Xfz14rSIDTKtbbsFdp8AwWLz0Bj2O.jpg "], [357029," 2019/04/17 "," Ubisoft did not pass by the tragedy in the Cathedral of Notre Dame. Assassin’s Creed Unity give away free "," // s.savagemessiahzine.com.to / p6PPefZNP9jK5swjDz0alvpnZf82x1gacHqTe.jpg "]]," Games ", [[" games-for-android ","<i class = \ "icon-android \"></ i>Android "," # a6c923 "], [" games-for-ios ","<i class = \ "icon-apple \"></ i>iOS "," gray "], [" games-for-windows-phone-7 ","<i class = \ "icon-windows \"></ i>WP "," # 9B4F96 "], [" devstory ","<i class = \ "icon-devstory \"></ i>DevStory "," "]]]}">