I have been solving a rebus for a month already, namely, I need to make AZW3 from FB2 so that it is: a) Not a staff file, but a book. b) There were pages. c) Dictionaries worked. In short, everything works except for dictionaries. That is, when a word is allocated, a definition is given, but the dictionary card itself does not fit into the dictionary. Alas. Convert fb2mobi. Which way to dig?
And more. Before that I used a bundle with a caliber, so everything worked there ... except for the pages.) Let's try to figure out how to bake all this competently, and then I will write a guide.
And yes. Today I managed to do it the way I wanted, but here the number of tambourines and dances surpasses. I will describe it, maybe someone will come in handy.
1) We throw fb2 books in caliber, we will edit the title and covers in it.
2) From the calibers we transfer the fb2 books to fb2mobi, to which we install our covers selected in the caliber.
3) Convert to fb2mobi to azw3 per device.
4) Go to the root folder of the Kindle, transfer the books to azw3 in caliber, then delete the books from the Kindle, but leave the apnx files.
5) Edit azw3 metadata in the caliber, select the books we need, click "save to disk", select the folder of your choice in the memory of the Kindle.
6) Go to the Kindle memory, scatter the apnx files into folders with the name of the books. Do not forget to change the name of the book apnx. Everything, the book will pick up the pages.
7) We are happy staff with files with covers, pages and dictionaries. As a nice bonus - the systematization of the library inside the Kindle and on the PC.
Difficult, really. Therefore, the question. Is it possible to achieve all the same without the use of calibers?
I attach a config.
Attached files
fb2mobi.rar(1.2 KB)