My phone shoots better!

Rep: (3224)
My phone shoots better!

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The main goal of this holivar is to understand who has a cooler camera.
/ try NOT to turn the topic into a dustbin and clarify personal relationships /

Theme Rules
In subjectFORBIDDEN: useless flooding, personal discussions, deliberate provocations and pursuit of an opponent, long-running disputesWITHOUTphotos. Respect other participants who bring a photo and give food for thought / discussion.

In subjectNOT DESIRABLE : selection of camera software settings, selections from several photo options, and so on. For all this, use the profile topics on devices and applications.

In subjectALLOWED : discussions of cameras and their technical characteristics, discussion of the footage and other comments to it, exchange of views (not falling under the list of prohibited).

About the topic
Share your photos
(No retouching and effects overlay! Software version and the Camera application (other than stock) are recommended to indicate! And it is desirable to add a pair of photos from the drain in order to understand the difference). And the public will decide how high / low quality the photo was taken.

In general, let's become people back. It's time to leave any local conflicts in the past and reduce the degree. Please, if the photo was processed - to indicate, and quite perfectly - to add the original frame to the processing or camera Zhpeg from the pair of Rav (if shown this).

Specify the model of your phone, which you made your masterpiece ;
Do not forgetBe sure to hide the photos under the spoiler! .
How to remove images under the spoiler in the browser and official
(Video instruction)
For those who want the best (guide):My phone shoots better!

Colleagues! "The Union," the theme of the pictures from the drain chambers:My runoff takes better

Detailing contests!

FAQ for beginners
• Detailing
• Exposure
• White balance (WB)
• Colour
• Dynamic range (DD)
• Composition


From kamaitachi
Detailing- The number of parts in the photo. atmainlydetermined by the quality of the optics, the so-called line resolution per millimeter / inch / lb / mile, etc. how many tree branches will be seen in the photo depends on it.

Sharpness- sharpness of the border between the contrasting parts of the frame. it depends on how clearly the twig will stand out against the sky. very dependent on sharpe level during processing. an unnecessary sharpe - the twig will be drawn with a bold marker, it will appear "indented" into the frame and an unpleasant halo will appear around it to underline the borders of the twig.

White balance- a difficult discipline, if greatly simplified, the image can be warm (care in yellow / red / orange), cold (blue) or dead (green, especially tin when a person’s face goes green). A good bb is when the picture looks natural, and not blue / green / yellow, etc. Not always good bb coincides with the real. there are nuances.

Colour- also a difficult discipline. usually means smooth tonal transitions, the number of semitones, but again there are nuances. if there are fewer colors, the color looks richer, but the transitions between the shades with sharp edges, a large number of halftones look smooth, but pale. Here is such a paradox.

Exposition- very simplistic lightness of the picture depends on the shutter speed, ISO and aperture. Since in the overwhelming majority of phones the aperture is fixed, it is only from iso (the higher, the brighter, but noisier) and the shutter speed (the longer, the brighter, but the more chance to get a blur). More details are already on photo sites, the topic is sucked millions of times.

Dynamic range- roughly the number of gradation between the lightest and darkest portion of the picture. measured in feet, which are 2 to the power of H. flooded one color picture - 0 stops (2 ^ 0 = 1), the image of only black and white pixels is 1 foot (2 ^ 1) and so on. mobile telephones typically have 9-10 stops in chambers 16, 20 have eyes (strongly depends instance Homo sapiens). dd depends on how much detail capture chamber when the contrast stage (the sun in the frame). completely overexposed sky and black soil - a narrow dd, lit by the sun and a point on the ground a lot of detail - a dd.

Composition- in the frame, the eye must for something to cling to. Typically, mesh look contrasting objects, the leading line (the line along which the viewer's eye, it is desirable to also lead to the main objects), or broken corners / wavy lines in the frame. The frame should not be empty, but it is not necessary to do a photo of only one object. All objects have the environment, the background, the world around them with that object interacts. For example in the portrait (except the studio on a uniform background) people look better against the background of the embankment, the forest, the city than on the background of sky. Major errors in the portrait - growing out of your head or branch body, poles, background merges with the man, the background much brighter person mottled background distracting, dirty background (trash, debris, dirt), an unnatural position of the body, protruding elbows, hands on location, framing of joints (as a person becomes "a cripple"), unnatural emotion (permissible in the fashion and advertising), the unnatural complexion (the so-called skintone). In landscape photography is good practice to the presence of the front, middle and long-distance plans, availability perspective, recognizable color, the presence of an equilibrium in the frame (that is not visually appeared. That one edge "outweigh" the other), flat horizon (funny, but a couple of degrees of the dam is already visible eye and a person uncomfortable to look at a landscape), the presence of the main subject (the lake, a lonely tree, mountain).

In general, if the eye clings and there is a main object not too far away and not from edge to edge of the picture, harmonious (very simplistic - pleasant for the viewer) colors are good. Errors voiced above (branches from the head, littered horizon, no main object, colorful background) - bad.

What is the difference between "color" and "detail" on the basis of the above definitions?

color - the number of shades on the branches, detail - the number of branches themselves. Sharpness - the clarity of the boundaries of the branches.

From sparta

Sharpness- natural clarity of physical objects in the frame. If the object in the frame is out of focus, then it looks fuzzy, blurry, i.e. not sharp.
Not all objects in the frame must necessarily be sharp, for example, in portrait photos, the face of a person in the foreground usually looks clear, but the background is blurred, i.e. not sharp. Nevertheless, such a photo is considered "sharp". But if the face turns out to be blurry in the portrait photo, then this photo as a whole is considered not sharp.
The word "natural" in the definition above means that is unnatural and artificially stranded (enhanced software processing chamber algorithm) sharpness. Such excessive sharpening is called "peresharpom", and on a real photo is manifested in the fact that the edges of objects appear contour lines (border) that are not in the actual scene of the eyes. For example in the case of peresharpa, tree branches against the blue sky will have a white border. To see this clearly, usually it is necessary to bring a bit of land photos on the screen at a larger scale (called to make a "crop"), but in the frames of some smartphones loop "peresharpa" visible and without approximation.
Sharpness and rehashing interrelated concepts: Insufficient sharpness leads to blurring of the object in the photo, and excessive sharpness, to rehash.
The photo should be considered "with good sharpness", when, on the one hand, the object looks clear, and on the other, there are no signs of overshoot.

Detailing- characterizes the number of small parts that can be seen in the frame. In order to "see" small details, a photo is usually required on the screen when viewing a bit closer on a larger scale, to make a "crop". The more small details in the photo at the same time have distinguishable and recognizable outlines, the higher the detail. An example of good detail is the readable number of cars in the background of the photo.
Detailing and sharpness are somewhat different concepts, for example, a photo can have excellent sharpness, and at the same time no detailing, simply because it is elementary for a camera that lacks megapixels for good detail. If we speak conventionally, then on a camera with a 2 megapixel matrix now in 2018, it is simply physically impossible to get a picture with good detail, no matter what the picture is perfectly sharp.

Colour- Accuracy of color transfer of real objects in a photo.
Since in order to assess the conformity of the colors of all the objects in the picture, it is obvious that you need for this to be present in the scene with the photographer to see the color "through his eyes," then discuss the accuracy and color saturation can only be well-recognized object. However, you have a great concept of "color" can evaluate the fading photos in general, or, for example, a lack of red, leaving besides in carrot hue. The concept of "color" can also be characterized by a general loss of color saturation, the photo shoot with the lack of light (sometimes extends to the b / w photos, for example, in some models of apple products). It is also easy to identify unnatural poisonous grass green or violet blue sky.
Just need to say that vsГ« terms of color, it is advisable to look at the hardware-calibrated monitor, and certainly in the same color space. If the monitor with an extended color gamut see photos taken in the sRGB space, instead of those colors that are in this photo is, really, you see, instead of purplish-red oversaturated crimson, instead of green grass - a poisonous acid green. Fortunately the majority of monitors (yet) work in space sRGB, and most cameras shoot it well. This is the main thing.
As for the hardware calibration, on an uncalibrated monitor, for example, the shade of the blue sky may not correspond to what is actually in the photo: instead of the pale blue you will see a light green velvet or care to the violet.

White Balance (BB)- it is not a color! Good BB involves a natural overall color tone of pictures as a whole, the corresponding coverage of the scene, rather than matching the colors of individual objects in the frame. Photos with poor BB may look like as a whole "cyanotic", pink or covered with a green tint. For example, if instead of the expected gray clouds on the familiar to you for the scene (such as 1000 times a shot, and I know how it really looks like), you will see a pink cloud (the Lumia 950 XL overcast rainy day), then it is an obvious reason to doubt the correctness of the BB on that frame. Keep in mind that BB is highly dependent on the specific light scenes. The next stage of the same device gives a perfect BB! It is important to consider.

Exposition- everything is simple: the frame may be either overexposed or, on the contrary, too dark if the exposure is selected incorrectly. It is determined by eye immediately and without difficulty.

Dynamic Range (DD)- the ability to distinguish between different parts of the frame lordship light units (in the "light"), and at the same time the detail a little different "murkiness" in the dark areas of the picture (in the "shadows"). A striking example of good DD is a window frame, taken day of the depth of the room, which are clearly visible and interior parts, and what is outside the window. On the frame with a bad or DD will be visible interior and the window, and the fact that for him to be overexposed white, or the window will be seen and that the window on the street, and the room will be completely black.
If the device has a bad DD, then the choice of exposure cannot achieve both clearly visible details in the “highlights” and distinguishable details in the “shadows” SIMULTANEOUSLY. Either one or the other. On a device with a good DD this is possible.

Composition- a harmonious combination of frame elements, the basic idea of ​​releasing or semantic component picture. The compositions typically operates normally minimalist when the frame elements do not carry a meaning only clutter and frame are "noise" that violates the integrity perception. Such "noise", for example, are the wires on the image of the church (God forbid even the foreground or background of the domes). Lay special design the right solution in this example would be the selection of a camera angle when the wires, if not absent in the photo at all, then at least "do not climb into the eyes" clearly. Sometimes, if this is not possible, it is better to abandon this frame, you remove the failed deliberately scene.
However, it should be noted that the presence of wires in the frame itself is not yet “evil” and depends entirely on the idea that the photographer wants to convey to the viewer. For example, if the idea of ​​a photo is a technotronic apocalypse, predicted by Nostradamus as "... And the sky will be covered with cobwebs", then a pole with a million wires and cables to it, shot in the frame with the right angle (not necessarily the central element of the plot), can be very appropriate.

Composition is entirely connected with the subjectivity of the perception of what is seen by a person, which nevertheless has objective laws. Examples of such laws are the arrangement of frame elements according to the rule of two-thirds, the golden section, etc. All this is at the level of the subconscious perception of the frame as "harmonious." Special attention should also be paid to the purely technical aspects of the survey, such as the leveling of the horizon.

It is important to note that the technical capabilities of the apparatus itself influence the choice of the composite solution. For mobile cameras, this primarily refers to the optical zoom capability (not digital, digital zoom is evil). Sometimes it's just impossible to get closer to the subject to get the right solution, and then the zoom helps out. Similarly, about the possibility of portrait mode, and about wide-angle shooting.

In portrait photography in the compositional plan, special attention should be paid to the light, and at the same time the features of the smartphone itself should be taken into account. For example, even with the seemingly exposed to all the canons of the world, when shooting on the latest models of iPhones, you can easily get the light of the yellow spots on the forehead or nose of the model. Such a frame is technically immediately go into the trash.
Also important is the background, even if it is blurred.
The model also needs to be “combed”, and not only literally. Hair can also be slightly disheveled, but from the turn / tilt of the head and the direction of gaze, as well as from sometimes with the careless grace of the overlaid garment, the complete perception of the photo as a compositionally finished picture depends.

Instructions for making comparisons in the header
A link to the work done by a forum member can be added to the header. In the case of comparisons of cameras of mobile devices, please arrange them accordingly:
1. Name of devices. For example, "Comparison of cameras SONY XZ2, Apple Iphone X".
2. Description of the modes in which the shooting was made, scenes or frames.
3. Description of the order of the photos under the spoilers.

Comparison of cameras from forum members



Compare cameras IPhone 10 vs Xiaomi Mi5s
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3

Comparison of cameras moto x4 vs moto style
My phone shoots better! (Post Borisovich500 # 68587797)

Alex norris
Comparison of cameras sony XZ2 vs samsung s9
My phone shoots better! (Post by Alex Norris # 72237684)





men pol





(-DIM @ -) Hispanic-headed gull


Useful: different shooting modes, external lenses, incomplete comparisons, etc.

Phrases of the day
-DIM @ - @ 05/20/19, 22:56 *
Do you really think I am a weak-minded person?
H.-DIM @ - from despair
Prostoi2207 @ 06/22/19, 4:46*
I go with the Huawei P20, (not about), and I realize that there’s nothing to change for now. @ 15.10.19, 17:00*
Great and unique Snap Camera. It was created for the upper class people, so that they can take a photo masterpieces. Fanatics mods gkama not understand the beauty of the tender as a silk blanket photos with SNEP.

Post has been editedGdenashi - 23.10.19, 16:05
Reason for editing: Added comparison Spaniard

Rep: (724)
Pivasik. Do not drain.
Attached Image

Rep: (304)
* nordbot
nordbot @ 26.06.19, 20:46*
more intensive backlit sun for the rest of the dark part of the photo climb noises are suppressed shumodava and the picture becomes almost bw

* nordbot
not carry it here all sorts of crap, he then realized that he wrote
PS sun can sit at different times, so the way ...

Post has been editedkinap1954 - 26.06.19, 21:50

Rep: (2327)
nordbot @ 26.06.19, 20:29*
work against the sun.

Good program for CROP: rofl:
If not a secret, which she uses interpolation and an ICC profile?

Rep: (3177)
Alex Norris @ 26.06.19, 07:59*
Lutchkoff, about camera X1

I looked a bit. The saddest thing is that modern obzorschiki, sales do not learn smart to review: yes2:
One of the evidence, this is your idol Lutchkoff. Broadcasting the distortion Shirikov, without comparison with others, it greatly: yes2:
The funny friend :) He does not even know that you can enable editing of distortion.
That is why, in this confidence Goonies, exactly zero: yes2:

Posted 06/26/2019 9:49 PM:

Tor68 @ 26.06.19, 19:36*
poukazyvay more that I do and when

Warned, and only;)

Post has been editedcool.dolphin1 - 26.06.19, 21:52

Rep: (1758)
* Borisovich500,

Rep: (3177)
Alex Norris @ 26.06.19, 19:33*
Misunderstandings, I would call the Xperia 1, which

Which is easily udelal your 808 th idol. Did you ever see the video before the throw;)

Rep: (594)
cool.dolphin1 @ 26.06.19, 22:48*
Broadcasting the distortion Shirikov, without comparison with other

* cool.dolphin1,
Sheaves. more aware of your Shirikov all flagships. So he knows what he is talking.
cool.dolphin1 @ 26.06.19, 22:48*
The saddest thing is that modern obzorschiki, sales do not learn smart to review

Pichal is that fans of Samsung, never say what sonifany regularly mention about the fact that "their divine camera, not studied and melyat stuff: D

Rep: (3177)
Borisovich500 @ 26.06.19, 19:16*
"In a branch, you can write whatever you want, the main thing is not to get personal?"

The meat is so: yes2:

Rep: (741)
* kinap1954, it is understood, and I see you there. however, this is just your problem) try to shoot in the afternoon so that the sun was in the frame completely. Well a lot of light! and then laugh.
about the sun visits
kinap1954 @ 26.06.19, 21:47*
because the word

there is Google, and the date / time in the file name: good:

Rep: (3177)
Alex Norris @ 26.06.19, 19:54*
Sheaves. more aware of your Shirikov all flagships. So he knows what he is talking.

He does not even know that Shirikov X1 can enable editing of distortion: D It's a real shame for supposedly obzorschika: yes2:

Post has been editedcool.dolphin1 - 26.06.19, 21:57

Rep: (1902)
* cool.dolphin1,
And why did you defend a man who writes another, "clown", and said to the man who had called and not just "the third in the photo?" : Rolleyes:

Rep: (2385)
Tor68 @ 26.06.19, 19:17*
not much portray toddler): rofl:

Samsung is also unlikely in its factories in Seoul collects Galaxy M20 for Hindus. the same Micromax and ordered

Rep: (3177)
Alex Norris @ 26.06.19, 19:54*
Pichal is

Grief divannyeanalitiki write nonsense without having by Smart :)

Posted on 26/06/2019, 21:59:

Borisovich500 @ 26.06.19, 19:57*
And why did you protect human

Because here when every now and then that he wrote. And you are no exception: yes2:

Rep: (2385)
Petr71 @ 26.06.19, 19:32*
sister lives in that city for almost 20 years

this is monstrous. since there are regular marshmallows Sharmel cost 250 rubles. netflix and all for the money! it survives there, in dangerous jungles

Rep: (594)
cool.dolphin1 @ 26.06.19, 22:52*
Which is easily udelal your 808 th idol. Did you ever see the video before you throw

* cool.dolphin1,
Yes .. It is very easy, any longer: D The difference in years, just did clearly catches, especially in nightie: D Would you even honored the conclusion of the one who tested them both, his opinion on the Xperia 1: yes2: And then there sing their ode its X1;)

Rep: (99)
Summer mi9 Stock
Attached Image
Attached Image
Attached Image

Rep: (594)
cool.dolphin1 @ 26.06.19, 22:56*
He does not even know that Shirikov X1 can enable editing of distortion

Yes, he knows everything, do not worry, he just drew attention to a non-standard distortion, unusual for other Shirikov, that's all. Although, aunts, all go and not standard. I remember Zhuravlev, I lamented the strange bokeh, how Aunt strange blurs the background: D

Post has been editedAlex norris - 26.06.19, 22:04

Rep: (741)
* Iron_kid first opera, the other fast stone. normal program, yt pyf. rfrjt

Attached images
Attached Image

Rep: (1902)
cool.dolphin1 @ 26.06.19, 20:58*
Because here when every now and then that he wrote. And you are no exception

And you are no exception. And your recent "you can write anything you like here, most importantly do not get personal." : Yes:
And by the way, I got the RO for what he wrote. And, for a moment, I think that you need to insult only in PM (read "tete-a-tete") if Spit found at the stone. I do not dance here with 80% warning, too, so for a minute;)
And I, if you is not got a man, I can safely ignore human;) But all too often they find strength in themselves, but still happens and communicate with the back on a year then;)

Post has been editedBorisovich500 - 26.06.19, 22:09

Rep: (3177)
Borisovich500 @ 26.06.19, 20:06*
And by the way, I got the RO for what he wrote

And rightly so: yes2: You score their positions and try to discuss other people's.

Posted on 06/26/2019, 22:12:

Borisovich500 @ 26.06.19, 20:06*
I can safely ignore human

Rzhu: D ignore this writing into the void when everything is clear? : D

Posted on 06/26/2019, 22:13:

Alex Norris @ 26.06.19, 20:03*
Yes, everything he knew,

Based on the review of nifiga he does not know, because sales do not mention it, but you continue to defend the unfortunate obzorschika: D
You can write to him at Twitter. WMS to him that even comes :)

Posted on 06/26/2019, 22:14:

Alex Norris @ 26.06.19, 20:03*
I remember Zhuravlev, I lamented the strange bokeh

This mug is far from the picture: yes2:

Posted on 06/26/2019 10:15 PM:

Alex Norris @ 26.06.19, 20:01*
Yes .. It is very easy

Easily, with all parameters: yes2:

Post has been editedcool.dolphin1 - 26.06.19, 22:19

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