Training on BB-codes and other | Discussing tricks and possibilities of BB codes
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I learned a lot, thanks! [ 32 ] ** [49,23%]
Yes, there were a couple of tricks that I did not know. [ 24 ] ** [36,92%]
I did not learn anything, I know everything described [ 1 ] ** [1,54%]
I myself can teach you something. [ 8 ] ** [12,31%]
Total votes: 65

Rep: (346)
Training on BB codes and stuff. пїЅ

We write BB code beautifullyВ© Black Fish
  • We are discussing how best to arrange a particular post with the help of BB codes.
  • We ask and give advice on the design of posts and link and BB code mechanics.
  • We ask for help and help with the design of posts.
  • All other questions in profile topics.
Questions are answered
Tricks from the participants

And the most important thing.
If you want to make hats such that it was nice to look at them ...
If you want to understand how the forum works ...
If you want to be better than you are ...
Just read regularly.Textbook "School of"
This is your main theme as a TCA / curator. Well, the best spur)))

For filling caps:
topicstarter | curator

Post has been editedPuzzak - 18.03.20, 23:33
Reason for editing: Stole "New!" in Roma

Rep: (1360)
* Zmejj ,
* Puzzak ,
* Romanskyy ,
Cap secured! : Dance:
: lol:

Rep: (346)
* tshlglv Is it real?

Rep: (1360)
* Romanskyy , Check. : Russian_ru:

Rep: (346)
* tshlglv
It seems so,
GLORY Moderator

Rep: (341)
Help with BB-codes в†ђ [Application for supervision]
Strangely, the theme is closed and supervision consider ...

Post has been editedPuzzak - 15.12.18, 01:24

Rep: (2457)
[Font = times] text [/ font]

[Font = monaco] text [/ font]

[Font = georgia] text [/ font]


Rep: (1360)
* Zmejj ,
* Puzzak ,
* Romanskyy ,
We live, my friends! = ^. ^ =

Rep: (341)
* tshlglv And I did not understand what it was, but thank you that it has stopped: ok:

Rep: (346)
* tshlglv , Hooray!

Rep: (333)
ROManskiy @ 12/13/18, 12:28*
From beginners it is better to hide such codes: D
: yes:

Rep: (1360)
* Romanskyy , There need [size = 1] .
Attached Image
[B] [font = courier] [size = 1] [/ font] [/ b]

Rep: (346)
tshlglv @ 15.12.18, 2:20*
[size = 1]
: ok:

Rep: (2457)
The color names in HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

Rep: (1360)
Zmejj @ 15.12.18, 10:46*
The color names in HTML

SlateGray LightSlateGray LightCyan DarkSlateGray CadetBlue PaleTurquoise Teal DarkCyan DarkTurquoise Aqua MediumTurquoise Turquoise LightSeaGreen Aquamarine MediumAquamarine MediumSpringGreen MediumSeaGreen SeaGreen DarkSeaGreen PaleGreen LightGreen SpringGreen DarkGreen Green ForestGreen LimeGreen Lime Chartreuse LawnGreen GreenYellow yellowgreen Olivedrab DarkOliveGreen Olive DarkKhaki Khaki PaleGoldenrod LemonChiffon Honeydew LightGoldenrodYellow LightYellow Yellow Gold DarkGoldenRod Goldenrod Orange Darkrange Peru Moccasin OldLace Linen Beige AntiqueWhite Cornsilk PapayaWhip BlanchedAlmond Bisque NavajoWhite Wheat BurlyWood Tan SandyBrown Chocolate SaddleBrown Sienna OrangeRed Maroon DarkRed Brown FireBrick Crimson Red Tomato Coral PeachPuff LightSalmon DarkSalmon Salmon IndianRed LightCoral RosyBrown PaleVioletRed MistyRose LightPink Pink HotPink MediumVioletRed DeepPink Fuchsia Magenta DarkMagenta Purple Lavender LavenderBlush Thistle Plum Violet Orchid MediumOrchid DarkViolet DarkOrchid BlueViolet MediumPurple Indigo MediumSlateBlue SlateBlue DarkSlateBlue LightSteelBlue MidnightBlue RoyalBlue CornflowerBlue DodgerBlue Navy Darkblue MediumBlue Blue DeepSkyBlue LightSkyBlue Skyblue SteelBlue LightBlue PowderBlue White Snow MintCream Azure AliceBlue GhostWhite WhiteSmoke Seashell FloralWhite Ivory Gainsboro LightGray Silver DarkGray Gray DimGray Gray Black

Copied from mypalette. : thank_you:

Rep: (346)
* tshlglv And what to do with it all. In a useful or interesting solutions?

Rep: (341)
* Zmejj Not the fact that the engine of forum supports all color by name ... So sometimes better to use the color values ​​shestnadtsetirichnye

Rep: (1360)
* Romanskyy I think in my line like this:

пїЅ 2,3,4,5 colors

Puzzak @ 15.12.18, 11:06*
not the fact that the engine of forum supports all the colors of titles
Fact. : Yes:

Post has been editedtshlglv - 15.12.18, 11:11

Rep: (2457)
* Puzzak, on the site sane description (color / code), and interface standards. Because the link and post it.
Puzzak @ 15.12.2018, 11:06 *
not the fact that the engine of forum supports all the colors of titles ...

Preview to help :)

Rep: (346)
* tshlglv :: ok:: thank_you:

Rep: (341)
* Romanskyy Give me a cap and Code: D
Also I want pokoldovat

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Time is now: 04/04/20, 4:46