> Carbide does not see the class from the connected module
02.08.18, 00:35

Group: Active users
Messages 18
Check in: 23.03.18

Reputation:-  0  +

I do not understand what is wrong ... In general, I created a console project. Added by
which contains a class
. Therefore, the compiler class does not find:
Undefined symbol: TPositionModuleInfo :: TPositionModuleInfo (void) (?? 0TPositionModuleInfo @@ QAE @ XZ)

Project Code:
Name: GPSDemoConsole.cpp
Copyright: Your copyright notice
Description: Exe source file

// Include Files

#include "GPSDemoConsole.h"
#include<e32cons.h>// Console

// Constants

_LIT (KTextConsoleTitle, "Console");
_LIT (KTextFailed, "failed, leave code =% d");
_LIT (KTextPressAnyKey, "[press any key] \ n");

// Global Variables

LOCAL_D CConsoleBase * console; // write all messages to this

// Local Functions

LOCAL_C void MainL ()
// add your program code here, example code below
console->Write (_L ("Hello, world! \ N"));

// RPositionServer iPosServer;
TPositionModuleInfo moduleInfo;
TPositionModuleId moduleId = TUid :: Uid (270526858);
//iPosServer.GetModuleInfoById (moduleId, moduleInfo); \


LOCAL_C void DoStartL ()
// Create active scheduler (to run active objects)
CActiveScheduler * scheduler = new (ELeave) CActiveScheduler ();
CleanupStack :: PushL (scheduler);
CActiveScheduler :: Install (scheduler);

MainL ();

// Delete active scheduler
CleanupStack :: PopAndDestroy (scheduler);

// Global Functions

GLDEF_C TInt E32Main ()
// Create cleanup stack
CTrapCleanup * cleanup = CTrapCleanup :: New ();

// Create output console
TRAPD (createError, console = Console :: NewL (KTextConsoleTitle, TSize (
KConsFullScreen, KConsFullScreen)));
if (createError)
return createError;

// Run application code inside TRAP harness, wait keypress when terminated
TRAPD (mainError, DoStartL ());
if (mainError)
console->Printf (KTextFailed, mainError);
console->Printf (KTextPressAnyKey);
console->Getch ();

delete console;
delete cleanup;
return KErrNone;

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 mobile version    Now: 04/29/19 14:39