for a contactless payment program | the people there do people among you with the golden hands

Rep: (0)
The people here such idea at all top smarts under uprovlenie WP 8.1 has NFC but no contactless payment but on windows 10, it is can someone be able to emulate the program with windows10 8.1 and pour it into the windows market and question the process voobshe possible or not I just naslyshen that on different arhetektury and supposedly it's not really planted thanks for your attention

Rep: (775)
* [email protected],
I enjoyed WP8.1 for passage in the subway. So technically the payment must also be possible.

Rep: (0)
Unfortunately this is just a technical possibility. Organize it is in practice unrealistic hemorrhoids. Melkomyagkie themselves while not particularly promote this function even at the United States. Support for Russia's long and not talking. The problem is the need to have a passkey in the phone. So the key special SIM card can perform. MTS like those now there. The general feature is crude and difficult to use it.

Rep: (-35)
There is a simple possibility to enable contactless payments with your phone via NFS. It is only necessary to obtain just such a SIM card into the MTS Bank. There's this card is tied to your card account and MTS Bank, then insert the sim card into the phone. You go in your wallet on your phone and there it is possible to pay using MTS Bank in all stores as well such as iPhones and android

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Now: 08/27/19, 2:19 p.m.