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> ZTE MF922 (Yota) | [wifirouter]
13.12.17, 11:42
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ZTE MF922 (Yota)
Attached Image

New wifi router from iota
useful links

There is no curator in the subject. For questions about filling the caps, contact the author in the QMS or the section moderators via the button

������ download

under the messages. How to do it right, what would you understand the first time, well describedhere.

Post has been editedRamsteiner - 23.04.19, 16:55
21.02.19, 06:22

Group: Active users
Messages 45
Check in: 30.08.16

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* 4lsda, slip, and where you can find a scheme for which you can throw out the battery. I understand that it is necessary to plant a certain resistance at the exit, but I don’t know what and where.
16.03.19, 05:29

Group: Friendssavagemessiahzine.com
Messages 56
Check in: 08.08.10
Apple iPhone 6s

Reputation:-  1  +

The problem with the firmware - the download button is not activated for a long time or does not want at all
The following solution helped me:
1. YRZ1_1.9.5.eh open in the archiver, go along the data / version path, extract the bin-file to any convenient place.
2. Connect the router to the computer with a cable, go to status.yota.ru/update or via the browser, click open, select the extracted bin-file and flash the router.
3. After flashing, the download button is active immediately.

Thus, I have already pierced five routers.
22.03.19, 11:01
a guest

Group: Users
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Check in: 29.03.18

Reputation:-  0  +

Specifically for this model, there is a way to unlock, in 5 minutes. Well, there is a link to a third-party resource. How to be? I can share, unblocked myself today in this way
26.03.19, 21:04
a guest

Group: Users
Messages 2
Check in: 31.12.14
Sony Xperia SP

Reputation:-  0  +

Interesting. And here you can not place a link?
27.03.19, 23:58

Group: Active users
Messages 44
Check in: 01.02.10
Xiaomi Mi A1 4/64

Reputation:-  2  +

Found a way to hide the SSID of the device, the list of addresses with mac-addresses, make a point without a password, and more ...

1) Go to Chrome DevTools (F12)
2) In the Console tab, select the frame: frameNav (indexMain.html) IFrame
3) Enter into the console:
$ ('# nav'). css ('display', 'block')

4) Click "Enter". A menu with actions appears:

Attached Image

List of pages with settings. Perform with caution.

List of pages:

Link (Description of the page. By meaning, you can understand the purpose)

http://status.yota.ru/indexMain.html#home(status / device_info)
http://status.yota.ru/indexMain.html#sms(sms / smslist)
http://status.yota.ru/indexMain.html#phonebook(phonebook / phonebook)
http://status.yota.ru/indexMain.html#setting(adm / quick_setting)
http://status.yota.ru/indexMain.html#update(update / update_info)
http://status.yota.ru/…ain.html#quick_setting(adm / quick_setting)
http://status.yota.ru/indexMain.html#net_setting(network / dial_setting)
http://status.yota.ru/indexMain.html#wifi(wifi / wifi_basic)
http://status.yota.ru/indexMain.html#guide(wifi / wifi_basic_guide)
http://status.yota.ru/…in.html#device_setting(adm / password)
http://status.yota.ru/indexMain.html#firewall(firewall / port_filter)
http://status.yota.ru/indexMain.html#advanced(adm / lan)
http://status.yota.ru/indexMain.html#group_all(phonebook / phonebook)
http://status.yota.ru/…Main.html#group_common(phonebook / phonebook)
http://status.yota.ru/…Main.html#group_family(phonebook / phonebook)
http://status.yota.ru/…Main.html#group_friend(phonebook / phonebook)
http://status.yota.ru/…n.html#group_colleague(phonebook / phonebook)
http://status.yota.ru/indexMain.html#device_info(status / device_info)
http://status.yota.ru/…tml#traffic_statistics(status / traffic_statistics)
http://status.yota.ru/…ain.html#traffic_alert(status / traffic_alert)
http://status.yota.ru/indexMain.html#smslist(sms / smslist)
http://status.yota.ru/…Main.html#sim_messages(sms / sim_messages)
http://status.yota.ru/indexMain.html#sms_setting(sms / sms_setting)
http://status.yota.ru/…Main.html#dial_setting(network / dial_setting)
http://status.yota.ru/indexMain.html#net_select(network / net_select)
http://status.yota.ru/indexMain.html#apn_setting(network / apn_setting)
http://status.yota.ru/indexMain.html#wifi_basic(wifi / wifi_basic)
http://status.yota.ru/…Main.html#wifi_advance(wifi / wifi_advance)
http://status.yota.ru/indexMain.html#wps(wifi / wps)
http://status.yota.ru/…ml#password_management(adm / password)
http://status.yota.ru/…in.html#pin_management(adm / pin)
http://status.yota.ru/indexMain.html#restore(adm / restore)
http://status.yota.ru/indexMain.html#restart(adm / restart)
http://status.yota.ru/indexMain.html#sleep_mode(wifi / sleep_mode)
http://status.yota.ru/indexMain.html#port_filter(firewall / port_filter)
http://status.yota.ru/…Main.html#port_forward(firewall / port_forward)
http://status.yota.ru/indexMain.html#port_map(firewall / port_map)
http://status.yota.ru/indexMain.html#upnp(firewall / upnp_setting)
http://status.yota.ru/indexMain.html#dmz(firewall / dmz_setting)

Post has been editedilyast91 - 28.03.19, 00:47
29.03.19, 21:10
a guest

Group: Users
Messages 2
Check in: 31.12.14
Sony Xperia SP

Reputation:-  0  +

molot161 @ 03.22.19, 10:01*
Specifically for this model, there is a way to unlock, in 5 minutes. Well, there is a link to a third-party resource. How to be? I can share, unblocked myself today in this way

If it is not difficult - share information. Did not find a third-party resource.

Post has been editednsuprun - 29.03.19, 21:14
03.04.19, 15:21

Group: Friendssavagemessiahzine.com
Messages 65
Check in: 16.10.13
Xiaomi Redmi 4X 3/32

Reputation:-  1  +

Ilyast91 @ 03/28/19, 01:58*
Found a way to hide the SSID of the device, the list of addresses with mac-addresses, make a point without a password, and more ...

1) Go to Chrome DevTools (F12)
2) In the Console tab, select the frame: frameNav (indexMain.html) IFrame
3) Enter into the console:

tell me, how to get back?

Post has been editedGPashik - 03.04.19, 15:23
10.04.19, 21:13
a guest

Group: Users
Messages 4
Check in: 03.10.13

Reputation:-  0  +

Divider please native firmware on the router yota. (YRZ1_1.9.5.ex)
15.04.19, 18:34

Group: Friendssavagemessiahzine.com
Messages 282
Check in: 10.11.07
Sony xperia x

Reputation:-  18  +

1) Reset to factory settings.
2) Connect without a SIM card and turn on the router.
3) Run the installation according to the instructions in the archiveYRZ1_1.9.5.rar
3.1) If the "Load" button is not active (that is, the COM ports in the device manager are not open), insert the line:
3.2) Manual download:
3.3) After the firmware ((the COM ports must be open in the device manager), start the installation using the new one:
4) Insert a string in the browser:
http: //connect.manager/goform/goform_set_cmd_process? goformId = SET_DEVICE_MODE & debug_enable = 1

The answer should be:
{"result": "set_devicemode successfully!"}
5) It is better to set passwords in the browser right away.
6) Start the terminal (requires NetFrameWork v4.0):Terminal.exe
7) Enter:
at ^ modimei = *** here is its imei value from Lumia (so that ttl = 128)
8) Fix ttl:
With this device, I do not know how to run ADB mode, so it is not possible to fix ttl tightly.
Therefore, it is necessary to fix on your computer. With Windows - 130 (usingTTLPatch.exe), with nevindoy - 129 (independently). On smartphones - 129 (independently).
Either use SIM cards with a tariff on which they do not ban for the inclusion of the modem mode, there are more.
9) (optional) In the browser, insert a line to block any manipulations with the router:
http: //connect.manager/goform/goform_set_cmd_process? goformId = SET_DEVICE_MODE & debug_enable = 0

Post has been editedtemyich1 - 15.04.19, 18:42

1) Sony vgn-fz11mr: C2D-T9300, ICH8, GF8400MGT, STAC9872AK: MacBookPro4.1 L10.7.5
2) ASUS P7H55-M / USB3, I5-760, GF470GTX, ALC887, SATA MARVELL 9123, USB NEC: MacPro5.1 HS10.13.6
3) DNS-WA50SRQ: I7-4700MQ, HM87, HD4600, GF GT750M, VIA-VT1802, Realtek 8411B, AR9285: MacBookPro11.3 M10.14.5
06.05.19, 05:59
a guest

Group: Users
Messages 6
Check in: 14.07.09

Reputation:-  0  +

Here is the question.

I have already changed IMEI, but the device has not unlocked.
Now I do not know whether it is possible to unblock it with a new one or not?

I do not know how to restore my native IMEI.
07.05.19, 18:12

Group: Friendssavagemessiahzine.com
Messages 282
Check in: 10.11.07
Sony xperia x

Reputation:-  18  +

* sngnick
Unlocking the imei is done. If you have not recorded your native imei, then you will not restore it. Try to flash the instructions. what can happen. I officially unblocked my.

1) Sony vgn-fz11mr: C2D-T9300, ICH8, GF8400MGT, STAC9872AK: MacBookPro4.1 L10.7.5
2) ASUS P7H55-M / USB3, I5-760, GF470GTX, ALC887, SATA MARVELL 9123, USB NEC: MacPro5.1 HS10.13.6
3) DNS-WA50SRQ: I7-4700MQ, HM87, HD4600, GF GT750M, VIA-VT1802, Realtek 8411B, AR9285: MacBookPro11.3 M10.14.5
10.05.19, 04:36

Group: Friendssavagemessiahzine.com
Messages 51
Check in: 16.12.10
Asus ZenFone 2 ZE551ML

Reputation:-  2  +

greetings to all! I myself was looking for an unlock method for this modem, since nobody gave instructions for this method, I did the unlocking by this method:
First I installed the firmware from the method above, downloaded the terminal, asked for the lock command, checked that it responds to commands, and since I did not find the calculators I used unlock with someone else’s imei.
1 flash from the method above
2 download terminal
3 save your original IMEI
4 We connect the modem without a SIM card, in the terminal enter at ^ modimei = 869485020000728 click enter,overload.
5 Insert another operator's sim, at the request - enter the NCK code: 1ABBA360E20E1437. Now your modem is unlocked.
6 Start the terminal again and execute at ^ modimei = return your native imei (or another)

referring to the original posthere
16.05.19, 19:03

Group: Friendssavagemessiahzine.com
Messages 1635
Check in: 24.06.12
Asus ZenFone 2 ZE551ML

Reputation:-  323  +

Detailed instructions:

  1. Sew out method above1 to 4 points.
  2. We connect the router without a usb SIM card with a cord to a PC.
  3. Launch the Terminal. Connect to COM port with the nameAT Interface.
  4. Save your original IMEI:
    In the browser, enterhttp://, on the main page we are looking forIMEI:.
    Or in the terminal we enter
    press Enter, in return receive your IMEI - write on a piece of paper, take a screenshot, etc.
  5. Change IMEI:
    In the terminal we enter
    AT ^ MODIMEI = 860249030142303
    we press Enter, in the answer we receiveOk. Turn off the router.
  6. We insert another operator's sim. Turn on the router, connect the router to usb.
  7. In the browser go to the pagehttp:// enter the NCK code:EC6A201849FC9B45. Now your router is unlocked.
  8. Change the IMEI to the original. Run the terminal again (restart) and execute

  9. In the browser, enterhttp://
  10. Full reset (holding the reset button on the right under the sim cover by double pressing, one short press and once again - press and hold until the router is restarted)

Post has been editeddickjones - 18.05.19, 14:55
28.05.19, 08:22

Group: Friendssavagemessiahzine.com
Messages 181
Check in: 03.09.10
Xiaomi Redmi Note 2

Reputation:-  13  +

The battery swelled. Disassembled, disconnected, turned on without battery. The router normally turns on, it works and ... after about a minute it is cut down by power. (BP 5V 2A) Okay. I took the swollen battery, disconnected the controller from it and soldered the usual 18650 to the controller. I assembled it and connected it. Nothing changed. It works for a minute and is cut off, having previously flashed a red light of the battery. What does he need ??? : wallbash:
28.05.19, 19:27
a guest

Group: Users
Messages 1
Check in: 06.10.15

Reputation:-  0  +

Why is there no window for entering CNK code ?????

Attached images
Attached Image
30.05.19, 10:07

Group: Friendssavagemessiahzine.com
Messages 282
Check in: 10.11.07
Sony xperia x

Reputation:-  18  +

* pashik86
It is necessary to put the resistance in place of the battery. What and how to look in other branches of modems.

1) Sony vgn-fz11mr: C2D-T9300, ICH8, GF8400MGT, STAC9872AK: MacBookPro4.1 L10.7.5
2) ASUS P7H55-M / USB3, I5-760, GF470GTX, ALC887, SATA MARVELL 9123, USB NEC: MacPro5.1 HS10.13.6
3) DNS-WA50SRQ: I7-4700MQ, HM87, HD4600, GF GT750M, VIA-VT1802, Realtek 8411B, AR9285: MacBookPro11.3 M10.14.5
30.05.19, 13:22

Group: Friendssavagemessiahzine.com
Messages 181
Check in: 03.09.10
Xiaomi Redmi Note 2

Reputation:-  13  +

* temyich1,
Thanks for the tip! Found! It all worked! Just in case, leave here, suddenly someone come in handy:ZTE MF90 + (833FT) - Discussion (Post by dokoff # 78331207)

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