Silverstone F1 HYBRID MINI | What kind of animal

Rep: (0)
Bought today this DVR. I wanted to update the camera database. When you connect a memory card sees, he does not appear. In Device Manager, in disk drives have under two names Ambarell A9 DSC EVK Platf USB Devise. And here it is just not ponyatka. This DVR is claimed to Ambarell A12, because of this and bought. And in fact A9? About A9 heard that Ali any.

Rep: (0)
I watched a video recording on your DVR in different settings and found a video on the Internet. On the Internet a better quality. On my machine numbers look worse.

Rep: (77)
Also want to buy this wonder ... What are your impressions? How it behaves after a few months of use? On the model of the processor to understand? What is the result of 12 or 9? Video quality can be attributed to the old firmware version of your devaysa ...

Rep: (0)
* Vladimir.m2016,
in the magazine "At the wheel" number 1 for 2018 is the best audio recorder

Rep: (77)
* Starley313, It was there I learned about him: D Therefore, interested: yes2: But opinion does not log me too interesting))!

Rep: (229)
Vladimir.m2016 @ 12.01.18, 19:58*
in the magazine "At the wheel" number 1 for 2018 is the best audio recorder

There is a caveat ...
"Obzorschikov" registrars this magazine in any tooth foot not flog them ...: D
Particular attention to the quote:
"According to the results: In the end of the test arrived, Silverstone company with its new"
What immediately clear who the customer "survey" ...)
"... she processor Ambarella A12 - top-end today and while exotic for video recorders."
Therefore, compared with the youngest. I told you, even zakazuhu slyapat normally can not.
True A12 is no surprise, for two years as used recorders ...)
Why did not compare with Inspector'ami SCAT-SE and CAYMAN-S on the A12?
Can competitors psevodobzorah not needed at all?! ...)))
Thus PlayMe drained thoroughly, although he had been ordering the tests,
where good light is exhibited them ...) Weathervane, blah ...
I read their "reviews" registrars repeatedly. Even magazines bought because of these articles.
A complete misunderstanding of the authors of the theme available. Such an approach to writing the material I
I can be explained only by chopping dough. Another explanation for myself did not find ...
RecentlyIxbt and Mobile review same zakazuhoy ply.
Ckatilis to the level ofSpeed ​​INFO 90'yh . Bits of capitalism ...
So even though there were pictures and stories ...) with the naked virgins))

Rep: (53)
The firmware can be edited in this recorder, can someone tell me? It would be desirable to increase the recording speed, and that then the rather weak for that processor. Ambarella Firmware Toolbox and Amba Extractor does not fit.

Rep: (95)
I have this device, there is the question? The manual says that the registrar has the auto switching function. So here is my turn on through time, and if necessary, then in the morning the night the car to the registrar earned you need to press the On button. All this is so, or I'm so lucky !?

Rep: (53)
Turns on itself as soon as power is applied, do not disable the button, I have a separate power-off button on the cigarette lighter.

Rep: (95)
yraqw @ 18.05.2018, 15:30*

* yraqw
Maybe this is a glitch with the inclusion of a registrar at me because of what I did did not turn off. Off power to the machine and everything.

Rep: (77)
* Gordey131 , I have all the rules Rabit. Itself on and off when the car he wilderness.

Rep: (53)
Gordey131 I generally do the same thing, I just have rosavtoprom and cigarette lighter power to a constant, and therefore stands to separate the switch on him. Try to reset to factory default settings or reset.

Rep: (13)
Amba Extractor does not fit.
AE4070 does not fit?
There is heksredaktory.Oni exactly fit!

Rep: (53)
za rulem BP forum to the latest 3070, other versions do not know where to take with heksredaktorami not "friendly": rolleyes:

Rep: (0)
Kaliningrad7 @ 12.01.18, 19:59*
"... she processor Ambarella A12 - top-end today and while exotic for video recorders."
Therefore, compared with the youngest. I told you, even zakazuhu slyapat normally can not.
True A12 is no surprise, for two years as used recorders ...)
Why did not compare with Inspector'ami SCAT-SE and CAYMAN-S on the A12?
Can competitors psevodobzorah not needed at all?! ...)))

Here I am on this processor and on a solid-looking optics was expecting more from the pictures (and even in taxied won the registrar). A picture was mediocre. Although the receptionist is not bad. Neat, small, everything works like clockwork. It seems to me that the camera firmware they are not finished. I should better image issue with percent and optics. Although, when compared with competitors in the same price category, it is even nothing, for the same money is hardly better could be found, even I would say that given the price the receptionist in the lead (but then, damn it, the A12 and such " solid "optics promised" a "picture, and taxied warmed it ... but no ... miracle did not happen, the picture - with their own money, and a penny better, which is a pity). As the whole product, I love it: small, easy to use, nothing more, the eye lens - "inspire" what more could you want? Ah, yes ... the picture quality ... but not delivered. Although I think if we could squeeze out of it high quality picture, either it would have swept away from the shops immediately at a price, which is now on him, or he would have cost twice as expensive to compete in a different segment. So it is not an ideal world, all compromise, and so we live.

Rep: (229)
mountiner @ 29.05.18, 19:26*
Although, when compared with competitors in the same price category, it is even nothing

Just like everyone and no more. Commonplace stock settings from Ambarelly.
But a review of the material supply in pink saliva on the background of low-end models
competitors on the A7 is pure jeans RR that does not paint them from the word at all.
The precipitate was lousy after reading zakazuhi remains. Not the first time ...

Rep: (53)
mountiner write to technical support service to their of.sayte their wishes, the more Nardi write, the more likely that the firmware will correct, I wrote that the increased recording speed, when the screen is at least displayed the speed, but that did not work at all clear silt device No and to voice support could be switched to the sound (beeping) I just have another detector hanging and his talk is enough. They promised to transfer all the information to engineers, and only do or not see.
Kaliningrad7 , za rulem If I am not mistaken, you are engaged in software modifications on BP forum, will not help to improve?

Rep: (0)
* Kaliningrad7 Yes, taxied a long time it suffers so severely for their verdicts relate stupid. But I am still prompted to the option of having a positive experience in the use of this radar detector manufacturer. So he is very pleased with me, he's every penny of their own and do not work out the highest price of all stovasimnatstsatspalavinoy percent (well, no, seriously, one hundred). I hoped that there will also be, but is nedopilili. It is a pity, because in iron vbuhali ok so costs (immediately noticeable that stupid savings on matches not observed in this model), the offensive to get to this gorgeous iron such mediocre results, and most likely model without firmware revision will not be a bestseller and quickly leave from the market. But it could be better. It would be better money to potrasennye zarulevskih grabbers, firmware developers gave her dopilivanie, and the people he would have made without any advertising magazines in case of a positive outcome of their work. After all, it is evident that the potential of the model ogogo what. And felt squandering this potential effective managers ... But this is typical dlyamnogih companies today.

Rep: (0)
yraqw @ 30.05.18, 9:05*
mountiner write to technical support service to their of.sayte their wishes, the more Nardi write, the more likely that the corrected firmware

And what they write? That the picture is not the same as I expected? Well, it is always possible to answer that your assumptions are not based on objective data. Indeed, the objective of claims to the picture not produce - everything seems as it should, and what you type feel, which could be much better - so it's purely your subjective feelings, you especially no one promised an outstanding video. It is possible that I myself wrong about building models and head and share yourself something under the influence of the enchanting name Ambarella A12 and authoritatively bulging front of the lens glass.

Rep: (0)
yraqw @ 30.05.18, 09:05*
mountiner write to technical support service to their of.sayte their wishes, the more Nardi write, the more likely that the firmware will correct, I wrote that the increased recording speed, when the screen is at least displayed the speed, but that did not work at all clear there is no device-yl and that the voice guidance can be switched to the sound (beeping) I just have another detector hanging and his talk is enough. They promised to transfer all the information to engineers, and only do or not see.

And here, by the way, I wrote. It should be noted that promptly respond to treatment. Of course, not promised anything, but still ... Here is the answer tech support here, if you're interested:
"Good day!

Thank you for your appeal. A request to change the firmware will send an engineer. Is it possible to programmatically increase the picture quality - it can be said after the diagnosis apparatus, just this issue is not yet engaged. Firmware plan, but when it comes out, it is not known. "

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