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Samsung SM-N950F (F / DS) Galaxy Note 8 - Editing system applications

Rep: (7355)
Samsung SM-N950F (F / DS) Galaxy Note 8 - Editing system applications
Description | Editing system applications� | Purchase � | Discussion � | Firmware � | Custom firmware � | Modification and decorations � | Modifications and decorations for devices without ROOT rights � | Owners Club � | Useful topics section

Attached Image

Patterns of modifications and other decorations
Copy the content into your message and fill
Template for modifications:
[CENTER] [SIZE = 3] [B] [COLOR = royalblue] Here we write the name of the mod [/ COLOR] [/ B] [/ SIZE] [/ CENTER]
[CENTER] Insert the main screenshot here [/ CENTER]
[COLOR = blue] [B] Author [/ B] [/ COLOR]: Specify the author
[COLOR = blue] [B] Firmware [/ B] [/ COLOR]: Specify the version / number, code / deodex
[COLOR = blue] [B] Description [/ B] [/ COLOR]: The most complete description of the mod
[SPOILER = Extras. screenshots] If there are additional screenshots, then insert it here [/ SPOILER]
[COLOR = blue] [B] Installation [/ B] [/ COLOR]: Specify the installation method / method
[COLOR = blue] [B] Download [/ B] [/ COLOR]: Attach files to download

Template for other decorations (icons, widgets, programs, etc.):
[CENTER] [SIZE = 3] [B] [COLOR = royalblue] Here we write the name [/ COLOR] [/ B] [/ SIZE] [/ CENTER]
[CENTER] Insert a screenshot here (if any) [/ CENTER]
[COLOR = blue] [B] Description [/ B] [/ COLOR]: Full description
[COLOR = blue] [B] Download link [/ B] [/ COLOR]: Give a link to download

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Android 7.1.1
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Remember: everything you do - you do at your own peril and risk!

Post has been editedWlryss - 25.11.20, 08:58
Reason for editing: Editing header

Rep: (7355)
We return items in Settings - Screen.android 8.x.x

Rep: (6200)
Faced a certain problem (apparently due to this modification -Samsung SM-N950F (F / DS) Galaxy Note 8 - editing system applications (post sagitt67 # 75099358)
The essence of the problem is when trying to copy any picture from the gallery to any album (existing or newly created), the gallery will reach, but the picture itself is copied ..
According to the log, apparently an error occurs when creating a toast (notification) on copy operation.
D / AndroidRuntime (15272): shutting down vm
07-30 08: 36: 04.548 E / AndroidRuntime (15272): Fatal Exception: Main
07-30 08: 36: 04.548 E / AndroidRuntime (15272): Process: com.sec.android.gallery3d, PID: 15272
07-30 08: 36: 04.548 E / AndroidRuntime (15272): java.lang.classcastexception: android.widget.imageView Cannot Be Cast to Android.widget.textView
07-30 08: 36: 04.548 E / AndroidRuntime (15272): at com.sec.android.gallery3d.common.utils $ 1.run (Utils.java:310)
07-30 08: 36: 04.548 E / AndroidRuntime (15272): at Android.os.Handler.HandleCallback (Unknown Source: 2)
07-30 08: 36: 04.548 E / AndroidRuntime (15272): at android.os.Handler.DispatchMessage (Unknown Source: 4)
07-30 08: 36: 04.548 E / AndroidRuntime (15272): at Android.os.looper.loop (UNKNOWN SOURCE: 139)
07-30 08: 36: 04.548 E / AndroidRuntime (15272): at Android.app.activityThread.Main (Unknown Source: 146)
07-30 08: 36: 04.548 E / AndroidRuntime (15272): at java.lang.reflect.method.invoke (Native Method)
07-30 08: 36: 04.548 E / AndroidRuntime (15272): at com.android.Internal.os.zygote $ MethodandargScaller.run (Unknown Source: 11)
07-30 08: 36: 04.548 E / AndroidRuntime (15272): at com.android.Internal.os.zygoteinit.main (Unknown Source: 198)

Above the designated modification there is a replacement of two XML from Framework-res.apk to others, for example
atframework-res / res / layout / sem_transient_notification.xml
<? xml version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8"?>
<LinearLayout android: orientation = "vertical" android: background = android "^ attr-private / toastFrameBackground?": Layout_width = "fill_parent" android: layout_height = "fill_parent"
xmlns: android = "http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android">
<TextView android: textAppearance = "@ style / TextAppearance.Toast" android: textColor = "@ color / bright_foreground_dark" android: layout_gravity = "center_horizontal" android: id = "@ id / message" android: layout_width = "wrap_content" android: layout_height = "wrap_content" android: shadowColor = "# bb000000" android: shadowRadius = "2.75" android: layout_weight = "1.0" />
</ LinearLayout>

varies on:
<? xml version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8"?>
<LinearLayout android: layout_gravity = "center_vertical" android: gravity = "center_vertical" android: orientation = "horizontal" android: id = "@ id / toast_layout_root" android: background = android "^ attr-private / toastFrameBackground?": PaddingTop = " @ dimen / sem_toast_padding_top "android: paddingBottom =" @ dimen / sem_toast_padding_bottom "android: layout_width =" fill_parent "android: layout_height =" fill_parent "android: paddingStart =" @ dimen / sem_toast_padding_start "android: paddingEnd =" @ dimen / sem_toast_padding_end "
xmlns: android = "http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android">
<ImageView android: gravity = "center_vertical" android: id = "@ id / icon" android: layout_width = "wrap_content" android: layout_height = "wrap_content" android: layout_marginStart = "4.0dip" android: layout_marginEnd = "4.0dip" android: layout_alignParentStart = "true" />
<com.android.toast.TextColor android: textAppearance = "@ style / TextAppearance.Small" android: textSize = "@ dimen / sem_toast_text_size" android: textColor = "@ color / sem_toast_text_color_mtrl" android: layout_gravity = "center" android: gravity = "center_vertical" android: id = "@ id / message" Android: layout_width = "wrap_content" android: layout_height = "wrap_content" android: shadowcolor = "# BB000000" Android: shadowradius = "0.5" Android: layout_torightof = "@ id / icon "Android: fontfamily =" sec-roboto-light "android: layout_marginstart =" 8.0dip "Android: layout_marginend =" 8.0dip "key =" toast_text_color "/>
</ LinearLayout>

About the same thing - the appearance of ImageView - occurs inframework-res / res / layout / transient_notification.xml
That is, we sailed galleries (Utils $ 1.smali and the senior class utils.smali) - can not create a toast notification - an error occurs ..
Smilt Utils $ 1
.class Final LCom / SEC / Android / Gallery3D / COMMON / UTILS $ 1;
.super ljava / lang / Object;
.Source "Utils.java"

# interfaces
.implements Ljava / lang / Runnable;

# annotations
.annotation system Ldalvik / annotation / EnclosingMethod;
Value = LCom / SEC / Android / Gallery3D / COMMON / UTILS; ->ShowToast (LANDROID / CONTENT / CONTEXT; LJAVA / LANG / STRING; II) V
.end annotation

.annotation system Ldalvik / annotation / InnerClass;
AccessFlags = 0x8.
name = null
.end annotation

# instance fields
.field Final Synthetic Val $ CONTEXT: Landroid / Content / Context;

.field Final Synthetic Val $ Duration: I

.field Final Synthetic Val $ Str: Ljava / Lang / String;

.field Final Synthetic Val $ Widthlimit: I

# direct methods
.method constructor<init>(Landroid / Content / Context; Ljava / Lang / String; ii) v
.locals 0

.line 305
IPut-Object P1, P0, LCom / SEC / Android / Gallery3D / Common / Utils $ 1; ->val $ context: Landroid / content / Context;

IPut-Object P2, P0, LCom / SEC / Android / Gallery3D / COMMON / UTILS $ 1; ->Val $ Str: Ljava / Lang / String;

IPut P3, P0, LCom / SEC / Android / Gallery3D / Common / Utils $ 1; ->Val $ Duration: I

IPut P4, P0, LCom / SEC / Android / Gallery3D / Common / Utils $ 1; ->Val $ Widthlimit: I

invoke-direct {p0}, Ljava / lang / Object; -><init>() V

.end method

# virtual methods
.method public run () V
.locals 6

const / 4 v5, 0x0

.line 308
Invoke-Static {}, LCom / SEC / Android / Gallery3D / Common / Utils; ->Access $ 000 () V

.line 309
Iget-Object V2, P0, LCom / SEC / Android / Gallery3D / Common / Utils $ 1; ->val $ context: Landroid / content / Context;

Iget-Object V3, P0, LCom / SEC / Android / Gallery3D / Common / Utils $ 1; ->Val $ Str: Ljava / Lang / String;

IGET V4, P0, LCOM / SEC / Android / Gallery3D / Common / Utils $ 1; ->Val $ Duration: I

INVOKE-STATIC {V2, V3, V4}, Landroid / Widget / Toast; ->makeText (Landroid / content / Context; Ljava / lang / CharSequence; I) Landroid / widget / Toast;

move-result-object v0

.line 310
.local v0, "toast": landroid / widget / toast;
invoke-virtual {v0}, Landroid / widget / Toast; ->getView () Landroid / view / View;

move-result-object v2

check-cast v2, Landroid / view / ViewGroup;

INVOKE-VIRTUAL {V2, V5}, Landroid / view / ViewGroup; ->getChildAt (I) Landroid / view / View;

move-result-object v1

check-cast v1, Landroid / widget / TextView;

.line 311
.local V1, "TV": Landroid / Widget / TextView;
IGET V2, P0, LCom / SEC / Android / Gallery3D / COMMON / UTILS $ 1; ->Val $ Widthlimit: I

invoke-virtual {v1, v2}, Landroid / widget / TextView; ->SetMaxWidth (I) V

.line 312
SGET-OBJECT V2, LCom / SEC / SAMSUNG / Gallery / Features / FeatureNames; ->Istablet: LCom / SEC / SAMSUNG / Gallery / Features / Featurenames;

Invoke-static {v2}, LCom / SEC / SAMSUNG / Gallery / Features / GalleryFeature; ->iSenabled (LCom / SEC / SAMSUNG / Gallery / Features / FeatureNames;) Z

move-result v2

if-eqz v2,: cond_0

Iget-Object V2, P0, LCom / SEC / Android / Gallery3D / Common / Utils $ 1; ->val $ context: Landroid / content / Context;

invoke-virtual {v2}, Landroid / content / Context; ->getResources () Landroid / content / res / Resources;

move-result-object v2

Const v3, 0x7F0C05D6

invoke-virtual {v2, v3}, Landroid / content / res / Resources; ->getDimensionPixelOffset (I) I

move-result v2

int-to-float v2, v2

: goto_0
INVOKE-VIRTUAL {V1, V5, V2}, Landroid / Widget / TextView; ->setTextSize (IF) V

.line 314
const / 4 v2, 0x2

invoke-virtual {v1, v2}, Landroid / widget / TextView; ->setTextAlignment (I) V

.line 315
invoke-virtual {v0}, Landroid / widget / Toast; ->show () V

.line 316
NEW-Instance V2, Ljava / Lang / Ref / WeakReference;

Invoke-Direct {V2, V0}, Ljava / Lang / Ref / WeakReference; -><init>(Ljava / lang / Object;) V

invoke-static {v2}, LCom / SEC / Android / Gallery3D / COMMON / UTILS; ->Access $ 102 (LJAVA / LANG / REF / REFERENCE;) LJAVA / LANG / REF / REFERENCE;

.line 317

.line 312
: cond_0
Iget-Object V2, P0, LCom / SEC / Android / Gallery3D / Common / Utils $ 1; ->val $ context: Landroid / content / Context;

.line 313
invoke-virtual {v2}, Landroid / content / Context; ->getResources () Landroid / content / res / Resources;

move-result-object v2

Const v3, 0x7F0C05D5

invoke-virtual {v2, v3}, Landroid / content / res / Resources; ->getDimensionPixelOffset (I) I

move-result v2

int-to-float v2, v2

goto: goto_0
.end method

Smiled ImageView and TextView are located in Framework.jar / smali_classes2 / Android / Widget /

I think how to approach the solution of this problem, maybe someone will have the idea .. :)

Post has been editedWlryss - 30.07.18, 17:44

Rep: (7355)
Wlryss @ 07/30/18, 18:43*
Maybe someone will have ideas ..

Departure occurs in both cases - and with incl. Icon and without it, but the Taist notice is not standard - with the progress of the bar, in theory there must be not a tello, but the popup dialogue, see the analogues and change ... toast ... to the dialogue.

Rep: (6200)
Sagitt67 @ 07/30/18, 18:40*
Departure occurs in both cases - and with incl. icon and without it

I checked it, but I will try to delete imageview at all from XML OK in Framework-Res. And then it will be visible ..
The problem was solved as follows:
By tip of the uv.zmeeed1 who does not have such a problem with the gallery (compared his gallileums with their own - coincide), deleted the string from framework-res / res / layout / sem_transient_notification.xml :
<ImageView android: gravity = "center_vertical" android: id = "@ id / icon" android: layout_width = "wrap_content" android: layout_height = "wrap_content" android: layout_marginStart = "4.0dip" android: layout_marginEnd = "4.0dip" android: layout_alignParentStart = "true" />

The file now has this kind:
<? xml version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8"?>
<LinearLayout Android: gravity = "center_vertical" android: layout_gravity = "center_vertical" android: orientation = "horizontal" android: id = "@ id / toast_layout_root" Android: background = "? ^ Attr-private / toastframebackground" Android: paddingtop = " @ dimen / sem_toast_padding_top "android: paddingBottom =" @ dimen / sem_toast_padding_bottom "android: layout_width =" fill_parent "android: layout_height =" fill_parent "android: paddingStart =" @ dimen / sem_toast_padding_start "android: paddingEnd =" @ dimen / sem_toast_padding_end "
xmlns: android = "http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android">
<com.android.toast.TextColor android: textAppearance = "@ style / TextAppearance.Small" android: textSize = "@ dimen / sem_toast_text_size" android: textColor = "@ color / sem_toast_text_color_mtrl" android: gravity = "center_vertical" android: layout_gravity = "Center" Android: id = "@ id / message" Android: layout_width = "wrap_content" android: layout_height = "wrap_content" android: shadowcolor = "# BB000000" Android: shadowradius = "0.5" Android: layout_torightof = "@ id / icon "Android: fontfamily =" sec-roboto-light "android: layout_marginstart =" 8.0dip "Android: layout_marginend =" 8.0dip "key =" toast_text_color "/>
</ LinearLayout>

Offramework-res / res / layout / transient_notification.xml The string with imageview did not delete.
As a result, the problem with the departure of the gallery was decided and in the toast notification from the gallery of the icon no no (even if it is included in the rum control). In other cases, the toast notifications displays / the icon does not appear depending on the switch in rum control
Attached Image
Attached Image
Attached Image
Attached Image

Post has been editedWlryss - 30.07.18, 23:57

Rep: (7355)
The effects of the transition pages in TouchWizHome_2017.

Rep: (2039)
Question, I look in new mods and in firmware it looks like recent applications
Attached Image

But something, Ram Bar does not want to appear there - may know who, how to add it there, when this kind of recent

Looks like recent in this form work from the launcher ..

Post has been editedaliwaris - 02.08.18, 23:22

Rep: (10784)
* aliwaris
Rambar Rambar, but this can be done
Attached Image

RES / Drawable / Recents_Close_Button_bg.xml
<item android: id = "@ android: id / background">
<shape android: shape = "rectangle">
<Solid Android: Color = "@ color / recents_close_all_button_bg" />
<Stroke Android: width = "1.0dip" Android: Color = "@ color / recents_close_all_button_bg_outline" />
<Corners Android: Radius = "18.0dip" />
</ shape>
</ item>

Replaced by
<item android: id = "@ android: id / background">
<shape android: shape = "rectangle">
<Stroke Android: width = "2.0dip" Android: Color = "# FF17DD1F "Android: dashwidth =" 4.0dip "android: dashgap =" 2.0dip "/>
<Corners Android: Radius = "18.0dip" />
</ shape>
</ item>

Color to choose from Android: Color = "# FF17DD1F "

Post has been editedzmeeed2020 - 02.08.18, 23:52

Rep: (163)
* aliwaris
This is a good look, a special program to slightly embellish your device, and more precisely its Task Changer module, all modules are put as a separate apk
Attached Image
Attached Image
Attached Image
Attached Image
Attached Image
Attached Image

Rep: (2039)
* zmeeed1,
About color adopted
* MrGet09,
I wonder how it works without Good Look on a custom. Roshives: Russian_en:
And I wanted a frame bar into it ..

Post has been editedaliwaris - 03.08.18, 00:46

Rep: (163)
* aliwaris
No, without Good Look, the modules do not work

Rep: (2039)
without copying resources, in expert mode without signature* sagitt67

It worked in this way with Framework-Res.apk: thank_you:

Rep: (10784)
* aliwaris
About Rambar. Question on screenshots :)
Attached Image
Attached Image

You can still do so. See the border
Attached Image

Post has been editedzmeeed2020 - 03.08.18, 14:54

Rep: (163)
* zmeeed1,
Cool like this :-d.
Now if all this is under the control of the Republic of Kazakhstan to do, choose color, incl. , Off, change text and so on: rolleyes:

Post has been editedMrGet09 - 04.08.18, 17:20

Rep: (7355)
RomControl v2.1. - with a minimum of configuration and other.

Rep: (7355)
Volume items in the settings.

Rep: (3339)
Displays current calls in a pop-up window (pop-up banner) on top of other open applications with a choice in settings.

Android 8.0.

This setting is in the TeleService.apk application, and this switch is displayed in the call settings, but ... does not work. Intended when modified by samsungincallui.apk to use the key from TeleService.apk, but for some reason it did not work out, i.e. The key from TeleService.apk did not work. I had to arrange a switched via Romcontrol.
Method number 1
1. AddingGearutils In the dialer - samsungincallui.apk.
2. InSamsungIncallui \ Smali \ COM \ Android \ Incallui \ IncallPresenter.smali Start method .method Public Startui (LCom / Android / Incallui / IncallPresenter $ incallstate;) Z We lead to mind, increasing the number of locale on 1 , deleting a string with ( - ) and adding strings from ( +++ ) before ( +++ )
.method Public Startui (LCom / Android / Incallui / IncallPresenter $ incallstate;) Z
.locals 7

const / 4 v1, 0x1

- Const / 4 v2, 0x0

+++ Const-String V6, "call_popup_enable"

Invoke-Static {V6, V1}, LCom / Android / Wubydax / Gearutils; ->getDbIntForKey (Ljava / lang / String; I) I

move-result v6

if-eqz v6,: cond_next

const / 4 v2, 0x0

goto: goto_next

: cond_next

const / 4 v2, 0x1

: Goto_next +++

iget-object v0, p0, Lcom / android / incallui / InCallPresenter; ->mCallList: Lcom / android / incallui / CallList;

INVOKE-VIRTUAL {V0}, LCom / Android / Incallui / CallList; ->getActiveCall () Lcom / android / incallui / Call;

move-result-object v0

3. In Romcontrol v2.x add a string
<com.wubydax.romcontrol.v2.prefs.myswitchpreference Android: title = "Displaying a pop-up banner" Android: key = "call_popup_enable" Android: defaultvalue = "True" Android: Summaryon = "Show" Android: SummaryOff = "Hide" />

4. All: yes2:

Method number 2
The first method works fine, but with one "blot". When the banner is disabled with an incoming call on the screen of the dialer before the photo of the contact photo flashes open additional. The set is not good. So that this flashes exclude:
1. InSamsungIncallui \ Smali \ COM \ Android \ Incallui \ IncalluisystemDB.smali before by .method Public Static ISKIDSModeCallapp () Z paste method
.method Public Static IsinccomingCallPopPupenabled () Z
.method Public Static IsinccomingCallPopPupenabled () Z
.locals 6

const / 4 v4, 0x0

const / 4 v3, 0x1

Const-String V0, "call_popup_enable"

Const-String V5, "call_popup_enable"

Const-String V2, "Default_incomingCall_popup"

invoke-static {v2}, lcom / android / incallui / incalluifeature; ->hasFeature (Ljava / lang / String;) Z

move-result v2

if-eqz v2,: cond_0

move v2, v3

: goto_0
invoke-static {v5, v2}, lcom / android / incallui / incalluisystemdb; ->GetSettingDB (Ljava / Lang / String; I) I

move-result v1

new-instance v2, Ljava / lang / StringBuilder;

invoke-direct {v2}, Ljava / lang / StringBuilder; -><init>() V

const-String V5, "IsinccomingCallPopPupenableD:"

invoke-virtual {v2, v5}, Ljava / lang / StringBuilder; ->append (Ljava / lang / String;) Ljava / lang / StringBuilder;

move-result-object v5

if-eqz v1,: cond_1

move v2, v3

: goto_1
invoke-virtual {v5, v2}, Ljava / lang / StringBuilder; ->append (Z) Ljava / lang / StringBuilder;

move-result-object v2

invoke-virtual {v2}, Ljava / lang / StringBuilder; ->toString () Ljava / lang / String;

move-result-object v2

invoke-static {v2, v3}, lcom / android / incallui / incalluisystemdb; ->log (Ljava / Lang / String; z) v

if-eqz v1,: cond_2

: goto_2
return v3

: cond_0
move v2, v4

goto: goto_0

: cond_1
move v2, v4

goto: goto_1

: cond_2
move v3, v4

goto: goto_2
.end method

2. InSamsungIncallui \ Smali \ COM \ Android \ Incallui \ Util \ incallutils.smali in the method .method Public Static NeedtoshowAsFullScreen () Z delete rows ( - ) And add with ( + )
.method Public Static NeedtoshowAsFullScreen () Z
.method Public Static NeedtoshowAsFullScreen () Z
.locals 9

const / 4 v7, 0x0

const / 4 v8, 0x0

const / 4 v6, 0x1

invoke-static {}, Lcom / android / incallui / InCallApp; ->getInstance () Lcom / android / incallui / InCallApp;

move-result-object v0

Invoke-Virtual {V0}, LCom / Android / Incallui / Incallapp; ->getApplicationContext () Landroid / content / Context;

move-result-object v0

- invoke-static {}, lcom / android / incallui / incalluisystemdb; ->isconnectedmirrorlink () z

+ invoke-static {}, lcom / android / incallui / incalluisystemdb; ->IsinccomingCallPopPupenabled () z

move-result v1

- IF-EQZ V1 ,: COND_0

+ IF-NEZ V1 ,: COND_0

Const-String V0, "Incallutils"

3. In Romcontrol v2.x, we register a string from claim 3 of the first method.
4. All: yes2:

PS Just in case - Stock Method from P2. Method No. 1.
.method Public Startui (LCom / Android / Incallui / IncallPresenter $ incallstate;) Z
.method Public Startui (LCom / Android / Incallui / IncallPresenter $ incallstate;) Z
.locals 6

const / 4 v1, 0x1

const / 4 v2, 0x0

iget-object v0, p0, Lcom / android / incallui / InCallPresenter; ->mCallList: Lcom / android / incallui / CallList;

INVOKE-VIRTUAL {V0}, LCom / Android / Incallui / CallList; ->getActiveCall () Lcom / android / incallui / Call;

move-result-object v0

if-eqz v0,: cond_2

iget-object v0, p0, Lcom / android / incallui / InCallPresenter; ->mCallList: Lcom / android / incallui / CallList;

INVOKE-VIRTUAL {V0}, LCom / Android / Incallui / CallList; ->getIncomingCall () Lcom / android / incallui / Call;

move-result-object v0

if-eqz v0,: cond_2

move v0, v1

: goto_0
new-instance v3, Ljava / lang / StringBuilder;

invoke-direct {v3}, Ljava / lang / StringBuilder; -><init>() V

Const-String V4, "Perf Startui Start - IncallState:"

invoke-virtual {v3, v4}, Ljava / lang / StringBuilder; ->append (Ljava / lang / String;) Ljava / lang / StringBuilder;

move-result-object v3

invoke-virtual {v3, p1}, Ljava / lang / StringBuilder; ->append (Ljava / lang / Object;) Ljava / lang / StringBuilder;

move-result-object v3

invoke-virtual {v3}, Ljava / lang / StringBuilder; ->toString () Ljava / lang / String;

move-result-object v3

Invoke-Static {P0, V3, V1}, LCom / Android / Incallui / Log; ->D (Ljava / Lang / Object; Ljava / Lang / String; z) v


Invoke-Static {V3}, LCom / Android / Incallui / Incalluifeature; ->hasFeature (Ljava / lang / String;) Z

move-result v3

if-eqz v3,: cond_1

Iget-Object V3, P0, LCom / Android / Incallui / IncallPresenter; ->mCallList: Lcom / android / incallui / CallList;

Invoke-Virtual {V3}, LCom / Android / Incallui / CallList; ->getIncomingCall () Lcom / android / incallui / Call;

move-result-object v3

if-eqz v3,: cond_1

Invoke-Virtual {V3}, LCom / Android / Incallui / Call; ->getNumberPresentation () I

move-result v4

const / 4 v5, 0x2

if-eq v4, v5,: cond_0

const / 4 v5, 0x3

if-eq v4, v5,: cond_0

const / 4 v5, 0x4

IF-NE V4, V5,: COND_1

: cond_0
const / 4 v4, 0x0

Invoke-Static {V3, V4}, LCom / Android / Incallui / Util / Incallutils; ->SendNotificationToSmartDeviceAgent (LCom / Android / Incallui / Call; LCom / Android / Incallui / ContactinFocache $ ContactCachentry;) V

: cond_1
if-eqz v0,: cond_5

iget-object v0, p0, Lcom / android / incallui / InCallPresenter; ->McAllPopupService: LCom / Android / Incallui / Service / SeccallPopupService;

if-nez v0,: cond_5

iget-object v0, p0, Lcom / android / incallui / InCallPresenter; ->mProximitySensor: Lcom / android / incallui / ProximitySensor;

INVOKE-VIRTUAL {V0}, LCom / Android / Incallui / ProximitySensor; ->isScreenReallyOff () Z

move-result v0

if-eqz v0,: cond_3

invoke-virtual {p0}, Lcom / android / incallui / InCallPresenter; ->isActivityStarted () Z

move-result v0

if-eqz v0,: cond_3

Invoke-Static {}, LCom / Android / Incallui / Accessory / AccessoryEventHandler; ->GetInstance () LCom / Android / Incallui / Accessory / AccessoryEventHandler;

move-result-object v0

Invoke-Virtual {V0}, LCom / Android / Incallui / Accessory / AccessoryEventhandler; ->isCoverClosed () Z

move-result v0

if-nez v0,: cond_3

iget-object v0, p0, Lcom / android / incallui / InCallPresenter; ->MRECORDERMGR: LCom / Android / Incallui / PhonevoicErecorder / PhonevoicEreCorDerManager;

if-eqz v0,: cond_3

iget-object v0, p0, Lcom / android / incallui / InCallPresenter; ->MRECORDERMGR: LCom / Android / Incallui / PhonevoicErecorder / PhonevoicEreCorDerManager;

Invoke-Virtual {V0}, LCom / Android / Incallui / PhonevoicErecorder / PhoneVoICERCORDERMANARER; ->isRecording () Z

move-result v0

if-nez v0,: cond_3

Const-String V0, "Restarting IncallComponent to Turn Screen On for Call Waiting"

invoke-static {p0, v0}, Lcom / android / incallui / Log; ->i (Ljava / lang / Object; Ljava / lang / String;) V

iget-object v0, p0, Lcom / android / incallui / InCallPresenter; ->mInCallActivity: Lcom / android / incallui / InCallActivity;

Invoke-Virtual {V0}, LCom / Android / Incallui / Incallantivity; ->finish () V

: goto_1
return v2

: cond_2
move v0, v2

goto: goto_0

: cond_3
INVOKE-VIRTUAL {P0, V2, V2}, LCom / Android / Incallui / IncallPresenter; ->showInCall (ZZ) V

: cond_4
: goto_2
Const-String V0, "Perf - Startui End"

Invoke-Static {P0, V0, V1}, LCom / Android / Incallui / Log; ->I (Ljava / Lang / Object; Ljava / Lang / String; z) v

move v2, v1

goto: goto_1

: cond_5
iget-object v0, p0, Lcom / android / incallui / InCallPresenter; ->mStatusBarNotifier: Lcom / android / incallui / StatusBarNotifier;

iget-object v2, p0, Lcom / android / incallui / InCallPresenter; ->mCallList: Lcom / android / incallui / CallList;

INVOKE-VIRTUAL {V0, P1, V2}, LCom / Android / Incallui / Statusbarnotifier; ->UpdateNotificationAndlaunchincomingCallui (LCom / Android / Incallui / IncallPresenter $ IncallState; LCom / Android / Incallui / CallList;) Z

move-result v0

if-nez v0,: cond_4

iget-object v0, p0, Lcom / android / incallui / InCallPresenter; ->mStatusBarNotifier: Lcom / android / incallui / StatusBarNotifier;

iget-object v2, p0, Lcom / android / incallui / InCallPresenter; ->mCallList: Lcom / android / incallui / CallList;

INVOKE-VIRTUAL {V0, P1, V2}, LCom / Android / Incallui / Statusbarnotifier; ->UpdateNotification (LCom / Android / Incallui / IncallPresenter $ IncallState; LCom / Android / Incallui / CallList;) Z

goto: goto_2
.end method

Post has been editedmpal - 08.08.18, 19:02

Rep: (1064)
* mpal , it is the same?

Attached images
Attached Image

Rep: (3339)
* salimskiy,
Yes, but this switch does not work for me and not only me

Rep: (1064)
* mpal I understand it. I work normally on the A8 +.

Rep: (6200)
Small supplement K. Displays current calls in a pop-up window (pop-up banner) on top of other open applications with a choice in settings.
Who does not work the switch in the call call settings in the pop-up window - remove the switch in the call settings (telephone settings):
1. We disassembleTeleService.apk
2. InTeleService / RES / XML / sec_call_feature_setting.xml We remove the string:
<SwitchPreference Android: title = "@ string / callsetting_call_pop_up_title" Android: Key = "Button_call_popup_key" Android: Summary = "@ String / CallSettings_call_pop_up_summary" />
3. Collect and installTeleService.apk
Screenshots before and after
Attached Image
Attached Image

Post has been editedWlryss - 07.08.18, 13:15

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