VERTEX Impress Genius - Firmware

Rep: (957)
VERTEX Impress Genius - Firmware
PictureVertex Impress Genius
Firmware пїЅ

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LiteFirmware for Flash Tool with cut-out system trash Please all who have seen Lite firmware unsubscribe to QMS on the results of work

Update Instructions with SDCard
Who has HW1.R1.V03 you can flash on the HW1.R2.V09 on the applications of users in the firmware HW1.R1.V03 have viruses
IMEI Recovery
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Build.prop from HW1.R2.V09.
Import /System/vendor/etc/Freeme/Freeme_Build.prop. = f5c81we1.sgdz3.vertex.4g.n.hb.h.gasag1l1n1g9la.0908.v3.04
Ro.Build.Freeme.Hardware = F5C81_SGDZ3
Ro.Build.Freeme.Version = 7.0
Ro.Build.Freemeos.Label = Freemeos.
Ro.Build.Freeme.Channel = DRIPCB.
Ro.Build.Freeme.customer = SGDZ.
Ro.Build.Freeme.customer.Branch = 1.
persist.sys.timezone = Europe / Moscow = impress_genius = impress_genius = impress_genius
Ro.Sys.license = 8750357129A87008E4C9823D83B88E7C.
Ro.Build.Version.Freemeos = 7.0
Ro.Build.Freemeos_Label = Freemeos.
Ro.Build.Freemeos_channel_no = DRIPCB.
Ro.Build.Freemeos_customer_no = SGDZ. = 1
# begin build properties
# autogenerated by = NRD90M = HW1.R2.V09.
Ro.Build.Version.Incremental = 1504867834. = 24 = 0 = REL = REL = 7.0
Ro.Build.Version.Security_patch = 2017-09-05 =
room = 1504867833. = user
Ro.Build.user = Server = Droi. = release-keys
Ro.Build.flavor = Full_f5c81w_sgdz3_VERTEX-User
Ro.Product.Model = impress_genius
ro.product.brand = Vertex = impress_genius
Ro.Product.Device = impress_genius
Ro.Product.Board = impress_genius
# ro.product.cpu.abi and ro.product.cpu.abi2 are obsolete,
# use ro.product.cpu.abilist instead.
ro.product.cpu.abi = armeabi-v7a
ro.product.cpu.abi2 = armeabi
ro.product.cpu.abilist = armeabi-v7a, armeabi
ro.product.cpu.abilist32 = armeabi-v7a, armeabi
ro.product.cpu.abilist64 =
ro.product.manufacturer = Vertex
ro.product.locale = en-RU
ro.wifi.channels =
ro.board.platform = mt6737m
# is obsolete; use ro.product.device
Ro.Build.Product = impress_genius
# Do not try to parse description, fingerprint, or thumbprint
ro.Build.Description = Full_f5c81w_sgdz3_VERTEX-User 7.0 NRD90M 1504867834 Release-Keys
Ro.Build.fingerPrint = Vertex / Impress_genius / Impress_genius: 7.0 / NRD90M / 1504867834: User / Release-Keys = default
# end build properties
# system.prop for generic sdk

rild.libpath =
rild.libargs = -d / dev / ttyC0

# MTK, Infinity, 20090720 {
wifi.interface = wlan0
# MTK, Infinity, 20090720}

# MTK, mtk03034, 20101210 {
ro.mediatek.wlan.wsc = 1
# MTK, mtk03034 20101210}
# MTK, mtk03034, 20110318 {
ro.mediatek.wlan.p2p = 1
# MTK, mtk03034 20110318}

# MTK, mtk03034, 20101213 {
mediatek.wlan.ctia = 0
# MTK, mtk03034 20101213}

wifi.tethering.interface = ap0

ro.opengles.version = 196609
# ro.kernel.qemu = 1
# ro.kernel.qemu.gles = 0 = p2p0
# dalvik.vm.heapgrowthlimit = 128m
# dalvik.vm.heapsize = 256m

ro.sys.usb.mtp.whql.enable = 0

# Power off opt in IPO
sys.ipo.pwrdncap = 2 = mtp

# USB BICR function
ro.sys.usb.bicr = no

# USB Charge only function
ro.sys.usb.charging.only = yes

# audio = 0 = 0

ro.zygote.preload.enable = 0

ro.kernel.zio = 38,108,105,16
# ro.kernel.qemu = 1
# ro.kernel.qemu.gles = 0
# ro.boot.selinux = disable

# performance
ro.mtk_perf_simple_start_win = 1
ro.mtk_perf_fast_start_win = 1
ro.mtk_perf_response_time = 1

# Freeme.xupeng, 20170505. Change Dex2oat Filter to Interpret Only for Poor Emmc
dalvik.vm.dex2oat-filter = interpret-only
ro.product.first_api_level = 24
ro.config.ringtone = Ring_Synth_04.ogg
ro.config.notification_sound = pixiedust.ogg
ro.carrier = unknown
ro.config.alarm_alert = Alarm_Classic.ogg
ro.mediatek.chip_ver = S01
ro.mediatek.platform = MT6737M
ro.telephony.sim.count = 2 = 0
ril.specific.sm_cause = 0
bgw.current3gband = 0 = 0
ro.sf.hwrotation = 0 = 150 = 50 = 150 = 50
drm.service.enabled = true
fmradio.driver.enable = 1 = 1
ril.flightmode.poweroffMD = 1
ril.telephony.mode = 0
dalvik.vm.mtk-stack-trace-file = / data / anr / mtk_traces.txt
mediatek.wlan.chip = CONSYS_MT6735
mediatek.wlan.module.postfix = _consys_mt6735
ril.radiooff.poweroffMD = 0
ro.frp.pst = / dev / block / platform / mtk-msdc.0 / 11230000.msdc0 / by-name / frp
ro.mtk_protocol1_rat_config = Lf / Lt / W / G
ro.mediatek.version.branch = alps-mp-n0.mp1
ro.mediatek.version.release = Alps-MP-N0.mp1-v1.0.2_droi6737m.35g.n_p2
ro.mediatek.version.sdk = 4
ro.num_md_protocol = 2 = dsds
ro.mtk_besloudness_support = 1
ro.mtk_wapi_support = 1
ro.mtk_bt_support = 1
ro.mtk_wappush_support = 1
ro.mtk_agps_app = 1
ro.mtk_audio_tuning_tool_ver = V1
ro.mtk_wlan_support = 1
ro.mtk_gps_support = 1
ro.mtk_omacp_support = 1
ro.mtk_search_db_support = 1
ro.mtk_dialer_search_support = 1
ro.mtk_dhcpv6c_wifi = 1
ro.have_aacencode_feature = 1
ro.mtk_fd_support = 1
ro.mtk_oma_drm_support = 1
ro.mtk_cta_drm_support = 1
ro.mtk_widevine_drm_l3_support = 1
ro.mtk_eap_sim_aka = 1
ro.mtk_fm_recording_support = 1
ro.mtk_send_rr_support = 1
ro.mtk_emmc_support = 1
ro.mtk_tetheringipv6_support = 1
ro.telephony.default_network = 9.9
ro.mtk_shared_sdcard = 1
ro.mtk_enable_md1 = 1
ro.mtk_afw_support = 1
ro.mtk_flight_mode_power_off_md = 1
ro.mtk_pq_support = 2
ro.mtk_pq_color_mode = 1
ro.mtk_miravision_support = 1
ro.mtk_wifi_mcc_support = 1
ro.mtk_sim_hot_swap = 1
ro.mtk_bip_scws = 1
ro.mtk_gmo_ram_optimize = 1
ro.mtk_gmo_rom_optimize = 1
ro.mtk_world_phone_policy = 0
ro.mtk_perfservice_support = 1
ro.mtk_cta_set = 1
ro.mtk_cam_mfb_support = 0
ro.mtk_lte_support = 1
ro.mtk_cam_cfb = 1
ro.sim_refresh_reset_by_modem = 1
ro.mtk_external_sim_only_slots = 0
ro.mtk_bg_power_saving_support = 1
ro.mtk_bg_power_saving_ui = 1
ro.have_aee_feature = 1
ro.sim_me_lock_mode = 0
ro.mtk_dual_mic_support = 0
ro.mtk_is_tablet = 0
persist.mtk_ims_support = 1
ro.mtk_multiple_ims_support = 1
persist.mtk_volte_support = 1
persist.mtk.volte.enable = 1
persist.mtk_vilte_support = 1
ro.mtk_vilte_ut_support = 0
wfd.dummy.enable = 1
wfd.iframesize.level = 0
ro.mediatek.project.path = Device / Droi / F5C81W_SGDZ3_VERTEX
persist.mtk.wcn.combo.chipid = -1
persist.mtk.wcn.patch.version = -1
persist.mtk.wcn.dynamic.dump = 0
service.wcn.driver.ready = no
service.wcn.coredump.mode = 0
persist.mtk.connsys.poweron.ctl = 0 = true = 0.0
persist.meta.dumpdata = 0
dalvik.vm.heapgrowthlimit = 128m
dalvik.vm.heapsize = 256m = 1
persist.mtk_dynamic_ims_switch = 0
ro.mtk_modem_monitor_support = 1 = G
ro.boot.opt_c2k_lte_mode = 0
ro.boot.opt_md1_support = 5
ro.boot.opt_lte_support = 1
persist.log.tag.AT = I
persist.log.tag.RILMUXD = I
persist.log.tag.RILC-MTK = I
persist.log.tag.RILC = I
persist.log.tag.RfxMainThread = I
persist.log.tag.RfxRoot = I
persist.log.tag.RfxRilAdapter = I
persist.log.tag.RfxController = I
persist.log.tag.RILC-RP = I
persist.log.tag.RIL-DATA = I
ro.boot.opt_using_default = 1
mtk.vdec.waitkeyframeforplay = 1
ro.sys.sdcardfs = 1 = 1
persist.datashaping.alarmgroup = 1 = 1
persist.runningbooster.upgrade = 1 = 1
ro.mtk_aws_support = 1 = 500000000
ro.Freeme.shut_anim_support = 1.
ro.config.wallpaper = / System / Vendor / Media / Wallpaper / Default_wallpaper.jpg
ro.config.lock_wallpaper = / System / Vendor / Media / Wallpaper / Default_lock_wallpaper.jpg
ro.setupwizard.mode = OPTIONAL = 7.0_r8 = Android-Vexmobile = Android-vexmobile = Android-vexmobile = Android-Vexmobile = Android-vexmobile
qemu.hw.mainkeys = 0
Ro.Freeme.Dual_Serial = 1.
Ro.Freeme.alter.Product_Model = 1.
Ro.Freeme.fake_Rom_ram = 1.
Ro.Freeme.ss_troi = 1.
Ro.Freeme.ss_Applist = 1.
Ro.Freeme.ss_hide = 1.
Ro.Freeme.ss_Float = 1.
persist.sys.dalvik.vm.lib.2 =
dalvik.vm.isa.arm.variant = cortex-a53
dalvik.vm.isa.arm.features = default = Android
dalvik.vm.stack-trace-file = / data / anr / traces.txt

# begin ROCK GOTA properties
ro.rock.gota.brand = vertex
Ro.Rock.gota.Model = impress_genius
Ro.rock.gota.version = HW1.R2.V09 = true
ro.rock.gota.uaver = 3.1.4
# end ROCK GOTA properties
ro.expect.recovery_id = 0xF45CE74B3E3649CEA29D9CA2E2FCE2040AA411B100000000000000.

Mirror on the whole hat

There is no curator in the subject. For filling caps, please contactmoderatorssection through a buttonPictureunder the messages to which you want to add links.

Post has been editedotido2010 - 15.04.18, 13:47
Reason for editing: Deleting Google Account

Rep: (2)
Brought a phone with a seamless IMEI. Tell me how to restore?

Rep: (957)
* barrakuda86,
Try to flash in Firmware Upgrate or Standard IMEI Restore Instructions for MTK
just if there is a root can use the programВ®Chamelephon

Rep: (2)
OK I'll try. Tell me how you can get root on this phone? I tried, nothing happened.

Post has been editedbarrakuda86 - 02.11.17, 17:20

Rep: (2)
Lite firmware from the cap is not loaded. The usual flashed via FT - loaded

Rep: (0)
Guys, upgraded to 7 android, games do not go almost no, there were no such thing. Maybe there is someone who will be optimized here, I would have done everything myself and shared.

Rep: (957)
* barrakuda86,
what exactly did not but as I stitched
If in the download mode, it is not correctly needed in Firmware Upgrate

Rep: (2)
* otido2010 Frewged through Firmware Upgrate. Help please with root, or with IMEI, if there is a solution.

Rep: (957)
* barrakuda86,
no on the hand of the phone
POII IN Google Restoration IMEI MTK
If you find a solution to write here the instructions

Rep: (2)
I managed to recover IMEI surely following this instruction.

Maui Meta 3G - recovery and backup software Fly cell phones, Explay, Philips and others based on MTK.
1. Run the program.
2. you press Options, you install a tick on the Connect Smart Phone into META mode.
3. The phone is charged for at least 50% but not included ...
4. Install the driver.
5. harvest Reconnect.
6. Cut out the phone connects to a computer, and wait for the computer must determine the phone ... (if the first attempt does not work, unplug the phone and close the program and remove the battery for 5 seconds and repeat knit. Typically, the second time the program immediately determines the phone)
7. The program selects Imei download.
8. In the window that appears, click Change nvram database file and select the file in the folder with the official firmware that starts like this (BPLGUinfoCustom) and press okay.
9. In the window you will see three tabs (sim1 sim2 sim3) for each SIM you enter imei without last digit (it is added automatically)
10. Once shalt bring imei for all sim harvest download to flash.
11. Closes the window and you press Discinnect.
12. The phone will restart after which you enter * # 06 # and you will see that all three imei in place.

Rep: (1889)
We move to subsection:Other brands
A fruitful discussion.

Rep: (2)
How can I try to get the root while the phone is on your hands? Kingroot, Vroot, Kingoroot, Rootgenius do not work. And PC and for phone version.

Rep: (957)
* barrakuda86,
Try to flash SU from under the recovery
for recovery I do not know how long workers
Attached filerecovery.img(11.2 MB)

Rep: (0)
Has anyone solved the problem with IMEI or ROOT?

Rep: (957)
* Mailzona,
and what about the cap did not help?

Rep: (0)
* otido2010 , There is no help

Posted 11.11.2017, 13:38:

* otido2010 , I suffer the second day.

Rep: (0)
* Mailzona. ,
The factory firmware was a virus.
When firmware Live version hung on the download and all
I stitched simple
No problem but the problem with IMEI

Rep: (957)
* Mailzona,
Lite need to flash in Firmware Upgrate modes
what exactly does not work

Rep: (0)
* otido2010 ,
So stitched.
But after the firmware, the download of the initial screen bodies does not move

Posted 11.11.2017, 16:26:

* otido2010 ,
And now I do not have imei and I can not restore

Rep: (22)
* otido2010 For some reason, I have a 98% firmware on the factory firmware, 4008 errors pops up. Light is stitched, but hanging on the screensaver

Rep: (957)
* sergei-dv77,
And on Lite I tried to make a reset
Hard Reset?

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