Assembly instructions for Sailfish OS for your Android phone in Russian | Assembly instructions for Sailfish OS for your Android phone in Russian

Rep: (4)
I ran into this:
build / core / 243: *** _nic.PRODUCTS. [[device / xiaomi / whyred /]]: "vendor / xiaomi / whyred /" does not exist. Stop
build / core / 243: *** _nic.PRODUCTS. [[device / xiaomi / whyred /]]: "vendor / xiaomi / whyred /" does not exist. Stop

** Don't have a product spec for: 'lineage_whyred'
** Do you have the right repo manifest?

Before that, in the manifest, instead of revision = "stable / lineage-15.1", I entered revision = "lineage-15.1", otherwise the turnip did not synchronize. LineageOS on the phone was official, but abandoned, if that.

Rep: (4)
* Lin * User , Oh, and I'm not the only one digging around with this device :) Have you tried to go beyond the kernel configuration? What was prescribed in .repo / local-manifests / whyred.xml?

Posted on 03/09/2019, 06:01:

Could my errors be related to separate vendor and system on this device?

Rep: (4)
Understood, this is a lack of blobs from the manufacturer. I'll try to throw

Rep: (20)
Karataev-2011 @ 03/08/19, 18:36*
And under 16.0 there is no hybris at all

I think it will help you
Well, in the instructions I added about 8 android

Posted on 03/11/2019, 13:46:

Procles @ 03/09/19, 09:14*
Understood, this is a lack of blobs from the manufacturer. I'll try to throw

Rep: (44)
* neochapay Hi, I'm trying to do according to your instructions, but even at the time of preparation there were difficulties). SUDO does not work in chroot MerSDK, and I do not know how to fix it.
sudo mkdir -p $ UBUNTU_CHROOT
sudo: effective uid is not 0, is / usr / bin / sudo on a file system with the 'nosuid' option set or an NFS file system without root privileges?

UPD: the cant was that I put on / mnt / secondpart, and he was with 'nosuid', in fstab changed to suid, rebooted the computer and it worked! :)

Post has been editedPepel_nrg - 28.04.19, 16:37

Rep: (2)
Share your advice on iron. What iron is better to take under Sailfish OS? MTS iron (Smart Light) will do? I conditionally wrote off his Android.

Rep: (44)
Do you need to download the sources from hybis? Or can I take a custom lineageOS and initialize its repository?

Rep: (1329)
* Pepel_nrg,
You can also lineage, only drag and drop all commits with hybris, so yes, be sure :-D

Rep: (44)
Then tell me where to find hybris for xiaomi mi4c (libra). It is better that the android is not lower than 7.1 (now it costs Los 15.1, if the version is greatly downgraded, you need to change the bootloader, and this is problematic).

UPD: Another such question, the manifest in the manifest_local, is created with the name "roomservice.xml" instead of "libra.xml", and refers to LineageOS / android_device_xiaomi_libra although I asked CyanogenMod when creating

breakfast $ DEVICE
including vendor / lineage /
build / core / 243: *** _nic.PRODUCTS. [[device / xiaomi / libra /]]: "vendor / xiaomi / libra /" does not exist. Stop
Device libra not found. Attempting to retrieve device repository from LineageOS Github (
Found repository: android_device_xiaomi_libra
Default revision: cm-13.0
Checking branch info
Checking if device / xiaomi / libra is fetched from android_device_xiaomi_libra
Adding dependency: LineageOS / android_device_xiaomi_libra ->device / xiaomi / libra
Using default branch for android_device_xiaomi_libra
Syncing repository to retrieve project.
fatal: duplicate path device / xiaomi / libra in /mnt/secondpart/mer/android/droid/.repo/manifest.xml
Repository synced!
Looking for dependencies in device / xiaomi / libra
Adding dependencies to manifest
Checking if kernel / xiaomi / msm8992 is fetched from android_kernel_xiaomi_msm8992
Adding dependency: LineageOS / android_kernel_xiaomi_msm8992 ->kernel / xiaomi / msm8992
Using default branch for android_kernel_xiaomi_msm8992
Syncing dependencies
fatal: duplicate path device / xiaomi / libra in /mnt/secondpart/mer/android/droid/.repo/manifest.xml
Looking for dependencies in kernel / xiaomi / msm8992
kernel / xiaomi / msm8992 has no additional dependencies.
build / core / 243: *** _nic.PRODUCTS. [[device / xiaomi / libra /]]: "vendor / xiaomi / libra /" does not exist. Stop
build / core / 243: *** _nic.PRODUCTS. [[device / xiaomi / libra /]]: "vendor / xiaomi / libra /" does not exist. Stop

** Don't have a product spec for: 'lineage_libra'
** Do you have the right repo manifest?

Post has been editedPepel_nrg - 29.04.19, 17:03

Rep: (20)
Pepel_nrg @ 04/29/19, 09:24*
Then tell me where to find hybris for xiaomi mi4c (libra). It is better that the android is not lower than 7.1 (now it costs Los 15.1, if the version is greatly downgraded, you need to change the bootloader, and this is problematic). is for you

Rep: (44)

Thank you, I already found this, synchronize and get an error. Maybe the fact is that the brunch for "android_kernel_xiaomi_msm8992" is called "staging / lineage-15.1" and not just "lineage-15.1" as in the rest?
* [new tag] android-wear-9.0.0_r2 ->android-wear-9.0.0_r2
* [new tag] android-wear-9.0.0_r3 ->android-wear-9.0.0_r3
* [new tag] android-wear-n-preview-1 ->android-wear-n-preview-1
* [new tag] android-wear-n-preview-2 ->android-wear-n-preview-2
* [new tag] android-wear-o-preview-3 ->android-wear-o-preview-3
* [new tag] android-wear-o-preview-4 ->android-wear-o-preview-4
* [new tag] android-wear-p-preview-2 ->android-wear-p-preview-2
error: Cannot fetch LineageOS / android_kernel_xiaomi_msm8992 from git: //
warn: --force-broken, sync
remote: Total 127396 (delta 1122), reused 1106 (delta 1106), pack-reused 126241
Receiving objects: 100% (127396/127396), 331.69 MiB | 5.69 MiB / s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (77578/77578), done.
From git: //
* [new branch] lineage-15.1 ->github / lineage-15.1
* [new tag] cm-10.1-M1 ->cm-10.1-M1
* [new tag] cm-10.1-M2 ->cm-10.1-M2
* [new tag] cm-10.1-M3 ->cm-10.1-M3
* [new tag] cm-10.1.0 ->cm-10.1.0
* [new tag] cm-10.1.0-RC1 ->cm-10.1.0-RC1
* [new tag] cm-10.1.0-RC2 ->cm-10.1.0-RC2
* [new tag] cm-10.1.0-RC3 ->cm-10.1.0-RC3
* [new tag] cm-10.1.0-RC4 ->cm-10.1.0-RC4
* [new tag] cm-10.1.0-RC5 ->cm-10.1.0-RC5
* [new tag] cm-10.1.1 ->cm-10.1.1
* [new tag] cm-10.1.2 ->cm-10.1.2
* [new tag] cm-10.1.3 ->cm-10.1.3
* [new tag] cm-10.1.3-RC1 ->cm-10.1.3-RC1
* [new tag] cm-10.1.3-RC2 ->cm-10.1.3-RC2
* [new tag] cm-10.2-M1 ->cm-10.2-M1
* [new tag] cm-10.2.0 ->cm-10.2.0
* [new tag] cm-10.2.1 ->cm-10.2.1
* [new tag] cm-11.0-XNPH05Q-bacon-5229c4ef56 ->cm-11.0-XNPH05Q-bacon-5229c4ef56
* [new tag] cm-11.0-XNPH05Q-tomato-9828f8e9cc ->cm-11.0-XNPH05Q-tomato-9828f8e9cc
* [new tag] cm-11.0-XNPH22R-bacon-03d77315ea ->cm-11.0-XNPH22R-bacon-03d77315ea
* [new tag] cm-11.0-XNPH25R-bacon-d22b777afa ->cm-11.0-XNPH25R-bacon-d22b777afa
* [new tag] cm-11.0-XNPH30O-bacon-4f280f505a ->cm-11.0-XNPH30O-bacon-4f280f505a
* [new tag] cm-11.0-XNPH33R-bacon-3628510d76 ->cm-11.0-XNPH33R-bacon-3628510d76
* [new tag] cm-11.0-XNPH44S-bacon-5fa8c79c0b ->cm-11.0-XNPH44S-bacon-5fa8c79c0b
* [new tag] cm-7.0.0 ->cm-7.0.0
* [new tag] cm-7.0.1 ->cm-7.0.1
* [new tag] cm- ->cm-
* [new tag] cm-7.0.3 ->cm-7.0.3
* [new tag] cm-7.1.0 ->cm-7.1.0
Fetching projects: 100% (331/331)
Fetching projects: 100% (331/331), done.
Shared project LineageOS / android_hardware_qcom_audio found, disabling pruning.
Shared project LineageOS / android_hardware_qcom_audio found, disabling pruning.
Shared project LineageOS / android_hardware_qcom_audio found, disabling pruning.
Shared project LineageOS / android_hardware_qcom_audio found, disabling pruning.
Shared project LineageOS / android_hardware_qcom_audio found, disabling pruning.
Shared project LineageOS / android_hardware_qcom_audio found, disabling pruning.
Shared project LineageOS / android_hardware_qcom_audio found, disabling pruning.
Shared project LineageOS / android_hardware_qcom_audio found, disabling pruning.
Shared project LineageOS / android_hardware_qcom_audio found, disabling pruning.
Shared project LineageOS / android_hardware_qcom_audio found, disabling pruning.
Shared project LineageOS / android_hardware_qcom_bt found, disabling pruning.
Shared project LineageOS / android_hardware_qcom_bt found, disabling pruning.
Shared project LineageOS / android_hardware_qcom_display found, disabling pruning.
Shared project LineageOS / android_hardware_qcom_display found, disabling pruning.
Shared project LineageOS / android_hardware_qcom_display found, disabling pruning.
Shared project LineageOS / android_hardware_qcom_display found, disabling pruning.
Shared project LineageOS / android_hardware_qcom_display found, disabling pruning.
Shared project LineageOS / android_hardware_qcom_display found, disabling pruning.
Shared project LineageOS / android_hardware_qcom_display found, disabling pruning.
Shared project LineageOS / android_hardware_qcom_display found, disabling pruning.
Shared project LineageOS / android_hardware_qcom_display found, disabling pruning.
Shared project LineageOS / android_hardware_qcom_display found, disabling pruning.
Shared project LineageOS / android_hardware_qcom_media found, disabling pruning.
Shared project LineageOS / android_hardware_qcom_media found, disabling pruning.
Shared project LineageOS / android_hardware_qcom_media found, disabling pruning.
Shared project LineageOS / android_hardware_qcom_media found, disabling pruning.
Shared project LineageOS / android_hardware_qcom_media found, disabling pruning.
Shared project LineageOS / android_hardware_qcom_media found, disabling pruning.
Shared project LineageOS / android_hardware_qcom_media found, disabling pruning.
Shared project LineageOS / android_hardware_qcom_media found, disabling pruning.
Shared project LineageOS / android_hardware_qcom_media found, disabling pruning.
Shared project LineageOS / android_hardware_qcom_media found, disabling pruning.
Shared project LineageOS / android_hardware_qcom_wlan found, disabling pruning.
Shared project LineageOS / android_hardware_qcom_wlan found, disabling pruning.
Shared project LineageOS / android_hardware_ril found, disabling pruning.
Shared project LineageOS / android_hardware_ril found, disabling pruning.
error: in `sync --fetch-submodules -f`: revision refs / heads / lineage-15.1 in LineageOS / android_kernel_xiaomi_msm8992 not found

Rep: (20)
Pepel_nrg @ 04/30/19, 02:57*
is called "staging / lineage-15.1" and not just "lineage-15.1" as in the rest?


Rep: (1329)
* Pepel_nrg,
Well, write it as it should in local_manifests, I advise you to start with 14.1 to start, it's easier with it

Rep: (44)
* neochapay now swears at the ninja
make -j4 hybris-hal | more
TARGET_PRODUCT = lineage_libra
TARGET_2ND_ARCH_VARIANT = armv7-a-neon
TARGET_2ND_CPU_VARIANT = cortex-a53.a57
HOST_ARCH = x86_64
HOST_OS = linux
HOST_OS_EXTRA = Linux-4.15.0-48-generic-x86_64-with-Ubuntu-14.04-trusty
HOST_CROSS_OS = windows
BUILD_ID = OPM7.181205.001
OUT_DIR = / mnt / secondpart / mer / android / droid / out
ninja: no work to do.
[1/2] soong_build docs /mnt/secondpart/mer/android/droid/out/soong/.bootstrap/docs/soong_build.html
FAILED: /mnt/secondpart/mer/android/droid/out/soong/.bootstrap/docs/soong_build.html
/mnt/secondpart/mer/android/droid/out/soong/.bootstrap/bin/soong_build -t -b / mnt / secondpart / mer / and
roid / droid / out / soong --docs /mnt/secondpart/mer/android/droid/out/soong/.bootstrap/docs/soong_build.html ./Android.bp
error: frameworks / native / libs / math / tests / Android.bp: 31: 1: "half_test" depends on undefined module "libc"
error: frameworks / native / libs / math / tests / Android.bp: 31: 1: "half_test" depends on undefined module "libm"
error: frameworks / native / libs / math / tests / Android.bp: 31: 1: "half_test" depends on undefined module "libdl"
error: frameworks / native / libs / math / tests / Android.bp: 31: 1: "half_test" depends on undefined module "crtbegin_dynamic"
error: frameworks / native / libs / math / tests / Android.bp: 31: 1: "half_test" depends on undefined module "crtend_android"

"/android/droid/out/soong/" - this file is not in the directory at all. where to get, xs

UPD: as I understand it, he swears at any. I did everything according to the instructions, if these should stand, several times set, xs what is the problem
UPD2: the problem was that everything worked on disk 2, which second-party, deleted everything and did as in the instructions on / home. now the build problems started :)

make -j8 hybris-hal
TARGET_PRODUCT = lineage_libra
TARGET_2ND_ARCH_VARIANT = armv7-a-neon
TARGET_2ND_CPU_VARIANT = cortex-a53.a57
HOST_ARCH = x86_64
HOST_OS = linux
HOST_OS_EXTRA = Linux-4.15.0-48-generic-x86_64-with-Ubuntu-14.04-trusty
HOST_CROSS_OS = windows
BUILD_ID = OPM7.181205.001
OUT_DIR = / home / pepel / mer / android / droid / out
ninja: no work to do.
ninja: no work to do.
Environment variable BUILD_NUMBER was modified (6ebab093c9 =>aaa6fda2ad), regenerating ...
[267/555] including ./frameworks/rs/ ...
vendor / lineage / build / core / warning: RSUnbundledTests: Unknown installed file for module RSTestBackward
vendor / lineage / build / core / warning: RSUnbundledTests: Unknown installed file for module RSTest_Compat
vendor / lineage / build / core / warning: RSUnbundledTests19: Unknown installed file for module RSTestBackward19
vendor / lineage / build / core / warning: RSUnbundledTests19: Unknown installed file for module RSTest_Compat19
[400/555] including ./hardware/qcom/wlan/ ...
build / core / 47: warning: libwifi-hal-qcom uses kernel headers, but does not depend on them!
build / core / 47: warning: libwifi-hal-qcom uses kernel headers, but does not depend on them!
[403/555] including ./hybris/hybris-boot/ ...
perl: warning: Setting locale failed.
perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings:
LANGUAGE = (unset),
LC_ALL = (unset),
LC_CTYPE = "en_US.UTF-8",
LANG = (unset)
are supported and installed on your system.
perl: warning: Falling back to the standard locale ("C").
perl: warning: Setting locale failed.
perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings:
LANGUAGE = (unset),
LC_ALL = (unset),
LC_CTYPE = "en_US.UTF-8",
LANG = (unset)
are supported and installed on your system.
perl: warning: Falling back to the standard locale ("C").
./hybris/hybris-boot/ warning: ********************** / boot appears to live on / dev / block / bootdevice / by-name / boot
./hybris/hybris-boot/ warning: ********************** / data appears to live on / dev / block / bootdevice / by-name / userdata
[555/555] including ./vendor/xiaomi/whyred/ ...
PRODUCT_COPY_FILES device / xiaomi / libra / audio / audio_effects.conf: system / etc / audio_effects.conf ignored.
./frameworks/base/ warning: overriding commands for target `/index.html '
./frameworks/base/ warning: ignoring old commands for target `/index.html '
build / core / Makefile: 35: warning: overriding commands for target `/home/pepel/mer/android/droid/out/target/product/libra/system/lib/hw/ '
build / core / 391: warning: ignoring old commands for target `/home/pepel/mer/android/droid/out/target/product/libra/system/lib/hw/ '
build / core / Makefile: 35: warning: overriding commands for target `/home/pepel/mer/android/droid/out/target/product/libra/system/vendor/lib/hw/ '
build / core / 391: warning: ignoring old commands for target `/home/pepel/mer/android/droid/out/target/product/libra/system/vendor/lib/hw/ ''
build / core / Makefile: 35: warning: overriding commands for target `/home/pepel/mer/android/droid/out/target/product/libra/system/vendor/lib64/hw/ '
build / core / 391: warning: ignoring old commands for target `/home/pepel/mer/android/droid/out/target/product/libra/system/vendor/lib64/hw/ ''
[0% 2/14376] build / home / pepel / mer / android / droid / out / target / product / libra / obj / ROOT / hybris-recovery_intermediates / init
Fixing mount-points for device libra
[0% 3/14376] build / home / pepel / mer / android / droid / out / target / product / libra / obj / ROOT / hybris-boot_intermediates / init
Fixing mount-points for device libra
[0% 4/14376] Making initramfs: /home/pepel/mer/android/droid/out/target/product/libra/obj/ROOT/hybris-boot_intermediates/boot-initramfs.gz
2906 blocks
[0% 5/14376] Making initramfs: /home/pepel/mer/android/droid/out/target/product/libra/obj/ROOT/hybris-recovery_intermediates/recovery-initramfs.gz
2906 blocks
[0% 9/14376] Building Kernel Config
make: Entering directory `/ home / pepel / mer / android / droid / kernel / xiaomi / msm8992 '
GEN / home / pepel / mer / android / droid / out / target / product / libra / obj / KERNEL_OBJ / Makefile
warning: (SND_SOC_APQ8074 && SND_SOC_MSM8994) selects SND_SOC_MSM_HDMI_CODEC_RX which has unmet direct dependencies (SOUND &&! M68K &&! UML && SND && SND_SOC && FB_MSM_MDSS_HDMI_S_01_OC_OC_OC_OC_OC_OC_OC_OC_OC_OC_OCI_MSDOC_OC_OC_OC_OCI_MSDOC_OC_OC_OC_OC_OC_OC_OC_OC_OC_OC_OCI
warning: (SND_SOC_APQ8074 && SND_SOC_MSM8994) selects SND_SOC_MSM_HDMI_CODEC_RX which has unmet direct dependencies (SOUND &&! M68K &&! UML && SND && SND_SOC && FB_MSM_MDSS_HDMI_S_01_OC_OC_OC_OC_OC_OC_OC_OC_OC_OC_OCI_MSDOC_OC_OC_OC_OCI_MSDOC_OC_OC_OC_OC_OC_OC_OC_OC_OC_OC_OCI
# configuration written to .config
make: Leaving directory `/ home / pepel / mer / android / droid / kernel / xiaomi / msm8992 '
make: Entering directory `/ home / pepel / mer / android / droid / kernel / xiaomi / msm8992 '
GEN / home / pepel / mer / android / droid / out / target / product / libra / obj / KERNEL_OBJ / Makefile
scripts / kconfig / conf --savedefconfig = defconfig Kconfig
warning: (SND_SOC_APQ8074 && SND_SOC_MSM8994) selects SND_SOC_MSM_HDMI_CODEC_RX which has unmet direct dependencies (SOUND &&! M68K &&! UML && SND && SND_SOC && FB_MSM_MDSS_HDMI_S_01_OC_OC_OC_OC_OC_OC_OC_OC_OC_OC_OCI_MSDOC_OC_OC_OC_OCI_MSDOC_OC_OC_OC_OC_OC_OC_OC_OC_OC_OC_OCI
warning: (SND_SOC_APQ8074 && SND_SOC_MSM8994) selects SND_SOC_MSM_HDMI_CODEC_RX which has unmet direct dependencies (SOUND &&! M68K &&! UML && SND && SND_SOC && FB_MSM_MDSS_HDMI_S_01_OC_OC_OC_OC_OC_OC_OC_OC_OC_OC_OCI_MSDOC_OC_OC_OC_OCI_MSDOC_OC_OC_OC_OC_OC_OC_OC_OC_OC_OC_OCI
make: Leaving directory `/ home / pepel / mer / android / droid / kernel / xiaomi / msm8992 '
[0% 10/14376] Building Kernel
/ bin / bash -c "(rm -rf / home / pepel / mer / android / droid / out / target / product / libra / system / vendor / lib / modules) && (mkdir -p / home / pepel / mer / android / droid / out / target / product / libra / system / vendor / lib / modules) && (rm -rf / home / pepel / mer / android / droid / out / target / product / libra / obj / PACKAGING / depmod_vendor_intermediates) && (make -j8 CFLAGS_MODULE = \ "- fno-pic \" -C kernel / xiaomi / msm8992 O = / home / pepel / mer / android / droid / out / target / product / libra / obj / KERNEL_OBJ ARCH = arm64 CROSS_COMPILE = \ "/ home / pepel / mer / android / droid / prebuilts / misc / linux-x86 / ccache / ccache aarch64-linux-android- \" Image-dtb) && (if grep -q '^ CONFIG_OF = y' / home / pepel / mer / android / droid / out / target / product / libra / obj / KERNEL_OBJ / .config; then echo \ "Building DTBs \"; make -j8 CFLAGS_MODULE = \ "- fno-pic \" -C kernel / xiaomi / msm8992 O = / home / pepel / mer / android / droid / out / target / product / libra / obj / KERNEL_OBJ ARCH = arm64 CROSS_COMPILE = \ "/ home / pepel / mer / android / droid / prebuilts / misc / linux-x86 / ccache / ccache aarch64-linux-android- \ "dtbs; fi) && (if grep -q '^ CONFIG_MODULES = y' /home/pepel/mer/android/droid/out/target/product/libra/obj/KERNEL_OBJ/.config; then echo \ "Building Kernel Modules \"; make -j8 CFLAGS_MODULE = \ "- fno-pic \" -C kernel / xiaomi / msm8992 O = / home / pepel / mer / android / droid / out / target / product / libra / obj / KERNEL_OBJ ARCH = arm64 CROSS_COMPILE = \ "/ home / pepel / mer / android / droid / prebuilts / misc / linux-x86 / ccache / ccache aarch64-linux-android- \" modules; fi) "
make: Entering directory `/ home / pepel / mer / android / droid / kernel / xiaomi / msm8992 '
/ home / pepel / mer / android / droid / kernel / xiaomi / msm8992 / Makefile: 801: *** multiple target patterns. Stop
make: *** [sub-make] Error 2
make: Leaving directory `/ home / pepel / mer / android / droid / kernel / xiaomi / msm8992 '
[0% 17/14376] // external / protobuf: aprotoc clang ++ src / google / protobuf / [linux]
ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
14:11:58 ninja failed with: exit status 1

Post has been editedPepel_nrg - 02.05.19, 17:26

Rep: (22)
Hi guys.
There is such a body:
MTK 6580A
Stock Android 7.0
There are no sources at all.
There are no ported LOs and CM either.
If anyone is interested, the body is called Leagoo KIICAA Power.

Is it realistic to build SFOS 3 undersuch a craft of Chinese schoolchildrensuch a device, or is it easier to hammer on it?

Post has been editeddpinchyk951 - 02.05.19, 18:22

Rep: (1329)
* dpinchyk951,
There are no kernel sources.

Rep: (20)
Pepel_nrg @ 05/01/19, 21:08*
make: Entering directory `/ home / pepel / mer / android / droid / kernel / xiaomi / msm8992 '
/ home / pepel / mer / android / droid / kernel / xiaomi / msm8992 / Makefile: 801: *** multiple target patterns. Stop

You have 2 cores, he does not know what to collect.

Posted on 05/07/2019, 11:08:

Dpinchyk951 @ 05/02/19, 18:20*
easier to score on this?


Rep: (18)
The instructions say that you need a 64-bit Linux distribution. Can I put it on android?

Post has been editedLesha4554 - 07.05.19, 16:12

Rep: (44)
Neochapay @ 05/07/19, 15:08*
You have 2 cores, he does not know what to collect.

Thank you, just something I'm stupid after so many days of googling, how to fix it?

Rep: (20)
Lesha4554 @ 05/07/19, 16:09*
The instructions say that you need a 64-bit Linux distribution. Can I put it on android?

On whom?

Posted on 05/08/2019, 10:20:

Pepel_nrg @ 05/07/19, 17:22*
Thank you, just something I'm stupid after so many days of googling, how to fix it?

You have 2 cores. You need to leave only one.

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Now: 08/29/19, 19:13