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> Rollback with futurerestore (Odysseus) | For iPhone (4S, 5, 5C), iPod touch 5G, iPad (2, 3, 4), iPad mini 1
16.08.17, 13:32

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Group: Moderators
Messages 5632
Check in: 20.10.09
Apple iPhone 5

Reputation:-  1448  +

Rollback with futurerestore (Odysseus)
\ iPhone (4S, 5, 5C), iPod touch 5G, iPad (2, 3, 4), iPad mini 1 /

Attached Image

What is a rollback (downgrade)?
  • Rollback (downgrade) - install the old version of iOS, which is officially no longer relevant on the Apple server and is not signed by the SHSH certificate. Officially, you can only flash on the latest, current firmware.
  • For informativeness ->Wikipedia
You need to understand the following:
  • For rollback usingfuturerestoreneed a jailbreak.
  • For rollback usingfuturerestorepreviously saved SHSH required.
  • futurerestoresupports ->iPhone (4S, 5, 5C), iPod touch 5G, iPad (2, 3, 4), iPad mini 1
  • futurerestoresupports ->Linux and macOS, does not support Windows.
To roll back / restore iOS, we need:
  • macOS (10.10 Yosemite, 10.11 El Capitan, 10.12 Sierra).
  • Firmware for our device on which we roll back ->IOS firmware
  • Previously saved SHSH from the firmware on which we roll back.
  • futurerestorefor rollback.
  • kDFUApp from repository ->http://repo.tihmstar.net
For example, takefuturerestorefor macOS, iPhone 4S (A1387, A1431) (onboard iOS 9.3.5) with an identifier ->iPhone4,1 (n94ap) and SHSH ->******** 44587-iPhone4,1-7.1.2-11D257.shsh to roll back to iOS 7.1.2
Create a folder on your desktop ->Downgrade
From the archive ->futurerestoreportable ->futurerestore_macosin the folder on your desktop ->Downgrade
SHSH ->******** 44587-iPhone4,1-7.1.2-11D257.shshcopy to the folder on your desktop ->Downgrade
Firmware (iOS 7.1.2, to which we roll back) ->iPhone4,1_7.1.2_11D257_Restore.ipswcopy to the folder on your desktop ->Downgrade

In folder ->Downgrademust be3a file.
Attached Image
******** 44587-iPhone4,1-7.1.2-11D257.shsh ->certificate from the firmware for which we roll back / restore (iOS 7.1.2).
futurerestore_macos ->executable file futurerestore for macOS.
iPhone4,1_7.1.2_11D257_Restore.ipsw ->The firmware for which we roll back / restore (iOS 7.1.2).

For normal operationfuturerestoreadditional packages are needed, we open the terminal and enter commands.
Open a terminal and enter commands one by one
Attached Image
  1. xcode-select --install

  2. / usr / bin / ruby ​​-e "$ (curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"

  3. brew install automake autoconf libtool pkg-config libplist openssl libzip
    git clone https://github.com/tihmstar/libirecovery && cd ./libirecovery && bash autogen.sh && make install
    git clone https://github.com/tihmstar/libcrippy && cd ./libcrippy && bash autogen.sh && make install
    git clone https://github.com/tihmstar/libfragmentzip && cd ./libfragmentzip && bash autogen.sh && make install
    git clone https://github.com/tihmstar/libpartialzip && cd ./libpartialzip && bash autogen.sh && make install

  4. cd / usr / local
    sudo mkdir ssl
    sudo chmod 777 / usr / local / ssl
    git clone https://github.com/openssl/openssl.git
    cd openssl
    make install

  5. brew install curl

  6. ln -s /usr/local/opt/openssl/lib/libcrypto.1.0.0.dylib / usr / local / lib /
    ln -s /usr/local/opt/openssl/lib/libssl.1.0.0.dylib / usr / local / lib /
    ln -s /usr/local/Cellar/openssl/1.0.2j/bin/openssl openssl

After preparing the necessary files and system, go to the main, preparing the device for rollback / recovery.

1.Open Cydia on your device and add a repository ->http://repo.tihmstar.net
2.Install from repository ->kDFUApp.
3.We connect the device to the computer and runkDFUAppfrom the main screen.
Attached Image
4.Activate all switches so that they becomegreenatkDFUApp.
Attached ImageAttached Image
5.It does not matter which version is listed in the Bundle.
6.Pushenter kDFUThe device will go into DFU mode (black screen).
Attached ImageAttached Image
7.Open the terminal.
8.We entercd, press the spacebar and drag the folder to the terminal ->Downgrade
Attached Image

Attached Image
9.Hit Enter
Attached Image
10.To be sure that we are in the right folder, enterlsand hit enter
Attached Image

Attached Image
11.We enterchmod + x futurerestore_macosand hit enter
Attached Image

Attached Image
The next step will be final, after which the rollback / restore will begin. The core team looks like this:
./futurerestore_macos -t **. shsh --latest-baseband --use-pwndfu **. ipsw

Where**the names of the main files in the folder ->Downgrade
My team, with my data looks like this:
./futurerestore_macos -t ******** 44587-iPhone4,1-7.1.2-11D257.shsh --latest-baseband - use-pwndfu iPhone4,1_7.1.2_11D257_Restore.ipsw

If your device is without a SIM, the command will be
./futurerestore_macos -t **. shsh --no-baseband --use-pwndfu **. ipsw

Data example
./futurerestore_macos -t ******** 84401-iPad3,4-7.1.2-11D257.shsh --no-baseband --use-pwndfu iPad3,4_7.1.2_11D257_Restore.ipsw

12.We enter./futurerestore_macos -t ******** 44587-iPhone4,1-7.1.2-11D257.shsh --latest-baseband - use-pwndfu iPhone4,1_7.1.2_11D257_Restore.ipswand hit enter
Do not close the terminal window, do not disconnect the device from the Mac, check everything several times.
Attached Image
Attached Image
Attached Image
Attached Image
Done: restoring succeeded. Congratulations, after successful recovery, block iOS update ->How to disable automatic iOS update

Post has been editedT0ugh - 18.08.17, 12:25
14.11.17, 17:02

Group: Friendssavagemessiahzine.com
Messages 79
Check in: 01.04.08

Reputation:-  5  +

AirShark @ 11/14/17, 2:51 PM*
I changed the version in plist and update 8.4.1 itself began to swing and the norms were established

* AirShark,
I tried, I reset the settings after the rollback and the device is hellishly "buggy":
- jail on 8.4.1 is not set (or rather put but sidium does not work, writes errors)
- nothing is set up from the account in the appstore, says the appstore entry has never been used.

I think this is due to resetting the settings, i.e. With such a decrease in the firmware, the old garbage from the Jail remains, and resetting all problems leads to a rifle.
I wanted to cheat, changed the version to 6 and launched Cydia Eraser (Cydia Impactor), but this utility and version returned it back (((how can you get it to bypass the plist file and not return it? This would solve the problem.
And is it normal for you after a rollback through the replacement of the firmware version in the plist jail became? reset settings tried?

For a normal rollback, he has already prepared the virtual machine and corrected the files, but does not want to leave for kDFU, although it may leave, but the device does not see the tuna (((I don’t even know what else to try.
14.11.17, 18:48

Group: Friendssavagemessiahzine.com
Messages 293
Check in: 31.08.11
Xiaomi Redmi 5 Plus 3/32

Reputation:-  61  +

* mal__,And through plist I installed 8.4.1 and through this method, the device is still buggy on this version. It's easier to install 9.3.5 with jail and install the coolbooter and install the desired firmware from 6.0 to 7.1.2

Xiaomi Redmi 5 Plus 3/32 - Lenovo S930 - iPad mini 16Gb
Thank you so much -MrDi84- For sent motherboard for K900. The war ended matt. fee lost x_x
14.11.17, 19:03

Group: Friendssavagemessiahzine.com
Messages 79
Check in: 01.04.08

Reputation:-  5  +

* AirShark,
I did not find in the description of the coolbooter support for iPad mini, did you check? works?
And in fact, I really want a normal stable firmware to have the main one, even if the coolbooter works on a mini, and then the stub turns into a bucket with all these manipulations)))

If anyone had experience of a more stable transfer of a minicar to kDFU, tell me, can you have any thoughts? Maybe someone has access to the developer kDFUApp and you can ask him to add support for minikov? or know how to eliminate the restoration of the plist in Cydia Eraser (Cydia Impactor)?

At 9.3.5 I don’t want to sit at all, it really slows down the device, it’s very annoying that the pages on the websites regularly fall into error and try to restart cyclically, on 8.4.1 it was not so often, and the principle on 8.4.1 is working faster
14.11.17, 19:08

Group: Friendssavagemessiahzine.com
Messages 206
Check in: 10.01.13
Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 Pro Prime

Reputation:-  17  +

* AirShark,
the most effectivethe wayto roll back to 8.4.1
no errors and problems with the jail and so on. no

iPad Air 2 Wi-Fi 128GB 11.3.1 (JB Electra)
14.11.17, 19:33

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Group: Moderators
Messages 5632
Check in: 20.10.09
Apple iPhone 5

Reputation:-  1448  +

* Danfrid,
Well, this is essentially the same as futurerestore, only futurerestore has great potential, and so the author 1.

14.11.17, 20:58

Group: Active users
Messages 17
Check in: 13.06.06
Apple iPhone SE

Reputation:-  0  +

Good evening everyone. Dear, please enlighten on the problem:
iPad3 Wi-Fi, rolling back with a certificate to 6.1.2
Everything goes fine until the very end, writes recovery successfully,
an apple with a completely filled band goes out, but that’s all.
The launch of iOs does not occur, the black screen does not react at all to anything.
The iReboot tablet does not see and there is no reaction to more than one combination of buttons.
iTunes sees the iPad in recovery mode, and restores to 9.3.5 without problems
In general, I do not understand why it does not exit kDFU ... Below is the contents of the terminal.

Last login: Tue Nov 14 19:37:48 on ttys001
MacBook-Pro: ~ ALEX $ cd / Users / ALEX / Desktop / downgrade
MacBook-Pro: downgrade ALEX $ ls
3841110437193-ipad3,1-6.1.2.shsh iPad3,1_6.1.2_10B146_Restore.ipsw
MacBook-Pro: downgrade ALEX $ chmod + x futurerestore_macos
MacBook-Pro: downgrade ALEX $ ./futurerestore_macos -t 3841110437193-ipad3,1-6.1.2.shsh --no-baseband --use-pwndfu iPad3,1_6.1.2_10B146_Restore.ipsw
Version: b99eb8140d8e6c23f34e950102bb79e61c72384d - 152
Libipatcher Version: f32e41d850f51448bd6c588ead9c7d6455733f3c - 44
Odysseus Support: yes
[INFO] 32bit device detected
futurerestore init done
reading ticket 3841110437193-ipad3,1-6.1.2.shsh done

WARNING: baseband. If the device needs a baseband!
you can press CTRL-C now to cancel
continuing restore in 5 4 3 2 1
Found device in DFU mode
requesting to get into pwnRecovery later
Found device in DFU mode
Identified device as j1ap, iPad3,1
Extracting BuildManifest from IPSW
Product Version: 6.1.2
Product Build: 10B146 Major: 10
Device supports Image4: false
checking APTicket to be valid for this restore ...
Verified ECID in APTicket matches device ECID
[WARNING] skipping ramdisk hash check, since device is in pwnDFU according to user
Variant: Customer Erase Install (IPSW)
This restore will erase your device data.
Extracting iBSS.j1ap.RELEASE.dfu ...
iBoot32Patch: iBoot-1537 inputted.
patch_rsa_check: Entering ...
find_bl_verify_shsh_5_6_7: Entering ...
find_bl_verify_shsh_5_6_7: Found MOVW instruction at 0x65ee
find_bl_verify_shsh_5_6_7: Found BL verify_shsh at 0x697c
find_bl_verify_shsh_5_6_7: Leaving ...
patch_rsa_check: Patching BL verify_shsh at 0x697c ...
patch_rsa_check: Leaving ...
iBoot32Patch: Quitting ...
Extracting iBEC.j1ap.RELEASE.dfu ...
iBoot32Patch: iBoot-1537 inputted.
patch_ticket_check: Entering ...
patch_ticket_check: Found iBoot baseaddr 0xbff00000
patch_ticket_check: Found iboot_vers_str at 0x280
patch_ticket_check: Found str_pointer at 0x308
patch_ticket_check: Found iboot_str_3_xref at 0x2028c
patch_ticket_check: Found ldr_intruction at 0x201ee
patch_ticket_check: Found last_good_bl at 0x201f6 ...
patch_ticket_check: Found next_pop at 0x20280 ...
patch_ticket_check: Found next_pop at 0xbff20280 ...
patch_ticket_check: Detected prev_mov_r0_fail at 0x20268 ...
patch_ticket_check: Found last_branch at 0x20266 ...
patch_ticket_check: Patching in mov.w r0, # 0 at 0x201fa ...
patch_ticket_check: Patching in mov.w r1, # 0 at 0x201fe ...
patch_ticket_check: NOPing useless stuff at 0x20202 to 0x20268 ...
patch_ticket_check: Detected mov r0, # 0xffffffff at NOPstop
patch_ticket_check: Applying additional mov.w r0, # 0 patch at 0x20268 ...
patch_ticket_check: Leaving ...
patch_rsa_check: Entering ...
find_bl_verify_shsh_5_6_7: Entering ...
find_bl_verify_shsh_5_6_7: Found MOVW instruction at 0x1c2da
find_bl_verify_shsh_5_6_7: Found BL verify_shsh at 0x1c924
find_bl_verify_shsh_5_6_7: Leaving ...
patch_rsa_check: Patching BL verify_shsh at 0x1c924 ...
patch_rsa_check: Leaving ...
iBoot32Patch: Quitting ...
Sending iBSS (76056 bytes) ...
[==================================================] 100.0%
Sending iBEC (284952 bytes) ...
[==================================================] 100.0%
INFO: device serial number is DYVJ3LHADJ8T
Extracting filesystem from IPSW
[==================================================] 100.0%
Sending APTicket (2308 bytes)

Getting ApNonce in recovery mode ... c0 6c 2e d0 07 5f 6b 41 41 47 47 e5 33 22 62 fa b4 66 5c 82
[WARNING] Setting bgcolor to green! IBEC correctly if you don’t see a green screen
Sending APTicket (2308 bytes)
Recovery Mode Environment:
iBoot build-version = iBoot-1537.9.55
iBoot build-style = RELEASE
Sending RestoreLogo ...
Extracting [email protected] ...
Sending RestoreLogo (15008 bytes) ...
ramdisk-size = RELEASE
Extracting 048-0734-002.dmg ...
Sending RestoreRamDisk (9918644 bytes) ...
Extracting DeviceTree.j1ap.img3 ...
Sending RestoreDeviceTree (81832 bytes) ...
Extracting kernelcache.release.j1 ...
Sending RestoreKernelCache (7811796 bytes) ...
About to restore device ...
Waiting for device ...
Device 121a9fde2582a74ff4585ae1e562c61f741010c0 is now connected in restore mode ...
Connecting now ...
Connected to com.apple.mobile.restored, version 12
Device 121a9fde2582a74ff4585ae1e562c61f741010c0 has successfully entered restore mode
Hardware Information:
BoardID: 0
ChipID: 35141
UniqueChipID: 3841110437193
ProductionMode: true
Starting FDR listener thread
ERROR: Unable to connect to FDR client (-2)
ERROR: Failed to start FDR Ctrl channel
Waiting for NAND (28)
Creating partition map (11)
Creating filesystem (12)
Creating filesystem (12)
Checking filesystems (15)
Mounting filesystems (16)
Checking filesystems (15)
Mounting filesystems (16)
Resizing system partition (51)
Unmounting filesystems (29)
Unmounting filesystems (29)
About to send RootTicket ...
Sending RootTicket now ...
Done sending root ticket
About to send filesystem ...
Connected to ASR
Validating the filesystem
Filesystem validated
Sending filesystem now ...
[==================================================] 100.0%
Done sending filesystem
Verifying restore (14)
[==================================================] 100.0%
Checking filesystems (15)
Mounting filesystems (16)
Checking filesystems (15)
Mounting filesystems (16)
About to send KernelCache ...
Extracting kernelcache.release.j1 ...
Personalizing IMG3 component KernelCache ...
reconstructed size: 7812058
Sending KernelCache now ...
Done sending KernelCache
Installing kernelcache (27)
Fixing up / var (17)
Modifying persistent boot-args (25)
About to send NORData ...
Found firmware path Firmware / all_flash / all_flash.j1ap.production
Getting firmware manifest from Firmware / all_flash / all_flash.j1ap.production / manifest
Extracting LLB.j1ap.RELEASE.img3 ...
Personalizing IMG3 component LLB ...
reconstructed size: 150042
Extracting iBoot.j1ap.RELEASE.img3 ...
Not personalizing component iBoot ...
Extracting DeviceTree.j1ap.img3 ...
Not personalizing component DeviceTree ...
Extracting [email protected] ...
Not personalizing component AppleLogo ...
Extracting [email protected] ...
Not personalizing component BatteryLow0 ...
Extracting [email protected] ...
Not personalizing component BatteryLow1 ...
Extracting [email protected] ...
Not personalizing component BatteryCharging ...
Extracting [email protected] ...
Not personalizing component BatteryCharging0 ...
Extracting [email protected] ...
Not personalizing component BatteryCharging1 ...
Extracting [email protected] ...
Not personalizing component BatteryPlugin ...
Extracting [email protected] ...
Not personalizing component BatteryFull ...
Extracting recoverymode@2x~ipad.s5l8945x.img3 ...
Not personalizing component RecoveryMode ...
Sending NORData now ...
Done sending nordata
Flashing firmware (18)
[==================================================] 100.0%
Updating gas gauge software (46)
Updating gas gauge software (46)
Creating system key bag (49)
Resizing system partition (51)
Unmounting filesystems (29)
Unmounting filesystems (29)
Got status message
Status: Restore Finished
Cleaning up ...
Done: restoring succeeded.

Post has been editedmodelrc - 14.11.17, 21:03
15.11.17, 00:13
Solid collector; [

Group: Curators
Messages 1982
Check in: 29.11.11
Sony Xperia XZ1 Compact

Reputation:-  49  +

And if apticket.der from 8.4.0 is saved with ipad 2 gsm via jail and converted via img4tool? Check the cert is not possible, but will it be valid? If not, is it possible to convert with something that the x32 device supports the apticket file in shsh?
Simply, the confusion turns out a certain.

Sony Xperia XZ1 Compact + Sony Ericsson Xperia PLAY + Blackberry Dev Alpha C + HTC Advantage + HTC HD2 + Nokia N900 + Nokia E90 Communicator

4 download

15.11.17, 00:18

Group: Friendssavagemessiahzine.com
Messages 206
Check in: 10.01.13
Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 Pro Prime

Reputation:-  17  +

* HeaDekBatHblu<<,
I doubt
The certificate must be pulled using odysseus'a, then there will be an opportunity to roll back

iPad Air 2 Wi-Fi 128GB 11.3.1 (JB Electra)
15.11.17, 00:22

Topics Curator
Group: Moderators
Messages 5632
Check in: 20.10.09
Apple iPhone 5

Reputation:-  1448  +

HeaDekBatHblu<< @ 15.11.17, 00:13 *
And if apticket.der from 8.4.0 is saved with ipad 2 gsm via jail and converted via img4tool?

Try, futurerestore will verify the certificate itself.

Post has been editedT0ugh - 15.11.17, 00:24

15.11.17, 01:49
Solid collector; [

Group: Curators
Messages 1982
Check in: 29.11.11
Sony Xperia XZ1 Compact

Reputation:-  49  +

In general, I don’t know if iOS Downgrade Tool support is being conducted here (Odysseus, the theme is closed), but despite the absence of errors in the log and the inscription "Done!" at the end - when ipad 2.2 is turned on, it gives me an old apple logo and ... lace. Tuna, on the other hand, offers to forcefully update to the latest version, which I don’t want, a reboot with a combination does not give any effect.
What to do?
How to get 6.1.3 or at least 8.4 back (apticker is)?

Sony Xperia XZ1 Compact + Sony Ericsson Xperia PLAY + Blackberry Dev Alpha C + HTC Advantage + HTC HD2 + Nokia N900 + Nokia E90 Communicator
Curator 4
15.11.17, 02:57

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Group: Moderators
Messages 5632
Check in: 20.10.09
Apple iPhone 5

Reputation:-  1448  +

* HeaDekBatHblu<<,
Read the header and convert and ->Rollback using futurerestore (Odysseus) (Post T0ugh # 67057120)

15.11.17, 04:34

Group: Active users
Messages 17
Check in: 13.06.06
Apple iPhone SE

Reputation:-  0  +

* T0ugh
Dear T0ugh, will it not hurt you to look at the 47th post?
With the correct input, I get the wrong result, I broke my whole head ...
06.12.17, 00:17

Group: Users
Messages 13
Check in: 13.09.10
Samsung Galaxy S GT-I9000

Reputation:-  0  +

I rolled back the iPad 3.3 to 6.1.3 from 9.3.5 according to the instructions from the header - the tablet came to life! Works super smoothly and clearly!
But there is a problem that is very serious for me - Hearthstone: wacko does not start:
I will try to put 6.1.2
* MrRomezzz,
Tell me, how did you get shsh and what is the other method?
10.12.17, 15:02

Group: Friendssavagemessiahzine.com
Messages 96
Check in: 04.05.12
Google nexus 5

Reputation:-  2  +

In general, I noticed an interesting feature when you try to get shsh on a stub 4c, then before 22:30 it always gives this error:
[TSSC] manually specified ecid to use, parsed "2AE601A3D4F" to dec: 2947959897423 hex: 2ae601a3d4f
[TSSC] opening ota.json
[JSON] counting elements
[JSON] parsing elements
[WARNING] [TSSC] error parsing cached ota.json. Trying to redownload
[TSSC] opening ota.json
[DOWN] downloading filehttps://api.ipsw.me/v2.1/ota.json/condensed
[Error] failed to download file from =https://api.ipsw.me/v2.1/ota.json/condensedto = / tmp / ota.json CURLcode = 28
[JSON] counting elements
[JSON] parsing elements
[Error] [TSSC] parsing ota.json failed

But as soon as it is 22:30, all the commands that you entered all day work fine and shsh is saved =)
10.12.17, 22:42
a guest

Group: Users
Messages 8
Check in: 19.12.11

Reputation:-  0  +

I rolled back 4s from 9.3.5 immediately to 8.4.1 bypassing 6.3.1 the flight is normal. Thank you all for the information.
13.12.17, 14:54

Group: Friendssavagemessiahzine.com
Messages 575
Check in: 05.02.08
Apple iPhone X

Reputation:-  46  +

* Terrk,
another method isOdysseusOTA
During the rollback process, SHSHs are created there, but my method failed. I tried several times until I realized that now I can use the method from this branch. It turned out from the 1st time.
26.12.17, 12:20

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Group: Moderators
Messages 5632
Check in: 20.10.09
Apple iPhone 5

Reputation:-  1448  +

Who has the device ->iPhone (5, 5C), iPad 4, when you roll back from iOS 10, you will encounter the inability to activate the device.
There are no solutions at the moment, be careful.

29.12.17, 05:45

Group: Friendssavagemessiahzine.com
Messages 6085
Check in: 31.07.11
Honor Play COR-L29

Reputation:-  2105  +

Are there any bandles somewhere else?
Interested ipad 2.4 7.1.2
29.12.17, 14:28

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Group: Moderators
Messages 5632
Check in: 20.10.09
Apple iPhone 5

Reputation:-  1448  +

01.01.18, 17:09

Group: Friendssavagemessiahzine.com
Messages 107
Check in: 18.12.06
HP iPAQ rx1950

Reputation:-  5  +

Good evening to everyone, tell iPad 3 and if there is shsh from 6.1.2, can it be dropped on this firmware, now 8.4.1.

6 pagesV  < 1 2 3 4 5 6 > » 

 mobile version    Now: 06/22/19, 03:58