Now we are actively testing firmware for devices, so it is not always possible to respond quickly here.
I will answer the accumulated questions.
For firmware 9000c:
1) From the factory put 41 firmware. This is the usual complex firmware.
2) There are 43 firmware, the filter of Z-signatures appears in it and the possibility of choosing the priority of the alert - GPS priority and priority of the radar part (the function "GPS Priority" - ON or OFF).
The behavior of the function is - if the priority is turned off, then: if there is a signal from the radar part, then regardless of the speed of your movement there will be an alert about it. If there is no signal from the radar part or the priority is on, then after the voice announcement of the GPS point, there will be silence until you reach the "Allowed (by base) + allowable exceed (from settings)" speed. In 41 firmware the priority of GPS alerts was, and it was impossible to choose the priority of the radar part.
3) If for some reason someone does not like either the factory firmware (complex) or signature (perhaps there are any problems with them), it is possible to install the 38th firmware version.
From myself I’ll add - currently there is another firmware under development, several small things will be added there, such as fast mode switching, quick on / off Z-filter, viewing the base version and a couple more cosmetic corrections, this firmware is not there yet, we are waiting.
Also - to whom the behavior of devices seems strange and illogical, write to
[email protected] with a detailed description, colleagues will respond more quickly than I am here.
Also, my proposal regarding your signature firmware is still valid. Our tests show an increase in range in the same conditions on the same radars on signature firmware, so from you for our analysis:
1) Video on 41 firmware
2) Video on the same radar on 43 firmware (with filter on)
3) Video on the same radar on 43 firmware (with the filter disabled).
The Z-filter is a buffer in which the signal is placed for preliminary analysis, and for 9000 / 9000c / 9100 devices this may take some time, and therefore the range may drop slightly (the detection will be the same, but the signal will appear on the screen and sound a little bit later than when the filter is off. In Turbo mode, the Z-filter is inactive.
Many vendors have released separate signature devices (signature versions of non-signature devices initially), we took the path of giving the user a choice, adding this option to already existing devices without forcing to buy another device.
So ... what else ... there was a question on the radar part - the devices came out a few years ago, and since then the radar complexes have become quieter, and some manufacturers have taken the path of choosing vertical polarization or have generally followed the path of developing radarless photo-fixation complexes, therefore, we try to be in trend (which is set by SI manufacturers), by upgrading the hardware platform for new devices and modifying what is already programmed. Within our lines, 9000 / 9000s / 9100 have an average level of sensitivity (if you look at today), their sensitivity is about the same with devices 9500 / 9500s / 9700 / 9700s / 7000/7500. There are more budget solutions with a lower level of sensitivity, there are devices with EXD (a higher level of sensitivity).
At the request of the firmware to lay out - no problem.
This is exactly for the version
9000c !
1) RevM38
X-COP9000c_BB (RevM38) .rar(9.55 MB)
2) RevM41 and RevM43 in one archive
9000c.7z(23.72 MB)
Pps. For operational advice, write to the LAN, now a high load, so there is not always a chance to answer here.