> Attention!

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Samsung Galaxy A7 (2017) - Editing system applications

Rep: (7344)
Samsung SM-A720F Galaxy A7 (2017) - Editing of system applications
Description | Discussion пїЅ | Modification and decorations пїЅ | Editing system applicationsпїЅ | Official firmware пїЅ | Custom firmware пїЅ | Club Samsung Galaxy A Series (2017) пїЅ | Useful topics section

Attached Image

instructions design template
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[CENTER] [SIZE = 3] [B] [COLOR = royalblue] Here we write the name of the instruction [/ COLOR] [/ B] [/ SIZE] [/ CENTER]
[CENTER] Insert the main screenshot here [/ CENTER]
[COLOR = blue] [B] Author [/ B] [/ COLOR]: Specify the author
[COLOR = blue] [B] Firmware [/ B] [/ COLOR]: Specify the version / number, code / deodex
[COLOR = blue] [B] Description [/ B] [/ COLOR]: Full description
[SPOILER = Extras. screenshots] If there are additional screenshots, then insert it here [/ SPOILER]
[COLOR = blue] [B] Installation [/ B] [/ COLOR]: Specify the installation method / method
[COLOR = blue] [B] Download [/ B] [/ COLOR]: Attach files to download

Catalog of instructions
Android 6.0.1
Settings Management
Android 7.0
Settings Management
Android 8.0

Instructions / Links

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Remember: everything you do - you do at your own peril and risk!

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Post has been editedsagitt67 - 14.01.19, 12:47
Reason for editing: added instructions

Rep: (7344)
Manage settings.Status Bar - Select the battery. Android 6.0.1

Attached Image

Author : sagitt67
Firmware : Grace UX A720FXXU1APLI Deodex .
Settings Management:
Status bar :
The battery in the status bar:
- Battery charge in percentage.
- Battery icon type:
* Stoke.
* 3Minit.
* Do not show.
- 3Minit Battery Settings.

Download the archiveSystemUI.zipand copy the contents in the decompiled SystemUI.
edit SystemUI.apk
SystemUI / res / layout / system_icons.xml
add (+) line
<LinearLayout android: gravity = "center" android: orientation = "horizontal" android: id = "@ id / signal_battery_cluster" android: layout_width = "wrap_content" android: layout_height = "fill_parent" android: paddingStart = "@ dimen / signal_cluster_gap">
<include android: id = "@ id / signal_cluster" android: layout_width = "wrap_content" android: layout_height = "wrap_content" android: layout_marginStart = "2.5dip" layout = "@ layout / signal_cluster_view" />
<TextView android: textSize = "@ dimen / battery_text_size" android: textColor = "@ color / batterymeter_text_color" android: layout_gravity = "center" android: id = "@ id / battery_text" android: layout_width = "wrap_content" android: layout_height = " wrap_content "android: importantForAccessibility =" no "android: fontFamily =" sec-roboto-light "android: layout_marginEnd =" @ dimen / battery_text_margin_end "/>
+ <LinearLayout android: gravity = "right" android: layout_gravity = "center_vertical" android: id = "@ id / stock_battery_container" android: layout_width = "wrap_content" android: layout_height = "wrap_content">
<com.android.systemui.BatteryMeterView android: id = "@ id / battery" android: layout_width = "@ dimen / status_bar_battery_width" android: layout_height = "@ dimen / status_bar_battery_height" android: layout_marginBottom = "@ dimen / battery_margin_bottom" />
+ </ LinearLayout>
+ <LinearLayout android: gravity = "right" android: layout_gravity = "center_vertical" android: id = "@ id / minit_battery_container" android: layout_width = "wrap_content" android: layout_height = "wrap_content">
+ <com.android.systemui.statusbar.policy.MinitBattery android: layout_width = "wrap_content" android: layout_height = "wrap_content" />
+ </ LinearLayout>
</ LinearLayout>
</ LinearLayout>

SystemUI / res / values ​​/ ids.xml
Add lines at the end of the file
<item type = "id" name = "stock_battery_container">false</ item>
<item type = "id" name = "minit_battery_container">false</ item>

SystemUI / smali / com / android / systemui / statusbar / phone / PhoneStatusBar.smali
Add (+) line
.class public Lcom / android / systemui / statusbar / phone / PhoneStatusBar;
.super Lcom / android / systemui / statusbar / BaseStatusBar;
.source "PhoneStatusBar.java"

# interfaces
.implements Lcom / android / systemui / DemoMode;
.implements Lcom / android / systemui / statusbar / DragDownHelper $ DragDownCallback;
.implements Lcom / android / systemui / statusbar / phone / ActivityStarter;
.implements Lcom / android / systemui / statusbar / phone / UnlockMethodCache $ OnUnlockMethodChangedListener;
.implements Lcom / android / systemui / statusbar / policy / HeadsUpManager $ OnHeadsUpChangedListener;
+ .Implements Lcom / android / wubydax / GearContentObserver $ OnContentChangedListener;

# instance fields

+ .Field private mGearContentObserver: Lcom / android / wubydax / GearContentObserver;

.field private final DB_VOICE_ASSISTANT: Ljava / lang / String;

add line method in
.method protected makeStatusBarView () Lcom / android / systemui / statusbar / phone / PhoneStatusBarView;

: goto_5
move-object / from16 v0, p0

iget-object v4, v0, Lcom / android / systemui / statusbar / phone / PhoneStatusBar; ->mHeader: Lcom / android / systemui / statusbar / phone / TWStatusBarHeaderView;

move-object / from16 v0, p0

iget-object v5, v0, Lcom / android / systemui / statusbar / phone / PhoneStatusBar; ->mQSPanel: Lcom / android / systemui / qs / QSPanel;

invoke-virtual {v4, v5}, Lcom / android / systemui / statusbar / phone / TWStatusBarHeaderView; ->setQSPanel (Lcom / android / systemui / qs / QSPanel;) V

new-instance v4, Lcom / android / systemui / statusbar / phone / PhoneStatusBar $ 22;

move-object / from16 v0, p0

invoke-direct {v4, v0, v3}, Lcom / android / systemui / statusbar / phone / PhoneStatusBar $ 22 -><init>(Lcom / android / systemui / statusbar / phone / PhoneStatusBar; Lcom / android / systemui / statusbar / phone / QSTileHost;) V

invoke-virtual {v3, v4}, Lcom / android / systemui / statusbar / phone / QSTileHost; ->setCallback (Lcom / android / systemui / qs / QSTile $ Host $ Callback;) V

move-object / from16 v0, p0

iget-object v4, v0, Lcom / android / systemui / statusbar / phone / PhoneStatusBar; ->mQSPanel: Lcom / android / systemui / qs / QSPanel;

const / 4 v5, 0x0

invoke-virtual {v4, v5}, Lcom / android / systemui / qs / QSPanel; ->setQsTileLine (Z) I

+ Move-object / from16 v0, p0

+ Invoke-virtual {v0}, Lcom / android / systemui / statusbar / phone / PhoneStatusBar; ->setBatteryTypeView () V

: cond_d
move-object / from16 v0, p0

iget-object v4, v0, Lcom / android / systemui / statusbar / phone / PhoneStatusBar; ->mHeader: Lcom / android / systemui / statusbar / phone / TWStatusBarHeaderView;

move-object / from16 v0, p0

iget-object v5, v0, Lcom / android / systemui / statusbar / phone / PhoneStatusBar; ->mUserInfoController: Lcom / android / systemui / statusbar / policy / UserInfoController;

invoke-virtual {v4, v5}, Lcom / android / systemui / statusbar / phone / NotificationPanelView; ->findViewById (I) Landroid / view / View;

move-result-object v4

check-cast v4, Lcom / android / systemui / statusbar / phone / DataUsageView;

move-object / from16 v0, p0

iput-object v4, v0, Lcom / android / systemui / statusbar / phone / PhoneStatusBar; ->mDataUsageView: Lcom / android / systemui / statusbar / phone / DataUsageView;

move-object / from16 v0, p0

iget-object v4, v0, Lcom / android / systemui / statusbar / phone / PhoneStatusBar; ->mDataUsageView: Lcom / android / systemui / statusbar / phone / DataUsageView;

move-object / from16 v0, p0

iget-object v5, v0, Lcom / android / systemui / statusbar / phone / PhoneStatusBar; ->mNetworkController: Lcom / android / systemui / statusbar / policy / NetworkControllerImpl;

invoke-virtual {v5}, Lcom / android / systemui / statusbar / policy / NetworkControllerImpl; ->getMobileDataController () Lcom / android / systemui / statusbar / policy / NetworkController $ MobileDataController;

move-result-object v5

invoke-virtual {v4, v5}, Lcom / android / systemui / statusbar / phone / DataUsageView; ->setMobileDataController (Lcom / android / systemui / statusbar / policy / NetworkController $ MobileDataController;) V

: cond_1a
+ Move-object / from16 v0, p0

+ Invoke-direct {v0}, Lcom / android / systemui / statusbar / phone / PhoneStatusBar; ->registerGearObserver () V

sget-boolean v4, Lcom / android / systemui / statusbar / Feature; ->mSupportSimpleStatusBar: Z

if-eqz v4,: cond_1b

new-instance v4, Lcom / android / systemui / statusbar / phone / PhoneStatusBar $ SimpleStatusBarObserver;

move-object / from16 v0, p0

invoke-direct {v4, v0}, Lcom / android / systemui / statusbar / phone / PhoneStatusBar $ SimpleStatusBarObserver; -><init>(Lcom / android / systemui / statusbar / phone / PhoneStatusBar;) V

move-object / from16 v0, p0

iput-object v4, v0, Lcom / android / systemui / statusbar / phone / PhoneStatusBar; ->mSimpleStatusBarObserver: Lcom / android / systemui / statusbar / phone / PhoneStatusBar $ SimpleStatusBarObserver;

move-object / from16 v0, p0

iget-object v4, v0, Lcom / android / systemui / statusbar / phone / PhoneStatusBar; ->mContext: Landroid / content / Context;

invoke-virtual {v4}, Landroid / content / Context; ->getContentResolver () Landroid / content / ContentResolver;

move-result-object v4

const-string v5, "simple_status_bar"

invoke-static {v5}, Landroid / provider / Settings $ System; ->getUriFor (Ljava / lang / String;) Landroid / net / Uri;

At the end of file add methods
.method private registerGearObserver () V
.locals 7

new-instance v3, Lcom / android / wubydax / GearContentObserver;

new-instance v4, Landroid / os / Handler;

invoke-direct {v4}, Landroid / os / Handler; -><init>() V

invoke-direct {v3, v4, p0}, Lcom / android / wubydax / GearContentObserver; -><init>(Landroid / os / Handler; Lcom / android / wubydax / GearContentObserver $ OnContentChangedListener;) V

iput-object v3, p0, Lcom / android / systemui / statusbar / phone / PhoneStatusBar; ->mGearContentObserver: Lcom / android / wubydax / GearContentObserver;

iget-object v3, p0, Lcom / android / systemui / SystemUI; ->mContext: Landroid / content / Context;

invoke-virtual {v3}, Landroid / content / Context; ->getContentResolver () Landroid / content / ContentResolver;

move-result-object v1

new-instance v0, Ljava / util / ArrayList;

invoke-direct {v0}, Ljava / util / ArrayList; -><init>() V

const-string v3, "battery_icon_type"

invoke-virtual {v0, v3}, Ljava / util / ArrayList; ->add (Ljava / lang / Object;) Z

invoke-virtual {v0}, Ljava / util / ArrayList; ->iterator () Ljava / util / Iterator;

move-result-object v3

: goto_0
invoke-interface {v3}, Ljava / util / Iterator; ->hasNext () Z

move-result v4

if-eqz v4,: cond_0

invoke-interface {v3}, Ljava / util / Iterator; ->next () Ljava / lang / Object;

move-result-object v2

check-cast v2, Ljava / lang / String;

invoke-static {v2}, Landroid / provider / Settings $ System; ->getUriFor (Ljava / lang / String;) Landroid / net / Uri;

move-result-object v4

const / 4 v5, 0x0

iget-object v6, p0, Lcom / android / systemui / statusbar / phone / PhoneStatusBar; ->mGearContentObserver: Lcom / android / wubydax / GearContentObserver;

invoke-virtual {v1, v4, v5, v6}, Landroid / content / ContentResolver; ->registerContentObserver (Landroid / net / Uri; ZLandroid / database / ContentObserver;) V

goto: goto_0

: cond_0
.end method

.method public onContentChanged (Ljava / lang / String;) V
.locals 1

const-string v0, "battery_icon_type"

invoke-virtual {v0, p1}, Ljava / lang / String; ->equals (Ljava / lang / Object;) Z

move-result v0

if-eqz v0,: cond_0

move-object / from16 v0, p0

invoke-virtual {v0}, Lcom / android / systemui / statusbar / phone / PhoneStatusBar; ->setBatteryTypeView () V

: cond_0
.end method

.method setBatteryTypeView () V
.locals 9

const-string v0, "stock_battery_container"

const-string v1, "id"

invoke-static {v0, v1}, Lcom / android / wubydax / GearUtils; ->getIdentifier (Ljava / lang / String; Ljava / lang / String;) I

move-result v4

iget-object v1, p0, Lcom / android / systemui / statusbar / phone / PhoneStatusBar; ->mStatusBarWindow: Lcom / android / systemui / statusbar / phone / StatusBarWindowView;

invoke-virtual {v1, v4}, Lcom / android / systemui / statusbar / phone / StatusBarWindowView; ->findViewById (I) Landroid / view / View;

move-result-object v2

const-string v0, "minit_battery_container"

const-string v1, "id"

invoke-static {v0, v1}, Lcom / android / wubydax / GearUtils; ->getIdentifier (Ljava / lang / String; Ljava / lang / String;) I

move-result v4

iget-object v1, p0, Lcom / android / systemui / statusbar / phone / PhoneStatusBar; ->mStatusBarWindow: Lcom / android / systemui / statusbar / phone / StatusBarWindowView;

invoke-virtual {v1, v4}, Lcom / android / systemui / statusbar / phone / StatusBarWindowView; ->findViewById (I) Landroid / view / View;

move-result-object v3

const-string v0, "stock_battery_container"

const-string v1, "id"

invoke-static {v0, v1}, Lcom / android / wubydax / GearUtils; ->getIdentifier (Ljava / lang / String; Ljava / lang / String;) I

move-result v4

iget-object v1, p0, Lcom / android / systemui / statusbar / phone / PhoneStatusBar; ->mKeyguardStatusBar: Lcom / android / systemui / statusbar / phone / KeyguardStatusBarView;

invoke-virtual {v1, v4}, Lcom / android / systemui / statusbar / phone / StatusBarWindowView; ->findViewById (I) Landroid / view / View;

move-result-object v7

const-string v0, "minit_battery_container"

const-string v1, "id"

invoke-static {v0, v1}, Lcom / android / wubydax / GearUtils; ->getIdentifier (Ljava / lang / String; Ljava / lang / String;) I

move-result v4

iget-object v1, p0, Lcom / android / systemui / statusbar / phone / PhoneStatusBar; ->mKeyguardStatusBar: Lcom / android / systemui / statusbar / phone / KeyguardStatusBarView;

invoke-virtual {v1, v4}, Lcom / android / systemui / statusbar / phone / StatusBarWindowView; ->findViewById (I) Landroid / view / View;

move-result-object v8

const v0, 0x3

const v1,0x8

iget-object v4, p0, Lcom / android / systemui / SystemUI; ->mContext: Landroid / content / Context;

invoke-virtual {v4}, Landroid / content / Context; ->getContentResolver () Landroid / content / ContentResolver;

move-result-object v4

const-string v5, "battery_icon_type"

const / 4 v6, 0x0

invoke-static {v4, v5, v6}, Landroid / provider / Settings $ System; ->getInt (Landroid / content / ContentResolver; Ljava / lang / String; I) I

move-result v4

const / 4 v5, 0x1

if-eq v4, v5,: cond_0

const / 4 v5, 0x2

if-eq v4, v5,: cond_1

invoke-virtual {v2, v0}, Landroid / widget / LinearLayout; ->setVisibility (I) V

invoke-virtual {v3, v1}, Landroid / widget / LinearLayout; ->setVisibility (I) V

invoke-virtual {v7, v0}, Landroid / widget / LinearLayout; ->setVisibility (I) V

invoke-virtual {v8, v1}, Landroid / widget / LinearLayout; ->setVisibility (I) V

goto: goto_0

: cond_0
invoke-virtual {v2, v1}, Landroid / widget / LinearLayout; ->setVisibility (I) V

invoke-virtual {v3, v0}, Landroid / widget / LinearLayout; ->setVisibility (I) V

invoke-virtual {v7, v1}, Landroid / widget / LinearLayout; ->setVisibility (I) V

invoke-virtual {v8, v0}, Landroid / widget / LinearLayout; ->setVisibility (I) V

goto: goto_0

: cond_1
invoke-virtual {v2, v1}, Landroid / widget / LinearLayout; ->setVisibility (I) V

invoke-virtual {v3, v1}, Landroid / widget / LinearLayout; ->setVisibility (I) V

invoke-virtual {v7, v1}, Landroid / widget / LinearLayout; ->setVisibility (I) V

invoke-virtual {v8, v1}, Landroid / widget / LinearLayout; ->setVisibility (I) V

: goto_0
.end method

edit ROMConrol version 2.x
In Customizing (ROMConrol version 2.x) to add a line in a convenient .xml file in xml folder
<PreferenceScreen android: title = "Battery in the status bar">
<com.wubydax.romcontrol.v2.prefs.MySwitchPreference android: title = "Battery Charge Percentage" android: key = "display_battery_percentage" android: defaultValue = "true" android: summaryOn = "Show" android: summaryOff = "Hide" />
<com.wubydax.romcontrol.v2.prefs.MyListPreference android: entries = "@ array / battery_icon_entries" android: title = "battery icon type" android: key = "battery_icon_type" android: defaultValue = "0" android: entryValues ​​= "@ array / battery_icon_values ​​"/>
<com.wubydax.romcontrol.v2.prefs.OpenAppPreference android: title = "Settings 3Minit Battery" app: componentName = "com.three.minit.minitbatterysettings / com.three.minit.minitbatterysettings.MainActivity" android: summary = "Customize 3Minit Battery "/>
</ PreferenceScreen>

If the version 3Minit Battery free, the last line will look like:
<com.wubydax.romcontrol.v2.prefs.OpenAppPreference android: title = "Settings 3Minit Battery" app: componentName = "com.three.minit.minitbatterysettings.free/com.three.minit.minitbatterysettings.MainActivity" android: summary = " customize 3Minit Battery "/>

ROMControl / res / values ​​/ arrays.xml
add lines at the end of the file
<string-array name = "battery_icon_entries">
<item>stock Icon</ item>
<item>3Minit Icon</ item>
<item>Hide Icon</ item>
</ string-array>
<string-array name = "battery_icon_values">
<item>0</ item>
<item>1</ item>
<item>2</ item>
</ string-array>

ROMControl / res / values-en / arrays.xml
add lines at the end of the file
<string-array name = "battery_icon_entries">
<item>Stock</ item>
<item>3Minit</ item>
<item>Do not show</ item>
</ string-array>

Installation3MinitBattery : By analogy installation deodeksa using 3MinitBattery.bat batch file to the installation file 3MinitBattery.zip.
For other devicesTWRP If there is one.
Download archive: Attached fileSystemUI.zip (11.51 KB)

Download the installation file (unzip): Attached file3MinitBattery_mod.zip (38.94 MB)

Post has been editedsagitt67 - 27.03.17, 15:10

Rep: (7344)
AdditionManage settings.Shutdown menu. Android 6.0.1

Attached Image

Author : sagitt67
Firmware : Grace UX A720FXXU1APLI Deodex .
Settings Management:
Settings in the shutdown menu:
Display settings in the shutdown menu:
- Fast reboot.
- S Bike mode.

Download the archivequickreboot.zipand copy the contents in the decompiledframework-res.apk(When copying images removes duplicate files)SettingsControl.apk (RomControl.apk)andservices.jar.
edit framework-res.apk
framework-res / res / values ​​/ arrays.xml
add the line (+)

<string-array name = "config_globalActionsList">
<item>power</ item>
<item>datamode</ item>
<item>airplane</ item>
<item>restart</ item>
<item>lockdown</ item>
<item>bugreport</ item>
<item>users</ item>
<item>emergencymode</ item>
<item>recovery</ item>
+ <item>quickreboot</ item>
<item>torch</ item>
<item>screenrecord</ item>
<item>screenshot</ item>
<item>subscreen</ item>
</ string-array>

framework-res / res / values ​​/ strings.xml
at the end of the file add the line

<string name = "global_action_fast_reboot">Hot reboot</ string>

framework-res / res / values-en / strings.xml
at the end of the file add the line

<string name = "global_action_fast_reboot">Fast reboot</ string>

edit services.jar
services.jar / smali / com / android / server / policy / GlobalActions.smali
add the line (+)
# instance fields
.field private mHorizontalScrollView: Landroid / widget / HorizontalScrollView;

+ .Field private mHotReboot: Lcom / android / server / policy / GlobalActions $ SinglePressAction;

.field private mIsDisableConfirm: Z

add string from (+++) to (+++) in the method
.method private createDialog () Lcom / android / server / policy / GlobalActions $ GlobalActionsDialog;

const-string / jumbo v1, "tw_ic_lock_recovery"

const-string / jumbo v2, "string"

const-string v3, "android"

invoke-virtual {v0, v1, v2, v3}, Landroid / content / res / Resources; ->getIdentifier (Ljava / lang / String; Ljava / lang / String; Ljava / lang / String;) I

move-result v6

move-object / from16 v0, p0

invoke-direct {v4, v0, v5, v6}, Lcom / android / server / policy / GlobalActions $ Recovery; -><init>(Lcom / android / server / policy / GlobalActions; II) V

move-object / from16 v0, p0

iput-object v4, v0, Lcom / android / server / policy / GlobalActions; ->mRecovery: Lcom / android / server / policy / GlobalActions $ SinglePressAction;

+++ new-instance v4, Lcom / android / server / policy / GlobalActions $ QuickReboot;

move-object / from16 v0, p0

iget-object v0, v0, Lcom / android / server / policy / GlobalActions; ->mContext: Landroid / content / Context;

invoke-virtual {v0}, Landroid / content / Context; ->getResources () Landroid / content / res / Resources;

move-result-object v0

const-string / jumbo v1, "tw_ic_fast_reboot"

const-string / jumbo v2, "drawable"

const-string v3, "android"

invoke-virtual {v0, v1, v2, v3}, Landroid / content / res / Resources; ->getIdentifier (Ljava / lang / String; Ljava / lang / String; Ljava / lang / String;) I

move-result v5

move-object / from16 v0, p0

iget-object v0, v0, Lcom / android / server / policy / GlobalActions; ->mContext: Landroid / content / Context;

invoke-virtual {v0}, Landroid / content / Context; ->getResources () Landroid / content / res / Resources;

move-result-object v0

const-string / jumbo v1, "global_action_fast_reboot"

const-string / jumbo v2, "string"

const-string v3, "android"

invoke-virtual {v0, v1, v2, v3}, Landroid / content / res / Resources; ->getIdentifier (Ljava / lang / String; Ljava / lang / String; Ljava / lang / String;) I

move-result v6

move-object / from16 v0, p0

invoke-direct {v4, v0, v5, v6}, Lcom / android / server / policy / GlobalActions $ QuickReboot; -><init>(Lcom / android / server / policy / GlobalActions; II) V

move-object / from16 v0, p0

iput-object v4, v0, Lcom / android / server / policy / GlobalActions; ->mHotReboot: Lcom / android / server / policy / GlobalActions $ SinglePressAction; +++

new-instance v4, Lcom / android / server / policy / GlobalActions $ Torch;

add more rows from (+++) to (+++) modifying the previous procedure, see. in the order of registers (at various different devaysakh)
const / 16 v4, 0x100

invoke-direct / range {p0 .. p0}, Lcom / android / server / policy / GlobalActions; ->getBugReportAction () Lcom / android / server / policy / GlobalActions $ Action;

move-result-object v5

move-object / from16 v0, p0

iget-object v6, v0, Lcom / android / server / policy / GlobalActions; ->mItems: Ljava / util / ArrayList;

const / 4 v7, 0x1

move-object / from16 v0, p0

invoke-direct {v0, v4, v5, v6, v7}, Lcom / android / server / policy / GlobalActions; ->addDialogItemsIfEnabled (ILcom / android / server / policy / GlobalActions $ Action; Ljava / util / ArrayList; Z) Z

const / 16 v4, 0x200

move-object / from16 v0, p0

iget-object v5, v0, Lcom / android / server / policy / GlobalActions; ->mRecovery: Lcom / android / server / policy / GlobalActions $ SinglePressAction;

move-object / from16 v0, p0

iget-object v6, v0, Lcom / android / server / policy / GlobalActions; ->mItems: Ljava / util / ArrayList;

const / 4 v7, 0x1

move-object / from16 v0, p0

invoke-direct {v0, v4, v5, v6, v7}, Lcom / android / server / policy / GlobalActions; ->addDialogItemsIfEnabled (ILcom / android / server / policy / GlobalActions $ Action; Ljava / util / ArrayList; Z) Z

+++ const / 16 v4, 0x300

move-object / from16 v0, p0

iget-object v5, v0, Lcom / android / server / policy / GlobalActions; ->mHotReboot: Lcom / android / server / policy / GlobalActions $ SinglePressAction;

move-object / from16 v0, p0

iget-object v6, v0, Lcom / android / server / policy / GlobalActions; ->mItems: Ljava / util / ArrayList;

const / 4 v7, 0x1

move-object / from16 v0, p0

invoke-direct {v0, v4, v5, v6, v7}, Lcom / android / server / policy / GlobalActions; ->addDialogItemsIfEnabled (ILcom / android / server / policy / GlobalActions $ Action; Ljava / util / ArrayList; Z) Z +++

const / 16 v4, 0x400

move-object / from16 v0, p0

iget-object v5, v0, Lcom / android / server / policy / GlobalActions; ->mFlashlight: Lcom / android / server / policy / GlobalActions $ SinglePressAction;

move-object / from16 v0, p0

iget-object v6, v0, Lcom / android / server / policy / GlobalActions; ->mItems: Ljava / util / ArrayList;

const / 4 v7, 0x1

move-object / from16 v0, p0

invoke-direct {v0, v4, v5, v6, v7}, Lcom / android / server / policy / GlobalActions; ->addDialogItemsIfEnabled (ILcom / android / server / policy / GlobalActions $ Action; Ljava / util / ArrayList; Z) Z

const / 16 v4, 0x500

move-object / from16 v0, p0

iget-object v5, v0, Lcom / android / server / policy / GlobalActions; ->mScreenrecord: Lcom / android / server / policy / GlobalActions $ SinglePressAction;

move-object / from16 v0, p0

iget-object v6, v0, Lcom / android / server / policy / GlobalActions; ->mItems: Ljava / util / ArrayList;

const / 4 v7, 0x1

move-object / from16 v0, p0

invoke-direct {v0, v4, v5, v6, v7}, Lcom / android / server / policy / GlobalActions; ->addDialogItemsIfEnabled (ILcom / android / server / policy / GlobalActions $ Action; Ljava / util / ArrayList; Z) Z

const / 16 v4, 0x600

move-object / from16 v0, p0

iget-object v5, v0, Lcom / android / server / policy / GlobalActions; ->mScreenshot: Lcom / android / server / policy / GlobalActions $ SinglePressAction;

move-object / from16 v0, p0

iget-object v6, v0, Lcom / android / server / policy / GlobalActions; ->mItems: Ljava / util / ArrayList;

const / 4 v7, 0x1

move-object / from16 v0, p0

invoke-direct {v0, v4, v5, v6, v7}, Lcom / android / server / policy / GlobalActions; ->addDialogItemsIfEnabled (ILcom / android / server / policy / GlobalActions $ Action; Ljava / util / ArrayList; Z) Z

const-string v4, "content: //com.sec.knox.provider2/KnoxCustomManagerService1"

const-string / jumbo v5, "getSealedPowerDialogOptionMode"

add more rows from (+++) to (+++) cm. valuegoto / 16: goto_3f8 and change its and see. Register adding
invoke-virtual {v4,v12 }, Ljava / lang / String; ->equals (Ljava / lang / Object;) Z - v12 cm. higher than in the above line at may be different

: cond_497
const-string / jumbo v4, "recovery"

invoke-virtual {v4, v12}, Ljava / lang / String; ->equals (Ljava / lang / Object;) Z

move-result v4

if-eqz v4,: cond_4ad # change in the if-eqz v4,: cond_next

move-object / from16 v0, p0

iget-object v4, v0, Lcom / android / server / policy / GlobalActions; ->mItems: Ljava / util / ArrayList;

move-object / from16 v0, p0

iget-object v5, v0, Lcom / android / server / policy / GlobalActions; ->mRecovery: Lcom / android / server / policy / GlobalActions $ SinglePressAction;

invoke-virtual {v4, v5}, Ljava / util / ArrayList; ->add (Ljava / lang / Object;) Z

goto / 16: goto_3f8

: Cond_4ad # change to: cond_next
+++ const-string / jumbo v4, "quickreboot"

invoke-virtual {v4, v12}, Ljava / lang / String; ->equals (Ljava / lang / Object;) Z

move-result v4

if-eqz v4,: cond_next1

move-object / from16 v0, p0

iget-object v4, v0, Lcom / android / server / policy / GlobalActions; ->mItems: Ljava / util / ArrayList;

move-object / from16 v0, p0

iget-object v5, v0, Lcom / android / server / policy / GlobalActions; ->mHotReboot: Lcom / android / server / policy / GlobalActions $ SinglePressAction;

invoke-virtual {v4, v5}, Ljava / util / ArrayList; ->add (Ljava / lang / Object;) Z

goto / 16: goto_3f8

: Cond_next1 +++
const-string / jumbo v4, "torch"

edit ROMConrol version 2.x
In Customizing (ROMConrol version 2.x) to add a line in a convenient .xml file in xml folder
<PreferenceScreen android: title = "display settings to turn off the menu" android: summary = "Set the display to turn off the menu">
<PreferenceCategory android: title = "display settings to turn off the menu" />
<com.wubydax.romcontrol.v2.prefs.MySwitchPreference android: title = "Shutdown" android: key = "power_poweroff" android: defaultValue = "true" android: summaryOn = "Show" android: summaryOff = "Hide" />
<com.wubydax.romcontrol.v2.prefs.MySwitchPreference android: title = "Mobile data" android: key = "power_data" android: defaultValue = "true" android: summaryOn = "Show" android: summaryOff = "Hide" />
<com.wubydax.romcontrol.v2.prefs.MySwitchPreference android: title = "Offline mode" android: key = "power_airplane" android: defaultValue = "true" android: summaryOn = "Show" android: summaryOff = "Hide" />
<com.wubydax.romcontrol.v2.prefs.MySwitchPreference android: title = "Restart" android: key = "power_restart" android: defaultValue = "true" android: summaryOn = "Show" android: summaryOff = "Hide" />
<com.wubydax.romcontrol.v2.prefs.MySwitchPreference android: title = "rekaveri" android: key = "power_recovery" android: defaultValue = "true" android: summaryOn = "Show" android: summaryOff = "Hide" />
+ <com.wubydax.romcontrol.v2.prefs.MySwitchPreference android: title = "Fast Reboot" android: key = "power_quick_reboot" android: defaultValue = "false" android: summaryOn = "Show" android: summaryOff = "Hide" />
<com.wubydax.romcontrol.v2.prefs.MySwitchPreference android: title = "Flashlight" android: key = "power_torch" android: defaultValue = "false" android: summaryOn = "Show" android: summaryOff = "Hide" />
<com.wubydax.romcontrol.v2.prefs.MySwitchPreference android: title = "Record screen" android: key = "power_record" android: defaultValue = "false" android: summaryOn = "Show" android: summaryOff = "Hide" />
<com.wubydax.romcontrol.v2.prefs.MySwitchPreference android: title = "screenshot" android: key = "power_screenshot" android: defaultValue = "false" android: summaryOn = "Show" android: summaryOff = "Hide" />
<com.wubydax.romcontrol.v2.prefs.MySwitchPreference android: title = "emergency mode" android: key = "power_emergency" android: defaultValue = "false" android: summaryOn = "Show" android: summaryOff = "Hide" />
+ <PreferenceScreen android: title = "S Bike Mode" android: summary = "Show or skryvatt S Bike Mode">
+ <PreferenceCategory android: title = "Mode S Bike - must be restarted" />
+ <com.wubydax.romcontrol.v2.prefs.RunScriptPreference android: title = "Show" android: summary = "Show Mode S Bike" app: scriptFileName = "enable_bike_mode_power_menu.sh" app: showConfirmDialog = "false" />
+ <com.wubydax.romcontrol.v2.prefs.RunScriptPreference android: title = "hide" android: summary = "Hide Mode S Bike" app: scriptFileName = "disable_bike_mode_power_menu.sh" app: showConfirmDialog = "false" />
+ </ PreferenceScreen>
</ PreferenceScreen>

Note: In the archive mod_extended_power_menu.zip Located installation archive extended_power_menu.zip. In which there are others.xml files with settings for my needs,
for their preferences need to replace your files with a line on (off the menu display off) SBike mode:
* On the waysystem / csc / others.xml change to their line of full inclusion SBike mode, as well as for the way system / SettingsControl / csc / enable_bike_mode_power_menu / others.xml to apply the script.
<CscFeature_Common_ConfigBikeMode>bikemode | globalaction</ CscFeature_Common_ConfigBikeMode>

* On the waysystem / SettingsControl / csc / disable_bike_mode_power_menu / others.xml change to your trip with a string to turn off the menu display for the use of the script.
<CscFeature_Common_ConfigBikeMode>bikemode</ CscFeature_Common_ConfigBikeMode>

Installation : By analogy of installing deodex, applying the extended_power_menu.bat batch file to the extended_power_menu.zip installation archive.
For other devicesTWRP If there is one.
Download archive: Attached filequickreboot.zip (39.72 Kb)

Download the installation file: Attached filemod_extended_power_menu.zip (5.62 MB)

Post has been editedsagitt67 - 29.03.17, 03:21

Rep: (7344)
Fix Settings.Android 6.0.1

Attached Image

Author : sagitt67 reference to the original Editing system applications Samsung SM-N915 Galaxy Note Edge (Post Wlryss # 51886891) thanksSW.Tamerlan2009 and SW.Wlryss
Firmware : Grace UX A720FXXU1APLI Deodex .
Description: - When the time setting dialogue, eg Include Scheduled Filter blue took off the Settings app.
A similar error:
- Editing framework-res.apk (Post ma.loy # 57131249)
- Editing system applications Samsung SM-N915 Galaxy Note Edge (Post Wlryss # 51821544)
SecSettings2 / res / values ​​/ styles.xxml
looking for strings
<style name = "TimePickerDialogTheme" parent = "@ touchwiz: style / TwPickerDialogTheme.TimePicker">
<item name = "touchwiz: timePickerMode">spinner</ item>
</ style>

change to
<style name = "TimePickerDialogTheme" parent = "@ touchwiz: style / TwPickerDialogTheme.TimePicker" />

Post has been editedsagitt67 - 31.03.17, 00:13

Rep: (0)
Good day. On Android 6.0.1 interface GraceUX, possible to remove the battery in the status bar (leaving%) and the clock to do in the middle?

Rep: (7344)
SelihovE @ 01.04.17, 22:53*
possible to remove the battery in the status bar (leaving%)

Editing system applications Samsung SM-N915 Galaxy Note Edge (Post sagitt67 # 49333546)Only battery with difficult hours, but here everything is implementedSamsung Galaxy A7 (2017) - Modification and decorations (Post sagitt67 # 59491784)

Rep: (1872)
Show you how to bring order to the alphabetical column
Did so values-ru / arrays
<? xml version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8"?>
<string-array name = "index_string_array">
</ string-array>
</ resources>

And it is possible that would be smaller points
Attached Image
Attached Image
Attached Image

Rep: (7344)
aliwaris @ 02.04.17, 00:37*
And it is possible that would be smaller points

Probably not - different height strips less will automatically compress the letter and put points.

Rep: (1872)
* sagitt67
And how are you this thing vygljadet

Rep: (7344)
aliwaris @ 02.04.17, 01:05*
And how are you this thing vygljadet

Without changes.

Rep: (1872)
* sagitt67
Without changes.

Half of the column through a point of Russian and half through English point - not so: russian_ru:

Rep: (0)
sagitt67 @ 02.04.17, 01:58*
Editing system applications Samsung SM-N915 Galaxy Note Edge (Post sagitt67 # 49333546) Only a battery with more complicated watches, but here everything is sold Samsung Galaxy A7 (2017) - Modification and decorations (Post sagitt67 # 59491784)

And without rom control, to edit, to stand by default (in the center of the clock, there was no battery), perhaps?

Rep: (7344)
See hereInstructions for editing system resources

Rep: (7344)
Buttons at the bottom of a call on a single line.Android 6.0.1

Attached Image
Attached Image

Author : sagitt67
Firmware : Grace UX A720FXXU1APLI Deodex .
Note : Addition to Hide the status bar the calls.Android 6.0.1
Description: - Move the call button down one line.
- Remove the shift of the call buttons at the bottom, at the opening nabornika.
- Adding a shadow to text for easy viewing on a light background.
- Reduce the size of the text.
Edit SamsungInCallUI:
SamsungInCallUI / res / layout / sec_voice_call_button_fragment.xml
change in the value of the string ###
<? xml version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8"?>
<RelativeLayout android: orientation = "vertical" android: id = "@ id / callButtons" android: layout_width = "fill_parent" android: layout_height = "fill_parent" ### android: layout_marginTop = "@ dimen / sec_call_banner_height"
<FrameLayout android: id = "@ id / endCallButtonContainer" android: layout_width = "@ dimen / sec_endcall_button_diameter" android: layout_height = "@ dimen / sec_endcall_button_diameter" ### android: layout_marginBottom = "@ dimen / sec_endcall_button_margin_bottom" android: layout_alignParentBottom = "true "android: layout_centerHorizontal =" true ">

<? xml version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8"?>
<RelativeLayout android: orientation = "vertical" android: id = "@ id / callButtons" android: layout_width = "fill_parent" android: layout_height = "fill_parent" ### android: layout_marginTop = "1080.0px" ### - here its height screen.
<FrameLayout android: id = "@ id / endCallButtonContainer" android: layout_width = "@ dimen / sec_endcall_button_diameter" android: layout_height = "@ dimen / sec_endcall_button_diameter" ### android: layout_marginBottom = "12.0dip" android: layout_alignParentBottom = "true" android : layout_centerHorizontal = "true">

SamsungInCallUI / res / layout / sec_voice_call_button_view_page.xml
Delete rows (-) and add from (+++) to (+++)
<? xml version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8"?>
<RelativeLayout android: id = "@ id / pagerCallButtons" android: layout_width = "fill_parent" android: layout_height = "fill_parent"
xmlns: android = "http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android">
<LinearLayout android: gravity = "center_horizontal" android: orientation = "horizontal" android: id = "@ id / inCallButtonsUpper" android: layout_width = "fill_parent" android: layout_height = "wrap_content" android: layout_marginTop = "@ dimen / sec_incall_button_margin_top">
<com.android.incallui.secui.widget.SecVoiceButton android: enabled = "false" android: id = "@ id / cameraButton" android: visibility = "gone" android: text = "@ string / secOnscreenCameraText" android: drawableTop = " @ drawable / sec_incall_button_camera_icon_vzw "style =" @ style / SecInCallButton "/>
<com.android.incallui.secui.widget.SecVoiceButton android: enabled = "false" android: id = "@ id / addCallButton" android: text = "@ string / onscreenAddCallText" android: drawableTop = "@ drawable / sec_incall_button_add_call_icon" style = "@ style / SecInCallButton" />
<ViewStub android: id = "@ id / rcsVideoButton_stub" android: visibility = "gone" android: layout = "@ layout / rcs_vsh_button_stub" android: layout_width = "@ dimen / sec_incall_button_width" android: layout_height = "wrap_content" />
- <ViewStub android: id = "@ id / recordButtonStub" android: visibility = "gone" android: layout = "@ layout / sec_record_button_layout" android: layout_width = "@ dimen / sec_incall_button_width" android: layout_height = "wrap_content" />
- <com.android.incallui.secui.widget.SecVoiceToggleButton android: enabled = "false" android: id = "@ id / extraVolumeButton" android: visibility = "gone" android: textOn = "@ string / secOnscreenExtraVolumeText" android: textOff = " @ string / secOnscreenExtraVolumeText "android: drawableTop =" @ drawable / sec_incall_button_extra_volume_icon "android: soundEffectsEnabled =" false "android: layout_marginStart =" @ dimen / sec_incall_buttons_margin_between_vertical "style =" @ style / SecInCallButton "/>
<ViewStub android: id = "@ id / contactButtonStub" android: visibility = "gone" android: layout = "@ layout / sec_contact_button_layout" android: layout_width = "@ dimen / sec_incall_button_width" android: layout_height = "wrap_content" android: layout_marginStart = " @ dimen / sec_incall_buttons_margin_between_vertical "/>
<ViewStub android: id = "@ id / switchToVideoButtonStub" android: visibility = "gone" android: layout = "@ layout / sec_switch_to_video_button_layout" android: layout_width = "@ dimen / sec_incall_button_width" android: layout_height = "wrap_content" android: layout_marginStart = " @ dimen / sec_incall_buttons_margin_between_vertical "/>
<ViewStub android: id = "@ id / rcsCallPlus_stub" android: visibility = "gone" android: layout = "@ layout / rcs_callplus_layout" android: layout_width = "@ dimen / sec_incall_button_width" android: layout_height = "wrap_content" android: layout_marginStart = " @ dimen / sec_incall_buttons_margin_between_vertical "/>
<ViewStub android: id = "@ id / rcsShareButton_stub" android: visibility = "gone" android: layout = "@ layout / rcs_ish_button_stub" android: layout_width = "@ dimen / sec_incall_button_width" android: layout_height = "wrap_content" android: layout_marginStart = " @ dimen / sec_incall_buttons_margin_between_vertical "/>
- <com.android.incallui.secui.widget.SecVoiceToggleButton android: enabled = "false" android: id = "@ id / bluetoothButton" android: textOn = "@ string / audio_mode_bluetooth" android: textOff = "@ string / audio_mode_bluetooth" android: drawableTop = "@ drawable / sec_incall_button_bluetooth_icon" android: soundEffectsEnabled = "false" android: layout_marginStart = "@ dimen / sec_incall_buttons_margin_between_vertical" style = "@ style / SecInCallButton" />
<ViewStub android: id = "@ id / oneWayCameraButtonStub" android: visibility = "gone" android: layout = "@ layout / sec_one_way_camera_button_layout" android: layout_width = "@ dimen / sec_incall_button_width" android: layout_height = "wrap_content" android: layout_marginStart = " @ dimen / sec_incall_buttons_margin_between_vertical "/>
</ LinearLayout>
<LinearLayout android: gravity = "center_horizontal" android: orientation = "horizontal" android: id = "@ id / inCallButtonsUnder" android: layout_width = "fill_parent" android: layout_height = "fill_parent" android: layout_marginTop = "@ dimen / sec_incall_under_button_margin_top">
+++ <LinearLayout android: gravity = "center_horizontal" android: layout_gravity = "left" android: orientation = "horizontal" android: layout_width = "wrap_content" android: layout_height = "wrap_content" android: paddingStart = "0.0dip" android: paddingEnd = "34.0 dip "android: layout_alignParentStart =" true ">
<ViewStub android: id = "@ id / recordButtonStub" android: visibility = "gone" android: layout = "@ layout / sec_record_button_layout" android: layout_width = "@ dimen / sec_incall_button_width" android: layout_marginStart = "- 4.0dip" android: paddingStart = "- 4.0dip" android: layout_height = "wrap_content" android: layout_alignParentStart = "true" />
<com.android.incallui.secui.widget.SecVoiceToggleButton android: enabled = "false" android: id = "@ id / extraVolumeButton" android: visibility = "gone" android: textOn = "@ string / secOnscreenExtraVolumeText" android: textOff = " @ string / secOnscreenExtraVolumeText "android: drawableTop =" @ drawable / sec_incall_button_extra_volume_icon "android: soundEffectsEnabled =" false "android: layout_marginStart =" 2.0dip "style =" @ style / SecInCallButton "/>
<com.android.incallui.secui.widget.SecVoiceToggleButton android: enabled = "false" android: id = "@ id / bluetoothButton" android: textOn = "@ string / audio_mode_bluetooth" android: textOff = "@ string / audio_mode_bluetooth" android: drawableTop = "@ drawable / sec_incall_button_bluetooth_icon" android: soundEffectsEnabled = "false" android: layout_marginStart = "2.0dip" style = "@ style / SecInCallButton" />
</ LinearLayout>+++
- <com.android.incallui.secui.widget.SecVoiceToggleButton android: enabled = "false" android: id = "@ id / speakerButton" android: textOn = "@ string / secOnscreenSpeaker" android: textOff = "@ string / secOnscreenSpeaker" android: drawableTop = "@ drawable / sec_incall_button_speaker_icon" android: soundEffectsEnabled = "false" style = "@ style / SecInCallButton" />
<com.android.incallui.secui.widget.SecVoiceToggleButton android: enabled = "false" android: id = "@ id / holdButton" android: visibility = "gone" android: textOn = "@ string / overflowResumeMenuItemText" android: textOff = " @ string / onscreenHoldText "android: drawableTop =" @ drawable / sec_incall_button_hold_icon "android: soundEffectsEnabled =" false "style =" @ style / SecInCallButton "/>
+++ <LinearLayout android: gravity = "center_horizontal" android: layout_gravity = "right" android: orientation = "horizontal" android: layout_width = "wrap_content" android: layout_height = "wrap_content" android: paddingStart = "34.0dip" android: paddingEnd = "0.0 dip "android: layout_alignParentEnd =" true ">
<com.android.incallui.secui.widget.SecVoiceButton android: enabled = "false" android: id = "@ id / dialpadButton" android: text = "@ string / secOnscreenKeypadText" android: drawableTop = "@ drawable / sec_incall_button_dialpad_icon" android: layout_marginEnd = "2.0dip" style = "@ style / SecInCallButton" />
<com.android.incallui.secui.widget.SecVoiceToggleButton android: enabled = "false" android: id = "@ id / speakerButton" android: textOn = "@ string / secOnscreenSpeaker" android: textOff = "@ string / secOnscreenSpeaker" android: drawableTop = "@ drawable / sec_incall_button_speaker_icon" android: layout_marginEnd = "2.0dip" android: soundEffectsEnabled = "false" style = "@ style / SecInCallButton" />
<com.android.incallui.secui.widget.SecVoiceToggleButton android: enabled = "false" android: id = "@ id / muteButton" android: textOn = "@ string / onscreenMuteText" android: textOff = "@ string / onscreenMuteText" android: drawableTop = "@ drawable / sec_incall_button_mute_icon" android: layout_marginEnd = "- 4.0dip" android: paddingEnd = "- 4.0dip" style = "@ style / SecInCallButton" android: layout_alignParentEnd = "true" />
</ LinearLayout>+++
- <com.android.incallui.secui.widget.SecVoiceButton android: enabled = "false" android: id = "@ id / dialpadButton" android: text = "@ string / secOnscreenKeypadText" android: drawableTop = "@ drawable / sec_incall_button_dialpad_icon" android: layout_marginStart = "@ dimen / sec_incall_buttons_margin_between_vertical" style = "@ style / SecInCallButton" />
- <com.android.incallui.secui.widget.SecVoiceToggleButton android: enabled = "false" android: id = "@ id / muteButton" android: textOn = "@ string / onscreenMuteText" android: textOff = "@ string / onscreenMuteText" android: drawableTop = "@ drawable / sec_incall_button_mute_icon" android: layout_marginStart = "@ dimen / sec_incall_buttons_margin_between_vertical" style = "@ style / SecInCallButton" />
</ LinearLayout>
</ RelativeLayout>

SamsungInCallUI / res / values-ru / strings.xml
change in rows
<string name = "secOnscreenExtraVolumeText">Additional volume</ string>
<string name = "secOnscreenKeypadText">Keyboard</ string>

<string name = "secOnscreenExtraVolumeText">Extras. volume</ string>
<string name = "secOnscreenKeypadText">Set</ string>

SamsungInCallUI / res / values-sw360dp-xxxhdpi-v13 / dimens.xml
change in line
<dimen name = "sec_incall_button_text_size">13.0dip</ dimen>

<dimen name = "sec_incall_button_text_size">10.0dip</ dimen>

SamsungInCallUI / res / values-sw360dp-xxxhdpi-v13 / styles.xml
add in strings
<style name = "SecInCallButton">
<item name = "android: textSize">@ Dimen / sec_incall_button_text_size</ item>
<item name = "android: textColor">@ Drawable / sec_incall_button_text_color</ item>
<item name = "android: background">@ Drawable / sec_incall_button_background</ item>
<item name = "android: paddingBottom">2.0dip</ item>
<item name = "android: layout_width">@ Dimen / sec_incall_button_width</ item>
<item name = "android: layout_height">wrap_content</ item>
<item name = "android: maxLines">2</ item>
<item name = "android: includeFontPadding">false</ item>
+ <item name = "android: shadowColor">#50000000</ item>
+ <item name = "android: shadowDx">3.0</ item>
+ <item name = "android: shadowDy">3.0</ item>
+ <item name = "android: shadowRadius">4.0</ item>
<item name = "android: drawablePadding">@ Dimen / sec_incall_button_drawable_padding</ item>
<item name = "android: textAllCaps">false</ item>
<item name = "android: fontFamily">sec-roboto-light</ item>
<item name = "android: stateListAnimator">@null</ item>
</ style>
<style name = "SecEndCallButton">
<item name = "android: textSize">@ Dimen / sec_incall_button_text_size</ item>
<item name = "android: textColor">@ Drawable / sec_incall_button_text_color</ item>
<item name = "android: background">@ Drawable / sec_incall_button_background</ item>
<item name = "android: layout_width">0.0dip</ item>
<item name = "android: layout_height">wrap_content</ item>
<item name = "android: maxLines">2</ item>
<item name = "android: includeFontPadding">false</ item>
+ <item name = "android: shadowColor">#50000000</ item>
+ <item name = "android: shadowDx">3.0</ item>
+ <item name = "android: shadowDy">3.0</ item>
+ <item name = "android: shadowRadius">4.0</ item>
<item name = "android: drawablePadding">@ Dimen / sec_incall_button_drawable_padding</ item>
<item name = "android: layout_weight">1.0</ item>
<item name = "android: textAllCaps">false</ item>
<item name = "android: fontFamily">sec-roboto-light</ item>
<item name = "android: stateListAnimator">@null</ item>
</ style>
<style name = "SecEndCallButtonFolder">
<item name = "android: textSize">@ Dimen / sec_incall_button_easy_text_size</ item>
<item name = "android: textColor">@ Drawable / sec_incall_button_text_color</ item>
<item name = "android: background">@ Drawable / sec_incall_button_folder_background</ item>
<item name = "android: layout_width">wrap_content</ item>
<item name = "android: layout_height">@ Dimen / sec_incall_button_folder_height</ item>
<item name = "android: singleLine">true</ item>
+ <item name = "android: shadowColor">#50000000</ item>
+ <item name = "android: shadowDx">3.0</ item>
+ <item name = "android: shadowDy">3.0</ item>
+ <item name = "android: shadowRadius">4.0</ item>
<item name = "android: drawablePadding">0.0dip</ item>
<item name = "android: layout_weight">1.0</ item>
<item name = "android: textAllCaps">false</ item>
<item name = "android: fontFamily">sec-roboto-light</ item>
<item name = "android: stateListAnimator">@null</ item>
</ style>
<style name = "SecInCallButtonFolder">
<item name = "android: textSize">@ Dimen / sec_incall_button_easy_text_size</ item>
<item name = "android: textColor">@ Drawable / sec_incall_button_text_color</ item>
<item name = "android: background">@ Drawable / sec_incall_button_folder_background</ item>
<item name = "android: layout_width">@ Dimen / sec_incall_button_folder_width</ item>
<item name = "android: layout_height">@ Dimen / sec_incall_button_folder_height</ item>
<item name = "android: singleLine">true</ item>
+ <item name = "android: shadowColor">#50000000</ item>
+ <item name = "android: shadowDx">3.0</ item>
+ <item name = "android: shadowDy">3.0</ item>
+ <item name = "android: shadowRadius">4.0</ item>
<item name = "android: drawablePadding">0.0dip</ item>
<item name = "android: textAllCaps">false</ item>
<item name = "android: fontFamily">sec-roboto-light</ item>
<item name = "android: stateListAnimator">@null</ item>
</ style>

SamsungInCallUI / res / values-sw411dp-xxxhdpi-v13 / dimens.xml
change in line
<dimen name = "sec_endcall_button_delta_by_dialpad">54.0dip</ dimen>
<dimen name = "sec_incall_button_width">105.0dip</ dimen>
<dimen name = "sec_incall_buttons_delta_by_dialpad">78.0dip</ dimen>
<dimen name = "sec_incall_under_button_margin_top">154.0dip</ dimen

<dimen name = "sec_endcall_button_delta_by_dialpad">0.0dip</ dimen>
<dimen name = "sec_incall_button_width">54.0dip</ dimen>
<dimen name = "sec_incall_buttons_delta_by_dialpad">0.0dip</ dimen>>
<dimen name = "sec_incall_under_button_margin_top">252.0dip</ dimen>

Rep: (414)
Indicator and RAM cleaning in curtain.Android 6.0.1

Author : remenyuk_z
Firmware : Grace UX A720FXXU1APLI Deodex
Download the archive and extract it to a folder.
systemui / res / values ​​/ ids
<item type = "id" name = "killer_mem_info">false</ item>
<item type = "id" name = "killer_clean_button">false</ item>

systemui \ res \ values ​​\ dimens
<dimen name = "killer_meminfo_txt_size">16.0sp</ dimen>

systemui \ res \ values ​​\ colors
<color name = "killer_meminfo_background"># ff373737</ color>
<color name = "killer_meminfo_front"># ff25e100</ color>
<color name = "killer_meminfo_full_front"># ffff5400</ color>
<color name = "killer_meminfo_txt">#ffffffff</ color>

Next, add a line to the AndroidManifest.xml
before***<application android: allowBackup = .......... ***
<uses-permission android: name = "android.permission.KILL_BACKGROUND_PROCESSES" />

systemui / res / layout / tw_status_bar_expanded_header.xml
after ***<ImageView android: id = "@ id / sfinder_button" android: background = ".......*** Adds a line.
<com.pekaka.systemui.killer.MemCleanView android: layout_gravity = "center_vertical" android: paddingRight = "2.0dip" android: paddingLeft = "2.0dip" android: layout_width = "wrap_content" android: layout_height = "wrap_content" />

Next, add in SettingsControl \ res \ xml \ general_prefs.xml Or wherever your heart desires.
<PreferenceScreen android: title = "memory settings" android: summary = "Settings RAM Colors">
<com.wubydax.romcontrol.v2.prefs.MySwitchPreference android: title = "RAM Square" android: key = "pekaka_memCleanView" android: summaryOn = "Results" android: summaryOff = "Private" />
<com.wubydax.romcontrol.v2.prefs.ColorPickerPreference android: title = "Color of memory" android: key = "db_inkeffect_pekaka_memkiller_picker" android: defaultValue = "\ # ff2aff00" alphaSlider = "true" hexValue = "true" />
</ PreferenceScreen>

Attached Image

Attached Image

Attached Image

Download : Attached filesystemui.rar (11.02 KB)

Rep: (2732)
sagitt67 @ 2.04.17, 18:33*
Button when you call on one line at the bottom

Respected,sagitt67!I do your manaon the far sink Dialers.
Buttons become in a row, it's okay.
Tell me how to reset the window with buttons background
Attached Image

And the window pop-up keyboard would add transparency, but it is half-troubles, I would understand the first question.
Attached Image

P / s: By the window the question is removed. This mask from the topic, to drain the subject with transparency all right.

Post has been editedSM-N 7505 - 02.04.17, 13:51

Rep: (7344)
SM-N 7505 @ 02/04/17, 14:47*
And the window pop-up keyboard would add transparency

SamsungInCallUI / res / values ​​/ colors.xml forced to register on line color:
<color name = "sec_background_dialpad">@ Color / color_default_background_theme</ color>

I have# aa000000 The result at the 2nd screenshot Samsung Galaxy A7 (2017) - Editing of system applications (Post sagitt67 # 60016565)
Color text and elements
<color name = "sec_dialpad_digits_text_color_theme"># ff252525</ color>
<color name = "sec_dialpad_divider_color_theme"># ffc6c6c6</ color>
<color name = "sec_dialpad_elapsed_time_text_color"># ff252525</ color>
<color name = "sec_dialpad_menu_button_text_color">@ Color / sec_dialpad_elapsed_time_text_color</ color>
<color name = "sec_dialpad_menu_icon_color"># ff63aa4a</ color>
<color name = "sec_dialpad_primary_text_color_theme"># ff000000</ color>
<color name = "sec_dialpad_secondary_text_color_theme"># ffa1a3a5</ color>

Post has been editedsagitt67 - 02.04.17, 14:11

Rep: (2732)
* sagitt67 ,
With pop-up window keyboard clearly. How to remove the window buttons?

Rep: (7344)
SM-N 7505 @ 02/04/17, 14:47*
Tell me how to reset the window with buttons background

Instructions with photos to fill the screen, you have a square photo buttons and the substrate to be with his background - he was not reset, if only to pull the photo on the screen.

Rep: (3305)
sagitt67 @ 02.04.17, 15:21*
square photo buttons and the substrate to be with his background - he was not reset, if only to pull the photo on the screen.

Or go on a photo with an aspect ratio of 16: 9: YES2:

Rep: (962)
We move to subsectionSamsung

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Time is now: 10/05/20, 10:32