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Catalog of Android programs

Remote Bot for Telegram | Access your phone from Telegram

Rep: (92)
Remote Bot for Telegram
version: 1.9.43

Last update of the program in the header:16.07.2019
Attached Image
Additional screenshots

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Attached Image

Short description:
Send and receive SMS, execute Tasker commands via Telegram, see the list of missed calls, manage your phone using Telegram
Remote Bot for Telegram is the first and unique application of its kind that allows you to send and receive SMS via Telegram, execute Tasker commands via Telegram, and control your device remotely.

If you are an active Telegram user, you may have thought that it would be convenient to receive SMS directly to Telegram on your work computer. Remote Bot allows you to not only receive SMS, but also send them.
Probably it often happens that you cannot find your phone, leaving it under the pillow, Remote Bot will help you find your phone through a loud signal.
Sometimes you need to copy the text from the phone's clipboard to a computer or vice versa, Remote Bot for Telegram can also help you with this.
And this is a small part of what Remote Bot for Telegram can do.

★ The bot runs on your device, data and SMS are transmitted only to Telegram servers and are not stored anywhere else.
★ Applicationdoes not consume battery , since push notifications are used to receive new messages from the user. Push-notifications server is used only for sending messages from the user to the bot.
★ Bot is createdautomatically , for this you need to log in to Telegram, specifying your phone number and code received via SMS or Telegram.
★ Management of the bot is carried out both by correspondence and using the convenient Telegram keyboard, which can be customized.
★ For commands with parameters, you can create pseudonyms (aliases)
★ Bot can be tied to one or more Telegram accounts that will have access to your bot.
★ Built-in proxy, support http / socks proxy

âš  For the program to work correctlyGoogle services (to receive messages from Telegram via push notifications. Also supported is long polling mode, for which Google services are not required, but using it leads to quick battery consumption.)
Features and work with the bot

What can bot:
* Send / receive SMS
* Automatically send incoming SMS / USSD messages to Telegram and notify about missed calls.
* Send notifications to Telegram from bar status for selected applications
* Call the specified numbers
* View call history
* View contact list
* Perform tasksTasker and send messages from Tasker / Macrodroid to Telegram via plugin for Tasker
* Locate device
* Detect movement using a computer vision system
* Determine device shaking by accelerometer
* Translate text to speech (TTS)
* Search for a device by giving a loud signal.
* Download files to / from device
* Install applications (requires root)
* Play recorded voice or media file on device
* Show battery info
* Save text to clipboard or read from it
* Manage volume and ringer mode
* View photos from the gallery
* Manage your music player
* Run favorite apps
* Close running applications
* Take photos from the front / rear camera
* Record video from front / rear camera
* Record sound
* Record video from the screen and take screenshots
* Turn on / off the flashlight
* Show device information
* Reboot, disconnect device (requires root)
* Make screenshots (requires root)
* Run timer commands
* Run scripts (read more remote-bot.com/script)
* Execute shell commands (root required)
And much more, more onreference

SMS commands

rb start - start the bot
rb stop - stop bot
rb polling - change the way messages are received (push notifications / long polling)
rb polling push / long - select the method of receiving messages
rb info - information about the device and bot.
rb help

How to create Telegram bot manually

Create a bot manually throughBotfather

1. Open Telegram
2. Find in the search "botfather", select it and click Start
3. Send / newbot to create a new bot.
4. Come up and enter a name for the bot
5. Invent and enter the username for the bot (username). It must be unique and end with `bot`. For example TetrisBot or tetris_bot.
6. Copy Token, it will be required when setting up the bot in the application
7. Next, go to the application and insert Token, then enter your username. To protect your data, you need to bind the bot to your Telegram account by entering the username of your account in the Telegram. It can be installed or viewed in the Telegram settings.
8. Go to Telegram and find your created bot in the search by username bot and click Start

Tasker Tasks
You can read about Tasker’s features here:Tasker
In Tasker, there is a restriction on the execution of Tasker tasks by an unauthorized program if the task can be potentially dangerous (sending SMS, HTTP requests, etc.), but there are no restrictions on sending messages from Tasker to Telegram.

You can pass parameters when calling a Tasker task, for example:
When calling from the command: "TaskName" "Parameter1" "Parameter2"
When called on the same line with the command: / tasker "TaskName" "Parameter1" "Parameter2"
The parameters in Tasker can be accessed as follows:% par [index], where [index] is a parameter number starting with 1, example:% par1

Sending messages to Telegram from other applications
7 types of messages are supported (Message, Location, Photo, Document, Voice, Video, Audio)

To send messages from Tasker / Macrodroid you can use the plugin for Tasker

It is also possible to send messages through Intents.

An example of a task in Tasker with sending a photo from the front camera to the Telegram:Attached filephoto.tsk.xml(1.36 KB)

MacroDroid macro with sending changes to the clipboard:Attached fileClipboard.macro.zip(629 bytes)

How to send messages from Tasker

Messages from Tasker to Telegram are sent using the Send Intent command.

Create a task:
1) Open Tasker, go to the Tasks tab, then click on "+"
2) We invent the name of the task and click on the check mark
3) Add a new action by clicking on "+"
4) In the dialog that opens, select System (System) ->Send intent

Next you need to fill in the following fields:
Action: com.alexandershtanko.androidtelegrambot.ACTION_TASKER
Package: com.alexandershtanko.androidtelegrambot
Class: com.alexandershtanko.androidtelegrambot.receivers.TaskerMessageReceiver
Target: Broadcast Receiver

Depending on the type of message, fill in Extra
Extra: bot_state: true / false - control the status of the bot (on / off)
Extra: password: Password - specify the password for external access, if it is set in the bot settings

Extra: tasker_message_type: message
Extra: text: There must be some text
Extra: tasker_message_type: location
Extra: cords: 0.123,0.123 - (latitude, longitude)
Extra: tasker_message_type: photo
Extra: path: /storage/emulated/0/photo.jpg
Extra: tasker_message_type: document
Extra: path: /storage/emulated/0/document.pdf
Extra: tasker_message_type: video
Extra: path: /storage/emulated/0/file.avi
Extra: tasker_message_type: audio
Extra: path: /storage/emulated/0/music.mp3
Extra: tasker_message_type: voice
Extra: path: /storage/emulated/0/voice.wav

The message is sent to all associated users.
To send a message from a tasker to a specific user, just add Extra: chat_id or user_id or username.

Send messages from Automate It
1. Open the application
2. Go to my rules
3. Click on the "+"
4. Choose a trigger Location
5. Choose the right place and proximity radius ->Further
6. Choose an action: "Run an Intent Action"
7. Then choose "Broadcast" and go to Advanced Settings
8. Next you need to fill in:
Action Name: com.alexandershtanko.androidtelegrambot.ACTION_TASKER
Package name: com.alexandershtanko.androidtelegrambot
Component name: com.alexandershtanko.androidtelegrambot.receivers.TaskerMessageReceiver
Next, click "Add more"
Extra name: tasker_message_type
Value: message
Once again "Add more"
Extra name: text
Value: "Message text"

(Message types are the same as in Tasker)

9. Then click Next, enter the name of the rule and click on the Diskette in the upper right corner.

Posting Messages from AutoMagic

Action Send Broadcast
Next you need to add:

Action: com.alexandershtanko.androidtelegrambot.ACTION_TASKER
Package Name: com.alexandershtanko.androidtelegrambot
Component name: com.alexandershtanko.androidtelegrambot.receivers.TaskerMessageReceiver

putString ("tasker_message_type", "message"); // (Message types are the same as in Tasker)
putString ("text", "There should be a message text");

putString ("tasker_message_type", "document");
putString ("path", "storage / sdcard0 / test.txt");

putString ("tasker_message_type", "video");
putString ("path", "storage / sdcard0 / move.avi");

Other types of messages can be seen in the example for Tasker.

Run scripts in real time
More on the link: (https://remote-bot.com/script/).
Example of use:
1. You need to start the application, enter the password, then click enter.
The script for these actions will look like this:

rc.startApp ('com.example.package');
if (rc.isPackageInstalled ('com.example.package')) {

rc.click (500, 230);
rc.sleep (500);
rc.shell ('input text 123');
rc.sleep (500);
if (rc.isKeyboardVisible ()) rc.pressBack ();
rc.sleep (500);
rc.click (150, 310);
rc.sleep (500);
rc.click (500, 230);

2. You need to check whether the screen is on, installed and running the application

var isScreenOn = rc.isScreenOn ();
var isPackageInstalled = rc.isPackageInstalled ('com.example.package');
var isAppRunning = rc.isAppRunning ('com.example.package');

var response = {'isScreenOn': isScreenOn, 'isPackageInstalled': isPackageInstalled, 'isAppRunning': isAppRunning};

JSON.stringify (response);

By default, running scripts is disabled and must be enabled in the application settings.
Scripts can also be run using one command, for example: / script "rc.click (500, 230);"
In order to disable sending the script execution result, add 2 silent parameter to the / script command, example: / script 'rc.click (100,100);' silent

External API

Now you can develop your applications and send messages to Telegram via RBT

Remote Bot External API:https://github.com/Ale...-Telegram-External-Api
Example of use:https://github.com/Ale..m-External-Api-Example
Read more

How to add a library to your project:


Add to dependencies

compile 'com.alexandershtanko.remotebotexternalapi: remotebotexternalapi: 1.0.2'

1. Send Location
RemoteBotExternalAPI.sendLocation (Context context, float lat, float lng)

2. Send Audio
RemoteBotExternalAPI.sendAudio (Context context, String path)

3. Send Document
RemoteBotExternalAPI.sendDocument (Context context, String path)

4. Send Video
RemoteBotExternalAPI.sendVideo (Context context, String path)

5. Send Photo
RemoteBotExternalAPI.sendPhoto (Context context, String path)

6. Send Voice
RemoteBotExternalAPI.sendVoice (Context context, String path)

7. Send Message
RemoteBotExternalAPI.sendMessage (Context context, String text)

How to use one premium version on multiple devices
Premium version is tied to the Google account through which you bought it. If you want to use the purchased premium version on another device, you need to add this Google account to your device, select it on Google Play and install Remote Bot for Telegram via Google Play. Premium version is activated automatically after launching the application.

How to configure a proxy
You can configure the proxy through the Remote Bot application, using the bot / proxy command, or using the SMS command. Supported Proxy Types: HTTP / HTTPS with authorization and Socks proxy without authorization and without ip address support (you must use the domain name of the proxy server)

App Reviews:

Android required: 4.0
Russian interface: Yes
Developer: Alexander Shtanko

Site: https://remote-bot.com

Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.alexandershtanko.androidtelegrambot

Remote Bot Guide: go over

Download: Version: 1.9.43 with SMS support Attached fileremote-bot-full-1.9.43.apk (17.79 MB)

Turn off the update from Google Play

Past versions
Version: 1.9.42 with SMS support Attached filerelease-1.9.42-full.apk (17.79 MB)

version: 1.9.41 Attached filerelease-1.9.41.apk (17.79 MB)

Version: 1.9.40 Attached filerelease-1.9.40.apk (17.79 MB)

version: 1.9.39 Attached filerelease-1.9.39.apk (17.72 MB)

version: 1.9.38 Attached filerelease-1.9.38.apk (17.72 MB)

version: 1.9.33 Attached fileapp-main-release.apk (17.41 MB)

Version: 1.9.31 Attached fileapp-main-release.apk (17.42 MB)

version: 1.9.28 Attached fileapp-main-release.apk (17.42 MB)

Version: 1.9.25 Attached filerelease-1.9.25.apk (17.41 MB)

version: 1.9.24 Attached filerelease-1.9.24.apk (17.41 MB)

Version: 1.9.22 Attached filerelease-1.9.22 (1) .apk (18.65 MB)

Version: 1.9.21 Attached filerelease-1.9.21.apk (18.64 MB)

Version: 1.9.20 Attached filerelease-1.9.20.apk (18.64 MB)

Version: 1.9.19 Attached filerelease-1.9.19.apk (18.63 MB)

version: 1.9.18 Attached filerelease-1.9.18.apk (15.9 MB)

version: 1.9.17 Attached fileapp-main-release (10) .apk (15.89 MB)

Version: 1.9.15 Attached file105.apk (16.67 MB)

Version: 1.9.14 Attached fileapp-main-release (9) .apk (16.66 MB)

Version: 1.9.13 Attached fileapp-main-release (7) .apk (16.66 MB)

Version: 1.9.10 Attached fileapp-main-release (4) .apk (14.96 MB)

version: 1.9.9 Attached fileremote-bot-1.9.9.apk.zip (13.91 MB)

version: 1.9.8 Attached fileapp-main-release.apk (14.94 MB)

Version: 1.9.6 Attached fileapp-main-release (3) .apk (14.58 MB)

version: 1.9.5 Attached fileapp-main-release (2) .apk (14.56 MB)

version: 1.9.4 Attached fileapp-main-release (1) .apk (14.56 MB)

version: 1.9.3 Attached fileapp-main-release.apk (14.55 MB)

Post has been editedshimi - 16.07.19, 10:40
Reason for editing: Updating

Rep: (574)
To get started, you need to create a bot through BotFather

About this is not clear at all ...
Is it possible to describe in detail all the settings and the algorithm of work?

Rep: (92)
i81 @ 09/16/2016, 08:07*
About this is not clear at all ...
Is it possible to describe in detail all the settings and the algorithm of work?

Updated the description. Added instructions for creating a bot.

How the program works:
The phone launches a Telegram bot capable of executing commands that come from a Telegram.

To work, you need to register the bot in the Telegram service through the parent bot BotFather.
What is the advantage of this solution, unlike the bot running on the server? There is no extra layer between the phone and Telegram, which ensures increased security and accessibility whenever there is internet on the phone.

A bot knows how to execute various commands: send / read SMS, notify about missed calls, search for a location and manage phone settings.
I plan to add many more cool features)

Post has been editedshimi - 16.09.16, 12:20

Rep: (2482)
Oh, what an interesting, original, specific program, something like that I was waiting for.
Listed on the list:Catalog of popular programs (Post VLADFIONOV # 49120915)

Rep: (574)
7. Next, go to the application and insert Token, then enter your username.

Thanks to this, the bot will only accept commands from my telegram account?

Rep: (92)
Thanks to this, the bot will only accept commands from my telegram account?

Yes, otherwise the bot will offer to link your account with it in the mobile application.

Post has been editedshimi - 17.09.16, 09:59

Rep: (2)
Sources are unknown?

Rep: (92)
Sources? Allow unknown applications access to SMS / contacts / geolocation, etc., besides with the transfer over the network, I really do not want.

Yes, I thought about this question. The application is shareware, so I don’t want to upload the source code of the application, although during development they were available in GitHub. I can only say that the application uses the java library to create a bot telegram:https://github.com/pengrad/java-telegram-bot-apiand Crashlitics for cracking. When building the application, no obfuscation of the code was done.

There are many ways to get the source code of the application from apk, which you can find on the Internet.

Post has been editedshimi - 17.09.16, 16:27

Rep: (574)
* shimi ,
From the beginning, I too was dumb to put the bot, but after reviewing that I had previously tried to use your other program, I installed it.
There is a lack of binding of 2 or more telegram accounts.

Post has been editedi81 - 17.09.16, 17:08

Rep: (92)
There is a lack of binding of 2 or more telegram accounts.

Thanks for the idea, in the next update I will add.

Rep: (574)
next update

And when is this?

Something the bot does not have optimization. Not only did I climbed out to the second place in the statistics of crooks since the evening, I didn’t even wake up after the night when I received the request in 36 minutes, I woke up the phone at 39 and then the answer came.
  • Attached Image
    Attached Image
    Attached Image
    Attached Image
    Attached Image

Post has been editedi81 - 18.09.16, 08:44

Rep: (92)
i81 @ 09/18/2016, 10:35*
And when is this?

I think in a day or two.

As for optimization, I dig, but since I did not think of how to use push notifications in an application, I have to manually wake the device every minute and start the stopped service. The fact that the service does not always start may be related to the power saving settings of the processor. I tested the application on Lg Spirit, Android 6, the phone always woke up during a minute. But in any case I will try to figure it out.

Rep: (574)
Regarding optimization

If it is not, then unfortunately the use of this application is not possible for me.

Rep: (1095)
Ruth is not needed?

Rep: (92)
Ruth is not needed?

No, not needed

Rep: (1628)
* galakti0n how much If it's cheap, I'll take three. : smoke: joke.

An interesting idea, I'll follow the topic.

Rep: (574)
* shimi ,
Today, again, the phone did not wake up on request from me ... This is very bad - it makes no sense for me to use the bot

Rep: (92)
Today, again, the phone did not wake up on request from me ... This is very bad - it makes no sense for me to use the bot

Most likely this is a bug that I will try to fix as soon as possible.

Rep: (1095)
Well, the battery, really, eats?

Rep: (92)
Well, the battery, really, eats?

On my device, I did not notice any special consumption.
But still in the update took into account this fact and tried to optimize the flow.

Update 1.0.6

  • Now you can link multiple accounts to the bot
  • Optimize battery consumption
  • Replaced the sound when searching for the phone
  • Fixed bugs and shortcomings

On google play

Post has been editedshimi - 20.09.16, 08:26

Rep: (574)
* shimi ,
Thank you for the opportunity to add more accounts.
Updated. I added a bot to my wife’s account, at the same time I checked how without an account link to bots everything is wonderful.
Attached Image

In the process of demonstrating the bot's wife to work, they said one glitch:
Attached Image
more of this did not happen again.

Another suggestion:
1. Disable this annoying message about charging.
2. Make the bot command buttons - more convenient than poking into the text.

Post has been editedi81 - 20.09.16, 05:13

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