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Editing system applications Samsung SM-N915 Galaxy Note Edge | Editing system applications Samsung SM-N915 Galaxy Note Edge

Rep: (7345)
Editing system applications Samsung SM-N915 Galaxy Note Edge

This topic discusses the process of editing system files that you can implement yourself.

Forum Rules пїЅ | Description пїЅ | Discussion пїЅ | Firmware пїЅ | Purchase пїЅ | Accessories пїЅ | Editing system applications пїЅ | Modifications of software and decorations пїЅ | Custom firmware (OS 5.X.X) пїЅ | Samsung SM-N915 Galaxy Note Edge Fans Club пїЅ | Modified and stock kernels пїЅ

Before any changes in the system, do not forget to make BackUp files to be modified.
All the manipulations you do with your device, you do at your own peril and risk.

Rules of conduct in the topic, recommendations on the design of posts. Read a must.

  1. Do not duplicate the "Modification ..." branch, where ready-made solutions are laid out. Here they have a place to be only as an exception to the rules.
  2. Posts with open screens will be deleted without warning!
  3. Orders, requests, requests in this thread are not considered, for this purpose there isOrder table for compiling and editing system resources and applications,all posts that violate the rules will be deleted without warning!
  4. Offtopic and flood prohibited and punishable!
  5. Editing applications from Cyanogen Mod, MIUI, other modifications are not discussed!
  6. In the future, all posts that violate this concept will be deleted without warning!

Instruction Template
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[CENTER] [SIZE = 3] [B] [COLOR = royalblue] Here we write the name of the instruction [/ COLOR] [/ B] [/ SIZE] [/ CENTER]
[CENTER] Insert the main screenshot here [/ CENTER]
[COLOR = blue] [B] Author [/ B] [/ COLOR]: Specify the author
[COLOR = blue] [B] Firmware [/ B] [/ COLOR]: Specify the version / number, code / deodex
[COLOR = blue] [B] Description [/ B] [/ COLOR]: Full description
[SPOILER = Extras. screenshots] If there are additional screenshots, then insert it here [/ SPOILER]
[COLOR = blue] [B] Installation [/ B] [/ COLOR]: Specify the installation method / method
[COLOR = blue] [B] Download [/ B] [/ COLOR]: Attach files to download

Catalog of this thread
Android 4.4.4

Android 5.0.1
Custom settings

Shutdown menu

Lock screen

Shutter and status bar


Contacts, dialer and messages



Android 5.1.1
Custom settings

Edit and change the graphics and text color

Lock screen

System changes

Sidebar Changes

Curtain changes and bar status

Changes of Contacts, Calls, SMS

Adding Blur Effect (Gaussian Blur)

Android 6.0.1
Custom settings

useful links

User activity
Everything you do - you do at your own peril and risk!
The authors of the instructions and the administration of the forum is not responsible for the performance of your devices!

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Dear users! Please rate posts usingUser Moderation, buttonsAttached ImageandAttached Image. Remember, using this feature, you help keep the topic clean. Thank!

Post has been editedsagitt67 - 14.01.19, 12:47
Reason for editing: added guide

Rep: (7345)
Tweaks lock screen

Author : sagitt67
Firmware : XXU1ANJ8
Description : Edit the resources responsible for the parameters on the lock screen
full display of the days of the week on the lock screen
Attached Image

Keyguard / res / values-en / strings.xml
in line

<string name = "status_view_wday_day_month_no_year">E, d MMMM </ string> change to EEEE d MMMM

Turn on landscape mode on the lock screen
Attached Image

framework-res / res / values ​​/ bools.xml
in rows

<bool name = "config_enableLockScreenRotation">false </ bool> change to true
<bool name = "lockscreen_isPortrait">true </ bool> change to false

Post has been editedsagitt67 - 08.12.14, 19:14

Rep: (7345)
Tweaks Settings

Author : sagitt67
Firmware : XXU1ANJ8
Description : Editing the settings file
Turn on the power management widget
Attached Image

SecSettings / res / values ​​/ bools.xml
in line

<bool name = "has_powercontrol_widget">false </ bool> change to true

Turn on item display in Settings ->Applications ->Manage permissions for individual applications
Attached Image
Attached Image
Attached Image

SecSettings / res / xml / gridlist_settings_headers.xml
at the end of the file add the line

<header android: icon = "@ drawable / ic_setting_grid_applicationssettings" android: id = "@ id / header_id_application_settings" android: title = "@ string / header_menu_application_settings" android: fragment = "com.android.settings.SettingsCommonPreference">
<extra android: name = "menu" android: value = "application_settings" />
</ header>
<header android: icon = "@ drawable / ic_setting_grid_applicationpermissions" android: title = "@ string / app_ops_settings" android: fragment = "com.android.settings.applications.AppOpsSummary" />
</ preference-headers>


SecSettings / res / values-en / strings.xml
at the end of the file add the line

<string name = "app_ops_settings">Permission Management</ string>

Turn on item display in Settings ->System ->Developer options
Attached Image
Attached Image

SecSettings / smali / com / android / settings / GridSettings.smali

iget-object v0, p0, Lcom / android / settings / GridSettings; ->mDevelopmentPreferences: Landroid / content / SharedPreferences;

const-string v1, "show"

sget-object v2, Landroid / os / Build; ->TYPE: Ljava / lang / String;

const-string v3, "eng"

invoke-virtual {v2, v3}, Ljava / lang / String; ->equals (Ljava / lang / Object;) Z

move-result v2

invoke-interface {v0, v1, v2}, Landroid / content / SharedPreferences; ->getBoolean (Ljava / lang / String; Z) Z


change to

const / 4v7 , 0x1

* wherev7 may differ

Post has been editedsagitt67 - 26.12.14, 12:23

Rep: (4549)
We move to subsectionSamsung

Rep: (7345)
Extended reboot menu (in Russian)

Attached Image

Author : sagitt67
Firmware : N915FXXU1ANJ8Deodex
Description : Download the archive and copy the contents to the specified folder.
edit android.policy.jar
android.policy / smali / com / android / internal / policy / impl / GlobalActions $ SinglePressAction.smali
at the beginning of the file we add from***before*** (remove icons)

.annotation system Ldalvik / annotation / InnerClass;
accessFlags = 0x40a
name = "SinglePressAction"
.end annotation [/ color]

*** # static fields
.field protected static rebootMode: I

.field protected static final rebootOptions: [Ljava / lang / String; ***

# instance fields
.field public customAction: I

.field public isKnoxCustom: Z

# direct methods
***. method static constructor<clinit>() V
.locals 3

const / 4 v0, 0x4

new-array v0, v0, [Ljava / lang / String;

const / 4 v1,0x0

const-string v2, "\ u041f \ u0435 \ u0440 \ u0435 \ u0437 \ u0430 \ u0433 \ u0440 \ u0443 \ u0437 \ u043a \ u0430"

aput-object v2, v0, v1

const / 4 v1, 0x1

const-string v2, "\ u0411 \ u044b \ u0441 \ u0442 \ u0440 \ u0430 \ u044f \ u043f \ u0435 \ u0440 \ u0435 \ u0437 \ u0430 \ u0433 \ u0440 \ u0443 \ u0437 \ u043a \ u0430"

aput-object v2, v0, v1

const / 4 v1,0x2

const-string v2, "\ u041f \ u0440 \ u043e \ u0448 \ u0438 \ u0432 \ u043a \ u0430"

aput-object v2, v0, v1

const / 4 v1,0x3

const-string v2, "\ u0420 \ u0435 \ u043a \ u0430 \ u0432 \ u0435 \ u0440 \ u0438"

aput-object v2, v0, v1

sput-object v0, Lcom / android / internal / policy / impl / GlobalActions $ SinglePressAction; ->rebootOptions: [Ljava / lang / String;

.end method ***

.method protected constructor<init>(Ii) v
.locals 2
.param p1, "iconResId" # I
.param p2, "messageResId" # I

android.policy / smali / com / android / internal / policy / impl / GlobalActions.smali
in the method.method private createDialog () Lcom / android / internal / policy / impl / GlobalActions $ GlobalActionsDialog;

invoke-direct {v2, v0, v3, v4}, Lcom / android / internal / policy / impl / GlobalActions $ 7; -><init>(Lcom / android / internal / policy / impl / GlobalActions; II) V

move-object / from16 v0, p0

iput-object v2, v0, Lcom / android / internal / policy / impl / GlobalActions; ->mPowerOff: Lcom / android / internal / policy / impl / GlobalActions $ SinglePressAction;

.line 1126
new-instance v3, Lcom / android / internal / policy / impl / GlobalActions $8 ;

const-string v2, "vzw"

sget-object v4, Lcom / android / internal / policy / impl / GlobalActions; ->mSalesCode: Ljava / lang / String;

invoke-virtual {v2, v4}, Ljava / lang / String; ->equals (Ljava / lang / Object;) Z

move-result v2

if-eqz v2,: cond_3

const v2,0x1080b2b

: goto_2
const v4,0x10401cf

move-object / from16 v0, p0

invoke-direct {v3, v0, v2, v4}, Lcom / android / internal / policy / impl / GlobalActions $8 ;-><init>(Lcom / android / internal / policy / impl / GlobalActions; II) V

move-object / from16 v0, p0

iput-object v3, v0, Lcom / android / internal / policy / impl / GlobalActions; ->mRestart: Lcom / android / internal / policy / impl / GlobalActions $ SinglePressAction;

8 change to 99

Download : Attached filesmali.zip (3.77 KB)

Post has been editedsagitt67 - 10.12.14, 08:41

Rep: (7345)
Editing the system / CSC / others.xml file

Author : sagitt67
Firmware : XXU1ANJ8
Description : When adding items to the others.xml file, we change (add or delete) interface items.
system / CSC / others.xml
Add Settings-My Settings-Block Calls and Messages
<CscFeature_Setting_EnableMenuBlockCallMsg>TRUE</ CscFeature_Setting_EnableMenuBlockCallMsg>

Add a browser exit to the menu

Remove the item Settings-System-About device-Software Update
<CscFeature_Setting_DisableMenuSoftwareUpdate>TRUE</ CscFeature_Setting_DisableMenuSoftwareUpdate>

Add Settings-System-About Device-Hardware Version
<CscFeature_Setting_EnableHwVersionDisplay>TRUE</ CscFeature_Setting_EnableHwVersionDisplay>

We remove the call forwarding popup
<CscFeature_VoiceCall_DisableToastPopupWhenMOConditionalCallForwarding>true</ CscFeature_VoiceCall_DisableToastPopupWhenMOConditionalCallForwarding>

Add item Messages-Settings-Notifications-Pop-up Display

Add item Camera-Menu-Shutter Sound
<CscFeature_Camera_ShutterSoundMenu>true</ CscFeature_Camera_ShutterSoundMenu>

Add the item Clock-Menu-Settings-Sound and alarm vibration in silent mode
<CscFeature_Clock_EnableMenuAlarmAlertDuringSilentMode>TRUE</ CscFeature_Clock_EnableMenuAlarmAlertDuringSilentMode>

Post has been editedsagitt67 - 09.02.15, 14:47
Reason for editing: Added new item

Rep: (7345)
System tweaks

Author : sagitt67
Firmware : N915FXXU1ANJ8Deodex
Description : Tviki system applications.
full date in weather widget
framework-res / res / values-en / strings.xml
in line

<string name = "abbrev_wday_day_abbrev_month_no_year">E, d MMM </ string> change to EEEE d MMM

brighter display of icons in the status bar
SystemUI / res / values ​​/ dimens.xml
in line

<item type = "dimen" name = "status_bar_icon_drawing_alpha">74.0% </ item> change to 100.0%
Attached Image

we increase the response rate of the ARA and the rate of change of brightness when ARA
framework-res / res / values ​​/ integers.xml
in line

<integer name = "config_lightsensorDelay">3000 </ integer> change to 0

services / smali / com / android / server / power / DisplayPowerController.smali

in the method.method private updateAmbientLux (J) V
.line 1816
: cond_a
iget-wide v4, p0, Lcom / android / server / power / DisplayPowerController; ->mDebounceLuxTime: J

const-wide / 16 v6,0xbb8 # change to 0x0

in the method.method private updateAmbientLuxSEC (J) V

.line 1730
: cond_6
iget-wide v2, p0, Lcom / android / server / power / DisplayPowerController; ->mDebounceLuxTime: J

const-wide / 16 v4,0xbb8 # change to 0x0

in the method.method private updatePowerState () V

.line 1166 (11073)
: cond_b
: goto_6
invoke-direct {p0, v5}, Lcom / android / server / power / DisplayPowerController; ->clampScreenBrightness (I) I

move-result v9

if-eqz v4,: cond_23

const / 16 v8,0x1f4 # change to 0x5dc

: goto_7
invoke-direct {p0, v9, v8}, Lcom / android / server / power / DisplayPowerController; ->animateScreenBrightness (II) V

disable the scroll cache
framework2.jar / smali / android / widget / AbsListView.smali
in the method

.method private createScrollingCache () V
.locals 2

const / 4 v1,0x1 change to const / 4 v1, 0x0

.line 5363
iget-boolean v0, p0, Landroid / widget / AbsListView; ->mScrollingCacheEnabled: Z

further in the method

.method private initAbsListView () V
.locals 9

const / 4v4 , 0x0

const / 4v5 , 0x1

.line 1157
invoke-virtual {p0, v5}, Landroid / widget / AbsListView; ->setClickable (Z) V

.line 1158
invoke-virtual {p0, v5}, Landroid / widget / AbsListView; ->setFocusableInTouchMode (Z) V

.line 1159
invoke-virtual {p0, v4}, Landroid / widget / AbsListView; ->setWillNotDraw (Z) V

.line 1160
invoke-virtual {p0, v4}, Landroid / widget / AbsListView; ->setAlwaysDrawnWithCacheEnabled (Z) V

.line 1161
invoke-virtual {p0,v5 }, Landroid / widget / AbsListView; ->setScrollingCacheEnabled (Z) V v5 change to v4

.line 1163
iget-object v6, p0, Landroid / widget / AbsListView; ->mContext: Landroid / content / Context;

further in the method

.method public setScrollingCacheEnabled (Z) V
.locals 1
.param p1, "enabled "# Z change to .param p1, " disabled "# Z

Post has been editedsagitt67 - 25.01.15, 02:15

Rep: (33)
sagitt67 @ 12/08/2014 05:49*
full display of the days of the week on the lock screen

Keyguard / res / values-en / strings.xml
in line
<string name = "status_view_wday_day_month_no_year">E, d MMMM</ string>change to EEEE, d MMMM

I did not find a folder therevalues-ru

Rep: (7345)
In a simple archive it is not, withEditing framework-res.apk (Post # 6208431)

Rep: (7345)
Add buttons to the curtain

Author : sagitt67
Firmware : N915FXXU1ANJ8Deodex
Description : - Add buttons to the curtain (Total 25 pieces) - Manage gestures, Reading Mode, Flashlight and Battery.
- Change from 10 to 15 active buttons by default.
Attached Image
Attached Image
Attached Image

edit SecSettings.apk

Add lines at the end of the file
SecSettings / res / values ​​/ strings.xml

<string name = "notification_panel_flashlight">Flashlight</ string>
<string name = "notification_panel_battery">Battery stats</ string>
SecSettings / res / values-en / strings.xml
<string name = "notification_panel_flashlight">Torch</ string>
<string name = "notification_panel_battery">Battery</ string>

Open SecSettings / smali / com / android / settings / NotificationPanelMenu.smali
in the method .method private makeConvertPanelName () V add from*** before *** lines

.line 904
iget-object v0, p0, Lcom / android / settings / NotificationPanelMenu; ->mConvertPanelItemstring: Ljava / util / HashMap;

const-string v1, "SmartNetwork"

const-string v2, "notification_panel_smartnetwork"

invoke-virtual {v0, v1, v2}, Ljava / util / HashMap; ->put (Ljava / lang / Object; Ljava / lang / Object;) Ljava / lang / Object;

*** iget-object v0, p0, Lcom / android / settings / NotificationPanelMenu; ->mConvertPanelItemstring: Ljava / util / HashMap;

const-string v1, "flashlight"

const-string v2, "notification_panel_flashlight"

invoke-virtual {v0, v1, v2}, Ljava / util / HashMap; ->put (Ljava / lang / Object; Ljava / lang / Object;) Ljava / lang / Object; ***

.line 905
iget-object v0, p0, Lcom / android / settings / NotificationPanelMenu; ->mConvertPanelItemstring: Ljava / util / HashMap;

const-string v1, "PersonalMode"

const-string v2, "notification_panel_personalmode"

*** invoke-virtual {v0, v1, v2}, Ljava / util / HashMap; ->put (Ljava / lang / Object; Ljava / lang / Object;) Ljava / lang / Object;

iget-object v0, p0, Lcom / android / settings / NotificationPanelMenu; ->mConvertPanelItemstring: Ljava / util / HashMap;

const-string v1, "Battery"

const-string v2, "notification_panel_battery" ***

invoke-virtual {v0, v1, v2}, Ljava / util / HashMap; ->put (Ljava / lang / Object; Ljava / lang / Object;) Ljava / lang / Object;

.line 907
iget-object v0, p0, Lcom / android / settings / NotificationPanelMenu; ->mConvertPanelItemstring: Ljava / util / HashMap;


.line 956
iget-object v0, p0, Lcom / android / settings / NotificationPanelMenu; ->mConvertPanelItemstring: Ljava / util / HashMap;

const-string v1, "notification_panel_smartnetwork"

const-string v2, "SmartNetwork"

invoke-virtual {v0, v1, v2}, Ljava / util / HashMap; ->put (Ljava / lang / Object; Ljava / lang / Object;) Ljava / lang / Object;

*** iget-object v0, p0, Lcom / android / settings / NotificationPanelMenu; ->mConvertPanelItemstring: Ljava / util / HashMap;

const-string v1, "notification_panel_flashlight"

const-string v2, "flashlight"

invoke-virtual {v0, v1, v2}, Ljava / util / HashMap; ->put (Ljava / lang / Object; Ljava / lang / Object;) Ljava / lang / Object; ***

.line 957
iget-object v0, p0, Lcom / android / settings / NotificationPanelMenu; ->mConvertPanelItemstring: Ljava / util / HashMap;

const-string v1, "notification_panel_personalmode"

const-string v2, "PersonalMode"

*** invoke-virtual {v0, v1, v2}, Ljava / util / HashMap; ->put (Ljava / lang / Object; Ljava / lang / Object;) Ljava / lang / Object;

iget-object v0, p0, Lcom / android / settings / NotificationPanelMenu; ->mConvertPanelItemstring: Ljava / util / HashMap;

const-string v1, "notification_panel_battery"

const-string v2, "Battery" ***

invoke-virtual {v0, v1, v2}, Ljava / util / HashMap; ->put (Ljava / lang / Object; Ljava / lang / Object;) Ljava / lang / Object;

.line 959
iget-object v0, p0, Lcom / android / settings / NotificationPanelMenu; ->mConvertPanelItemstring: Ljava / util / HashMap;

From the downloaded archiveSecSettings.zip copying pictures notification_panel_battery.png and notification_panel_flashlight.png
We collectSeccettings and prescribe was going added images to public.xml

edit SystemUI.apk
Add lines at the end of the file
SystemUI / res / values ​​/ strings.xml

<string name = "quickpanel_flashlight_text">Flashlight</ string>
<string name = "quickpanel_battery_text">Battery stats</ string>
SystemUI / res / values-en / strings.xml
<string name = "quickpanel_flashlight_text">Torch</ string>
<string name = "quickpanel_battery_text">Battery</ string>

From the downloaded archiveSystemUI.zip copying pictures tw_quick_panel_icon_batteries.png, tw_quick_panel_icon_flashlight_off.png and tw_quick_panel_icon_flashlight_on.png
SystemUI / smali / com / android / systemui / statusbar / policy / quicksetting /
we copy files from the downloaded archive with replacement and addition
FlashLightQuickSettingButton $ FlashLightObserver.smali

We collectSystemUI and prescribe was going added pictures to file public.xml

edit settings.db
Install the supplied utilitySQLite Editor-9.apk
Next, open the utility and select in the application windowParameter Store, Furthersettings.db, Furthersystem
From the list of parameters we find and select the desired line and with a long tap of the touch menu button we editEdit record:

add parametersAirGesture; Ebook; Flashlight; Battery;
Save changes

Attached Image

Also as above
add parametersAirGesture; Ebook; Flashlight; Battery;
Save changes

Next, add 15 buttons
Change10 on 15

Attached Image

Also as above
Change10 on 15

Reboot device

Download : Attached fileSQLite Editor-9.apk (72.75 KB)

Download archives : Attached fileSecSettings.zip (8.99 KB)

Attached fileSystemUI.zip(21.56 KB)

Download ready files (execute only edit point settings.db) : Attached fileSecSettings.apk (69.06 MB)

Attached fileSystemUI.apk(6.72 MB)

Installation : Copy using Root Explorer in system / priv-app / replacing the file and set the right with the letter G.

Rep: (33)
Add buttons to the curtain

I did everything as in the description but the battery and flashlight did not appear

Corrected appeared but not everything works: Managing gestures - Quick Look - does not work
Instant transition - does not work on web pages
Instant review - browsing music does not work not in the player, not on the lock
Contactless acceptance - reacts only to the edge of the palm on the palm very weakly.
Torch?? - he is in the curtain side screen
Apparently not provided for now ..
But I still like the taste

Post has been editedalex21984 - 16.12.14, 16:30

Rep: (7345)
Editing the status bar

Attached Image

Author : sagitt67
Firmware : N915FXXU1ANJ8Deodex
Description : - Add internet speed to status bar ( Corrected code in status_bar.xml ).
- Remove the battery, leaving only the display percent.
- Add virtual buttons to the status bar, under the battery percentage - Home, under the clock - Power
Add Internet speed, remove the battery, leave only the percentage display
SystemUI / res / layout / status_bar.xml
<? xml version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8"?>
<com.android.systemui.statusbar.phone.PhoneStatusBarView android: orientation = "vertical" android: id = "@ id / status_bar" android: background = "@ drawable / system_bar_background" android: focusable = "true" android: fitsSystemWindows = " true "android: descendantFocusability =" afterDescendants "
xmlns: android = "http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
xmlns: systemui = "http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/com.android.systemui">
<FrameLayout android: id = "@ id / call_background" android: layout_width = "fill_parent" android: layout_height = "fill_parent" />
<ImageView android: id = "@ id / notification_lights_out" android: paddingBottom = "2.0dip" android: visibility = "gone" android: layout_width = "@ dimen / status_bar_icon_size" android: layout_height = "fill_parent" android: src = "@ drawable / ic_sysbar_lights_out_dot_small "android: scaleType =" center "android: paddingStart =" 6.0dip "/>
<LinearLayout android: orientation = "horizontal" android: id = "@ id / status_bar_contents" android: layout_width = "fill_parent" android: layout_height = "fill_parent" android: paddingStart = "6.0dip" android: paddingEnd = "6.0dip">
<LinearLayout android: orientation = "horizontal" android: id = "@ id / notification_icon_area" android: layout_width = "0.0dip" android: layout_height = "fill_parent" android: layout_weight = "1.0">
+++ <com.android.systemui.statusbar.ttraffic.Traffic android: textSize = "13.0dip" android: textstyle = "normal" android: textColor = "# ffffffff" android: gravity = "left" android: layout_gravity = "center_horizontal" android: layout_width = "54.0dip" android: layout_height = "fill_parent" android: paddingTop = "- 6.0dip" android: singleLine = "true" android: fontFamily = "sans-serif" />
+++ <com.android.systemui.statusbar.traffic.Traffic android: textSize = "13.0dip" android: textstyle = "normal" android: textColor = "# ffffffff" android: gravity = "left" android: layout_gravity = "center_vertical" android: layout_width = "54.0dip" android: layout_height = "fill_parent" android: layout_marginLeft = "- 54.0dip" android: layout_marginTop = "7.0dip" android: singleLine = "true" android: fontFamily = "sans-serif" />
<TextView android: textSize = "15.0dip" android: textColor = "# ffffffff" android: gravity = "center_vertical" android: id = "@ id / carrierLabel" android: visibility = "gone" android: layout_width = "wrap_content" android: layout_height = "fill_parent" android: singleLine = "true" />
<ImageView android: id = "@ id / operatorLogoIcon" android: visibility = "gone" android: layout_width = "wrap_content" android: layout_height = "fill_parent" android: src = "@ drawable / tw_stat_notify_operator_logo" />
<ImageView android: id = "@ id / operatorLogoIcon_org" android: visibility = "gone" android: layout_width = "wrap_content" android: layout_height = "fill_parent" android: src = "@ drawable / tw_stat_notify_operator_logo_org" />
<com.android.systemui.statusbar.StatusBarIconView android: id = "@ id / moreIcon" android: visibility = "gone" android: layout_width = "@ dimen / status_bar_icon_size" android: layout_height = "fill_parent" android: src = "@ drawable / stat_notify_more "/>
<com.android.systemui.statusbar.phone.IconMerger android: gravity = "center_vertical" android: orientation = "horizontal" android: id = "@ id / notificationIcons" android: layout_width = "fill_parent" android: layout_height = "fill_parent" android : layout_alignParentStart = "true" />
</ LinearLayout>
<LinearLayout android: orientation = "horizontal" android: id = "@ id / system_icon_area" android: layout_width = "wrap_content" android: layout_height = "fill_parent">
<LinearLayout android: gravity = "center_vertical" android: orientation = "horizontal" android: id = "@ id / statusIcons" android: layout_width = "wrap_content" android: layout_height = "fill_parent" />
<LinearLayout android: gravity = "center" android: orientation = "horizontal" android: id = "@ id / signal_battery_cluster" android: layout_width = "wrap_content" android: layout_height = "fill_parent" android: paddingStart = "2.0dip">
<include android: id = "@ id / signal_cluster" android: layout_width = "wrap_content" android: layout_height = "wrap_content" android: layout_marginRight = "@ dimen / rssi_battery_gap" layout = "@ layout / signal_cluster_view" />
<TextView android: textSize = "@ dimen / status_bar_battery_text_size" android: textColor = "@ color / status_bar_battery_text_color" android: design wrap_content "android: text =" @string / status_bar_network_name_separator "android: importantForAccessibility =" no "android: fontFamily =" sans-serif "android: layout_marginStart =" @ dimen / status_bar_battery_text_marginStart "/>
<com. = "3.0dip" />
</ LinearLayout>
<com.android.systemui.statusbar.policy.Clock android: textAppearance = "@ style / TextAppearance.StatusBar.Clock" android: ellipsize = "none" android: gravity = "start | center" android: id = "@ id / clock "android: layout_width =" wrap_content "android: layout_height =" fill_parent "android: singleLine =" true "android: includeFontPadding =" false "android: paddingStart =" 6.0dip "systemui: ampmSmall =" false "/>
</ LinearLayout>
</ LinearLayout>

+++ Insert 2 lines

In line
<com.android.systemui.BatteryMeterView android: id = "@ id / battery" android: layout_width = "@ dimen / battery_icon_width "android: layout_height =" @ dimen / battery_icon_height "android: layout_marginBottom =" @ dimen / battery_icon_bottom_margin "android: layout_marginStart =" 3.0dip " />
change for
<com.android.systemui.BatteryMeterView android: id = "@ id / battery" android: layout_width = "0.0dip "android: layout_height =" 0.0dip "android: layout_marginBottom =" 0.0dip "android: layout_marginStart =" 0.0dip " />

SystemUI / res / values ​​/ dimens.xml
<dimen name = "status_bar_battery_text_size">12.0dip </ dimen> change to 16.0dip
SystemUI / res / values ​​/ styles.xml
<style name = "TextAppearance.StatusBar.Clock" parent = "@ android: style / TextAppearance.StatusBar.Icon">
<item name = "android: textSize">18.0dip </ item> change to 20.0dip
<item name = "android: textStyle">normal</ item>
<item name = "android: textColor">@ color / status_bar_clock_color</ item>
</ style>

Copy files from the archive and collect SystemUI

Download : Attached fileSystemUI.zip (12.6 KB)

Add virtual buttons to the status bar, under the battery percentage - Home, under the clock - Power
SystemUI / res / layout / status_bar.xml
At the end of the file, before</com.android.systemui.statusbar.phone.PhoneStatusBarView> we insert
<LinearLayout android: gravity = "right" android: orientation = "horizontal" android: layout_width = "fill_parent" android: layout_height = "fill_parent">
<com.android.systemui.statusbar.policy.KeyButtonView android: gravity = "right" android: layout_gravity = "right" android: id = "@ id / home" android: background = "# 00000000" android: layout_toLeftOf = "@ id / clock "android: layout_width =" 60.0dip "android: layout_height =" 24.0dip "android: layout_alignParentRight =" true "android: contentDescription =" @ string / accessibility_home "systemui: keyCode =" 3 "/>
<com.android.systemui.statusbar.policy.KeyButtonView android: gravity = "right" android: layout_gravity = "right" android: id = "@ id / back" android: background = "# 00000000" android: layout_width = "60.0dip "android: layout_height =" 24.0dip "android: layout_alignParentRight =" true "android: contentDescription =" @ string / accessibility_back "android: paddingStart =" 2.0dip "systemui: keyCode =" 26 "/>
</ LinearLayout>

Post has been editedsagitt67 - 04.01.15, 23:06

Rep: (7345)
Add autoload to settings

Attached Image
Attached Image
Attached Image

Author : sagitt67
Firmware : N915FXXU1ANJ8Deodex
Description : - Startup item in settings
We download archive and we copy contents in the specified folders.
Editing SecSettings
SecSettings / res / xml / grid_settings_headers.xml
add row
<header android: icon = "@ drawable / ic_setting_grid_backupandreset" android: id = "@ id / privacy_settings" android: title = "@ string / privacy_settings" android: fragment = "com.android.settings.PrivacySettings" />
<header android: id = "@ id / system_section" android: title = "@ string / header_category_system" />
+++ <header android: icon = "@ drawable / ic_settings_autostarts" android: id = "@ id / autostarts_settings" android: title = "@ string / autostarts_title" android: fragment = "com.android.settings.autostarts.LewaManageAutostarts" />
<header android: icon = "@ drawable / ic_setting_grid_languageandinput" android: id = "@ id / language_settings" android: title = "@ string / language_settings" android: fragment = "com.android.settings.inputmethod.InputMethodAndLanguageSettings" />
<header android: icon = "@ drawable / ic_setting_grid_language" android: id = "@ id / phone_language" android: title = "@ string / phone_language" android: fragment = "com.android.settings.LocalePicker" />

SecSettings / res / xml / gridlist_settings_headers.xml
add row
<header android: icon = "@ drawable / grid_ic_settings_active_key" android: id = "@ id / active_key_settings" android: title = "@ string / active_key_title" android: fragment = "com.android.settings.activekey.ActiveKeySettings" />
<header android: id = "@ id / system_section" android: title = "@ string / header_category_system" />
+++ <header android: icon = "@ drawable / ic_settings_autostarts" android: id = "@ id / autostarts_settings" android: title = "@ string / autostarts_title" android: fragment = "com.android.settings.autostarts.LewaManageAutostarts" />
<header android: icon = "@ drawable / ic_setting_grid_languageandinput" android: id = "@ id / language_settings" android: title = "@ string / language_settings" android: fragment = "com.android.settings.inputmethod.InputMethodAndLanguageSettings" />
<header android: icon = "@ drawable / ic_setting_grid_language" android: id = "@ id / phone_language" android: title = "@ string / phone_language" android: fragment = "com.android.settings.LocalePicker" />

SecSettings / res / values ​​/ ids.xml
add at the end of the file
+ <item type = "id" name = "autostarts_settings">false</ item>
+ <item type = "id" name = "appName">false</ item>
</ resources>

SecSettings / res / values ​​/ strings.xml
add at the end of the file
+ <string name = "autostarts_title">Autostarts</ string>
+ <string name = "autostarts_allowed">Has allowed</ string>
+ <string name = "autostarts_prohibited">Has prohibited</ string>
+ <string name = "autostarts_allow_progress_msg">Being restored boot, please wait ...</ string>
+ <string name = "autostarts_prohibit_progress_msg">Prohibit boot, please wait ...</ string>
+ <string name = "autostarts_empty_msg">No installation boot applications</ string>
+ <string name = "autostarts_optimize_empty_msg">No optimize the startup items</ string>
+ <string name = "autostarts_optimize_btn_title">Optimize the startup items</ string>
+ <string name = "autostarts_all_btn_title">All autostarts items</ string>
</ resources>

SecSettings / res / values-en / strings.xml
add at the end of the file
+ <string name = "autostarts_title">Autoload</ string>
+ <string name = "autostarts_allowed">Allowed</ string>
+ <string name = "autostarts_prohibited">Prohibited</ string>
+ <string name = "autostarts_allow_progress_msg">Restoring autoload, please wait ...</ string>
+ <string name = "autostarts_prohibit_progress_msg">Disable autoruns, please wait ...</ string>
+ <string name = "autostarts_empty_msg">No applications in autoload</ string>
+ <string name = "autostarts_optimize_empty_msg">All disabled applications in startup are hidden</ string>
+ <string name = "autostarts_optimize_btn_title">Hide disabled applications in startup</ string>
+ <string name = "autostarts_all_btn_title">Display all applications in startup</ string>
</ resources>

We collectSeccettings and prescribe id added resources to file public.xml

Settings / smali / com / android / settings / autostarts / LewaManageAutostarts $ AppAdapter.smali
change the id from the public.xml file to your own in the same sequence
<public type = "layout"name =" manage_autostarts_item "id ="0x7f0402cc" />
<public type = "id"name =" icon "id ="0x7f0b00bb" />
<public type = "id"name =" appName "id ="0x7f0b07e8" />
<public type = "id"name =" status "id ="0x7f0b009d" />
<public type = "id"name =" app_on_sdcard "id ="0x7f0b0318" />

Settings / smali / com / android / settings / autostarts / LewaManageAutostarts.smali
change the id from the public.xml file to your own in the same sequence
<public type = "string"name =" autostarts_prohibit_progress_msg "id ="0x7f091c53" />
<public type = "string"name =" autostarts_allowed "id ="0x7f091c50" />
<public type = "string"name =" autostarts_prohibited "id ="0x7f091c51" />
<public type = "string"name =" autostarts_all_btn_title "id ="0x7f091c57" />
<public type = "string"name =" autostarts_optimize_btn_title "id ="0x7f091c56" />
<public type = "layout"name =" manage_autostarts "id ="0x7f0402cb" />
<public type = "string"name =" autostarts_empty_msg "id ="0x7f091c54" />
<public type = "string"name =" autostarts_optimize_btn_title "id ="0x7f091c56" />
<public type = "string"name =" autostarts_empty_msg "id ="0x7f091c54" />
<public type = "string"name =" autostarts_all_btn_title "id ="0x7f091c57" />
<public type = "string"name =" autostarts_optimize_empty_msg "id ="0x7f091c55" />
<public type = "string"name =" autostarts_allow_progress_msg "id ="0x7f091c52" />

Download archive : Attached fileSettings.zip (22.3 KB)

Rep: (7345)

Author : sagitt67
Firmware : XXU1ANJ8
Description : Edit the TouchWizHome.apk file
turn on scrolling wallpaper when flipping through pages
TouchWizHome / res / values ​​/ bools.xml
in line

<bool name = "config_fixedWallpaperOffset">true </ bool> change to false

Rep: (7345)
Added by
- display of item in Settings ->Applications ->Manage permissions for individual applications.
- display of item in Settings ->System ->Developer options.
atTweaks Settings

Post has been editedsagitt67 - 26.12.14, 12:24

Rep: (7345)
- Virtual buttons in the status bar, under the battery percentage - Home, under the clock - Power
atEditing the status bar

Post has been editedsagitt67 - 04.01.15, 23:09

Rep: (7345)
Added by
- we increase the speed of response of ARA and the rate of change of brightness when ARA
atSystem tweaks

Rep: (7345)
Replacing a video call button with a message in the set

Attached Image
Attached Image

Author : sagitt67
Firmware : N915FXXU1ANJ8 Deodex
Description : - Change the video call button to the message in the dialer.
SecContacts_Note / res / layout / dialpad_button.xml
<? xml version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8"?>
<LinearLayout android: layout_gravity = "center_horizontal" android: id = "@ id / dialButtons" android: layout_width = "@ dimen / dialpad_layout_width" android: layout_height = "@ dimen / dialpad_call_button_height"
xmlns: android = "http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android">
<RelativeLayout android: layout_width = "@ dimen / dialpad_button_width" android: layout_height = "@ dimen / dialpad_call_button_height" android: layout_marginStart = "@ dimen / dialpad_button_left_margin">
<ImageButton android: id = "@ id /videocallbutton "android: background =" @ drawable / call_dial_btn_bg "android: layout_width =" @ dimen / dialpad_button_width "android: layout_height =" @ dimen / dialpad_call_button_height "android: src =" @ drawable / call_vtcall_icon "android: soundEffectsEnabled =" false "android: contentDescription =" @ string / video_call " />
</ RelativeLayout>
in line change to
<ImageButton android: id = "@ id /messageButton "android: background =" @ drawable / call_dial_btn_bg "android: layout_width =" @ dimen / dialpad_button_width "android: layout_height =" @ dimen / dialpad_call_button_height "android: src =" @ drawable / call_message_outgoingcall_icon "android: soundEffectsEnabled =" false "android: contentDescription =" @ string / message " />

SecContacts_Note / res / layout-land / dialpad_button.xml
<? xml version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8"?>
<LinearLayout android: layout_gravity = "center_horizontal" android: id = "@ id / dialButtons" android: layout_width = "319.0dip" android: layout_height = "60.0dip"
xmlns: android = "http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android">
<RelativeLayout android: layout_width = "@ dimen / dialpad_button_width" android: layout_height = "@ dimen / dialpad_button_height" android: layout_marginTop = "@ dimen / dialpad_button_margin" android: layout_marginBottom = "2.0dip">
<ImageButton android: id = "@ id /videocallbutton "android: background =" @ drawable / call_dial_btn_bg "android: layout_width =" @ dimen / dialpad_button_width "android: layout_height =" @ dimen / dialpad_button_height "android: src =" @ drawable / call_vtcall_icon "android: soundEffectsEnabled =" false "android: contentDescription =" @ string / video_call " />
</ RelativeLayout>
in line change to
<ImageButton android: id = "@ id /messageButton "android: background =" @ drawable / call_dial_btn_bg "android: layout_width =" @ dimen / dialpad_button_width "android: layout_height =" @ dimen / dialpad_button_height "android: src =" @ drawable / call_message_outgoingcall_icon_h "android: soundEffectsEnabled =" false "android: contentDescription =" @ string / message " />

We copy from the downloaded archive images along the way
SecContacts_Note / res / drawable-sw360dp-xxxhdpi / call_message_outgoingcall_icon.png and call_message_outgoingcall_icon_h.png and
prescribeid added pictures in file public.xml
Added link to the header - how to do it .
Download : Attached fileSecContacts_Note.zip (12.05 KB)

Rep: (33)
* sagitt67
Can I add a function to the settings of the dialer - Call louder in the bag (Kormane)

Rep: (7345)
Add blocked items Phone - Settings - Call

Attached Image

Author : sagitt67
Firmware : N915FXXU1ANJ8 Deodex
Description : - Unlock and add items in Phone Settings ->Call ->Melodies and Sounds:
* High sound quality;
* Ring louder in the bag;
SecTeleService / smali / com / android / phone / CallFeaturesSetting.smali
* High sound quality

In the method.method protected initSoundSetting (Z) V

In red - delete the line

.line 4467
const-string v1, "extra_ringtone_preference"

invoke-virtual {p0, v1}, Lcom / android / phone / CallFeaturesSetting; ->findPreference (Ljava / lang / CharSequence;) Landroid / preference / Preference;

move-result-object v1

check-cast v1, Landroid / preference / CheckBoxPreference;

iput-object v1, p0, Lcom / android / phone / CallFeaturesSetting; ->mExtraRingerPreference: Landroid / preference / CheckBoxPreference;

.line 4470
iget-object v1, p0, Lcom / android / phone / CallFeaturesSetting; ->mNaturalSound: Landroid / preference / CheckBoxPreference;

if-eqz v1,: cond_2

.line 4471
iget-object v1, p0, Lcom / android / phone / CallFeaturesSetting; ->mNaturalSound: Landroid / preference / CheckBoxPreference;

invoke-virtual {v0, v1}, Landroid / preference / PreferenceGroup; ->removePreference (Landroid / preference / Preference;) Z

.line 4472
const / 4 v1,0x0

further in the same method

* Ring louder in the bag

In red - delete the line

.line 4487
: cond_4
iget-object v1, p0, Lcom / android / phone / CallFeaturesSetting; ->mExtraRingerPreference: Landroid / preference / CheckBoxPreference;

invoke-virtual {v0, v1}, Landroid / preference / PreferenceGroup; ->removePreference (Landroid / preference / Preference;) Z

Post has been editedsagitt67 - 14.01.15, 14:15

Rep: (1029)
* sagitt67 can you tell me how to implement a name in a few lines when dialing?

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Time is now: 17/05/20, 17:10