Sailfish for Nokia N9 | port for n9

Rep: (472)
Sailfish for Nokia N9

Russian video review of the port Sailfish for Nokia n9

As many know, there are already several successful attempts to port Sailfish OS to the Nokia n9 device.
The first releases began to appear on the network about two or three weeks ago, there are already several builds.
The main point of the installation is to install Nemo Mobile, and install Sailfish from under it.
Every day more and more accessible installation instructions appear, the installation process is simplified ...
The Russian-speaking community is also dealing with this issue ... Soon we will have all this ...

for now ... we haveoriginal instruction with durability
It is also below the spoler (for now without links): Wiki article is a work in progress, you can find helpful!

Piratepad, rzr, souran, Martin Brook, vgrade, mikecomputing, TMavica, krnlyng (liar), max83, flotron, folklore (who I don’t know of!), Trying to make sailfish happen for the n9, people jolla phones, jolla, nemo

Read all before starting! No warranty! Assumes some basic Linux knowledge.

NB: I use Debian 7.2 x64, root terminal on a virtual machine (vmware, should work fine too, Any distro will do. I strongly recommend that you use Internet connectivity on your linux machine). For windows only, follow the guide then use Step W (thanks mikecomputing)

NB: Completely turn off the power button for ~ 8 seconds.

NB: When extracting a tarball with "tar --numeric-owner -xvf", it is probably .tar.bz2 -xvjf "

NB: Lack of jolla-xt9 means no engine and no pinyin>hanzi conversion for Chinese speakers.



openmode kernel:

MOSLO kernel:


Souren's sailfish for n9:

Additional reading materials / sources:

Step 1 - Backup your N9
Backup your N9 (using the Nokia Suite or the phones in the utility) AND your emmc (connect you N9 in data storage mode) !!
1a - Connect your phone as you need the inbuilt utility.
1b - Close all your open applications. I would like to backup /home/.config, /home/.local and /home/.whatsup Use N9QuickTweak, option H, enable SSH for root. WinSCP / Filezilla

Step 2 - Re-flash the firmware to factory
Download firmwares from:
2a - Make sure the handset is charged. Disconnect from all cables and turn off completely.
2b - download it for your system and install it. You want v3.12.1.
2c - Copy your firmware files to the directory where the flash files and emmc files respectively more info if needed.

NB: It can be completely turned off by initiating a flasher command and connecting it.
"flasher -i" is the environment.
2d - fs cmd.exe / run cmd.exe as admin (win) or go to the directory where you are.
2e - Flash your firmware with the command "flasher -F main.bin -F emmc.bin -f" (no quotes)


Completely turn off the handset.
Start flasher with the following command: "flasher -f -F main.bin --erase-user-data = secure -F emmc.bin --erase-mmc = secure" (no quotes)
It should take you time.

************************************************** **********************************

RUN: "flasher -F main.bin -F emmc.bin -f" (no quotes) AND IT SHOULD FLASH FINE
************************************************** **********************************

Step 3 - Give your handset freedom via openmode!
3a - Download the openmode kernel from your firmware files.
3b - Flash the openmode kernel and reboot your phone with:
"flasher -a main.bin -k zImage_2.6.32.54-openmode_l2fix --flash-only = kernel -f -R" (without quotes)

Step 4 - Prepare Harmattan
4a - set up and it is fully functional.
4b - Install developer mode (it is useful later on).
4c - (Optional) Install N9QT, and enable option H (enable ssh for root). (Copy & paste easily)

Step 5 - Re-partition your handset
5a - Turn off your hand set. If you have not already been a linux machine / vm (you can download it on your host PC).
5b - Download the MOSLO kernel (

If you don’t want to download windows, download the kernel file from here: it using "flasher -k zImage-moslo -n initrd-moslo -l -b" (no quotes), then jump to Step W

5c - Extract the .rpm with archive manager or:
"rpm2cpio moslo - *. armv7hl.rpm | cpio -vidu" (you may need to install rpm2cpio [apt-get install rpm2cpi]). Copy directory with eminc.bin and zImage_2.6.32.54-openmode_l2fix
5d - Flash the MOSLO kernel to your phone with:
"flasher -k zImage-moslo -n initrd-moslo -l -b" (no quotes)

After flashing, it will repartition you N9 and connect it to the PC.

You can nitdroid and firefox os.

Disconnect the phone.

Step 6 Install Ubiboot and Sailfish
6a - Download ubiboot from as of 2013-12-08) into the directory where flasher, main.bin and emmc.bin reside.

6b - Now install the ubiboot kernel with:
"flasher -a main.bin -k zImage_2.6.32.54-ubiboot-02_301013 --flash-only = kernel -f -R"

Ubiboot to enter maintenance mode.

Partitions are "rootfs" (Harmattan root filesystem) "Alt_OS" (where nemo / sailfish lives) "x767x676x7c6" (a random string of letters +/- numbers. OS if you want and is " / home / "in Harmattan but NOT" / home / user / MyDocs ") and" Nokia N9 "(THIS is" / home / user / MyDocs "on Harmattan [USB Mass Storage Mode]).

NB: If you format it, it will get a random string of letters and numbers, like the "/ home /" directory. It is the 4.2GB file system.

6c - Go to "/ media / Nokia N9" on your PC (Harmattans Mass Storage). Make a directory called "boot". Copy "ubiboot.conf" and "ubiboot-02.menus.cpio" from the extracted ubiboot-02_310513.tar into the newly created "boot" folder.
6c Go to "/ media / rootfs" Harmattans root file system. Go to the "boot" directory (/ media / rootfs / boot). Copy "zImage_2.6.32.54-openmode_l2fix" (which we flashed earlier) into "/ media / rootfs / boot").

6d - download the image of choice (or make one using the sdk and "sailfish2-armv7hl-n950.ks", but I don’t go into that. Check, more info if interested.

Download Sailfish from: (no zypper v1.0.0.10)

Update: An image is also available from see Thanks max83 This image has been pre-installed and is sailfish v1.0.0.5

6e - Extract Sailfish to "/ media / Alt_OS" on your PC with:
"time tar --numeric-owner -xvjf vgrade-sailfish_proximity-workaround.tar.bz2 -C / media / Alt_OS /"

Step W - Install Sailfish using only Windows (thanks mikecomputing)
After installing your device. Disconnect and boot into Harmattan.
Wa - Download Sailfish image of choice
Wb - In Harmattan, install developer mode if you haven't already. Connect the phone as "Mass Storage Device"
Wc - Copy vgrade-sailfish_proximity-workaround.tar.bz2 to the root of your MMC.
Wd - Disconnect the phone from the PC.
We - Launch Terminal on Harmattan (or SSH in)
rootme #or your root pass
cd / home / user / MyDocs /
# you should see all your MyDocs and vgrade-sailfish_proximity-workaround.tar.bz2

mkdir / sailfish
mount / dev / mmcblk0p4 / sailfish
time tar --numeric-owner -xvjf vgrade-sailfish_proximity-workaround.tar.bz2 -C / sailfish /
# this will take a while
# SSH access on Sailfish, starting at "mount -o bind / proc / sailfish / proc"

Please read his post:

Sync the disks and unmount all the filesystems:
"sync; sync; sync; umount / media / *"

(To upgrade to a new image, simply delete everything in / media / Alt_OS ("rm -frv / media / Alt_OS / *"). You will loose your data!

Disconnect your USB cable and turn off the handset completely. Turn it back on. This is where the bootmanager is available and you can download the OS 6, of which the sailfish and harmattan work.

If you do not select an OS, Harmattan will boot by default.

To tap into the Sailfish, tap the nemo icon and the tap "the latest 2.6.32" or "vmlinuz-". For Harmattan, it is "openmode + l2 fix"

Date / Time Fix

The date / time may not be set correctly in Sailfish. To fix this, boot into Harmattan and fire up terminal:

$ devel-su
# rootme # (or ur root root pass)
# date --set "2013-12-07 22:59"

Enable root ssh access on Sailfish


To fix the proximity sensor (thanks to souran), you need to fix it. This is pretty easy to get (thanks to liar (krnlyng) on ​​piratepad):

Fire up a terminal Harmattan.
cd /
mkdir sailfish
mount / dev / mmcblk0p4 / sailfish
mount -o bind / proc / sailfish / proc
mount -o bind / sys / sailfish / sys
mount -o bind / dev / sailfish / dev
/ usr / sbin / chroot / sailfish
passwd root
nemo #enter a root pass
nemo #confirm root pass
passwd nemo
nemo #enter pass for nemo
nemo #confirm nemo pass

# will be needed, some will use vi
# now lets enable root ssh in sailfish
#this also allows copying files to and from sailfish with winscp / filezilla

nano / etc / ssh / sshd_config
# add the following somewhere
PermitRootLogin yes
# exit: ctrl + x, y to save changes

# you can also install any additional packages such as terminal now as per .:
zypper install \
jolla-alarm-ui jolla-calculator jolla-calendar jolla-clock jolla-configuration-n9 \
jolla-demo jolla-developer-mode jolla-development-tools jolla-email jolla-fileman \
jolla-mediaplayer jolla-notes jolla-rnd


umount / sailfish / dev
umount / sailfish / proc
umount / sailfish / sys
umount / sailfish
exit #out of su
exit #out of chroot

Reboot you phone and enjoy ssh / terminal on your Sailfish!

Note: When in developer mode, DO NOT ENABLE FRAME RATE DISPLAY. It makes it impossible to disable it. To fix, delete everthing in /home/nemo/.gconf/*

It may be in:

Proximity sensor fix

To fix the proximity sensor (thanks souran & eekkelund, must be done every boot)
In sailfish terminal:
echo 1>/sys/devices/platform/i2c_omap.2/i2c-2/2-0039/prox_enable

as well as machine translation:
and my arbitrary -INSTRUCTIONS
Fresh images are: HERE
For dessert: screenshots
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References that must be read before installation:

Post has been editedAlexxxl - 13.12.13, 02:36

Rep: (67)
No, there will be no official instruction from joll. They said that they can help with porting, nothing more .. By the way, who has contacts of those involved in the port? tell them to write to the jolla about what is still not working.

Rep: (67)
Alexxxl , I once again updated the TAM instructions))) I tormented the phone all day today, as a result, conclusions were born))

Rep: (3)
of all the OSs introduced recently, such as ubuntu touch, tizen ... seilfish the most interesting as for me

Rep: (8)
Fig fig instruction. It will be difficult for an ordinary mortal, however, I think in the future the process will be more automated, I hope.
It would be great to write what works in the firmware, what is not, what is buggy, and what is not. However, all this is in the review, but still. Thanks for finally making the thread.

Post has been editedangeleo - 16.12.13, 22:31

Rep: (67)
angeleo , if you have n9, then this instruction should not be complicated .. otherwise why do you need n9?

Rep: (6)
guys, where does the r3 image come from? In the instructions, the link is broken, but fromhere1kb file swing

Rep: (256)
and from here a 1kb file sways

The file is normal there, you need an average one :)

Rep: (6)
Yes, I realized that the average, hmm, tochnyak, the fox drives, the opera shakes)

Rep: (101)
Article on HabrГ© - installing Sailfish on Nokia N9

Rep: (8)
Is there a person who can make a detailed video about the firmware, including what needs to be done before installation, during, etc.?

Post has been editedangeleo - 19.12.13, 21:46

Rep: (0)
Who has already tried r4?

Rep: (14)
Scripach1, tried it. There were jambs with a store and with a notification about updating the firmware. cured both. Installation from the store works. The camera in this firmware is completely cut out. Calls, SMS, Wi-Fi, 3G (did not check) work. There are problems with bluetooth (it doesn’t work for me).

Rep: (0)
Something stuck in the fifth step, I write the music or movie file on the command line, but I don’t want this crap.
that is, the path of the contents of drive D is the name of folder 1, and everything is in this folder. how to register the path.

Attached images
Attached Image

Post has been editedScripach1 - 23.12.13, 18:20

Rep: (14)
Scripach1, taken from allnokia
Download the archiveMOSLO Kernel, the contents of the archive we throw everything there in the flasher folder and sew again)))
Command line syntax:
flasher -k zImage-moslo -n initrd-moslo -l -b

after executing the command, we are in no hurry to disconnect the phone from the computer ... we are waiting for the stapler to load (a bunch of incomprehensible green inscriptions on a black background), at this moment the section is being re-partitioned ... 4 gig bites off the MayDox under a sailboat ... (I must say that 16GB version, very little space remains, sadness)
when everything became static and nothing happens, the labels do not change (well, 2 maximum 3 minutes), you can disconnect the phone from the computer ... we reboot the phone, the usual blink is loaded to us)) everything is fine .. everything is according to plan ...
Attention: the moslo will give out new inscriptions on the screen when it breaks the sections !!! will write something thererepartitioning done

Rep: (0)
venomcortx1, Of course, thanks, but I’m doing everything specifically for this article, maybe I did something wrong before that, I flashed the phone with a graphical shell and as it should be, it turned out out of the box, then I flashed the kernel with the same flasher from the graph. after this, the phone rebooted, I correctly understand that it is a flasher with a graph. about. I can flash this oil too.

Rep: (14)
Scripach1, you can. but why do you need a graph shell flasher. Use normal. just do the command line cd X: \ path to the folder with the flasher \
and that’s it. and then just paste the commands from the site and everything will be ok.

Rep: (256)
MOSLO needs at least 4 free gigabytes of space.

Rep: (0)
the whole brain broke does not work 5 step at least crack.
what the command line looks like
C: \ Users \ scripach \ C: \ Program Files \ Nokia \ Flasher \ flasher -k zImage-moslo -n initrd-moslo -l -b
what's wrong? and I also tried it from the administrator.
for information 64 Gb

Post has been editedScripach1 - 23.12.13, 22:07

Rep: (1)
There were several questions: is there a mini opera in the sailfish store? By the way, is the return of the N9 to its original state by flashing it a recommendation or an important action? If this is necessary, it is better to quickly return the N9 to its original position, because, as far as I remember, to activate the terminal, you need to download additional data, and this can be covered up at any time.
Is it possible to install sailfish by destroying MeeGo and updating the sailboat, or maybe return MeeGo back.

Rep: (14)
Pavel325400, I did not flash n9 cleanly before installing sailfish. I think it’s optional. Maybe Ancelad will respond more informatively.
there is no opera mini in the store.

Post has been editedvenomcortx1 - 23.12.13, 23:30

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