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> Perfomance Project - Modifying our firmware based on Cyanogenmod
04.12.13, 17:48

Group: Friendssavagemessiahzine.com
Messages 2821
Check in: 23.01.12
Oneplus one

Reputation:-  553  +

Performance project

Modify your firmware

The author of the project is not responsible for zakirpichchennye or inhibited devices. The theme was created for the creators of their firmware modifications, as well as for those who want to squeeze the maximum performance out of their device.

Modification of the finished firmware

Modify firmware with various tweaks.

Build.prop tweaks
Non-working tweaks build.prop
Tweaks network (for reflection)
1.Disabling boot animation for faster loading
debug.sf.nobootanimation = 1

2.Disable USB debugging icon in statusbar
persist.adb.notify = 0

3. Turn on 3D hardware
hw3d.force = 1

4.Tviki for devices on processorsQualcomm. On the other leads to "perpetual download."
com.qc.hardware = 1
debug.qc.hardware = true
debug.qctwa.preservebuf = 1
debug.qctwa.statusbar = 1

5. Turn on interface rendering via GPU.
debug.composition.type = gpu
debug.egl.hw = 1
debug.sf.hw = 1
ro.sf.compbypass.enable = 0
debug.egl.profiler = 1
debug.enabletr = true
persist.sys.composition.type = gpu
persist.sys.use_16bpp_alpha = 1
persist.android.strictmode = 0
ro.min_pointer_dur = 1
ro.secure = 0

6. Fix for some screen glitches (blinks, non-drawing)
debug.gr.numframebuffers = 3

7.Turn off screen unlock with sound keys.
ro.config.hwfeature_wakeupkey = 0

8. Melody call without delay
ro.telephony.call_ring.delay = 0

9. Scanning interval for wifi networks in seconds (can be set lower and higher; slightly affects the battery)
wifi.supplicant_scan_interval = 180

10. Improving scrolling (you can experiment with the first value; values ​​from 60 to 400)
windowsmgr.max_events_per_sec = 90
ro.max.fling_velocity = 12000
ro.min.fling_velocity = 8000

11. Improving touchscreen responsiveness
touch.pressure.scale = 0.001

12. Fast Download
persist.sys.shutdown.mode = hibernate
ro.config.hw_quickpoweron = true

13. Turn off the Zygote boot loader (?)
ro.wmt.blcr.enable = 0

14. Improving voice quality when calling
ro.ril.enable.amr.wideband = 1

15.Tviki to improve the performance of 2G and 3G networks
persist.cust.tel.eons = 1
ro.ril.gprsclass = 10
ro.ril.hsdpa.category = 8
ro.ril.hsupa.category = 6
ro.ril.hsxpa = 1

18.Tviki speed for wireless networks
net.ipv4.ip_no_pmtu_disc = 0
net.ipv4.route.flush = 1
net.ipv4.tcp_ecn = 0
net.ipv4.tcp_fack = 1
net.ipv4.tcp_mem = 187000 187000 187000
net.ipv4.tcp_moderate_rcvbuf = 1
net.ipv4.tcp_no_metrics_save = 1
net.ipv4.tcp_rfc1337 = 1
net.ipv4.tcp_rmem = 4096 39000 187000
net.ipv4.tcp_sack = 1
net.ipv4.tcp_timestamps = 1
net.ipv4.tcp_window_scaling = 1
net.ipv4.tcp_wmem = 4096 39000 187000
net.tcp.buffersize.default = 4096,87380.256960.4096, 16384.256960
net.tcp.buffersize.edge = 4096,87380,256960,4096,163 84.256960
net.tcp.buffersize.gprs = 4096,87380,256960,4096,163 84.256960
net.tcp.buffersize.umts = 4096,87380,256960,4096,163 84,256960
net.tcp.buffersize.wifi = 4096,87380,256960,4096,163 84,256960

19. Improve the quality of photos and videos up to 100%
#Raise photo and video recording quality
ro.media.enc.hprof.vid.bps = 8000000
ro.media.enc.hprof.vid.fps = 75
ro.media.enc.jpeg.quality = 100
ro.media.dec.aud.wma.enabled = 1
ro.media.dec.vid.wmv.enabled = 1
ro.media.cam.preview.fps = 0
ro.media.codec_priority_for_thumb = so

20. Tvik dalvik vm
dalvik.gc.type = precise
dalvik.vm.dexopt-data-only = 1
dalvik.vm.dexopt-flags = m = v, o = y
dalvik.vm.jniopts = forcecopy
dalvik.vm.lockprof.threshold = 500
dalvik.vm.stack-trace-file = / data / anr / traces.txt
dalvik.vm.verify-bytecode = false

21. Calibration touchscreen (use with paragraph 12)
touch.pressure.calibration = amplitude
touch.size.calibration = geometric
touch.size.scale = 100

22.The size of the RAM allocated to the application (we change 48 to its number; depends on the total number of RAM)
dalvik.vm.heapsize = 48m

23. Optimization of energy consumption (placebo effect is possible)
pm.sleep_mode = 1

24. Getting rid of the black screen after the call
ro.lge.proximity.delay = 25
mot.proximity.delay = 25

35.Activating the backlight of the hardware keys when the screen is on (not all work)
ro.mot.buttonlight.timeout = 0

36.Tviki sound (make sound when talking and playing in the player more clear, tested on CM 11 and Android 5.0.1)
lpa.decode = false
audio.decoder_override_check = true
use.non-omx.mp3.decoder = false
use.non-omx.aac.decoder = false

Init.d tweaks
(firmware with access to init.d and busybox is required, open an empty file, insert the #! / system / bin / sh header and save to /system/etc/init.d and call it in the spirit of 77tweaks)

For those who do not have init.d support, but have a root.

The script to create a swap file

1. We configure the minimum amount of free memory (you can use different values)
echo "2048,3072,6144,15360,17920,20480">/ sys / module / lowmemorykiller / parameters / minfree

2.Tviki Internet connection speed
echo "0">/ proc / sys / net / ipv4 / tcp_timestamps;
echo "1">/ proc / sys / net / ipv4 / tcp_tw_reuse;
echo "1">/ proc / sys / net / ipv4 / tcp_sack;
echo "1">/ proc / sys / net / ipv4 / tcp_tw_recycle;
echo "1">/ proc / sys / net / ipv4 / tcp_window_scaling;
echo "5">/ proc / sys / net / ipv4 / tcp_keepalive_probes;
echo "30">/ proc / sys / net / ipv4 / tcp_keepalive_intvl;
echo "30">/ proc / sys / net / ipv4 / tcp_fin_timeout;
echo "404480">/ proc / sys / net / core / wmem_max;
echo "404480">/ proc / sys / net / core / rmem_max;
echo "256960">/ proc / sys / net / core / rmem_default;
echo "256960">/ proc / sys / net / core / wmem_default;
echo "4096,16384,404480">/ proc / sys / net / ipv4 / tcp_wmem;
echo "4096,87380,404480">/ proc / sys / net / ipv4 / tcp_rmem;

3.Tviki VM (virtual machine)
echo "4096">/ proc / sys / vm / min_free_kbytes
echo "0">/ proc / sys / vm / oom_kill_allocating_task;
echo "0">/ proc / sys / vm / panic_on_oom;
echo "0">/ proc / sys / vm / laptop_mode;
echo "0">/ proc / sys / vm / swappiness
echo "50">/ proc / sys / vm / vfs_cache_pressure
echo "90">/ proc / sys / vm / dirty_ratio
echo "70">/ proc / sys / vm / dirty_background_ratio

4. Different kernel tweaks
echo "8">/ proc / sys / vm / page-cluster;
echo "64000">/ proc / sys / kernel / msgmni;
echo "64000">/ proc / sys / kernel / msgmax;
echo "10">/ proc / sys / fs / lease-break-time;
echo "500,512000,64,2048">/ proc / sys / kernel / sem;

5.Tviki battery
echo "500">/ proc / sys / vm / dirty_expire_centisecs
echo "1000">/ proc / sys / vm / dirty_writeback_centisecs

6.Tviki EXT4 (greatly increase the speed of I / O)
(it is necessary that the / system, / cache, / data partitions be in EXT4 format)

a) disable logging
tune2fs -o journal_data_writeback / block / path / to / system
tune2fs -O ^ has_journal / block / path / to / system
tune2fs -o journal_data_writeback / block / path / to / cache
tune2fs -O ^ has_journal / block / path / to / cache
tune2fs -o journal_data_writeback / block / path / to / data
tune2fs -O ^ has_journal / block / path / to / data

b) change the way to mount partitions
busybox mount -o remount, noatime, noauto_da_alloc, nosuid, nodev, nodiratime, barrier = 0, nobh / system
busybox mount -o remount, noatime, noauto_da_alloc, nosuid, nodev, nodiratime, barrier = 0, nobh / data
busybox mount -o remount, noatime, noauto_da_alloc, nosuid, nodev, nodiratime, barrier = 0, nobh / cache

7.Tviki cache management
LOOP = `ls -d / sys / block / loop *`;
RAM = `ls -d / sys / block / ram *`;
MMC = `ls -d / sys / block / mmc *`;
for j in $ LOOP $ RAM
echo "0">$ j / queue / rotational;
echo "2048">$ j / queue / read_ahead_kb;

8. Tvikov speed microSD memory card (you can put different values, approx. 1024/2048/3072/4096, etc.)
echo "2048">/ sys / devices / virtual / bdi / 179: 0 / read_ahead_kb;

9. Defragging database files
for i in
`find / data -iname" * .db "`
sqlite3 $ i 'VACUUM;';

9.Disable the log
rm / dev / log / main

10.System tweaks
SAMPLING_RATE = $ (busybox expr `cat / sys / devices / system / cpu / cpu0 / cpufreq / cpuinfo_transition_latency` * 750/1000)
echo 95>/ sys / devices / system / cpu / cpufreq / ondemand / up_threshold
echo $ SAMPLING_RATE>/ sys / devices / system / cpu / cpu0 / cpufreq / ondemand / sampling_rate

11. Auto change master and I / O scheduler
a) I / O Scheduler (Best: MTD devices - VR; EMMC devices - SIO) - you need a kernel that supports this I / O Sheduler
echo "vr">/ sys / block / mmcblk0 / queue / scheduler
echo "sio">/ sys / block / mmcblk0 / queue / scheduler

b) Scheduler (Best: Minmax>SavagedZen>Smoothothass>Smartass>Interactive) - you need a kernel with scheduler support
echo "name of the planner">/ sys / devices / system / cpu / cpu0 / cpufreq / scaling_governor

12. Transfer dalvik-cache to cache section to unload data section (problems with Google Play may occur)
CACHESIZE = $ (df -k / cache | tail -n1 | tr -s '' | cut -d '' -f2)
if [$ CACHESIZE -gt 80000]
echo "Large cache detected, moving dalvik-cache to / cache"
if [! -d / cache / dalvik-cache]
busybox rm -rf / cache / dalvik-cache / data / dalvik-cache
mkdir / cache / dalvik-cache / data / dalvik-cache

busybox chown 1000: 1000 / cache / dalvik-cache
busybox chmod 0771 / cache / dalvik-cache

# bind mount dalvik-cache so we can still boot without the sdcard
busybox mount -o bind / cache / dalvik-cache / data / dalvik-cache
busybox chown 1000: 1000 / data / dalvik-cache
busybox chmod 0771 / data / dalvik-cache
echo "Small cache detected, dalvik-cache will remain on / data"

13. Turn off normalize sleeper
mount -t debugfs none / sys / kernel / debug
echo NO_NORMALIZED_SLEEPER>/ sys / kernel / debug / sched_features


Other modifications

Firmware translation

Instructions for translating firmware and applications using intuitive programs.

Translation of the whole firmware

Translation of individual applications

Coding / Deodexing firmware

Information about encoding / deodexing and what is the use of these manipulations.



Unpacking firmware

Instructions for unpacking firmware from images img, ext4, ftf, dat and more.
Android 5.x

Android 4.x

Knowledge base

All errors, problems that I encountered when working with modifications, as well as advice from the author of the topic.

Common Problems

Tips from the author of the topic

useful links

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Post has been editedMaximCSKA - 25.07.15, 18:23
Reason for editing: Updated cap
05.12.13, 16:34

Group: Friendssavagemessiahzine.com
Messages 2821
Check in: 23.01.12
Oneplus one

Reputation:-  553  +

Install build.prop tweaks

OpenRoot explorerand choose R / W
Go to /system/build.prop
Make a backup of your build.prop (preferably)
Click on build.prop and select "Text editor"
Make the necessary changes, save and reboot the device

Post has been editedMaximCSKA - 05.12.13, 16:34

05.12.13, 16:40

Group: Friendssavagemessiahzine.com
Messages 2821
Check in: 23.01.12
Oneplus one

Reputation:-  553  +

Modified sqlite for GB-JB

Download, upload to foldersystem / xbin(viaRoot explorer) or pre-zip firmware

Attached filesqlite3_GB-ICS.zip(13.49 KB)

ForJb :

Attached filesqlite3_jb.zip(18.38 KB)

05.12.13, 20:46

Group: Friendssavagemessiahzine.com
Messages 2821
Check in: 23.01.12
Oneplus one

Reputation:-  553  +

Install init.d tweaks

  1. Download the desired tweak (or create an empty file, the first line in the file#! / system / bin / shthen enter the code and save)
  2. Root Explorer to throw in the folder/system/etc/init.d/ or throw in the same way in the ready zip
  3. Reboot!;)

Post has been editedMaximCSKA - 17.06.14, 14:28

06.12.13, 16:46

Group: Friendssavagemessiahzine.com
Messages 2821
Check in: 23.01.12
Oneplus one

Reputation:-  553  +

Bravia Engine 3

This mod enhances sharpness and reduces noise in images.
Flash throughCWMor otherRecovery:)

A source : Performance Project Blog

Attached files

Attached fileBravia_Engine_3.zip(130.59 KB)

Post has been editedMaximCSKA - 08.12.13, 12:20

06.12.13, 17:32

Group: Users
Messages 11
Check in: 06.12.13
teXet TM-7043XD

Reputation:-  0  +

Hello! And can I put "Bravia Engine 3" on a regular firmware (not Cyanogen)? : sveta:
07.12.13, 15:15

Group: Friendssavagemessiahzine.com
Messages 2821
Check in: 23.01.12
Oneplus one

Reputation:-  553  +

Cherzodor,you can try, in theory should work
But do not forget to backup!)

13.12.13, 18:16

Group: Friendssavagemessiahzine.com
Messages 2821
Check in: 23.01.12
Oneplus one

Reputation:-  553  +

Guide on device firmware on MTK in 10 minutes

Root required

We get the root:

1. We startMobileuncle(preferably Russian)
2. Download the image of the recovery of your device, rename it to "recovery.img"
3. Foldstrictlyto SD card root
4. Go to MobileUncle Tools
5. Choose installation of recovery
6. Choose our image (must be the very first)
7. Click "OK"
8. Reboot to recovery!
9. We are sewn

thankvell1969for the help!

26.12.13, 16:41

Group: Friendssavagemessiahzine.com
Messages 2821
Check in: 23.01.12
Oneplus one

Reputation:-  553  +

Apple smiles for Android KitKat

Attached Image

Found onxdainteresting topic.
Nickname userangelseldescribed the procedure for replacing standardAndroidEmojifamousAppleColorEmoji.

1. DownloadingAppleColorEmoji.ttfand throw it insystem / fonts /
2. Open/system/etc/fallback_fonts.xml/and find the lines:
<file>AndroidEmoji.ttf</ file>
</ fileset>
</ family>

3. Above this, insert
<file>AppleColorEmoji.ttf</ file>
</ fileset>
</ family>

4. Reboot

Apple smilies for Android Lollipop

Zip for Recovery

1. Download the archiveAttached fileApple iOS 8.3 Emoji for L - caiosilva96.zip(22.49 MB)

2. Flash through Recovery
3. Reboot

Post has been editedMaximCSKA - 24.10.15, 20:16
Reason for editing: perezalil

Ross king
27.12.13, 18:50

Group: Friendssavagemessiahzine.com
Messages 201
Check in: 22.10.13
Google nexus 5

Reputation:-  53  +

MaximCSKA @ 12.12.2013, 13:46*
Bravia Engine 3

This mod enhances sharpness and reduces noise in images.
Flash throughCWMor otherRecovery:)

A source : Performance Project Blog

This patch is suitable for MTK6589 LeWa OS V5
27.12.13, 18:54

Group: Friendssavagemessiahzine.com
Messages 2821
Check in: 23.01.12
Oneplus one

Reputation:-  553  +

Ross king
in theory, fit
Goes to stock, which means it will go to LeWa OS

But better make a backup

Post has been editedMaximCSKA - 27.12.13, 18:54

Ross king
27.12.13, 20:55

Group: Friendssavagemessiahzine.com
Messages 201
Check in: 22.10.13
Google nexus 5

Reputation:-  53  +

Ross king
in theory, fit
Goes to stock, which means it will go to LeWa OS

But better make a backup

Thank you, everything is up and running, until I don’t know how to find :-D differences
27.12.13, 20:59

Group: Friendssavagemessiahzine.com
Messages 2821
Check in: 23.01.12
Oneplus one

Reputation:-  553  +

Ross king
Differences are hardly noticeable, but must be present: D

13.01.14, 21:40

Group: Friendssavagemessiahzine.com
Messages 669
Check in: 21.09.11
Xiaomi Redmi 3S

Reputation:-  90  +

Please tell me what can translate firmware based on cinogen? I want to translate for myself not translated pieces in the beanstalk firmware.

Xiaomi Redmi 3s 32gb- MultiRom.

16.01.14, 20:10

Group: Friendssavagemessiahzine.com
Messages 2821
Check in: 23.01.12
Oneplus one

Reputation:-  553  +

With this program, we parse apk, go along the path res / values-ru
Open string.xml (use notepad ++ for convenience)
Also open res / values ​​/ string.xml (original translation (usually English))
We are looking for the "Find" button in Notepad ++, we hammer in the untranslated text that we found in apk
Find the right line
Copy, paste into the file /res/values-ru/string.xml
Then, instead of the English text, we write Russian and save.

Again, through ApkTool GUI we build our apk

23.01.14, 20:12
a guest

Group: Users
Messages 9
Check in: 24.06.13

Reputation:-  1  +

HELP !! Bought an iPhone 5c on Aliexpress. MTK6572, 216 MB of memory, dials 23k in an antitu. Recently I reshuffled for a tsuanogen mod. Now it does not turn on, what to do!?
08.02.14, 14:07

Group: Friendssavagemessiahzine.com
Messages 238
Check in: 18.05.12
Meizu M2 Mini

Reputation:-  20  +

Dino18Mix @ 01/23/2014, 23:12*
Bought an iPhone 5c

Dino18Mix @ 01/23/2014, 23:12*
Recently I reshuffled for a tsuanogen mod

Is that allowed ?? 0_0
08.02.14, 18:40

Group: Active users
Messages 22
Check in: 16.05.13
HTC One M7

Reputation:-  2  +

MaximCSKA,Is it possible to replace applications in the stock firmware, for example on HTC One m7, to replace the player on the player with an equalizer from cyanogenmod ??

Post has been editedLoki_the_best - 08.02.14, 18:41
08.02.14, 19:13

Group: Friendssavagemessiahzine.com
Messages 2821
Check in: 23.01.12
Oneplus one

Reputation:-  553  +

sure you may.
You need to insert the corresponding apk file into / system / app.
You can search onsavagemessiahzine.comApollo player.
The same player is installed in cyan.
However, some functions may not match the original player.

26.02.14, 09:46

Group: Friendssavagemessiahzine.com
Messages 53
Check in: 23.02.11
NVIDIA Shield Tablet

Reputation:-  5  +

MaximCSKA, .,
I see you helping, then help me too) The situation is this. It’s not possible to update the phone, that is, the AdupsFOTE (Software update) application is installed on it, but downloading the entire firmware is simply sent to Recovery and everything is loaded and the same firmware. Personally, I sin on Voild.fstab and Voild.fstab.nand. If you can skip these 2 files, thanks in advance!

Post has been editedCrutic - 26.02.14, 10:21

LG GT540, S̶a̶m̶s̶u̶n̶g̶ ̶G̶a̶l̶a̶x̶y̶ ̶N̶o̶t̶e̶ 3̶, Nvidia Shield Tablet (6.0AnTuTu94696)
26.02.14, 10:44

Group: Friendssavagemessiahzine.com
Messages 2821
Check in: 23.01.12
Oneplus one

Reputation:-  553  +

Crutic @ 02.26.2014, 10:46*
Personally, I sin on Voild.fstab and Voild.fstab.nand. If you can skip these 2 files, thanks in advance!

these 2 files for each device are individual
Write me in QMS with the name of the device, a link to the topic of your device + what you sew


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