Mozilla Firefox Usage Instructions | Quick reference

Rep: (2154)
Instructions for using Mozilla Firefox

Attached Image


Post has been editedKOT-BE3DEXOD - 08.11.17, 19:52

Rep: (2154)
How to disable the plugin in Mozilla Firefox

In the upper left corner, click on the "Firefox" icon and in the list that appears in the right-hand column, select "Add-ons". On the page you need to choose the "Plugins" tab. Active, connected plugins - with blue icons are disabled - gray. Respectively, to turn off only need to select the "Do not include".
Attached Image

Rep: (2154)
What you need to put ons.

Everyone chooses what he needs. Go to first check and of.stranichkuMost Popular
Attached Image

Walk across all categories, it will not take much of your time.
Attached Image

And from my own experience onlypersonal collection of add-ons.

Rep: (2154)
An alternative way to close a tab.

To close a tab, you have to aim well and get to the cross. But there are some ways easier.
With add-ons:
Close Tab by Double Click
Tab Mix Plus
Or, even easier, without any add-ons ...))
Hover your mouse over the tab (in any of its place), and click the middle mouse button. All tab closes.

Rep: (2154)
Adobe Flash plugin crashes

Recently caught a bug.
Attached Image
There was a message"There was an plugin crash Adobe Flash".Video sites stopped working. Helpwith a source of officialdid not come. The problem was solved only with Adobe Flash back to version 10.3

Rep: (2154)
How to make Firefox as close to Opera as possible.

Many familiar difficulties, when the transition to the Opera to Firefox. It lacks some handy things in the interface, the functionality of the limps. But the way out of this situation is. Just do not forget, that this is not just a browser, but the designer.
So, what can be done.
Opera Style- selection of extensions that add features to Firefox, to which we are accustomed to the Opera.
put extensionCustom Buttons- with it you can add more features and capabilities, especially those who are accustomed to the facilities UserJS. Finish can be foundhereandhere.
How to Install button:
  1. Copy button code.
  2. We put in the address bar and hit ENTER.
  3. We agree with the request to install button.
  4. Panel Right-click on empty space - Customize / Change.
  5. Drag the mouse button where we need to.

Source: MySh with

Post has been editedKOT-BE3DEXOD - 17.05.15, 10:40

Rep: (2154)
How to minimize Firefox to tray.

Install extensionMinimizeToTray revived

Rep: (2154)
The extension button does not appear.

Right-clicking on the Add-ons panel - set up.
Attached Image
Select the button for the extension, which is not displayed and simply drag it to the add-ons panel.
Attached Image

Push - Finish.

Rep: (2154)
How to move up the page.

Was there a times when you are viewing any website, descend down the page, and then long to turn the mouse wheel to go up?
Many sites are added to the "up" button. For example Vkontakte
Attached Image
or well-known tracker
Attached Image
But there is still a lot of resources, where there are no such buttons. And turn the wheel sometimes annoying. )) Why do not we ourselves add this button directly in the browser? And now, the rapid upward movement of the pages will be at all sites.
ScrollUporScroll To Top
The script with beautiful buttons Up-Down
// == UserScript ==
// @name Lite Add button for Smooth Scroll to the top / bottom
// @author burningall
// @description Up-Down arrows
// @version 2015.8.17
// @include *
// @ run-at document-start
// == / UserScript ==

(Function (window, document) {
function addEvent (obj, type, fn) {
return obj.addEventListener?
obj.addEventListener (type, function (e) {
var ev = window.event? window.event: (e e: null?); = || ev.srcElement;
if ( (obj, ev) === false) {
e.cancelBubble = true;
e.preventDefault ();
}, False)
obj.attachEvent ( 'on' + type, function (e) {
//,e);?? // ?? IE8, this window ???
var ev = window.event? window.event: (e e: null?); = || ev.srcElement;
if ( (obj, ev) === false) {
e.cancelBubble = true;
return false;

function getSize (obj) {
return document.documentElement [obj]! == 0? document.documentElement [obj]: document.body [obj];

function hasScroll () {
return getSize ( 'scrollHeight')>getSize ( 'clientHeight')? true: false;

function getStyle (obj, attr) {
return obj.currentStyle? obj.currentStyle [attr]: getComputedStyle (obj) [attr];

function $ (id) {
return document.getElementById (id);
function animate (obj, json, cfgjson) {
clearInterval (obj.animate);
obj.animate = setInterval (function () {
var bStop = true;
for (var attr in json) {
var objAttr = 0;
if (attr == 'opacity') {
objAttr = Math.round (parseFloat (getStyle (obj, attr)) * 100);
} Else if (attr == "scrollTop") {
objAttr = parseInt (getSize ( "scrollTop"));
else {
objAttr = parseInt (getStyle (obj, attr));
var jsonattr = parseFloat (json [attr]);
var speedConfig = (cfgjson && typeof (cfgjson.speed)! = 'undefined')? cfgjson.speed: 10;
var iSpeed ​​= (jsonattr - objAttr) / speedConfig;
iSpeed ​​= iSpeed>0? Math.ceil (iSpeed): Math.floor (iSpeed);
if ((iSpeed>0 && objAttr<= Jsonattr) || (iSpeed<0 && objAttr>= Jsonattr)) {
bStop = false;
if (attr == "opacity") { = 'alpha (opacity:' + (objAttr + iSpeed) + ')'; = (objAttr + iSpeed) / 100;
} Else if (attr == "scrollTop") {
document.documentElement.scrollTop = document.body.scrollTop = objAttr + iSpeed;
else { [attr] = objAttr + iSpeed ​​+ 'px';
if (bStop) {
clearInterval (obj.animate);
if (cfgjson && typeof cfgjson.endFn! = 'undefined') { (obj);

/ * Document.addStyle (cssText); * /

function scroll (dir) {
var position, speed, scrollTop, scrollHeight, clientHeight;
clearInterval (document.timerScroll);
scrollHeight = getSize ( 'scrollHeight');
clientHeight = getSize ( 'clientHeight');
document.timerScroll = setInterval (function () {
scrollTop = getSize ( 'scrollTop');
if (dir> 0) {
speed = (scrollTop / 5) + 1;
position = scrollTop - speed;
if (position<= 0) {
document.body.scrollTop = document.documentElement.scrollTop = 0;
clearInterval (document.timerScroll);
} else {
speed = ((scrollHeight-scrollTop-clientHeight) / 5) + 1;
position = scrollTop + speed;
if (position + clientHeight>= ScrollHeight) {
document.body.scrollTop = document.documentElement.scrollTop = scrollHeight;
clearInterval (document.timerScroll);
document.body.scrollTop = document.documentElement.scrollTop = position;
}, 12);

function marsMove (dir) {
var mars = $ ( 'scrollMars-troy');
var point = $ ( 'mars-point');
if (dir == "moveIn") {
clearTimeout (mars.timerHover);
animate (mars, { "right": "10", "opacity": "100"});
animate (point, { "left": "0"});
} Else if (dir == "moveOut") {
clearTimeout (mars.timerHover);
mars.timerHover = setTimeout (function () {
animate (mars, { "right": "- 40", "opacity": "20"});
animate (point, { "left": "- 40"});

function init () {
var scrollBtn = $ ( "scrollMars-troy");
if (scrollBtn) { = (getSize ( 'clientHeight') / 3) + 'px';
if (hasScroll () === true &&! scrollBtn) {
var mars = document.createElement ( 'div'), goTop, goBtm, point; = "scrollMars-troy"; (mars);
mars.innerHTML =
'<style># ScrollMars-troy {position: fixed; right: 30px; z-index: 9999999} # scrollMars-troy # mars-point {width: 50px; height: 50px; position: absolute; top: 0; left: -40px} # scrollMars-troy div div.sroll-btn-troy {width: 50px; height: 50px; text-align: center; background: # 303030; color: #fff; display: block; opacity: 0.8; filter: alpha (opacity = 80); cursor: pointer; border-radius: 50%; box-shadow: 2px 2px 40px 2px # 303030; line-height: 50px; font-size: 35px;} # scrollMars-troy div div.sroll-btn-troy : hover {background: # FF0000}</ style><div id = \ 'mars-point \'></ div>'+
' <div id = \ 'goTop-troy \' class = \ 'sroll-btn-troy \'></ div>'+
' <div id = \ 'goBtm-troy \' class = \ 'sroll-btn-troy \'></ div>'+
'</ div>';
goTop = $ ( "goTop-troy");
goBtm = $ ( "goBtm-troy");
goTop.innerHTML = "↑";
goBtm.innerHTML = "↓";
$ ( 'ScrollMars-troy') = (getSize ( 'clientHeight') / 3) + 'px'.;
addEvent (goTop, "click", function () {
scroll (1);
return false;
addEvent (goBtm, "click", function () {
scroll (-1);
return false;
addEvent (mars, 'mouseover', function () {
marsMove ( "moveIn");
return false;
addEvent (mars, 'mouseout', function () {
marsMove ( "moveOut");
return false;
addEvent (mars, 'mousedown', function () {
return false;
marsMove ( "moveOut");

addEvent (window, "mousewheel", function () {
clearInterval (document.timerScroll);
addEvent (window, "DOMMouseScroll", function () {
clearInterval (document.timerScroll);
addEvent (, "resize", function () {
init ();

addEvent (document, 'DOMContentLoaded', function () {
init ();

addEvent (window, 'keydown', function (e) {
if (e.altKey && e.keyCode == 49) {
scroll (1);
} Else if (e.altKey && e.keyCode == 50) {
scroll (-1);
} Else if (e.ctrlKey && e.altKey) {
marsMove ( "moveIn");
}) (Window, document);

Post has been editedKOT-BE3DEXOD - 17.05.15, 09:24

Rep: (2154)
How to specify any place to save files, not the default.

Settings - General - Always prompt for saving files (tick)

Rep: (2154)
List of settings About: config in Russian with explanations

about: config - a special page in Mozilla Firefox browser that contains a lot of settings that are not available in the user interface. Closest analogues of this page - configuration files in Linux and the registry in Windows. To run this page you need to enter text into the address bar about: config (without the quotes) and press ENTER, and open this page here:
Attached Image

Or put a button to quickly open about: config.Attached ImageDescription of the installation buttons.
custombutton: //%3C%3Fxml%20version%3D%221.0%22%20encoding%3D%22UTF-8%22%3F%3E%0D%0A%3Ccustombutton%20xmlns%3Acb%3D%22http%3A//xsms. % 3Bbase64% 2CiVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAABAAAAAQCAYAAAAf8 / 9hAAAACXBIWXMAAAsSAAALEgHS3X78AAAD2klEQVQ4jUWSXUxTVxzA / + fccz9oYa29QK0OKC4gHbAYoDUV0WxmURdjTIhbmBphMYubyTZefFoWMxdcso + HxfmB0y0q0WmyKVscHzqjEYIW6AbChJDhBUGwFPpB77W959yzBx / 2e / 89 / X6IUnrw1MmTa1qOHTu8Mt + NY4m4RSkFURRBURTYvnUbUlWVq7nqJn8gcPilnJyqpaWllnQ6fbx / YAALzc3NUkV5 + dkpTbPNzcx2FxcVSbF4jC1GoxAIBLAoEi5Jsr + 6pvq2YRi + rq6ur6c17Ux0IZqtqq4UQQj1NjY1Ve / bs7d9d339WDKZPCdJkjgyMmouLi7heDxuBYPBdzfW1cldnZ1cEkXd4 / G0JxLJy6mUfgLLsiyEw + HB / Y2NGyLPIp / LstyUTCZNt9stck6BCAhy8 / NficViIMtKusbv / 8pmt6 + mlLZRSgFzzpkkScR4bkydPnmqdjm5fNThcDTJkmjqJtCE / tyFzFT1hfMXYXh4SPR6vcAoO + h0OuOqqgoEAIAxRgFAYJRqP5xu3dB04ECfJ28FHkGlZ8N67jnP / fSqTS / nZWYWEtfGHz0acqmuWcYYEEI40nUdfD4faJoGm4O1goAxQwBFDR8cauPzXIlc + qX67NpDuo12169MDXS83bAfr1ZdFuIcBEKA ACAA4AAAkCp507I5coUF3dSG70xGjuRGdz1zzYFz + rv2eQN1FKQ02T0UBiEYzHBCOAYLCPwPZoqTW7YVCJD7t9lbbTv + ZrfNwrd2k8o // 3jntX9GQx7J / q155nsk3LuBECEcZ9kAv3ARAgCOgeEcKe + q1j + zo6f2Izhf2hTu + 7F1LH + dH7Ha17 / pAbiVtNm9WcsJiyxGBBKLAgYECAAQAOayUnDh / t2FXY6iNZbLiSL3UM5OWNYb + js7TG9lBS32 + 98YSBj9EUsIEkFkFhYFzDlgzkzLFfzw + OhDoYHnqJmVq + zo6ePBvflZ5rzbnv2XRc2jPdevk + JAQK8IrHeFtOjvyQQvk5Y5w9SIM8 / mjz9VivccokgwispWSU + nRptlUe96Mt4nhgRA2cxqScVi3b1XrtgKqqoMX02NK7wYv6gzbhd2vndkW + uNyCfE1EKF6 + rKp8cenEjPdn8W6 / 0JLz4OsZtGGj00DMuZyfzqsKyaxMREWcnG2ucIUKGSyXChxLd + bdeDJ9uLfV7l39Cd8dTgl / vSE3ezkJmSJVmWiCBITwnJCgHQcdO8ZDLmUSYnA6VbtiSvTk19gSpfLYXJmON9xekth7mbP2PEFCA2 + 4suL / 7AAGBxjgwAgwNEgpxvjWE8Pkzptf8ApubSUysIvccAAAAASUVORK5CYII % 3D% 5D% 5D% 3E% 3C / image% 3E% 0A% 20% 20% 3Cmode% 3E0% 3C / mode% 3E% 0A% 20% 20% 3Cinitcode% 3E% 3C% 21% 5BCDATA% 5B // 20Nastroyka 20funktsy%%%% 20klikov 20myshi% 28Mouse% 20Click% 20settings% 29% 20 ................................ .......................% 0Athis.onclick% 20% 3D% 20function% 28e% 29% 20% 7B% 0A% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20if% 20% 28% 20e.button% 20% 3D% 3D% 20% 200% 29% 20getBrowser% 20% 28% 29.% 20selectedTab% 20% 3D% 20getBrowser% 20% 28% 29.% 20addTab% 20% 28% 22about% 3Aconfig% 22% 29% 3B% 20% 20% 0A% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 0A% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20if% 20% 28% 20e.button% 20% 3D% 3D% 201% 20% 29% 20% 7B% 20% 0A% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% // 20zapomnit% 20tekst 20iz%%% 20bufera 20obmena 20skopirovat% 20and%%% 20tekst 20na 20stranitse% 20% ....% 0A% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20var% 20clip% 20% 3D% 28% 29% 3B% 0A% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20window.content.focus% 28% 29% 3B% 0A% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20goDoCommand% 28% 22cmd_copy% 22% 29% 3B% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 0A% 0A% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20gBrowser.selectedTab% 20% 3D% 20gBrowser.addTab% 28% 20% 27about% 3Aconfig% 27% 20% 29% 3B% 20% 0A% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 0A% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% // 20obrabotchik 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0A% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 7B% 20label% 3A% 22Informatsiya% 20o% 20keshe% 22 % 2C% 20value% 3A% 20% 27about% 3Acache% 27% 7D% 2C% 20% 20% 20% 0A% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 7B% 20label% 3A% 22Vosstanovlenie% 20sessii% 22% 2C % 20value% 3A% 20% 27about% 3Asessionrestore% 27% 7D% 2C% 0A% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 7B% 20label% 3A% 22Upravlenie% 20razresheniyami% 22% 2C% 20value% 3A% 20% 27ab out% 3Apermissions% 27% 7D% 2C% 0A% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 7B% 20label% 3A% 22Informatsiya% 20Quick% 20resheniya% 20problem% 22% 2C% 20value% 3A% 20% 27about% 3Asupport% 27% 7D% 2C% 0A% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 7B% 20label% 3A% 22Pokazat% 20isplzovanie% 20pamyati% 20podrobno% 22% 2C% 20value% 3A% 20% 27about% 3Amemory% 27% 7D% 0A% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 5D% 3B% 0A% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 0Athis.mObj% 20% 3D% 20custombuttons.getCbContextObj% 28this% 29% 3B% 0Athis.init% 20% 3D% 20function% 28x% 29% 20% 7B% 0A% 20% 20% 20x.mObj. setSub% 28% 29% 3B% 0A% 20% 20% 20var% 20nItem% 20% 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3C / accelkey% 3E% 0A % 20% 20% 3Chelp% 3E% 3C% 21% 5BCDATA% 5B% 5D% 5D% 3E% 3C / help% 3E% 0A% 20% 20% 3Cattributes /% 3E% 0A% 3C / custombutton% 3E

Opens the about: config in the new active tab or menu with different about :, menu is easy to change or add.
Enables middle-click to open the about: config setting up from the clipboard or highlighted on the page and immediately seek.
  • LMC - open about: config,
  • SCM - open about: config setting up (isolated or out of the buffer)
  • PTP - to open a menu with different about: + standard menu button.

Here we see a list of options, as well as the "search", with which you can quickly find the setting.
To edit the parameter you need only double-click on the left mouse button, or highlight it and press ENTER.
To reset or delete created, you need to click on it, right click and select "Reset".
Option (in the context of this article) - is a line in about: config, containing the name of the (roughly speaking the name of the setting that we are changing), and a value that corresponds to this setting. "Parameter type" - this is what value can apply this setting: logical, numeric or string. If the type of logic, this parameter can take only two values: TRUE and FALSE (Truth \ lie, yes \ no, 1 \ 0 etc.). Numerical type means that only an integer can be assigned to the parameter. A string means that the value of this parameter can be any string (address of the site, a set of numerical values, etc.).

Parameter List:
accessibility.tabfocus (Integer) - Parameter responsible for switching between the links, text fields, buttons, etc. when you press the TAB key. values:
1 - Switch between text-only forms
2 - Switch between all controls forms (except text fields)
3 - Toggle between all forms
4 - Switches between references
5 - switching between text fields, as well as references
7 - Switch between all controls forms, as well as links

accessibility.typeaheadfind.autostart (Boolean) - Run or not automatically (without Ctrl + F) quick search, enter letters. values:
TRUE - Run
FALSE - Do not run

accessibility.typeaheadfind.enabletimeout (Boolean) - Turn off if quick search bar with automatic start (if not through the Ctrl + F) after a while. Value:
TRUE - Play sound
FALSE - Do not lose it

accessibility.typeaheadfind.timeout (integer) - The time (in ms), through which will close the Quick Search bar.

accessibility.typeaheadfind.enablesound (Boolean) - Responsible for the sound when typed in a quick search text is not found. values:
TRUE - Play sound
FALSE - Do not lose it

accessibility.typeaheadfind.soundURL (string) - the type of sound on error. meaning
default - the default sound
beep - beep

app.update.interval (integer) - time interval (in seconds), after which the browser checks for updates.
approx. 1 day is 86400 seconds (Boolean, with Firefox 12) - parameter responsible for the auto-update Firefox. values:
TRUE - Firefox will be updated independently without disturbing the user
FALSE - will be prompted to update your browser (like Firefox to version 12)

beacon.enabled (Boolean, with Firefox 30) - introduced Navigator.sendBeacon function is to facilitate the collection of statistics regarding use of the browser. I introduced it because before sending the statistics at the closing pages used XMLHttpRequests (normal AJAX), but it slows down Firefox work and do not always work. (Right to privacy is not affected)
TRUE - enable navigator.sendBeacon () work
FALSE - disable

browser.altClickSave (Boolean) - is responsible for the ability to save objects when you click LMB while holding the Alt key. values:
TRUE - When you click on an object Alt + LMB is its preservation
FALSE - The standard browser behavior

browser.backspace_action (Integer) - responsible for Backspase key behavior. values:
0 - when you press the return comes back
1 - when you press the shift forward
2 - when you press the key, the key is ignored by the browser

browser.bookmarks.max_backups (integer) - the maximum number of backups bookmarks are created in the profile firefox.

browser.bookmarks.autoExportHTML (Boolean) - the option to save bookmarks (places.sqlite / HTML file).
TRUE - fox will save bookmarks to HTML
FALSE - bookmarks will be stored in places.sqlite

browser.cache.check_doc_frequency (integer) - how often to check the page to change. values:
0 - once per session
1 - every time a page is viewed
2 - do not check, use your browser's cache
3 - check when the page is out of date (automatically detected).

browser.cache.disk.enable (Boolean) - parameter responsible for the use of the disk cache. values:
TRUE - to use a disk cache
FALSE - not to use

browser.cache.disk.capacity (integer) - the size of disk space for your cache (in kilobytes).
approx. This option does want to set the parameter to TRUE browser.cache.disk.enable

browser.cache.disk.parent_directory (string) - the path to the folder in which you will create a cache folder cache Firefox.
approx. Path registers thus: X: \\ folder 1 \\ \\ folder 2
note 2. To use this option you want to set the parameter to TRUE browser.cache.disk.enable

browser.cache.disk_cache_ssl (Boolean) - Allow caching protected pages (HTTPS / SSL) or not. values:
TRUE - allow
FALSE - disable
approx. This option does want to set the parameter to TRUE browser.cache.disk.enable

browser.cache.memory.enable (Boolean) - parameter responsible for the use of cache memory. values:
TRUE - to use in-memory cache
FALSE - not to use

browser.cache.memory.capacity (Integer) - determines how the RAM is used for the browser cache. values:
-1 - size is automatically determined as a percentage of the total memory;
0 - RAM is not used for the cache;
n - the maximum cache size is set to n kilobytes
approx. This option does want to set the parameter to TRUE browser.cache.memory.enable (integer) - maximum width / height of the image (in pixels) to display its small copy.
approx. This option may be necessary for the correct operation of some "curves" to those who stretch favicon'y half of the tab bar. (boolean) - whether or not tooltips when you hover the cursor over the active elements as the browser and websites. values:
TRUE - display
FALSE - do not display (Boolean) - When you save a file with the option "Always prompt for saving files" browser remembers the last storage location. This parameter allows you to specify a separate folder for each site. values:
TRUE - For each site to remember their "last place to save the file"
FALSE - The last folder is saved for all sites (Boolean) - Checking Antivirus files. values:
FALSE disables checking of uploaded files of Antivirus (increases speed, but decreases safety), just turned off the message "This file was obtained from a different computer, and may have been blocked for the purpose of protecting your computer"
TRUE checking is enabled. (Boolean) - is responsible for reporting the downloaded files. values:
TRUE - Show a message about downloading files
FALSE - Do not show a message about downloading files (integer) - time (in seconds), during which a message is displayed on downloading files.
approx. operation of this option is required to set the parameter to TRUE (Boolean) - clean or not completed downloads from the download list. values:
TRUE - clean as downloading is completed
FALSE - to leave on the list (Boolean, with Firefox 20) - is responsible for the display of the new download manager, instead of the old (in a separate window). values:
TRUE - download manager displays a separate window
FALSE - to display a new type of manager downloads (pop-up window from digging)

browser.display.force_inline_alttext - is responsible for the showing of images in the browser
TRUE - show pictures
FALSE - pictures do not show, instead they will have alt-text

browser.display.show_image_placeholders (Boolean) - parameter responsible for showing images loaded icons (such squares). values:
TRUE - Show icons
FALSE - Do not show

browser.enable_automatic_image_resizing (Boolean) - automatic scaling (reduction) of pictures. values:
TRUE - Enable
FALSE - Disable

browser.formfill.enable (Boolean) - the preservation of the history and search forms.
TRUE stored data entered into web page forms and the search engine string (search bar)
FALSE input data is not stored

browser.history_expire_days (integer) - the number of days during which history records of visits. (Integer) - opening the links, which indicated the discovery of new windows. values:
1 - Open the current tab
2 - opens in new window
3 - Open in a new tab (Integer) - Allows you to open tabs instead of new windows. values:
0 - to open all links in tabs
1 - Open links in windows
2 - Open links in tabs, except for the cases when the job is non-standard window settings (such as resizing) (Integer) - determines how to open links from external applications. values:
-1 - Use the same value as that of the parameter
0 - open in the current tab
1 - In a new window
2 - In a new tab, the last window

browser.newtab.url (String) - defines which will be opened in new tabs. values:
about: newtab - The page containing your most visited sites (available in Firefox 13)
about: home - Home (which is the default home page)
about: blank - A blank page
http: // *- Address of the site, which will be opened
file: /// * - The path to the folder \ file

browser.newtabpage.rows and browser.newtabpage.columns (Integer, with Firefox 18.0) - The number of rows and columns of thumbnails displayed on the start page in Firefox 13 version.

browser.newtabpage.enabled (Boolean, with Firefox 13.0) - parameter responsible for adding sites to the new home page. values:
TRUE - Pages will be added
FALSE - Pages will not be added, but those that are already there, to remain. Therefore, they must be removed manually.

browser.pagethumbnails.capturing_disabled (Boolean, with Firefox 12.0) - Prohibition of creating thumbnails of pages for the page "new tab". values:
TRUE - Thumbnails will not be created
FALSE - The ban on the creation of thumbnails missing

browser.panorama.animate_zoom (Boolean) - parameter in charge of the animation "Zoom" tab when you select it from the pan. values:
TRUE - The animation will be displayed
FALSE - The animation will not be displayed. It is recommended for slower computers

browser.preferences.advanced.selectedTabIndex (Integer) - determines which section of the "Advanced" tab to open the basic settings by default. values:
0 - Total
1 - Network
2 - Updates
3 - Encryption

browser.preferences.animateFadeIn (boolean) - whether to change when you click on sections of the browser window height settings. values:
TRUE - change
FALSE - not to change

browser.preferences.InContent (Boolean, with Firefox 15.0) - Option in charge of opening the settings are not in a separate window, and tab. values:
TRUE - Settings will open in a new tab
FALSE - The settings are, as before, to open in a separate window

browser.preferences.instantApply (Boolean) - if you want to acquire the confirmation button to change settings. values:
TRUE - settings are activated immediately. (The "close" in the only button)
FALSE - To activate the settings, press the confirm button. (This uses two buttons: "OK" and "Cancel")

browser.safebrowsing.enabled (Boolean) - enable protection against phishing or not. For this downloadable provided by google blacklist. values:
TRUE - protection is enabled (recommended).
FALSE - disable protection

browser.safebrowsing.downloads.enabled (Boolean, with Firefox 34) - Sending information about downloadable files in google to identify malicious files. values:
TRUE - Send (slightly higher security).
FALSE - Do not send (plus privacy).
approx. This option does want to set the parameter to TRUE browser.safebrowsing.enabled

browser.safebrowsing.malware.enabled (Boolean) - download blacklist malicious data (address list and files), and displays a warning when you try to access it. values:
TRUE - Download a black list and check with him
FALSE - Do not do it (string) - Specifies the name of the search engine used by default. (Boolean) - specifies where to open the search results of a search string. values:
TRUE - the search results of the search string will be opened in a new tab
FALSE - in the current tab
approx. Important! Due to bug 513180 to TRUE is valid only for press ENTER, and in case of need to click the mouse middle button. bugfix: 10 # p666510 (Boolean) - roughly speaking, whether or not the selection of the values ​​you type into the search bar. values:
TRUE - yes, the request for the search plug-ins, these tentative values.
FALSE - no, do not ask for.

browser.send_pings (boolean) - whether to send links to press the addresses specified in the attribute "ping" tag notification<a>. meaning
TRUE - send.
FALSE - Do not send. Recommended (we do not want to us the following?).

browser.sessionhistory.max_entries (Integer) - Number of memorized steps "back \ forward".

browser.sessionstore.interval (integer) - The interval (in milliseconds) through which the preservation session.
approx. 10000 = 10 seconds

browser.sessionstore.max_tabs_undo (Integer) - The number of closed tabs that are displayed in the "recently closed tabs".

browser.showQuitWarning (Boolean) - Determines whether or not the screen asking to keep close tabs to the next session or not.
TRUE - show window
FALSE - skip

browser.sessionstore.max_windows_undo - the maximum number of recently closed windows in the log (default is 3), similar to browser.sessionstore.max_tabs_undo tabs (default is 10).

browser.sessionstore.max_concurrent_tabs (Integer) - Number of tabs to load simultaneously when restoring the session. In previous versions of the browser was loading all tabs at the same time that a heavy load on the system.
approx. If you assign a value to 0, the tab will be loaded when they are switched.
Important!!! Since Firefox 13 when creating this browser.sessionstore.restore_on_demand parameter values ​​and parameters are automatically browser.sessionstore.restore_pinned_tabs_on_demand FALSE value.

browser.sessionstore.resume_from_crash (boolean) - Whether to restore the dialogue session, after failure of the chanterelles. values:
TRUE - show
FALSE - to start a new session without any warnings

browser.startup.homepage (String) - specifies the address of the home page. values:
about: newtab - The page containing your most visited sites (available in Firefox 13)
about: home - Home (which is the default home page)
about: blank - A blank page
http: // *- Address of the site, which will be opened
file: /// * - The path to the folder \ file

browser.tabs.animate (Boolean) - is responsible for the animation of the tab bar (opening \ closing tabs). values:
TRUE - the animation is included
FALSE - animation off

browser.tabs.closeButtons (Integer Up Firefox 31) - The presence of the "Close" tab. To return the setting position of this button, you must install Classic Theme Restorer. values:
0 - display a close button only on the active tab
1 - show close button on each tab
2 - do not show the close button
3 - display a single close button at the end of the tab bar (as in Firefox 1.x)

browser.tabs.closeWindowWithLastTab (Boolean) - Determines whether the browser is closed when you close the last tab. values:
TRUE - close the window when you close the last tab.
FALSE - The window will not be closed.

browser.tabs.insertRelatedAfterCurrent (Boolean) - This parameter determines where they will open new tabs.
TRUE - The new tab will be opened immediately after the current tab.
FALSE - The new tabs will open at the end of the list of tabs.

browser.tabs.loadBookmarksInBackground (Boolean) - Each tab in the context menu there is an item "Open in new tab". It is also possible to click the middle mouse button on the tab (or Ctrl + LMB). values:
TRUE - A new tab will open in the background
FALSE - will switch to the new tab

browser.tabs.loadDivertedInBackground (Boolean) - Determines how will open a new page, which should open in a new window, but instead open in tabs. For example, containing target = "_ blank" or links from external applications. values:
TRUE - open these tabs in the background
FALSE - to switch to the opened tabs

browser.tabs.onTop (Logical, Firefox to 28 inclusive) - Allows you to place the tabs below the address bar. values:
TRUE - to place them under the address bar
FALSE - to place them under the address bar
approx. For Firefox tabs 29 placed below the address bar is possible with a supplement Classic Theme Restorer (Customize Australis)

browser.tabs.opentabfor.middleclick (Boolean) - the action by clicking on the mouse wheel on the following link:
TRUE - to open a link in a new tab
FALSE - to open in a new window.

browser.tabs.tabClipWidth (Integer) - Width of tab (pixels) from which the cross disappears.

browser.tabs.warnOnClose (Boolean) - defines: whether or not the warning about closing multiple tabs.
TRUE - show
FALSE - skip

browser.taskbar.previews.enable (Boolean) - Determines: whether to show the tab "superbare" windows 7.
TRUE - show
FALSE - skip (Boolean, with Firefox 32) - Pop-up notification with a proposal to translate the page. Translation is carried out through the service Microsoft Translator. values:
TRUE - show such notice.
FALSE - Disable display.
approx. Important! As it is necessary to assign a parameter browser.translation.detectLanguage to TRUE.

browser.triple_click_selects_paragraph (Boolean) - determines that emit in triple clicks on text. values:
TRUE - will stand paragraph
FALSE - will be allocated to a line

browser.underline_anchors (Boolean) - emphasize the link or not. values:
TRUE - to emphasize the links
FALSE - not to emphasize

browser.urlbar.autoFill (Boolean) - autocomplete in the address bar or below.
TRUE - complement text that you type in the address bar, and not just to show the options below.
FALSE - only show below.

browser.urlbar.clickSelectsAll (Boolean) - automatic selection of all lines in the address bar. values:
TRUE - Enable
FALSE - Disable

browser.urlbar.hideGoButton (Boolean) - control button go to the page (right button on the address bar) Values:
TRUE - button is visible. The value is not related to safety, only a bug customization panel
FALSE - hidden button

browser.urlbar.maxRichResults (Integer) - If you enter in the address line of text. The browser is trying to anticipate our desires and below the address bar displays the expected address, but it is not always convenient. This parameter specifies the number of displayed assumptions.
approx. To disable the data output addresses need to put this parameter value -1

browser.urlbar.formatting.enabled (Boolean) - responsible for the allocation of the color domain in the address bar. values:
TRUE - Enable color highlight
FALSE - Disable selection

browser.urlbar.trimURLs (logical, since Firefox 7.0) - Responsible for the display in the address bar of the prefix "http: //"(But when copying the address from the address prefix string in a clipboard is copied) values.:
TRUE - Hide prefix
FALSE - Show him

browser.xul.error_pages.enabled (Boolean) - defines the method for displaying error connecting to the server. values:
TRUE - if the address is not loaded, Firefox shows the standard error page in this tab.
FALSE - if the address is not loaded, Firefox shows the JavaScript-window and tab remains empty.

clipboard.autocopy (Boolean) - Responsible for automatically copy selected text and paste it with the middle button of the mouse. values:
TRUE - Enable this feature
FALSE - Disable it

converter.html2txt.header_strategy (integer) - how to handle HTML headings (<H1>-<H6>) While maintaining the web-page in a simple text. values:
0 - no processing
1 - indents (in principle - H (n + 1) is shifted more than H (n))
2 - numbered and make small indentation

config.trim_on_minimize (Logical, created) - Responsible for the memory location during folding browser. values:
TRUE when minimized browser all of its data will be transferred from the RAM (random access memory) into virtual memory (located on your hard disk). This will free up RAM (which is at the extravagance of the fox quite helpful), but it will reduce the speed of deployment of the browser.
FALSE - The memory is not discharged, but also faster (only in folding-unfolding and not at all)

dom.disable_beforeunload (Boolean, with Firefox 29) - Allows you to turn off the message "This page is asking you to confirm that you want to leave - at the same time that you enter the data can not be saved", which appears on some sites when attempting to close a tab \ browser window. values:
TRUE - Disable these messages
FALSE - Show them

dom.enable_performance (Boolean) - is responsible for the transmission of information about the server start time and the end of the page load. Analysis of these data can allow detect the presence of a proxy. values:
TRUE - To transfer the data
FALSE - Do not send them. Positive impact on privacy, but some sites may refuse to work.

dom.ipc.plugins.enabled (Boolean) - parameter responsible for plugin-container. values:
TRUE - Use plugin-container
FALSE - Disable it

extensions.alwaysUnpack (boolean) - parameter responsible for the ability to force all unpack extension. This is required for some add-ons written for older versions of Firefox, but may adversely affect the speed of loading chanterelles.
TRUE - Forced to unpack all extensions
FALSE - Extract only if there is a corresponding tag in install.rdf. Recommended.

extensions.blocklist.enabled (Boolean) - Allow or not to block the Firefox extensions and plugins from the "black list", which is made of browser developers. values:
TRUE - block such expansion. recommended
FALSE - Ignore the black list and allow installation of all extensions.
approx. To completely get rid of locks you need to delete the downloaded blocklist.xml directory of the user profile and the application installed (Firefox \ browser \ blocklist.xml). On the black list can be found here:https: //addons.mozilla...en-US/firefox/blocked/

extensions.blocklist.url (string) - the address to which checked the blacklist update.

extensions.blocklist.interval (Integer) - Time, in seconds, which can be verified through the black list update.

extensions.checkCompatibility.temporaryThemeOverride_minAppVersion (string, with Firefox 29) - Parameter blocking the installation, do not match the version in it. Off the radar !!! Settings to check the compatibility of extensions are ignored. It is strongly recommended not to change the setting without special needs, as incompatible themes can seriously "break" the new Australis interface.

extensions.dss.enabled (Boolean) - allows a dynamic change of the (without rebooting).
TRUE - allow
FALSE - disable. Recommended, as the dynamic change of the work is very "crooked."

extensions.getAddons.maxResults (Integer) - when searching for additions through the built-in manager in the search results displayed 25 results. This option allows you to increase the number of results for a fruitful search.

extensions.update.autoUpdateDefault (Boolean) - automatic updating of extensions without prompting the user. values:
TRUE - fully automatic update, in which requires no user intervention
FALSE - Before updating Firefox add-ons will ask the user for permission

extensions.update.enabled (Boolean) - controls the automatic update search extensions. values:
TRUE - search for updates will be automatically
FALSE - only in manual

gfx.downloadable_fonts.enabled (Boolean) - no download or missing fonts on your system.
TRUE - download
FALSE - do not download.

gfx.use_text_smoothing_setting (Logical, for MacOS X only) - Setting font smoothing. values:
TRUE - use system settings MacOS X.
FALSE - to smooth all fonts.

general.autoScroll (Boolean) - page scrolling option using the mouse wheel click. values:
TRUE - Allow scrolling manner
FALSE - Disable a scrolling method

geo.enabled (Boolean) - Determines: send or not the sites information about your location. Value:
TRUE - Sending this information
FALSE - the site will not be given access to your location

image.animation_mode (string) - a way to play the animation (gif). values:
normal - completely lose
once - only once
none - prohibit playback of animation

images.dither (String) - parameter responsible for smoothing the image. values:
auto - the browser can decide which images to smooth out, and which are not
true - Smooth all images
false - not smooth at all

intl.accept_languages ​​(String) - string with a list of preferred languages ​​to display web-pages. (Boolean) - using JIT for processing a shell browser. values:
TRUE - Enable this processing. It is recommended this option.
FALSE - Disable it

keyword.enabled (Boolean) - control of the search address bar. value:
TRUE - to search
FALSE - disable search from the address bar

layers.async-video.enabled (Boolean) - responsible for the possibility of decoding and framing is the base stream with the contents of the web page.
TRUE - decode and generate frames separate from the main page content (recommended)
FALSE - together

layers.enable-tiles (Boolean, with Firefox 30) - is responsible for the method of page rendering. values:
TRUE - Drawing page is not entirely, but in small portions.
FALSE - is drawn entirely.

layout.spellcheckDefault (Integer) - By default Firefox checks spelling only in the multi-input screens, ignoring the one-line, using this option, you can disable scanning altogether, or turn it on for one-line input fields. values:
0 - Disable spell check
1 - The spell checker works in the "big" input fields
2 - The spell checker works in all entry fields

layout.word_select.eat_space_to_next_word (Boolean) - Determines how the allocated word when double-clicking on it. values:
TRUE - When you double-click on a word selects it with a space, which is located on the right
FALSE - Space is not allocated by double-clicking on the word

media.autoplay.enabled (Boolean) - Auto-play HTML5 video / audio player, a built-in Firefox (HTML5 media content).
TRUE - begins to play automatically when the page loads
FALSE - Wait until the user presses the "play" (Boolean, with Firefox 34) - Play the supported media files in the browser instead of downloading them. values:
TRUE - Play in the browser.
FALSE - Mail to download.

media.peerconnection.enabled (Boolean, with Firefox 18) - WebRTC and PeerConnection function. Used for chats, video calls, and perhaps even some similar functions. The implementation allows the user to know the internal ip for NAT (the method itself has multiple implementations).
TRUE - Enable. A negative impact on privacy.
FALSE - Disable

media.video_stats.enabled (Boolean) - Responsible for sending the statistics on the video output (number of missed / rendered frames, etc.) Values:
TRUE - Enable sending statistics
FALSE - Disable it (it is possible that a positive impact on privacy) (Boolean, with Firefox 21 for Windows 7 and Firefox 22 for Windows Vista) - support auto discovery of audio and MP4 video with H.264 video codec and AAC audio codec MP3 or Windows 7 and higher. values:
TRUE - Open in Firefox
FALSE - Download
approx. Settings "Applications" for these types of content are ignored if you do not switch to false, but this will disable playback of MP3 / M4A / MP4<audio>and<video>HTML5 content of web pages. (Boolean, with Firefox 24) - allows you to disable the built-in self-playing files MP3 / M4A / MP4 instead of downloading without disabling playback<audio>and<video>HTML5 content of web pages. It is useful for solving problems with the audio and video preservation: discussion discussion.
TRUE - Open in Firefox
FALSE - Download

middlemouse.paste (Boolean) - paste text from the clipboard by clicking the middle mouse button. values:
TRUE - Allow
FALSE - Disable

middlemouse.scrollbarPosition (Logic) - Customize the behavior of scroll bar when you click on it SCM (middle mouse button). values:
TRUE - Clicking SCM scrollbar slider moves to the place where the click was made.
FALSE - When you click SCM nothing happens scrollbars

mousewheel.acceleration.start (integer) - how many "clicks" continuous rotation of the wheel acceleration is deemed to be included

mousewheel.acceleration.factor (Integer) - acceleration of scrolling pages. (If you have to scroll a lot, scrolling speed will be increased to the value specified in this parameter).

mousewheel.withcontrolkey.numlines (integer) - the behavior of the mouse with the zoom in / out using the scroll wheel of her. values:
1 - Wheel Bat by themselves - Zoom
[-1 - Bat dial from itself - downscaling
approx. In MacOSX on Control + scroll hangs increase in screen area under the arm - for designers, display presentations and people with impaired neorlinym.

network.automatic-ntlm-auth.trusted-uris (string) - the list of addresses that require NTLM. If several addresses - they are separated by commas.

network.cookie.cookieBehavior (Integer) - Treatment browser cookies. values:
0 - Accept all cookies
1 - Cookies only visited site
2 - Do not accept cookies
3 - Working with cookies, based on the privacy level

network.http.connect.timeout (integer) - the number of seconds that is given on the download page.

network.http.use-cache (Boolean) - Determines whether the cache http-documents allowed. values:
TRUE - Allowed
FALSE - Not allowed

network.http.sendRefererHeader (Integer) - determines when to send Referer header (ie, we are talking about sending URI-address of the resource server from which it is produced, or click on the link on which the images are being downloaded). values:
0 - Do not send
1 - To send only links
2 - Sending for links and images (the default)
approx. Attention: a ban on the sending of Referer headers can cause malfunction of some sites (for example, images may not be displayed, including the CAPTCHA).

network.proxy.share_proxy_settings (Boolean) - determines whether the selected proxy for HTTP also be used for SSL, FTP, SOCKS, and Gopher. values:
TRUE - Use same settings for HTTP also for other protocols
FALSE - Use separate settings for each protocol

network.proxy.socks_remote_dns (Boolean) - to send DNS requests through the socks proxy if a proxy is used. If disabled, the connection itself is going through a proxy and the DNS through the usual mix (very negative for privacy). values:
TRUE - to send DNS proxy (recommended)
FALSE - not to send DNS proxy

network.seer.enabled (Boolean, with Firefox 29 and Firefox 32) - Starting with Firefox 29 appear seer mechanism that tracks and stores requests to download when you visit the page. For example, when loading sitehttp://bla-bla-bla.orgonce downloaded //bla-bla-bla/logo.png.In this case, the fox will remember in a special database, and when you open the site, immediately begins to load all the files you need, which should positively affect the page loading speed, but it is unknown what impact on privacy. With the Firefox 32 was renamed network.predictor.enabled. values:
TRUE - Use seer
FALSE - not to use it
approx. seer, for obvious reasons, does not keep a database sites with access via https

network.seer.max-db-size (integer, with Firefox 29 and Firefox 32) - The maximum database size seer (by default 150Mb). With the Firefox 32 it was renamed network.predictor.max-db-size. values:
approx. This option does want to set the parameter to TRUE network.seer.enabled

network.standard-url.escape-utf8 (Boolean) - coding of links when copying. values:
TRUE - Encoding is enabled, copy the link will look like this:http: //ru.wikipedia.or...%BD%D0%B0%D1%8F: Search(Recommended)
FALSE - The coding is prohibited to copy the link would look like (as a reference):Служебная:Search
approx. BUT disconnected coding references can be copied with errors, such as:РїРѕРёСЃ

network.predictor.enabled (Boolean, with Firefox 32) - Starting with Firefox 29 appear seer mechanism that tracks and stores requests to download when you visit the page. For example, when loading sitehttp://bla-bla-bla.orgonce downloaded //bla-bla-bla/logo.png.In this case, the fox will remember in a special database, and when you open the site, immediately begins to load all the files you need, which should positively affect the page loading speed, but it is unknown what impact on privacy. values:
TRUE - Use seer
FALSE - not to use it
approx. seer, for obvious reasons, does not keep a database sites with access via https

network.predictor.max-db-size (integer, c Firefox 32) - The maximum size of the database seer (by default 150Mb).
approx. operation of this option is required to set the parameter to TRUE network.predictor.enabled

network.prefetch-next (logical) - Preload browser links that a site considered the most likely next step user. values:
TRUE - Enable
FALSE - Disable (recommended)

network.dns.disablePrefetch (Boolean) - This option allows Firefox to query DNS for each link on the page (just in case you decide to press it in). values:
TRUE - Do not create queries
FALSE - DNS Request
approx. This option does need to install network.prefetch-next parameter to TRUE

network.dns.disablePrefetchFromHTTPS (Boolean) - parameter responsible for preloading the browser over HTTPS links.
TRUE - Disable preloading of HTTPS (strongly recommended)
FALSE - Allow.
approx. This option does need to install network.prefetch-next parameter to TRUE

network.tcp.keepalive.enabled (Boolean, with Firefox 30) - Management timer persistent HTTP connections. His trip will have a positive impact on energy consumption when running on battery. values:
TRUE - Enable.
FALSE - Disable.

nglayout.initialpaint.delay (Integer) - This is the delay before the start of the rendering of the page, in milliseconds. 0 recommended.

pdfjs.disabled (Boolean, with Firefox 15.0) - Parameter is responsible for the display of PDF documents in the browser. values:
TRUE - This function is disabled. a separate application is required to open PDF
FALSE - PDF documents are opened using a browser

permissions.default.image (Integer) - is responsible for the display of images. values:
1 - Load images
2 - Do not upload images
3 - Load images only from the same server

plugins.click_to_play (Logical for Firefox 14.0+) - Responsible for the launch of the page content that is displayed by means of plug-ins using the "play" button. values:
TRUE - The content will be played back when you press the corresponding button (recommended).
FALSE - The content will run automatically when the page loads.

plugin.default_plugin_disabled (boolean) - whether or not pop-up warning about the absence of the required elements for the plugin page. For example: a notice that is required flashplayer for youtube. values:
TRUE - Show warnings.
FALSE - Do not show.

plugins.hideMissingPluginsNotification (Boolean, with Firefox 30) - Responsible for showing the message "you want to install the plug-in required to view this page?". values:
TRUE - show such notice.
FALSE - Disable display.

plugins.hide_infobar_for_outdated_plugin (Boolean) - disables the message about outdated plugins "Some plugins used by this page are out of date" (or similar). values:
TRUE - disable
FALSE - to include

plugin.scan.plid.all (Boolean) - the scanning resolution from the directory specified in the Windows registry identifying plugins. values:
TRUE - Scan directories listed in the registry
FALSE - Do not scan
approx. Page describing windows registry keys in which to search: s_Registry

plugins.update.notifyUser (boolean) - whether or not to notify the user about plugin updates. values:
TRUE - to notify
FALSE - do not notify

print.always_print_silent (Boolean) - defines: whether or not the dialog to select the printer for printing. values:
TRUE - The dialogue is not shown. Printing is carried out on the default printer.
FALSE - The dialogue is displayed.

privacy.popups.disable_from_plugins (Integer) - controls the pop-up messages for plug-ins. For example, if you have set "Click to play" on sites that use plug pops up a message of the type "Allow for launch adobe flash plugin?". values:
0 - do not restrict pop-up messages from the plug-ins
1 - limit the number of pop-up messages, the number is set to dom.popup_maximum and is used for all messages (not only for the plug-in posts)
2 - block all messages except those that are listed in the white list of sites (whitelist open popups)
3 - to block all messages, even if they are in the white list of allowed sites
Note. Some sites cause you need (perhaps for work) soobscheya about plugins. (Ie visible to the operation of the site may need to plug what you can learn from just such a message). Then, when setting the value of 2, you need to add a site to the whitelist (white list). Where is this "white list" and how do I add sites is not yet clear to him. Posted by FlashPlugin that it is not installed so not blocked. It lies just style. More details in this post.

privacy.trackingprotection.enabled (Boolean, with Firefox 33) - Management of built-in protection against tracking. values:
TRUE - Enable (Recommended).
FALSE - Disable.

profile.confirm_automigration (Boolean) - to ask whether or not to import data from other browsers to create a new profile. values:
TRUE - ask
FALSE - not to ask

profile.seconds_until_defunct (integer) - time (in seconds) after which is not used profile is considered stale and removed from the list of profiles.
approx. 1 day is 86400 seconds

security.dialog_enable_delay (integer) - the delay before pumping supplement. 0 recommended.

signon.overrideAutocomplete (Boolean, with Firefox 29) - Allows you to ignore the value of В«offВ» attribute В«autocompleteВ» in text form fields (<input type = В«textВ» autocomplete = В«offВ»>).
TRUE - ignore autocomplete attribute to off
FALSE - do not ignore

ui.key.saveLink.shift (Boolean) - whether to use the combination Shift + LMB injection object. values:
TRUE - to use the following sequence
FALSE - not to use

ui.submenuDelay (Integer) - This parameter determines the delay before opening the menu. values:
-1 - sub-menu will open only when you click
0 - no delay
n - delay (in ms)

view_source.wrap_long_lines (Boolean) - responsible for the transfer of long lines when displaying the page's source code. values:
TRUE - Wrap
FALSE - Do not transfer
Parameters that are used in bundles for a particular purpose:
Appointment of an external viewer \ editor
view_source.editor.external (Boolean) = TRUE
view_source.editor.path (string) = the path to the external editor.

Disabling the extension compatibility
extensions.checkCompatibility.nomer version (logical) = TRUE
those. eg for firefox 9, this line will look like this: extensions.checkCompatibility.9.0

Turning rendering using hardware acceleration
gfx.font_rendering.directwrite.enabled (Boolean) = TRUE
mozilla.widget.render-mode (integer) = 6
To enable acceleration with DirectX9 / OpenGL:
layers.accelerate-all (Boolean) = TRUE
To enable acceleration with DirectX10:
layers.prefer-d3d9 (Boolean) = TRUE

Turn off icon sites (on the tabs and in the address bar and bookmarks): (Boolean) = FALSE (Boolean) = FALSE

Remove the frame to click the link Stroke time:
browser.display.focus_ring_on_anything (Boolean) = FALSE
browser.display.focus_ring_width (integer) = 0

Changing the scroll speed in the fox:
mousewheel.withnokey.sysnumlines (Boolean) = FALSE
mousewheel.withnokey.numlines (integer) = 6 (this scrolling speed, for Example 6 herein)
approx. Firefox restart is required, the changes are visible immediately

Deny update a particular extension:
. Extensions {ID} .update.enabled = FALSE, where:
{ID} - ID extension (you can see by typing in the address bar about: support)

The inclusion of WebGL, D3D and Direct2D ignoring the blacklist:
webgl.force-enabled (Boolean) = TRUE
layers.acceleration.force-enabled (Boolean) = TRUE
gfx.direct2d.force-enabled (Boolean) = TRUE
approx. This allows you to use these capabilities on older or buggy versions of drivers for video cards or video cards themselves.

Enable \ disable protocol SPDY. It is believed that the use of SPDY negative impact on privacy.
To activate the parameters you want to put network.http.spdy.enabled and network.http.spdy.use-alternate-protocol set to TRUE. To turn off, the same parameters to deliver, respectively, FALSE.

Disabling the mode in which the reduction of the session only one tab is loaded, and the rest only when you go to it.
browser.sessionstore.restore_on_demand = FLASE - the usual tabs
browser.sessionstore.restore_pinned_tabs_on_demand = FALSE - fixed tabs

These settings are responsible for the resolution of Java-script`am anything to do with windows.
Type of logical parameters. Values: TRUE - to authorize, FALSE - prohibit.
dom.event.contextmenu.enabled - access to the events of the context menu. Allows, for example, online editors use its context menu, which may become unavailable if you disable the option.
dom.event.clipboardevents.enabled - Allows site to receive information about events related to the clipboard (eg, copying text).
dom.disable_window_open_feature.close - lock button closure
dom.disable_window_open_ feature.directories - to hide the bookmarks bar
dom.disable_window_open_feature.location - to hide the address bar
dom.disable_window_open_feature.menubar - hide windows menu
dom.disable_window_open_ feature.minimizable - lock button to minimize the window
dom.disable_window_open_ feature.personalbar - hide personal toolbar
dom.disable_window_open_feature.resizable -izmenyat window sizes
dom.disable_window_open_feature.scrollbars - hide scrollbar
dom.disable_window_open_feature.status - hide the status bar
dom.disable_window_status_change - to change the contents of the status bar
dom.disable_window_open_feature.titlebar - to hide the title bar
dom.disable_window_open_feature.toolbar - hide toolbar
dom.disable_window_move_resize - resize the window and change its ban users
dom.disable_window_flip - fold \ maximize windows
dom.allow_scripts_to_close_windows - close window scripts

Settings smooth scrolling:
general.smoothScroll * (Boolean) -. the inclusion \ disable smooth scrolling for different types of scroll. TRUE - play, FALSE - disable.
general.smoothScroll.pixels - per-pixel scrolling
general.smoothScroll.lines - polineynaya scrolling
general.smoothScroll.pages - scrolling by
general.smoothScroll.scrollbars - scrolling with the scroll bar
general.smoothScroll.other - Other
.. General.smoothScroll * durationMinMS (integer) - how much time (in ms) to spend on the drawing of a "step" scroll
.. General.smoothScroll * durationMaxMS (integer) - how much time (in ms) to spend on the drawing of a "step" in the accelerated scrolling
general.smoothScroll.pixels.durationMinMS - the minimum amount of time spent on the drawing animations for per-pixel scroll
general.smoothScroll.pixels.durationMaxMS - the maximum amount of time spent on the drawing animations for per-pixel scroll
general.smoothScroll.lines.durationMinMS - the minimum amount of time spent on the drawing animations for scrolling polineynoy
general.smoothScroll.lines.durationMaxMS - the maximum amount of time spent on the drawing animations for scrolling polineynoy
general.smoothScroll.pages.durationMinMS - the minimum amount of time spent on the drawing animations for page scrolling
general.smoothScroll.pages.durationMaxMS - the maximum amount of time spent on the drawing animations for page scrolling
general.smoothScroll.scrollbars.durationMinMS - the minimum amount of time spent on the drawing animations for scrolling with the scroll bar
general.smoothScroll.scrollbars.durationMaxMS - the maximum amount of time spent on the drawing animations for scrolling with the scroll bar
general.smoothScroll.other.durationMinMS - the minimum time spent on animation drawing for other types of scroll
general.smoothScroll.other.durationMaxMS - the maximum amount of time spent on animation drawing for other types of scroll
The higher these numbers, the "smoother" will scroll, but at the same time it will be slightly slower. I recommend to increase these numbers for slower computers, or if there is a jerky scrolling, and reduce for powerful configurations.

Connection settings:
Attention!!! Do not put too much, otherwise the server will reset the connection, but if not enough, the download can be slowed down.
network.http.keep-alive (Boolean) - allow (TRUE) or disable (FALSE) reusable (Keep-Alive) compound.
network.http.keep-alive.timeout (integer) - how long to hold the Keep-Alive connection. Default 115 seconds.
network.http.max-connections (Integer) - common limit of simultaneous connections
network.http.max-connections-per-server (integer) - limiting the number of simultaneous connections to one server
network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-proxy (Integer) - limiting the number of simultaneous connections to one permanent proxy
network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-server (integer) - limiting the number of simultaneous permanent connections to one server
network.http.pipelining (Boolean) - used (TRUE) or not use (FALSE) processing HTTP pipelining (disabled by default, I recommend to include).
network.http.pipelining.ssl (Boolean) - same for secure connections.
network.http.proxy.pipelining (Boolean) - the same as for the compounds with the proxy servers.

Disabling local storage: = FALSE
dom.indexedDB.enabled = FALSE

API Management. TRUE - enable. FALSE - disable it. - it allows you to define the parameters of the user's connection to the network.
dom.battery.enabled (with Firefox 10) - allows you to monitor the battery status.
social.enabled (with Firefox 17) - API for the integration of social networks in Firefox.
dom.vibrator.enabled - enables vibration when the vibration motor is mounted on the device.
dom.gamepad.enabled (with Firefox 24) - API, responsible for supporting the gamepad. Setting this value to FALSE positive impact on privacy (difficult to compile a "digital fingerprint")
Obsolete parameters: (Integer Before Firefox 3.5) - determines how to open links from external applications. With the release of Firefox 3.5 is replaced by values:
0 - Open in the last tab / window
1 - In a new window
2 - In a new tab, the last window

browser.tabs.loadFolderAndReplace (logically Until Firefox 3 Alpha 8) - Each folder with tabs at the bottom there is an item "Open All in Tabs". It is also possible to click the middle mouse button at the folder (or Ctrl + LMB). values:
TRUE - all currently open tabs of the current window will be replaced
FALSE - new tabs will be added to the existing ones

browser.tabs.tabMaxWidth (Integer Before Firefox 4.0) - Maximum width of the tabs (in pixels). Now it varies across the width of the tabs custom styles.

browser.tabs.tabMinWidth (Integer Before Firefox 4.0) - The minimum limit of the tab width (in pixels), after which the tabs scroll button appears. Now it varies across the width of the tabs custom styles.

extensions.update.notifyUser (logical only for Firefox 2.x) - display information about the updates for extensions when you start the browser. values:
TRUE - show
FALSE - skip

keyword.URL (string to Firefox 22 inclusive) - the address of the default search engine (when the search is conducted in the address bar). values:
Google -
Yandex -
approx. Attention!!! To take advantage of this opportunity to Firefox 23+ is required to install the extension keyword.URL Hack!

plugins.hide_infobar_for_missing_plugin (Logical to Firefox 30) - if the page has content that use a plugin is not installed at the user, the top of the page, a message appears asking you to install this plugin. This setting disables the message. values:
TRUE - disable message
FALSE - to include a message

plugins.notifyMissingFlash (Logical to Firefox 31) - warnings to Flash Player, if the site has the content, use it. values:
TRUE - enable
FALSE - disable

Author of the article:Najlusfrom the forum

Post has been editedKOT-BE3DEXOD - 17.05.15, 10:34

Rep: (2154)
Bookmark sorting is not saved.

Install extensionAuto-Sort Bookmarks.It complements the standard bookmark, and any kind of sorting is saved.

Rep: (2154)
Transferring Mozilla FireFox browser cache

  • Click "Start ->Run "(or key combination" Win + R ")
  • In the window that appears recruit
    % Appdata% \ Mozilla \ Firefox \ Profiles
    and press "Enter". This opens a window where we will see a directory named "krakozyabrina.default" (for example, I "ho33tk0x.default"). This is the folder of our Mozilla Firefox profile. Copy the folder in a place where it is now, in your opinion, should be
    Attached Image

  • Run Firefox and in the address bar, enter it
    about: config

  • Anywhere tab, click the right mouse button and vyberaem from the context menu "Create - Line"
  • As a name, specify settings
    As well as the value, in fact, the path to the profile folder, ie, for example, "X: \ Profile \ ho33tk0x.default"
    Attached Image

  • close Firefox
  • Again, click "Start - Run" or "Win + R"
  • and gain
    % Appdata% \ Mozilla \ Firefox \ profiles.ini
    and press "Enter"
  • This will open a notepad with the contents of the file "profiles.ini", which is responsible for placing the Mozilla Firefox profiles and some of its settings. Here we need to specify the new path (the path to the place where we moved our profile). I, for example, it turns out like this
    Attached Image
  • The line "isRelative" set to "0". Thus, we allow the use of additional ways to browser profiles.
  • The file "profiles.ini" there should not be any more lines, except those in the image below.
  • Run Mozilla Firefox. It should work now because of the new folder. To check, you can simply delete the old folder, or move it to another location.

Post has been editedKOT-BE3DEXOD - 05.03.17, 14:16

Rep: (2154)
Keyboard shortcuts

Support Mozilla

Rep: (2154)
After the update, there are:
XML parsing error: undefined entity
Address: chrome: //browser/content/browser.xul

The reason for this error - localization. Fix.
  1. Run Firefox in Safe Mode by holding down the start buttonShift. All extensions, as well as localization, will be disabled.
  2. Go tohttps: //mozilla-russia...s/firefox/history.html. we find the blockReleases of Mozilla FirefoxRussification and install for your version.
  3. Restart the browser.
The second way.
  1. Remove[email protected]from folderextensionsin your profile.
  2. We start the browser and go tohttps: //mozilla-russia...s/firefox/history.html. we find the blockReleases of Mozilla FirefoxRussification and install for your version.
  3. Restart the browser.

Rep: (2154)
How to disable the verification of digital signatures in Firefox add-ons

1. Create a text file
try {
Components.utils.import ( "resource: //gre/modules/addons/XPIProvider.jsm", {})
.eval ( "SIGNED_TYPES.clear ()");
catch (ex) {}
Change the file nameconfig And expansion - to .js And throw in a folder C: \ Program Files \ Mozilla Firefox . Someone Windows x64 - in folder C: \ Program Files \ Mozilla Firefox (x86)
2. Create another text file
pref ( "general.config.obscure_value", 0);
pref ( "general.config.filename", "config.js");
Change the file nameconfig-prefs And expansion - to .js And throw in a folder C: \ Program Files \ Mozilla Firefox \ defaults \ pref . Someone Windows x64 - in folder C: \ Program Files \ Mozilla Firefox (x86) \ defaults \ pref
3. Restart Mozilla Firefox and install add-ons.

Important note:With these two files, there is also a negative effect - can not install / update some extension and Firefox gives an error "this add-on can not be installed because it appears damaged." When this error occurs, close Firefox, delete the two files (previously make a backup of files!) And start Firefox. Set your desired addition, close Firefox, and return the files back to the folder.

A source:https: //forum.mozilla-...viewtopic.php id = 70326?

Post has been editedKOT-BE3DEXOD - 27.02.17, 22:41

Rep: (2154)
How to enable full buffering (loading) of video from youtube.

  • Open a browser and in the address bar writeabout: config
  • We confirm that we will"Be careful"
  • Next on the list of references by searching findmedia.mediasource.enabled
  • Double click on the line - and the value will change with the"True"on"False"
  • Restore the previous value can be exactly the same.

Or is all of this can be done by simply pressing a button addonYouTube without DASH Playback

A source

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Time is now: 13/02/20, 12:53