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> MegaFon Login SP-AI - Firmware
06.05.13, 15:07
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MegaFon Login 2

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MegaFon Login SP-AI - Firmware
PictureMegaFon Login
Description | Discussion � | Modification of software and decorations � | Owners Club � | Games � | Marriage � | Firmware�

Drivers and Utilities

Programs for working with PC
Megafon 1.0bymfss
What can:
1 installCWM
2 returnstandard recovery
3 remove logoMegaphoneat the start
4 return logoMegaphone
Attached filemegafon1.0.zip(11.26 MB)

thank mfss

Megafon 2.0bymfss
MegaFon Login SP-AI - Official firmware (OS 4.0.4) (Post # 26519494)
thank mfss

login_toolbyvfvf11 & mfss
MegaFon Login SP-AI - Official firmware (OS 4.0.4) (Post # 26533490)
thank vfvf11

login tool v4.1byVavlal & vfvf11
MegaFon Login SP-AI - Official firmware (OS 4.0.4) (Post # 27447176)
thank Vavlal

login tool v4.2byVavlal & vfvf11 New Year's update
MegaFon Login SP-AI - Official firmware (OS 4.0.4) (Post # 27901782)
thank Vavlal

Total commander thank kotopes749

1. Attached fileAdbDriverInstaller.exe(9 MB)

In order to install the drivers you need:
1. In the USB mode, turn on the device.
2. Click the Install button.
To install AdbDriver in 64-bit Windows 8 you need to boot into "disabled driver signature verification",
as shown inthis video

2. Attached fileAndroid ADB driver x64.zip(11.18 KB)

3. Flashtool firmware drivers.

APK applications

Unlock device
Attached Image

If after the unlock the phone does not turn on or restarts with the SIM card, you just need to repeat the unlock or perform the recovery method of the phone number 3 (some users had to perform this procedureup to 20 times!)

No unlock method works on x64 versions of Windows.
After the unlock, we must do the wipe and flash it with a new firmware or restore it from the backup.

A full working version of the unlock for MegaFon Login.
Systems on which the unlock works
Windows XP x32
Windows 7 x32
Windows 8 x32

0. Automated login unlock (A new version) : MegaFon Login SP-AI - Official firmware (OS 4.0.4) (Post # 27029620) thank mfss

1. Automated login unlock:MegaFon Login SP-AI - Official firmware (OS 4.0.4) (Post # 23712376) thank mfss

2. Automated driver installation:MegaFon Login SP-AI - Official firmware (OS 4.0.4) (Post # 26198281) thank tipok89

3. For everyone who gets error f0001, this will definitely help:MegaFon Login SP-AI - Official firmware (OS 4.0.4) (Post # 24140973) thank Omgxd

4. Hyde, how to catch the device:MegaFon Login SP-AI - Official firmware (OS 4.0.4) (Post # 24215175) thank tipok89

5. Manual on installing drivers manuallyMegaFon Login SP-AI - Official firmware (OS 4.0.4) (Post # 26008041) thank .T.A.B.

6. Video guide on installing drivers://savagemessiahzine.com/pages/go/?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DUjNmLLIf8Ko thank rebyt

7. Method from fortekMegaFon Login SP-AI - Official firmware (OS 4.0.4) (Post # 23622353) thank fortek

8. Bsod (blue screen) when connecting the phoneMegaFon Login SP-AI - Official firmware (OS 4.0.4) (Post # 26458337) thank Ararhor

9. Unlock method without flashing.
If after the unlock the phone does not turn on or restarts with the SIM card, you just need to repeat the unlock or perform the recovery method of the phone number 3 (some users had to perform this procedureup to 20 times!)

Official firmware
If there are other versions - write, add
MegaFon SP-AI.0604_264.05_band18.zip(last)download mirror
MegaFon SP-AI.0511_260.05_band18.zip(last but one(stable)) download mirror

Flashtool firmware
If there are other versions - write, add
MegaFon_SP-AI.0511_260.05_band18_sales.rar(last but one)download
MegaFon_SP-AI.0510_259.05_band18_CL438082_437218.rar download
MegaFon_SP-AI.0502_2.2.19.1_band18_sales_eng.rar download
MegaFon_SP-AI.0502_1.2.15_band18_sales_eng_437655.rar download
MegaFon_SP-AI.0315_248.05_band18_sales_CL438082.rar download

Custom firmware
To install the modified firmware, you must install ClockworkMod
Instructions for installing custom firmware:
1. install recoveriesClockworkMod Recovery v. installed, then skip point)
2. Enter rekoveri
3. makeBackupfrom the menuBackup / Restore(you need to roll back if anything happens) -

����������� �� ���������� ������ �������� download

. orBackup to extrnal sdcard (so that the backup is saved on a flash drive)
4. ++++ Go Back +++++(returns to the previous menu)
4. wipe data \ factory resetfurther inadvansparagraphwipe dalvik cache- deletes all user data so that there are no glitches in the new firmware
5. ++++ Go Back +++++
6. Install zip
7. Choose zip from sdcard (if the firmware file is stored in the phone's memory)orchoose zip from external sdcard(if the firmware was saved to the USB flash drive, respectively)
8. select the firmware file, after confirmation the installation will begin
6. reboot, we all agree, the phone will turn on. (here you have to wait, after flashing the phone can think up to 7 minutes, if the time exceeds 10-15 minutes, then most likely you did something wrong, you will have to repeat everything)
For detailed instructions thank Leshastalker

Added in order (the latest - the newest)
1. MegaFon Login SP-AI - Official firmware (OS 4.0.4) (Post # 21809457)- Modified Firmware
The shutter is replaced by a modified from nrm-hawk.
Route by default out of the box.
Fixed errors with the rights, because of which, after installation, a request for the correction of rights was issued three times.
Added modified boot.img with support for init.d scripts, and root by ADB user by default. (if everything worked in the / data folder, the Test.log file should appear)
Disabled and deleted animation at startup. Accelerates loading :)
The sound when booting is turned off and removed (tired ...)
The SRS effect mode is set - the sound effects of the media player are turned on in the item.
Removed live wallpaper (completely, it makes no sense, and the battery is spent.)
http: // cs3-1.savagemessiahzine.com.to / 2927023.png http: // cs3-1.savagemessiahzine.com.to / 2927024.png http: // cs3-1.savagemessiahzine.com.to / 2927025.png

2. MegaFon Login SP-AI - Official firmware (OS 4.0.4) (Post # 22841035)- Modified firmwarelazarevalex (judging non-working reviews)
-Now the sdcard is displayed as an external card!
-Replaced almost all applications!
-ROOT rights are set!
- New JB Camera!
-New battery + set in the batarey folder!
-Installed system MegaBassBeats! : blush:
-Replaced Boot animation!
-Mounting sections directly from Android! : D
-New desktop!
- Removed CLAW! : rofl:
-Installed a new browser!
-Now you can enable additional features in the Build.prop file!
-Now you can take a picture with the volume button!
-New status bar!
-3D application manager!
-Lock phone lock!
-Built-in program for changing batteries! : blush:

3. MegaFon Login SP-AI - Official firmware (OS 4.0.4) (Post # 24003650)- Beykap firmware
It removed a lot of unnecessary garbage, added some necessary applications, replaced the curtain and put the power menu, and of course there is a root of the law. There are no jambs in it ..
Install using CWM ->folder from the archive put in the root of the memory card or phone.
http: // cs3-1.savagemessiahzine.com.to / 3278084.png
http: // cs3-1.savagemessiahzine.com.to / 3278087.png
http: // cs3-1.savagemessiahzine.com.to / 3278093.png
http: // cs3-1.savagemessiahzine.com.to / 3278089.png

4. MegaFon Login SP-AI - Official firmware (OS 4.0.4) (Post # 24219870)- Modified Xmod by Evilus firmware (v 1.0) [ROOT]thank evilus

5. MegaFon Login SP-AI - Official firmware (OS 4.0.4) (Post # 24344215)Custom firmwarethank danrie
There is no root, because Unlock Root is easily placed from the header, and the presence of the root is not critical to many;
Removed megaphone junk, as well as Face Control, Live Wallpaper, Mail.Ru software, GoogleTalk, Google+, Championship +, Money, GetUpps, stock file manager (installed RootExplorer);
Support for init.d scripts (several scripts are built in mainly for optimizing the SD card and some battery);
MxPlayer built in;
Changed standard fonts (see screenshots);
Shutter and Power Menu from Dispose;
MMS.apk from Stawridka;
In view of the strange gluttony, Atom Launcher has been replaced by Smart Launcher with a preinstalled Ubuntu theme.
http: // cs3-1.savagemessiahzine.com.to / 3334071.png http: // cs3-1.savagemessiahzine.com.to / 3334082.png http: // cs3-1.savagemessiahzine.com.to / 3334068.png

6. Windows Phone 7 Rome thank Leshastalker

7. Holo rome thank Leshastalker

8. Max easy rom thank Leshastalker

9. SimilarityKit kat thank yarig63

10. Holo Rom v 1.1 Full thank Leshastalker

Clockworkmod and recovery

What is Clockworkmod recovery (CWM)?

ClockworkMod recovery (CWM)- Modified unofficial recovery, which is available for most devices running Android. It has much more features than native recovery. On some devices it is installed instead of native recovery, on other devices it is installed in parallel. Allows you to: • Install unofficial firmware
• Install add-ons and fixes.
• Connect to PC via USB in removable storage mode
• Connect to PC via USB in ADB mode
• Create a backup of both the entire firmware and its individual parts (system, settings, installed programs)
• Recover data from previously created backup
• Reset data to factory settings (Wipe - data / factory reset), clear cache partition (wipe cache), clear dalwick cache (wipe Dalvik-cache), clear battery statistics (wipe battery stats)
• Format and create partitions on a memory card

Download to recovery:
1. On the switched off phone, hold down the volume up key and power, the volume up is not released until the device is turned on.
2. We are all in recovery.

Install CWM:
(The latest version of ClockworkMod Recovery v. (Adequate version of Recover: sees a flash drive, full screen, adequate colors, installed as of. And mod. firmware))
1. Turn on the "usb debugging" mode in the phone settings and connect it to the computer
2. Install adb drivers -theseorx64
3. Copy somewhere and runAttached filemegafon1.0.zip(11.26 MB)
4. Choose1and clickENTER
thank mfss

Returning native recovery:
1. Turn on the "usb debugging" mode in the phone settings and connect it to the computer
2. Install adb drivers -theseorx64
3. Copy somewhere and runAttached filemegafon1.0.zip(11.26 MB)
4. Choose2and clickENTER
thank mfss

Installing Recover without a computer:
discussedhere thank Velmat0

Installing CWM using Linux:
is describedhere thank LaEDGE

script to install Root and CWM in one Here
thank vfvf11

Getting Root Rights

Method number 0

without computer and CWM

Method number 1

1. Download AdbDriverInstallerhere
2. We insert our device with USB-laying.
3. Run, in the program click - Install.
4. Run Unlock ROOT 2.3.0Attached fileandroid_Unlock_Root.rar(17.73 MB)
[Pre-disable the antivirus, because it eats, well, or we pull it out from quarantine (in my case NOD32)]
5. Click the ROOT button (in the subsequent windows click "yes").
6. Download Busybox, click Install. (Optional)
Attached Image

Method number 2 (manually)- Has providedRC1.

Getting ROOT rights:
0. First you need to install the adb driver:
Attached fileAdbDriverInstaller.exe(9 MB)

1. In the phone, tick the settings ->for developers -->USB debugging, settings ->security -->unknown sources
2. Connect the phone via USB
3. Downloadhttps://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/7157351...tform-tools.zip- this is adb
http://downloads.androidsu.com/superuser/s...-arm-signed.zip- this is su binary
4. Unpack the adb, then from the second archive into the folder with adb put the file su (that is, su and adb.exe should be in the same folder, although this is not essential)
5. Open cmd (command line), go to the folder with adb:
e: - go to drive E
cd e: \ login \ adb \ - go to the folder with adb

Then write commands
adb root - raise adb rights
adb push su / system / xbin / su - fill in the su binary
adb shell chown 0.0 / system / xbin / su - change owner
adb shell chmod 06755 / system / xbin / su - change permissions

6. From the market install Superuser from ChainsDD

Method number 3

MegaFon Login SP-AI - Official firmware (OS 4.0.4) (Post # 26464312)-Getting root by flashing a zip file from recovery.thankLeshastalker

MegaFon Login SP-AI - Official firmware (OS 4.0.4) (Post # 24245999)- getting root by flashing a zip file from recovery.thank lazarevalex

MegaFon Login - Discussion (Post # 25582399)- getting root by flashing a zip file from recovery.thank studmix88

script to install Root and CWM in one Here
thank vfvf11

We return the phone to life

1st method
1. How to bring the phone back to life? - thank you very much - nrm-hawk
    How to restore BRICK. Or myth destroyers
    MegaFon login - Discussion (Post # 21776962)

    The method works only if USB debugging has been enabled on the phone. (off phone is visible in the device manager)
  1. Turn off the phone completely (Better twitching the battery).
  2. We connect the phone to the computer andnothing we press on the phone.
  3. A battery indicator appears on the phone screen.And while the phone is connected via adb.
  4. Install the driver on the phone and adb if previously it was not done.
  5. Extract the contents of the archivecured_brick.zipto the root of any disk (for example:C: / cured_brick /)
  6. Run the filecure.bat(And phonereboots in the boot loader)
  7. Waiting forWhen the phone vibrates and then the megaphone logo appears.
  8. Run the fileload.bat(follow directions.)
  9. Next, the phone will reboot.
  10. Next, we distort the battery and run the recovery.
  11. Choose an itemmount partitions
  12. There we choose to mount the sectionsystem
  13. Runpach.bat(Follow the directions)
  14. Next, download the firmware to the USB flash drive and install it via recovery

Attached filecured_brick.zip(6.5 MB)

new 2nd way

install driversAdbwho they do not stand orx64
0 download and unpack to any placeAttached filemegafon_kirpich.rar(6.28 MB)
and put in this folder anyfirmwarefor our phone in the formupdate.zip
1. turn off the phone completely (better twitching the battery).
2. go to the recovery mode (volume + button and power button)
3. Select the item with the volume keyswipe data / factory reset "
4. further "Yes - delete all user data "
5. turn off the phone completely (better twitching the battery).
6. connect the phone to the computer andnothing we press on the phone.
7. A battery indicator appears on the phone screen.And while the phone is connected via adb.
8. open proshivka.cmd from the archive
thank mfss

3rd method) (volandgen)
This method does not work in x64 versions of Windows
MegaFon login - Discussion (Post # 22459221)
1. Go to the Drivers folder. Select the bcmvcp.inf file in the folderx32right-click and "Install" and agree, if necessary.
2. In Notepad, open the file Flashtool / å¤ ä»¶ PortSettings.ini and set the real path to the firmware, preferably WITHOUT Russian letters on the way. in the "Patch" field in subsection [Image].
It is advisable to unzip the archive just to the root of the C drive, since this is all set up. Those. what would be the folders C: \ Login \ flashtool and C: \ Login \ Drivers, etc.
3. Go to the Device Manager (My PC-PCM-Properties-Equipment-Device Manager) and open the "Ports (COM and LPT)" tab.
4. We take out the battery (battery) and connect the phone to the computer.
5. We look at the dispatcher and bring the battery to the contacts on the phone
6. A Broadcom device (Com X) will appear briefly in the manager on the COM LPT input.
7. We remember on which port the device got up. X is the port number.
8. Disconnect the device completely from the computer.
9. Run flashtool.exe from the Flashtool folder, click on the topmost and left button, then click on the button that has fallen out.
10. In the "Configuration" window that opens, in the "Port Assignment" section, in the "Diag1:" field, select the port on which the device stood. Well, respectively, "OK".
11. We connect smart WITHOUT battery (akuma) !!!!
12. On top right is a block of two buttons. Click on the Left. In the dark window in the same line, but on the left should appear the inscription "--Ready--".
13. We bring the acb to the contacts, in the flashtools the PORT 1 section will turn yellow and the percentages will go and CAREFULLY INSERT THE BATTER TO THE END !!!!
14. At the end of 100%, disconnect the cable, pull out and draw in the battery, and run.
thankDanutfor addition caps

Automated driver installation: MegaFon Login SP-AI - Official firmware (OS 4.0.4) (Post # 26198281) thank tipok89

Hyde, how to catch the device: MegaFon Login SP-AI - Official firmware (OS 4.0.4) (Post # 24215175) thank tipok89

Manual driver installation guideMegaFon Login SP-AI - Official firmware (OS 4.0.4) (Post # 26008041) thank .T.A.B.

How to upload a file to the phone if it is a brick, but the BB sees it by ADB

Bring back to life with a temperature error

Bsod (blue screen) when you connect the phoneMegaFon Login SP-AI - Official firmware (OS 4.0.4) (Post # 26458337) thank Ararhor

If the phone boots into recovery mode (volume button + and power button), the 1st and 2nd methods will do. (I recommend the second).

If after the unlock the phone does not turn on or restarts with the SIM card, you just need to repeat the unlock or perform the recovery method of the phone number 3

  1. New boot animation + guide to install itMegaFon Login SP-AI - Official firmware (OS 4.0.4) (Post # 23964397) thank Velmat0
  2. Package tvikov for android devicesOperation Killjoy ™ | Speed ​​| Entropy | RAM | Battery ATTENTION PERFORMANCE IS NOT CHECKED!thankbro2013bro
  3. Information about changing the boot imagesMegaFon Login SP-AI - Official firmware (OS 4.0.4) (Post # 24364620)thankescape_me,
  4. Screen Calibration SoftwareMegaFon Login - Discussion (Post # 22081307)thankVelmat0,
  5. Scripts to improve the operation of the device:MegaFon Login SP-AI - Official firmware (OS 4.0.4) (Post # 24389628)thank youdanrie
  6. Program to change the font:MegaFon Login SP-AI - Official firmware (OS 4.0.4) (Post # 24416092)
  7. Standard Launcher://savagemessiahzine.com/forum/dl/post/3357869/Launcher2.apkthankoleggg87,
  8. Memory expansion for applications:MegaFon Login SP-AI - Official firmware (OS 4.0.4) (Post # 24511245) ATTENTION A BRICK IS POSSIBLE, MODIFICATION IS NOT CHECKEDthankRc1,
  9. Login modification, small collection:MegaFon Login SP-AI - Official firmware (OS 4.0.4) (Post # 24535882)thankdimonp25
  10. BeatsAudio5.1 for firmware via CWM MegaFon Login SP-AI - Official firmware (OS 4.0.4) (Post # 27343354) thank diman_13_133
  11. Swap the internal and external cards in places MegaFon Login SP-AI - Official firmware (OS 4.0.4) (Post # 27907151) thank SkrillexTM

Information FAQ
1. B. Tell me the Chinese equivalent of our phone?
O. Analog of our phoneYUKE a730

2. Q. How can I swap a USB drive (2 Gb) with an SD card (32Gb, in my case) in places? To store application data on SD?
O.Select in the menu, Memory, storage location SD-card.

3. Q. Do codes exist for our phone?
O. Phone codes:
ATTENTION. These codes are only for those who know what to do with them !!!
* # * # 727 # * # * Start Debug
* # * # 225 # * # * Calendar information
* # * # 4636 # * # * Service menu
* # * # 426 # * # * Google Play services
* # * # 8255 # * # * GTalk Service Monitor
* # * # 759 # * # * Rlz Debug UI

4. Q. How to install custom firmware?
O.Installation instructions for custom firmware: (thanksSanek24region )
CWM must be installed to install custom firmware
1. Download the above firmware archives to choose from.
2. Copy the firmware in the phone's memory.
3. reboot into recovery.
4. In the recovery go to the section "mounts and storage"
5. Select and confirm in turn the items "format / system", "format / data", "format / cache"
6. Make "++++ GO Back +++" and go to the item "install zip from sdcard", go to the item "choose zip from sdcard" and select the previously downloaded firmware file.
7. Confirm the firmware and flash.
8. After the firmware, we do "reboot system now", it will ask for confirmation twice, for the first time it will report that the standard recovery has been found and will nail it, the second one that needs to be corrected is the root of the law (I don’t know what it does)
9. Enjoy the result.

5. V. I have 64x version of windows, how to unlock the phone?
O. Either look for a PC with the 86x version of Windows or install 32bit Windows via VMware and unlock the phone using the first method

6. B. After the unlock on the tele2 SIM card, the Internet and MMS do not work, what should I do?
O. Setup on Tele2
Settings-Still-Mobile Network-Access Point (APN) —to press the bottom right button — New Access Point
The Internet:
Name-Tele2 internet
Type APN-default
All the rest is left as is - the bottom right button-Save.
We press again the lower right button-New access point
MMS-proxy server
MMS-8080 port
Authentication type is PAP or CHAP
Type APN-mms
Reboot and try to send at least your MMC.

7, V. I rekoveri half screen, is this normal?
O.Vot modernized version of the recovery, with it everything will be fine//savagemessiahzine.com/forum/dl/post/3272378/recovery3.imgthankmfss

8. Q. How to remove the power-on sound?
A. The inclusion sound can be removed along the path "menu-settings-profiles-common-melody of inclusion-you uncheck the box"

9. V.Kamera shoots without flash, what to do?
O.Vot you camera. Video shoots with flash ...//savagemessiahzine.com/forum/dl/post/3300413/382863_snapcamerahdr3.2.3.apkthankVelmat0,

10. V. I have a couple of questions on the unlock
1.CWM affects the result of unlocking?
2. Does the modified firmware affect the unlock result?
3. Do you need to start after the unlock first with a megaphone SIM card or with any?
4. What is the unlock code, if anything?

1. Does not affect
2. Also not affected
3. It doesn’t matter, but it’s better with a non-megaphone one, so that the unlock code can be entered immediately
4.191519373892 or 12345 (depends on the unlock method)

11. For those who do not have the Access Point Setup Menu.

Topics Curator: mfss

If you think that the post is useful and you need to add it to the header - please write to me in QMS

Post has been editedburovikk26 - 22.02.18, 18:50
Reason for editing: Unlock method without flashing.
06.05.13, 22:14

Group: Friendssavagemessiahzine.com
Messages 267
Check in: 08.08.11

Reputation:-  59  +

New version of the modified firmware.Link
Cut out everything at all! Maps, navigation, megaphone software, news, weather, widgets. Put what you need exactly.
The blind is replaced by a modified fromnrm-hawk.
Route by default out of the box.
Fixed errors with the rights, because of which, after installation, a request for the correction of rights was issued three times.
Added modified boot.img with support for init.d scripts, and root by ADB user by default. (if everything worked in the / data folder, the Test.log file should appear)
Disabled and deleted animation at startup. Accelerates loading :)
The sound when booting is turned off and removed (tired ...)
The SRS effect mode is set - the sound effects of the media player are turned on in the item.
Removed live wallpaper (completely, it makes no sense, and the battery is spent.)
Some screenshots.
Attached ImageAttached Image
Attached Image

Post has been editedlmahmutov - 06.05.13, 22:17
Reason for editing: pictures ...
28.05.13, 23:17

Group: Friendssavagemessiahzine.com
Messages 122
Check in: 17.12.08
HTC Touch HD

Reputation:-  34  +

WIPE (data cleaning and cache in recovery) DO AT THE END OF THE FIRMWARE MANDATORY !!!

At the moment there is no way to unlock without flashing the phone, after performing all the actions of this instruction, you will have an unlocked phone with the latest official firmware version from Megaphone !!!
A full working version of the unlock for MegaFon Login.
Everything you do, you do at your own peril and risk!Have one that will enter (expose the original from under the covers, IMEI for the second sim card is set for technical 004402160012344 - as it was with the sale)!
Systems running the driver
Windows XP x32
Windows 7 x32

(if it works somewhere else, write, add)

There was information about the possibility of firmware for x64 platformsx64

0. If not installed, install the Microsoft Visual C ++ 2008 (x86) Redistributable PackageAttached filevcredist_x86.exe(1.68 MB)
1. Download the archive fromfirmware
2. Unpack this firmware to the root of the C: \ login disk (my example is E: \ login)
2. Copy to the images folderAttached filegensim.exe(15k)
and then launch it, a black console window will appear, enter all 15 digits of your own and press Enter (Attention!!! IMEI must enter the correct - 15 digits, no other characters or spaces, the correctness of IMEI is checked by the algorithm of the Moon).
3. Turn off this unit, take out the battery (battery).
4. Open the device manager (Properties for "my computer" - device manager)
5. Connect the device to the USB (cord) (without battery)
6. We insert the battery, we manage to catch the moment of installing the new device (a new device appears (not known - most likely), right-click on it to "update", perform "search for drivers", "select driver ..", "install from disk" Specify the path to the driver - (C: \ login \ drivers \ bcmvcp.inf.)
7. After installation, we look at which "com" port is assigned to a new device (com1, com2, com3, etc.) (in most cases it is not necessary if you follow the note to item 11)
8. Take out the battery.
9. Run flashtool (C: \ login \ flashtool \ FlashTool.exe)
10. Go to the single menu item above.
11. In DIAG1, select the digit corresponding to the port number "com'x '" from item 7. (in order not to track the com port, set DIAG1 = 1, DIAG2 = 2, etc. to the last DIAG9, as a rule, the virtual port will be in the range from 1 to 9)
12. Click OK, on ​​the left there will be a button "??", click. On the left will be written -Ready-.
13. Insert the battery (on the body connected to the computer)
14. Port1 lights up yellow, then goes out for a couple of seconds and turns yellow again, Downloading X% is displayed, firmware has gone (if you set DIAG1-9 in sequence from 1 to 9, the port will light up with the number set by the system)
15. Upon completion (OK green),close flashtool, take out the battery and re-insert.
16. Start the device with a non-Megafon sim card (optional!)
17. If you suddenly require (although this may be very rare) enter the unlock code191519373892
18. We downloadfrom the MegaFon website the latest official firmware, and install it according to the instructionsAttached fileMegaFon_SP-AI_fw_update_manual.130412.pdf(156.74 KB)
. Then do wipe (data cleaning and cache in recovery). This will solve most of the problems of the phone and will allow further updates with official MegaFon firmware (including those that have come through the air). The phone after the update will remain unlocked.

Gensim source codes:
* Licensed: GNU General Public License version 2, available
* at http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html (the "GPL").
* Based on Broadcom source (GPLv2).


#define MAX_CONTROL_KEY_LENGTH 16 / **<Maximum length of control key per GSM 02.22 * /
#define MAX_SIMLOCK_SIGNATURE_LEN 24 / **<Maximum length of simlock signature * /
#define BCD_IMEI_LEN 8
#define TRUE 1;
#define FALSE 0;

#define SIM_LOCK_DATA_SIZE 2400

#define SIMLOCK_SIGNATURE "123456789012"
#define SIMLOCK_NCK "191519373892"
#define SIMLOCK_NSCK "749243311842"
#define SIMLOCK_SPCK "737469486731"
#define SIMLOCK_CCK "761842705473"
#define SIMLOCK_PCK "681597104747"

#define SIM2_IMEI "004402160012344"

#define isdigit (c) ((c)>= '0' && (c)<= '9')

typedef uint8_t UInt8;
typedef uint8_t Boolean;
typedef uint16_t UInt16;
typedef uint32_t UInt32;

static const UInt16 crc_table] =
0x0000, 0xc0c1, 0xc181, 0x0140, 0xc301, 0x03c0, 0x0280, 0xc241,
0xc601, 0x06c0, 0x0780, 0xc741, 0x0500, 0xc5c1, 0xc481, 0x0440,
0xcc01, 0x0cc0, 0x0d80, 0xcd41, 0x0f00, 0xcfc1, 0xce81, 0x0e40,
0x0a00, 0xcac1, 0xcb81, 0x0b40, 0xc901, 0x09c0, 0x0880, 0xc841,
0xd801, 0x18c0, 0x1980, 0xd941, 0x1b00, 0xdbc1, 0xda81, 0x1a40,
0x1e00, 0xdec1, 0xdf81, 0x1f40, 0xdd01, 0x1dc0, 0x1c80, 0xdc41,
0x1400, 0xd4c1, 0xd581, 0x1540, 0xd701, 0x17c0, 0x1680, 0xd641,
0xd201, 0x12c0, 0x1380, 0xd341, 0x1100, 0xd1c1, 0xd081, 0x1040,
0xf001, 0x30c0, 0x3180, 0xf141, 0x3300, 0xf3c1, 0xf281, 0x3240,
0x3600, 0xf6c1, 0xf781, 0x3740, 0xf501, 0x35c0, 0x3480, 0xf441,
0x3c00, 0xfcc1, 0xfd81, 0x3d40, 0xff01, 0x3fc0, 0x3e80, 0xfe41,
0xfa01, 0x3ac0, 0x3b80, 0xfb41, 0x3900, 0xf9c1, 0xf881, 0x3840,
0x2800, 0xe8c1, 0xe981, 0x2940, 0xeb01, 0x2bc0, 0x2a80, 0xea41,
0xee01, 0x2ec0, 0x2f80, 0xef41, 0x2d00, 0xedc1, 0xec81, 0x2c40,
0xe401, 0x24c0, 0x2580, 0xe541, 0x2700, 0xe7c1, 0xe681, 0x2640,
0x2200, 0xe2c1, 0xe381, 0x2340, 0xe101, 0x21c0, 0x2080, 0xe041,
0xa001, 0x60c0, 0x6180, 0xa141, 0x6300, 0xa3c1, 0xa281, 0x6240,
0x6600, 0xa6c1, 0xa781, 0x6740, 0xa501, 0x65c0, 0x6480, 0xa441,
0x6c00, 0xacc1, 0xad81, 0x6d40, 0xaf01, 0x6fc0, 0x6e80, 0xae41,
0xaa01, 0x6ac0, 0x6b80, 0xab41, 0x6900, 0xa9c1, 0xa881, 0x6840,
0x7800, 0xb8c1, 0xb981, 0x7940, 0xbb01, 0x7bc0, 0x7a80, 0xba41,
0xbe01, 0x7ec0, 0x7f80, 0xbf41, 0x7d00, 0xbdc1, 0xbc81, 0x7c40,
0xb401, 0x74c0, 0x7580, 0xb541, 0x7700, 0xb7c1, 0xb681, 0x7640,
0x7200, 0xb2c1, 0xb381, 0x7340, 0xb101, 0x71c0, 0x7080, 0xb041,
0x5000, 0x90c1, 0x9181, 0x5140, 0x9301, 0x53c0, 0x5280, 0x9241,
0x9601, 0x56c0, 0x5780, 0x9741, 0x5500, 0x95c1, 0x9481, 0x5440,
0x9c01, 0x5cc0, 0x5d80, 0x9d41, 0x5f00, 0x9fc1, 0x9e81, 0x5e40,
0x5a00, 0x9ac1, 0x9b81, 0x5b40, 0x9901, 0x59c0, 0x5880, 0x9841,
0x8801, 0x48c0, 0x4980, 0x8941, 0x4b00, 0x8bc1, 0x8a81, 0x4a40,
0x4e00, 0x8ec1, 0x8f81, 0x4f40, 0x8d01, 0x4dc0, 0x4c80, 0x8c41,
0x4400, 0x84c1, 0x8581, 0x4540, 0x8701, 0x47c0, 0x4680, 0x8641,
0x8201, 0x42c0, 0x4380, 0x8341, 0x4100, 0x81c1, 0x8081, 0x4040

// Data Structure

/// Structure of simlock indicators
typedef struct
UInt8 networkLockIndicator; ///<Indicator of network lock: 0 = off, 1 = on
UInt8 netSubsetLockIndicator; ///<Indicator of network subset lock: 0 = off, 1 = on
UInt8 provider; LockIndicator; ///<Indicator of service provider lock: 0 = off, 1 = on
UInt8 corpLockIndicator; ///<Indicator of corporate lock: 0 = off, 1 = on
UInt8 phoneLockIndicator; ///<Indicator of phone lock: 0 = off, 1 = on

} SIMLock_Indicator_t;

typedef struct
UInt32 SIMLockSize;
/ ** SIMLock_Indicator_t is always the first place since it is not encrypted * /
SIMLock_Indicator_t indicator;

UInt8 maxUnlockAttempt; / **<Maximum number of unlock attempts allowed * /
Boolean resetUnlockCounter; / **<0: permanent locks, 1: semi-permanent locks * /

UInt8 simLockSign [MAX_SIMLOCK_SIGNATURE_LEN + 1]; / **<Signature of SIM Lock data * /

/ ** Control keys are encrypted in ME (Acronym per GSM 02.22) * /
UInt8 nck [MAX_CONTROL_KEY_LENGTH + 1]; / **<Network control keys * /
UInt8 nsck [MAX_CONTROL_KEY_LENGTH + 1]; / **<Network subset control key * /
UInt8 spck [MAX_CONTROL_KEY_LENGTH + 1]; / **<Provider control key * /
UInt8 cck [MAX_CONTROL_KEY_LENGTH + 1]; / **<Corporate control key * /
UInt8 pck [MAX_CONTROL_KEY_LENGTH + 1]; / **<Personalization control key * /

/ * Number of SIM Lock code * /
UInt8 numNetworkLocks; / **<network lock code number * /
UInt8 numProviderLocks; / **<provider lock code number * /
UInt8 numNetSubsetLocks; / **<network subset lock code number * /
UInt8 numCorpLocks; / **<corporate lock code number * /
UInt8 numPhoneLocks; / **<SIM lock code number * /

/ ** Check sum - calculated using three dividends:
* 1. the data elements in this structure before "chksum".
* 2. The Simlock code groups, i.e. detailed Simlock info (MCC, MNC, GID1, GID2 etc),
* which are stored immediately following this structure in the flash.
* 3. BCD coded IMEI number (14 digits).
UInt16 chksum;

} SIMLock_CodeFile_t;

UInt16 Calculate16BitCrc (UInt16 crc, UInt8 * data, UInt32 length)
while (length--> 0)
crc = (crc>>8) ^ crc_table [(crc ^ data [0]) & 0xFF];
data ++;

return crc;

static Boolean ValidateImei (UInt8 * imeiStr)
UInt32 p, sum = 0, i;

for (i = 0; i<15; i ++)
if (! isdigit (imeiStr [i]))
return FALSE;

for (i = 0; i<strlen (imeiStr); i ++)
p = imeiStr [strlen (imeiStr) - i - 1] - 48;
sum + = (i% 2 == 0)? p: ((p * 2>9) ? (p * 2 - 9): p * 2);

return (Boolean) (sum% 10 == 0);

static Boolean ProcessImei (UInt8 * imeiStr, UInt8 * imeiVal)
int i;

if (! ValidateImei (imeiStr)) return FALSE;

/ * Nibble and last nibble are not used and
* set to 0, giving rise to a total of 8 bytes.
imeiVal [0] = (imeiStr [0] - '0')<< 4;
imeiVal [1] = ((imeiStr [2] - '0')<<4) | (imeiStr [1] - '0');
imeiVal [2] = ((imeiStr [4] - '0')<<4) | (imeiStr [3] - '0');
imeiVal [3] = ((imeiStr [6] - '0')<<4) | (imeiStr [5] - '0');
imeiVal [4] = ((imeiStr [8] - '0')<<4) | (imeiStr [7] - '0');
imeiVal [5] = ((imeiStr [10] - '0')<<4) | (imeiStr [9] - '0');
imeiVal [6] = ((imeiStr [12] - '0')<<4) | (imeiStr [11] - '0');
imeiVal [7] = imeiStr [13] - '0';

return TRUE;

static Boolean WriteFile (char * FileName, UInt8 ** data, UInt32 len)
FILE * file;
int ret = TRUE;

if ((file = fopen (FileName, "w")) == NULL) return FALSE;
if ((ret = fwrite (* data, len, 1, file))! = 1) ret = FALSE ;;
if (fclose (file)! = 0) return FALSE;

return ret;

void main (int argc, char * argv]) {

UInt8 * imeiStr = calloc (17, 1);
UInt8 * bcdimei = calloc (8, 1);

if (argc! = 2 || strlen (argv [1])! = 15) {

printf ("Enter you IMEI:");
scanf ("% s", imeiStr);

while (! ProcessImei (imeiStr, bcdimei) || strlen (imeiStr)! = 15) {
printf ("Your enter incorrect imei. \ nPlease enter correct IMEI:");
scanf ("% s", imeiStr);
} else {

snprintf (imeiStr, 16, argv [1]);

while (! ProcessImei (imeiStr, bcdimei) || strlen (imeiStr)! = 15) {
printf ("Your enter incorrect imei. \ nPlease enter correct IMEI:");
scanf ("% s", imeiStr);

SIMLock_CodeFile_t simfile = {};

simfile.maxUnlockAttempt = 0xFF;
strncpy ((char *) simfile.simLockSign, SIMLOCK_SIGNATURE, MAX_SIMLOCK_SIGNATURE_LEN);
strncpy ((char *) simfile.nck, SIMLOCK_NCK, MAX_CONTROL_KEY_LENGTH);
strncpy ((char *) simfile.nsck, SIMLOCK_NSCK, MAX_CONTROL_KEY_LENGTH);
strncpy ((char *) simfile.spck, SIMLOCK_SPCK, MAX_CONTROL_KEY_LENGTH);
strncpy ((char *) simfile.cck, SIMLOCK_CCK, MAX_CONTROL_KEY_LENGTH);
strncpy ((char *) simfile.pck, SIMLOCK_PCK, MAX_CONTROL_KEY_LENGTH);

UInt16 chksum;

chksum = Calculate16BitCrc (0, (UInt8 *) & simfile + 4, sizeof (SIMLock_CodeFile_t) - 6);
chksum = Calculate16BitCrc (chksum, bcdimei, BCD_IMEI_LEN);

free (bcdimei);

chksum = (chksum & 0x00ff)<< 8
| (chksum & 0xff00)>> 8;

simfile.chksum = chksum;

simfile.SIMLockSize = sizeof (SIMLock_CodeFile_t) - 4;

UInt8 * simLockGenFile = calloc (SIM_LOCK_DATA_SIZE, 1);

memcpy ((char *) simLockGenFile, (char *) & simfile, sizeof (SIMLock_CodeFile_t));

if (! WriteFile ("simlockgen.img", & simLockGenFile, SIM_LOCK_DATA_SIZE)) {
free (simLockGenFile);
printf ("Warning !!! Warning !!! Warning !!! Error create simlockgen.img. Check file permission !!! Press Enter to exit \ n");
(void) getchar ();

free (simLockGenFile);

UInt8 * imeiData = calloc (31, 1);
memcpy (& imeiData [0], imeiStr, 15);
memcpy (& imeiData [15], SIM2_IMEI, 15);

free (imeiStr);

if (! WriteFile ("imei.txt", & imeiData, 30)) {
free (imeiData);
printf ("Warning !!! Warning !!! Warning !!! Error create imei.txt. Check file permission !!! Press Enter to exit \ n");
(void) getchar ();

free (imeiData);


Post has been editedsnekt @ - 17.07.14, 16:15
01.06.13, 21:26

Group: Friendssavagemessiahzine.com
Messages 558
Check in: 02.05.11

Reputation:-  51  +

Codes for the phone.
ATTENTION.These codes are only for those who know what to do with them !!!

*#*#727#*#*Start debug
*#*#225#*#*Calendar information
*#*#4636#*#*Service menu
*#*#426#*#*Google Play services
*#*#8255#*#*GTalk Service Monitor
*#*#759#*#*Rlz Debug UI

YOTAPHONE2, teXet TM-3204RICS.rus.texet 2013.07.12.000002, GT-I5500CyanogenMod-7-20130613, Highscreen SparkGIGABYTE GSmart Rio R1 (test02), GT-S5830IS5830IXXMB2-XXMB2, iPhone 4-32 7.1.2, iPhone 4-8 (hack) 7.1.2
02.06.13, 09:14

Group: Users
Messages 11
Check in: 14.03.13
Samsung Galaxy Note Edge SM-N915F

Reputation:-  2  +

Hello. I want to offer a simple ADB program. Our animal works with it. The program is not mine.

Attached files

Attached fileAdb Run 2.14.22.zip(9.34 MB)

Post has been editedShar58 - 02.06.13, 09:24
16.06.13, 21:02

Group: Banned
Messages 376
Check in: 03.02.13
Google galaxy nexus

Reputation:-  56  +





But my, still quite raw mod!Possible errors!
What is in fashion!
-Now the sdcard is displayed as an external card!
-Replaced almost all applications!
-ROOT rights are set!
- New JB Camera!
-New battery + set in the batarey folder!
-Replaced Boot animation!
-Mounting sections directly from Android! : D
-New desktop!
- Removed CLAW! : rofl:
-Installed a new browser!
-Now you can enable additional features in the Build.prop file!
-Now you can take a picture with the volume button!
-New status bar!
-3D application manager!
-Lock phone lock!
-Built-in program for changing batteries! : blush:



1.Update-sign!- Signed through TOOLS!
2.No-Sign!- Not signed!

1 - Signed, i.e. replaced by update_script!
2 - Not signed, so there is a stock update_script!

Post has been editedlazarevalex - 24.09.13, 15:03

17.06.13, 10:03

Group: Friendssavagemessiahzine.com
Messages 187
Check in: 29.01.10
Asus ZenFone 2 ZE500CL

Reputation:-  7  +

I made such a mistake, tried to change different USB ports (it’s better that they go on the computer directly from the motherboard, and not which extra ones were put on the case, because I just got out with them). Then in the settings try changing the COM ports, the device numbers. I struggled with this error for a long time after all the manipulations, everything went. The only thing is, I also re-tried a couple of the assembled firmware, eventually I got up 260 with the modified radio module (which I threw myself).

If the F1003 error disappears and there will be an F1001 error, then everything is fine, you just need to try another firmware from FlashTools.

Try this program to remove all the drivers from the megaphone and restart the computer, install a new one. (program below)

Attached files

Attached fileUSBDeview.exe(152.5 KB)

Post has been editedZetFo - 17.06.13, 10:04

Owners ClubGoogle nexus 7 2013
NEXUS 7 (2013) + Mi Pad 1
Phones: Fly IQ 4403 * HomTom HT7 Pro * Asus Zenfone 2 (Ze500cl) *Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 Pro* Xiaomi Redmi 3S * Nubia Z9 Mini (2 \ 16)
18.06.13, 06:54

Group: Friendssavagemessiahzine.com
Messages 59
Check in: 18.05.12
Samsung Galaxy S3 GT-I9300

Reputation:-  11  +

For those who have Windows x64
They can install 32bit Windows via VMware and unlock the phone using the first method
Today I checked it myself) works: thank_you:
* Download VMware (settings have not changed)
[Attachment = 3095476: [NNM-Clu ... 03-2013) .torrent]

* put Windows 7 x86 (32bit)
* did everything as described in the first method of unlocking
The drivers all got up without any problems and the phone was also flashed right away) everything is like clockwork xD

Attached files

Attached file[NNM-Club.ru] _VMware Workstation 9.0.2 Build 1031769 Lite + VMware-tools 9.2.3 by qazwsxe (03-31-2013) .torrent(13.1 KB)

Post has been editedIIIaJIyH - 18.06.13, 07:00

21.06.13, 18:48

Group: Friendssavagemessiahzine.com
Messages 122
Check in: 17.12.08
HTC Touch HD

Reputation:-  34  +


Try the following steps.

1. Disconnect the phone from the computer.

2. Uninstall if the wrong driver was installed using the utilityAttached fileuninstall32.exe(71.5 KB)

3. Next, do everything according to the video instructions, including deleting the com port that has appeared (the driver pack and the inf file indicate the one in the drivers folder in the unlock instructions).

4. We take out the battery from the phone, connect it to the computer, insert the battery, we will not ask about the driver, we will see what kind of comport is installed.

Post has been editedlefoyer - 22.06.13, 10:46
24.06.13, 23:20

Group: Friendssavagemessiahzine.com
Messages 148
Check in: 25.09.11

Reputation:-  31  +

Determining the COM-port number of Broadcom USB to Serial
It's time to add a hat ....

Post has been editedkawaii ~ - 25.06.13, 11:51
26.06.13, 06:28
Old resident

Group: Curators
Messages 819
Check in: 07.07.11

Reputation:-  58  +

People help: blush: !!!! When installing CWM on the 7th point, a white screen climbs (after the adb reboot bootloade) and there is nothing else I can do. I have a rooted megaphone login. Can you advise another way to install CWM (ROM maneger tried, did not help)

Try how
I got on the login.
If something is not clear - in a personal after 9 in Moscow.

Post has been editedqazse52 - 26.06.13, 06:32

LG P350 Opex (CM7 by Paxor) ->A lot of different->Xiaomi Redmi 4a, 4x, Note 4x Pro
27.06.13, 15:35

Group: Friendssavagemessiahzine.com
Messages 59
Check in: 18.05.12
Samsung Galaxy S3 GT-I9300

Reputation:-  11  +

Here is the latest off-firmware (I already wrote above that I flew through the air) I put everything on ok)
MegaFon SP-Al.0604_264.05_band18

Post has been editedIIIaJIyH - 27.06.13, 15:41

01.07.13, 11:02

Group: Friendssavagemessiahzine.com
Messages 67
Check in: 11.07.09

Reputation:-  3  +

Setup on Tele2
Settings-Still-Mobile Network-Access Point (APN) —to press the bottom right button — New Access Point
The Internet:
Name-Tele2 internet
Type APN-default
All the rest is left as is - the bottom right button-Save.
We press again the lower right button-New access point
MMS-proxy server
MMS-8080 port
Authentication type is PAP or CHAP
Type APN-mms
Reboot and try to send at least your MMC.
Something like this: thank_you:
19.07.13, 21:43

Group: Friendssavagemessiahzine.com
Messages 771
Check in: 26.02.12
Apple iPhone X

Reputation:-  179  +

I understand there are problems with the firmware and unlock on computers who have Windows 7 and 8 with x64. You can rejoice and not sew through virtual machines and other computers.

Especially for you, I dug up drivers for both x32 and x64 systems. On Windows 8 x64, I installed everything without any problems.

Keep and do not give thanks. Drivers are officially provided by the manufacturer BroadCom - for which they thank.

Attached fileDrivers BroadCom.zip(110,07 KB)

Drivers on x64 workers, but because of the curved flasher, the unlock does not work on x64 systems

Post has been editedmfss - 01.10.13, 23:29

Fly IQ245->Explay A350TV->Megafon Login / MTS 970->Explay Atlant->iPhone 4s + 5s + iPad mini->iPhone 6 Plus / ZTE Blade S6->Nexus 5->iPhone 6s->iPhone 8->iPhone X
20.07.13, 03:35

Group: Friendssavagemessiahzine.com
Messages 771
Check in: 26.02.12
Apple iPhone X

Reputation:-  179  +

Download a set of drivers (x32-x64), flasher and firmware images -Download

The archive was updated according to this post:MegaFon Login SP-AI - Official firmware (OS 4.0.4) (Post # 22359084)(1st unlock method)

What's new:

- Added x32-x64 driver set
- FlashTool flasher translated by me into Russian
- Programsimgen.exenow lies in the folderimagesand added library installervcredist x86(to run FlashTool correctly) to the folderflashtool
Drivers on x64 workers, but because of the curved flasher, the unlock does not work on x64 systems

Post has been editedmfss - 01.10.13, 23:29

Fly IQ245->Explay A350TV->Megafon Login / MTS 970->Explay Atlant->iPhone 4s + 5s + iPad mini->iPhone 6 Plus / ZTE Blade S6->Nexus 5->iPhone 6s->iPhone 8->iPhone X
23.07.13, 23:24
We are all loaded into the matrix.

Topics Curator
Group: Curators
Messages 1678
Check in: 14.06.13
MegaFon Login 2

Reputation:-  713  +

Attached Image
attempt to automate login unlock:
downloadSFX archive
Download the latest firmwarehereor on the off-site megaphone
run the archive and unpack the files
1 Turn off this unit, take out the battery
2 Open the DriversBroadCom folder
3 Next, the version of your OS 32 or 64 (I recommend unpacking on 32-bit versions)
4 Find the inf file - RIGHT key - Set
5 After installation, connect the device to USB, insert the battery
(if there is a request to install the device, we automatically select)
6 We take out the battery and run the unlock.exe
Further according to the instructions in the program

P.S.100% does not work x64 versions of Windows

Post has been editedmfss - 04.12.13, 01:32

31.07.13, 20:01

Group: Friendssavagemessiahzine.com
Messages 376
Check in: 26.05.13
Apple iPhone 6s

Reputation:-  72  +

Added archive. Here's a way to put cwm recovery without a computer. Actually the program.
Attached fileFlashify_v1.0.5.1_EN.apk(3.62 MB)

For the operation of the program requires root user rights.

Short description: Kernel firmware, recovery, kernel backup, etc.
The instruction is extremely simple. Run the program and select "flash img" - then choose our CWM (or recovery), and click on it! Then we reboot !!!
I add an archive with CWM and stock recovery !!!
Attached fileCWM ?? ??????????????? µ recovery.zip(10.7 MB)

Good luck !!!!
For corrected CWM, we say thanksmfss

The method may cause the phone to be shaken.
Recommended installation from a computer.

Post has been editedmfss - 07.11.13, 16:35
Reason for editing: Archive added

Berestnev Alexey Anatolyevich, 10.06.1992 year of birth, IPHONE 6S 32GB device
02.08.13, 19:35

Group: Friendssavagemessiahzine.com
Messages 105
Check in: 14.05.13

Reputation:-  23  +

Root well, and the application to it, bootanimation is changed and the curtain. megafonovskom trash removed! unzip the foot and put it on the internal memory card folder clockworkmod

yes all exactly thank you! : Thank_you: here is the full functionality of recovery2 you will understand: yes2:

Attached files

Attached filerecovery2.img(6.08 MB)
02.08.13, 20:01

Group: Friendssavagemessiahzine.com
Messages 376
Check in: 26.05.13
Apple iPhone 6s

Reputation:-  72  +

kotopes749 @ 2.8.2013, 20:57*
is it firmware? and what is the difference from the old recovery?
Yes, guys who will tell you how to change the animation when turned on?

This recovery now sees a flash drive, there is a firmware. And yes! How to replace the animation, I will write later.

Berestnev Alexey Anatolyevich, 10.06.1992 year of birth, IPHONE 6S 32GB device
02.08.13, 20:45
Where is the nofelet?

Group: Curators
Messages 2257
Check in: 12.07.13
Motorola Moto G (3rd Gen) 1/8

Reputation:-  263  +

people new recovery does not sew off proshi?

La la la, zh zh zh zh. I am not on friendly terms
02.08.13, 20:52

Group: Friendssavagemessiahzine.com
Messages 376
Check in: 26.05.13
Apple iPhone 6s

Reputation:-  72  +

kotopes749 @ 2.8.2013, 21:45*
people new recovery does not sew off proshi?

Not. Does not sew.

Added 08/02/2013 20:52:

I tried to change the media folder in the system, but it didn’t lead to anything good. Brick in one word.

Post has been editedVelmat0 - 02.08.13, 20:53

Berestnev Alexey Anatolyevich, 10.06.1992 year of birth, IPHONE 6S 32GB device

135 pagesV  1 2 3 4 5 6 > » 

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