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> Decorations Huawei U8860 Honor | Modifications of system files framework-res and systemUI
23.08.12, 06:44

Topics Curator
Group: Curators
Messages 1178
Check in: 04.01.08
Xiaomi Redmi Note 4X Snapdragon 3/32

Reputation:-  189  +

EmbellishmentsHuawei U8860 Honor
PictureHuawei U8860 Honor / Glory
Description | Discussion | FAQ | Purchase | Accessories | Marriage | Firmware 2.3 | Firmware 4.0 | Embellishments

  • Attention!
    Before making a message with decorations, it is recommended to check whether widgets, icons, live wallpapers, wallpapers, etc. have already been placed on our forum.
    If this is already on the forum, give a link to the profile topic.
    In the case of a replay, the files will be deleted.

  • Suggestions for changing the caps to writeHERE.
  • Before posting photos, read the topic Working with Images on the forum.
  • Please refrain from messages that are not related to the topic of discussion (offtopic).

  • Required Tools
    1. Java Development KitJdkJava, without it, the scripts will not work.
    2. Android SDK- A set of utilities developer Android.
    3. APK ManagerScript shell for editing and optimizing APK files
    4. to install librariesframework
    Attached fileAPKtool_script.zip(3.09 MB)
    Attached fileAPK_unpacker.zip(262.27 KB)

    Online color calculator- a very useful topic for selecting RGB / HTML / HSV colors /
    Online Unicode Encoding Converter- a very useful thing if you come across a code like \ u043F \ u0440 \ u043E

  • Instructions for editing system files

    framework-res � systemUI download

    1. Download and install JDK (required) and Android SDK (optional, but better to install)
    2. Take files from your current firmwareframework-res.apk, framework-res-hwext.apkandsystemUI.apk(located in / system / framework and / system / app)
    3framework-res.apk, framework-res-hwext.apkandsystemUI.apk. Then drag and drop all three system files to the batch file.apktool-if.cmdor execute apktool-if.cmd "Disk: \ full path to file \ file1", etc. for all three files in the command line. You can also use APK_unpacker, in the graphical shell in the branch(+) APKtool specify the path to the APKtool scripts and via the button Add framework add all three system files.
    * In the end, on the way% USERPROFILE% \ apktool \ framework \there should be 3 files with names1.apk, 2.apk, 127.apk This is the framework that is used to edit our system files.
    4. DownloadingAPK Manager unpacking to a convenient place on the hard disk, throwing our system files framework-res.apk and systemUI.apk to folder place-apk-here-for-modding unpacked APK Manager .
    5. Now let's start the actual editing of our system files. I use for thisAPK Manager (although it is quite possible to use APKtool or APK_unpacker). Run APK Manager using the Script.bat file we see the following image:
    Attached Image

    6. Select the APK which we will edit - point 22 and then the number of the APK we need. In the upper right corner of the script screen, the current file will be indicated.
    7. Point 9 decompiles the current file to a folder.\ projects
    8. At this stage, we actually make the necessary changes to the application. We replace resources or we correct XML `
    9. After making the changes, we will compile the applications with paragraph 11. At this stage, the application will ask the system application if it is answered, answer Y, then N.
    10. In the folderplace-apk-here-for-modding the file we modified will be created unsigned "filename" which needs to be signed. APK Manager for some reason does not sign system files, so I use APKtool scripts
    11. We drop our unsigned file into the folder with APKtool and drag it to the command file Sign.cmd, the resulting file "filename" .signed.apk is the modified and signed system file we need.

    The basis of the article was very sensible (perhaps the best) instruction. Editing framework-res.apk (Post # 6208431)

  • Installing Modifiedframework-res.apk and systemUI.apk into the phone using CWM
    Method one
    Modified files are cast to the archive Attached fileupdate.zip (159.56 KB)
    with the replacement of existing there similar files with a size of 0 bytes. You download the archive to the phone’s memory card at any convenient place and reboot into CWMINSTRUCTIONS on DevFAQ), chooseinstall zip from sdcard Further chooze zip from sdcard in the list of files on the memory card, select the file with the modification (update.zip), reboot. ( Attention!!! Do not install update.zip without replacing files with zero size in it, otherwise the firmware will not load )
    Method two from STALKER_Pavlo
    Boot into CWM, mount partition / system (mount and storage>mount / system), and from ADB, you can use the following commands to fill in the necessary files.
    For framework-res.apk
    adb shell mount -a
    adb push framework-res.apk /system/framework/framework-res.apk
    adb reboot

    For systemUI.apk
    adb shell mount -a
    adb push SustemUI.apk /system/app/SustemUI.apk
    adb reboot

    Method three (unreliable, can lead to a flashing :))))
    The device must be rooted (CWM is not needed). OfRoot explorermount folder/ systemIn the recording mode, we throw the necessary files into it, set 644 permissions to them, then transfer the files to the app or framework folders (depending on the file) with confirmation of the replacement.
    for those who do not understand what the rights look like 655 :) like this:

  • Instructions for correcting * .9.png images

  • Reduction of indexed images to normal

  • Online kitchen
    Ut kithen
    Excellent online kitchen for applying graphic patches. Works only for GingerBread firmware (2.3.x).
    In order for the kitchen to work, upload either one framework-res.apk file, if the changes are minimal (battery for example), and if you plan to change the curtain, statusbar, icons, etc. then you need to upload 3 files - framework-res.apk, systemUI.apk and be sure framework-res-hwext.apk, otherwise the kitchen will not work. (framework-res-hwext.apk download in the field intended for com.htc.resources.apk)

  • Ready interface modifications

  • Modification Instructions
    The effect of "old TV" when blocking, for firmware GB (2.3.x), (4.0.3)
    Edit framework-res.apk, change the line in the res \ values ​​\ bools.xml file:
    <bool name = "config_animateScreenLights">true</ bool>

    change to:
    <bool name = "config_animateScreenLights">false</ bool>

    ICS - ways not yet tested, who will request to unsubscribe.

    Making the statusbar transparent (2.3.x)
    We go on the way disassembledSystemUI \ smali \ com \ android \ systemui \ statusbar\ StatusBarService.smali
    look for the code in the fileconst / 4 v5,0x2 change to const / 4 v5,-0x3 further look for the code const / 4 v0,0x2 just change to const / 4 v0,-0x3 - this will turn on the overall transparency mode.
    Without this patch, transparency in the curtain and in the status bar will be impossible to achieve in any way.
    Now let's go for the statusbar graphics.SystemUI \ res \ drawable-hdpi \find the file therestatusbar_background.9.pngand make them transparent in Photoshop, etc.
    To edit the file correctly.9.pngread the appropriate section of the header.

    Make a transparent curtain (2.3.x), (4.0.3)
    In order to achieve transparency of the curtain, the transparency patch described under the spoiler is mandatoryMaking the status bar transparent
    We go on the way disassembledSystemUI \ res \ layout \status_bar_tracking.xml
    looking for code:
    <View android: background = "# ff212121" android: layout_width = "fill_parent" android: layout_height = "wrap_content" android: layout_weight = "1.0" />

    "# ff212121"change to"@ drawable / status_bar_background"
    then go toSystemUI \ res \ drawable-hdpi \find the file therestatus_bar_background.9.pngorstatus_bar_background.pngand make them transparent in Photoshop, etc.
    To edit the file correctly.9.pngread the appropriate section of the header.
    Also in the folderSystemUI \ res \ drawable-hdpi \there is a filestatus_bar_close_on.9.pngHe is responsible for the bottom edge of the curtain.

    If you want to completely change the curtain including the opsos field, a block of notifications and current programs goSystemUI \ res \ layout \status_bar_expanded.xml
    we are looking for code blocks in it:
    1. Background field OPPSA
    android: id = "@ id / expendViewPortraitLinearLayout" android: background = "@ drawable / title_bar_portrait"
    Where"@ drawable / title_bar_portrait"You can replace it with a color code like "# 752E2E2E" or correct the background file SystemUI \ res \ drawable-hdpi \ title_bar_portrait.9.png
    2. POPOS text color
    <com.android.systemui.statusbar.CarrierLabel ......... />
    where android: textColor ="#ffdfdfdf"- text color opsoza
    3. Notification Panel, No Notifications
    android: id = "@ id / noNotificationsTitle" android: background = "@ drawable / shade_header_background"
    similar to claim 1
    4. "Current"
    android: id = "@ id / ongoingTitle" android: background = "@ drawable / shade_header_background"
    similar to claim 1
    5. Recent Activity Notifications
    android: id = "@ id / latestTitle" android: background = "@ drawable / shade_header_background"
    similar to claim 1

    In Android 4.0.3 ICS The color in the curtain is set toSystemUI.apk \ res \ values ​​\ drawables.xml <item type = "drawable" name = "notification_tracking_bg">#00000000</ item>

    Change the quick settings icons (quick panel) in the curtain (2.3.x)
    You need to edit the toolbox.apk file, it stores the resources of the quick settings switches in the curtain. Button graphics are stored in toolbox.apk / res / drawable-hdpi and toolbox.apk / res / drawable-land-hdpi-854x480
    Text color of captions can be changed in toolbox.apk / res / layouts / widget.xml

    Its picture instead of a black background in the settings (2.3.x)
    Edit framework.apk \ res \ values ​​\ styles.xml
    We are looking for a code<style name = "Theme">, it means:
    "<item name = "colorBackground">@ color / background_dark</ item>"
    change to:
    "<item name = "colorBackground">@ color / transparent</ item>"

    Next, look for a piece of code."expandableListPreferredChildIndicatorRight"we find in this block
    "<item name = "windowBackground">@ drawable / screen_background_dark</ item>"
    change to:
    "<item name = "windowBackground">@ drawable / screen_background_dark_transparent</ item>"

    And the final touch - along the path \ res \ drawable-hdpi \ we fill in the background image you need with the name screen_background_dark_transparent.png, the image must be a screen size (854x480).

    Window Animation (2.3.x)
    Download the attached archive with the desired animation, throw the folder/ animfrom archive to unpackedframework-res.apkat/ reswith replacement, collect, sign, pour on the phone ...
    [attachment = "2011685: Bounce.zip"] [attachment = "2011686: Flip.zip"] [attachment = "2011687: \ r \ nFly.zip "] [attachment =" 2011688: Fold.zip "]

    Clock on the center of the statusbar (2.3.x)
    Rule fileSystemUI \ res \ layout \ status_bar.xmllook for the code block:
    <LinearLayout android: orientation = "horizontal" android: id = "@ id / icons" android: layout_width = "fill_parent" android: layout_height = "fill_parent">
    <com.android.systemui.statusbar.IconMerger android: gravity = "center_vertical" android: orientation = "horizontal" android: id = "@ id / notificationIcons" android: paddingLeft = "6.0dip" android: layout_width = "0.0dip" android : layout_height = "fill_parent" android: layout_weight = "1.0" android: layout_alignParentLeft = "true" />
    <LinearLayout android: gravity = "center_vertical" android: orientation = "horizontal" android: id = "@ id / statusIcons" android: paddingRight = "6.0dip" android: layout_width = "wrap_content" android: layout_height = "fill_parent" android: layout_alignParentRight = "true" />
    <com.android.systemui.statusbar.Clock android: textAppearance = "@ android: style / TextAppearance.StatusBar.Icon" android: gravity = "left | center" android: paddingRight = "6.0dip" android: layout_width = "wrap_content" android : layout_height = "fill_parent" android: singleLine = "true" />
    </ LinearLayout>

    If you look closely, this unit is divided into 3 parts -"@ id / notificationIcons", "@ id / statusIcons"and<com.android.systemui.statusbar.Clock. Here is the line<com.android.systemui.statusbar.Clockneed to move between lines with"@ id / notificationIcons", "@ id / statusIcons".

    In the line @ id / statusIcons edit:
    android: gravity = "center_vertical" ->android: gravity = "right | center"
    android: layout_width = "wrap_content" ->android: layout_width = "0.0dip"
    and add android: layout_weight = "1.0"
    Taken fromEditing framework-res.apk (Post # 11136203)

    Remove the name of the opsoza from the curtain (2.3.x)
    Go along the path systemui / res / layout / statusbar_expanded.xml
    find the code block with
    <com.android.systemui.statusbar.CarrierLabel android: textAppearance = "? android: textAppearanceLarge" android: textColor = "# ffdfdfdf" android: layout_gravity = "center_vertical" android: paddingLeft = "4.0dip" android: paddingBottom "" android: layout_width = "0.0dip" android: layout_height = "wrap_content" android: layout_marginLeft = "5.0dip" android: layout_marginTop = "1.0dip" android: layout_weight = "1.0" />

    completely remove this block.
    And in the block a little higher
    <LinearLayout android: orientation = "horizontal" android: id = "@ id / expendViewPortraitLinearLayout" android: background = "@ drawable / title_bar_portrait" android: paddingTop = "3.0dip" android: paddingRight = "3.0dip" android: paddingBottom = "5.0 dip "android: layout_width =" fill_parent "android: layout_height =" wrap_content ">

    Change android: layout_height = "wrap_content" change to android: layout_height = "0.0dip"

    Thin sliders sliders. (2.3.x)
    Ruleframework-res.apk / res / values ​​/ styles.xml
    <style name = "Widget.ProgressBar.Horizontal" parent = "@ style / Widget.ProgressBar">
    <item name = "maxHeight">20.0dip</ item>
    <item name = "indeterminateOnly">false</ item>
    <item name = "indeterminateDrawable">@ drawable / progress_indeterminate_horizontal</ item>
    <item name = "progressDrawable">@ drawable / progress_horizontal</ item>
    <item name = "minHeight">20.0dip</ item>
    </ style>
    <style name = "Widget.SeekBar" parent = "@ style / Widget">
    <item name = "focusable">true</ item>
    <item name = "maxHeight">20.0dip</ item>
    <item name = "indeterminateOnly">false</ item>
    <item name = "indeterminateDrawable">@ drawable / progress_horizontal</ item>
    <item name = "progressDrawable">@ drawable / progress_horizontal</ item>
    <item name = "minHeight">20.0dip</ item>
    <item name = "thumb">@ drawable / seek_thumb</ item>
    <item name = "thumbOffset">8.0dip</ item>
    </ style>

    Highlight replace with 5.0dip or desired value.
    Original postEditing system apk for Samsung GT-i9000 Galaxy S. (Post # 6569802)

    The color of the date in the status bar. (2.3.x)
    RuleSystemUI \ res \ layout \ status_bar.xml
    <com.android.systemui.statusbar.DateView android: textAppearance = "@ android: style / TextAppearance.StatusBar.Icon" android: gravity = "left | center" android: id = "@ id / date" android: background = "@ drawable / statusbar_background "android: paddingLeft =" 6.0px "android: paddingRight =" 6.0px "android: layout_width =" wrap_content "android: layout_height =" fill_parent "android: singleLine =" true "/>

    change to android: textSize = "16.0sp" android: textstyle = "bold" android: textColor = "# ff57ffff"

    Transparency and resources of individual elements of the desktop (2.3.x)
    framework-res \ res \ drawable-hdpi \panel_background.9.png- The background of the volume window, ic_volume.png, ic_volume_off.png and ic_vibrate.png - icons in the same window.
    framework-res \ res \ drawable-hdpi \menu_background_fill_parent_width.9.png- Background pops me up by pressing the touch button "menu"
    framework-res \ res \ drawable-hdpi \ All filespopup_blah blah blah.png- Window popup (add) on a long tapa on the screen.
    framework-res \ res \ drawable-hdpi \overscroll_glow.pngandoverscroll_edge.png- The effect of "scrolling".
    framework-res \ res \ drawable-hdpi \toast_frame.9.png- Background pop-up notifications at the bottom of the screen.

    Disabling the drain panel switches in the blind. 3 ways. (2.3.x)
    1. Settings - Screen - Uncheck the "Notification panel". (for GB)
    2. In the file build.prop find linero.config.hw_toolbox = true(if not, create one), replace true with false.
    3. Edit the SystemUI.apk code for the ExpandedView.smali and StatusBarService.smali files
    find code in the ExpandedView.smali file
    move-result v0
    sput-boolean v0, Lcom / android / systemui / statusbar / ExpandedView; ->mUserToolbox: Z
    Paste between these 2 lines of codeconst / 4 v0, 0x0

    and in the StatusBarService.smali file find
    move-result v0
    sput-boolean v0, Lcom / android / systemui / statusbar / StatusBarService; ->mUserToolbox: Z
    Paste between these 2 lines of codeconst / 4 v0, 0x0

    Replacing the boot splash screen
    It is done only from under root rights.
    1. ThroughRoot explorercreate in\ data \ custfolderlogo
    2. Drop the file thereoemlogo.mbnfrom archiveAttached fileLogo_RGB.zip(133.58 KB)

    3. In the terminal (Or via the ADB shell) we give commandssu and load_oemlogo

    Instructions for editing oemlogo.mbn on a computer

    * For editing, we need the program Paint.NET
    * After you download it and install, take the Rgb565.dll file
    (it is also in the archive with the logo) and we drop it along the path C: \ Program Files \ Paint.NET \ FileTypes
    * To edit, you will need to change the oemlogo.mbn file extension to oemlogo.rgb565
    * Open the oemlogo.rgb565 file in the program
    * Next you need to select the resolution of the image - 480X854
    * After you draw yourself a suitable image, save it and change the extension .rgb565 to .mbn
    Original instructions frompafik906hereHuawei U8860 (Honor) - Firmware (OS 2.3)

    Animating a lunch from Android 4.0.3

Suggestions for changing the caps to writeHERE!

Post has been editedfashionon - 23.12.13, 19:25
Reason for editing: Changes in topic rules.
07.09.12, 17:40

Topics Curator
Group: Curators
Messages 1178
Check in: 04.01.08
Xiaomi Redmi Note 4X Snapdragon 3/32

Reputation:-  189  +

Slavian.r @ 09/07/2012, 11:03*
I found a jamb ... the camera from the menu and from the desktop does not start. Writes "I can not connect to the camera"

I returned with ICS 932 to my native landings for 870 :) X as it was "what" remained ... The reason for the trouble with the camera seems to be a flashlight in the lidroid panel. Today I will try to rebuild without a flashlight.
Here without a flashlight in the panel.Attached fileSystemUI.apk(4.32 MB)

Updated the post with the modGraphic patches for Huawei U8860 Honor / Glory (Post # 15476660)

Post has been editedDemonis - 08.09.12, 13:19

Ad notamImproving Android Sleep
Argue with the engineer - how to ride in the mud with a pig, hours later, you realize that the pig likes it.
08.09.12, 03:42
Old resident

Group: Friendssavagemessiahzine.com
Messages 755
Check in: 03.10.10
Oneplus 5 6/64

Reputation:-  56  +

earned the camera. hammer. 5 points
08.09.12, 20:21

Group: Friendssavagemessiahzine.com
Messages 206
Check in: 24.07.12
Bluboo Picasso 3G

Reputation:-  15  +

slavian.r, I hurried and decided to try out your mod on 872 .. in short, the phone hangs on the splash screen .. other than to reflash through dload, are there options to bring the body back to life? just no card reader)

Post has been editedDeStas - 08.09.12, 20:22
09.09.12, 04:41

Group: Friendssavagemessiahzine.com
Messages 408
Check in: 17.09.10
Honor 5X KIW-L21

Reputation:-  25  +

I have the same story on 870, I did backup in CWM, I found it because of this, 1) when replacing media - profiles, which changes the resolution of the video; 2) when vyklitenii (or reset) through the libroid, thinks for a long time, then it turns on just as long. Recovered 10 times: rofl:
09.09.12, 06:17
Old resident

Group: Friendssavagemessiahzine.com
Messages 755
Check in: 03.10.10
Oneplus 5 6/64

Reputation:-  56  +

DeStas @ 09/09/2012, 00:21*
I hurried and decided to try your mod on 872 .. in short, the phone hangs on the splash screen .. other than to reflash through dload, are there options to bring the body back to life? just no card reader)

Try to go into the recovery, make a WIPE cache, there is a mount mode, (mounts a flash drive), transfer the mod (fix the camera), reinstall it, then wipe again. and easier to change to 879

read my postGraphic patches for Huawei U8860 Honor / Glory (Post # 15492745)

Post has been editedslavian.r - 09.09.12, 06:38
09.09.12, 13:41

Topics Curator
Group: Curators
Messages 1178
Check in: 04.01.08
Xiaomi Redmi Note 4X Snapdragon 3/32

Reputation:-  189  +

DeStas @ 09/09/2012, 3:21*
Slavian.r, I hurried and decided to try out your mod for 872 .. in short, the phone hangs on the splash screen .. except how to reflash through dload are there options to bring the body back to life?

If CWM costs, then boot into it, through the mount and srorage menu, mount the / system partition, Then, via the ADB shell, replace the framework-res.apk and systemUI.apk files with the stock (look in the topic for firmware 2.3). You expose permissions on files 644. If you are not on friendly terms with the ADB shell, then you can install a plugin for Total Commander -Android ADB 3.1There the process of copying / installing file permissions is visual.

Ad notamImproving Android Sleep
Argue with the engineer - how to ride in the mud with a pig, hours later, you realize that the pig likes it.
10.09.12, 09:06

Group: Friendssavagemessiahzine.com
Messages 603
Check in: 15.07.11
Honor 10

Reputation:-  144  +

I tried to make the effect of the old TV for ICS (B932) according to the instructions from the header,here she ison xda.
On the first part, editing com / android / server / PowerManagerService.smali, like there are no questions: pasted, what is in the code, after all
access $ XXXX method
But with the second part, editing com / android / server / PowerManagerService $ BrightnessState.smali, there were problems: we don’t
.line 2679
: cond_38
therefore, it is not clear where to insert what is highlighted in red. I tried to insert in some places before
iget-object v4, p0
does not work, simple copying is not enough.
Therefore, the question to the experts who understand programming these smali, is it possible to somehow optimize this instruction for our device?
P.S. Although in general, it is not a fact that the method is working, since the author writes that
I need you to keep it up.

Post has been editedAndruxxa63 - 10.09.12, 09:12

Huawei Ideos X5 ->Huawei Ideos X5 Pro ->Huawei honor ->Fly IQ451 Vista ->Cubot S550 ->Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 Pro ->Honor 10
11.09.12, 16:05
Made in USSR!

Group: Friendssavagemessiahzine.com
Messages 2325
Check in: 28.05.11
Apple iPhone 6s

Reputation:-  215  +

Does anyone have a finished transparent statusbar file for 4.0.3?

Don’t Be Evil
11.09.12, 17:18

Topics Curator
Group: Curators
Messages 1178
Check in: 04.01.08
Xiaomi Redmi Note 4X Snapdragon 3/32

Reputation:-  189  +

Sferaboltus @ 09/11/2012, 23:05*
Does anyone have a finished transparent statusbar file for 4.0.3?

For ICS in the 4.0 firmware theme there are already ready-made mods with transparent status bars, why not take it from there? Or Photoshop can make any transparent in 3 minutes =)
Wash the pirate bar here transparentHuawei U8860 (Honor) - Firmware (OS 4.0)

Post has been editedDemonis - 11.09.12, 17:22

Ad notamImproving Android Sleep
Argue with the engineer - how to ride in the mud with a pig, hours later, you realize that the pig likes it.
11.09.12, 17:40
Made in USSR!

Group: Friendssavagemessiahzine.com
Messages 2325
Check in: 28.05.11
Apple iPhone 6s

Reputation:-  215  +

There is no desire to sew yet, for a long time then everything is set up. I didn't understand what was there and why

Don’t Be Evil
11.09.12, 20:31

Group: Friendssavagemessiahzine.com
Messages 87
Check in: 26.05.10
Motorola Moto X Play XT1561, XT1562, XT1563, XT1564, XT1565

Reputation:-  2  +

Demonis, on the way% USERPROFILE% \ is no further than the folder tree (as I understood it, I did not unpack the system files on my system). The files were overloaded, the black window blinked quickly and everything (right?) And the APK Manager in the cracks all I do wrong?

JDK and SDK stand. Win 7 but only x-64.

Post has been editedInnerself - 11.09.12, 20:32
12.09.12, 06:42

Topics Curator
Group: Curators
Messages 1178
Check in: 04.01.08
Xiaomi Redmi Note 4X Snapdragon 3/32

Reputation:-  189  +

InnerSelf @ 09/12/2012, 03:31*
The files were overloaded, the black window blinked quickly and everything (right?) And the APK Manager in the cracks all I do wrong?

should not, try to execute the command "path_to_program" \apktool-if.cmd"the path to the file"\framework-res.apkfrom the console (start the console command CMD) and see what he writes.
Kokozyabry - from the fact that not the correct font (non-cyrillic) in the console settings. It is treated by setting the Cyrillic font in the Properties window of the console, Default (or properties, if only for the current session), tab Font. To enter the properties of the console, click on the icon in the upper left of the window.

Post has been editedDemonis - 12.09.12, 07:54

Ad notamImproving Android Sleep
Argue with the engineer - how to ride in the mud with a pig, hours later, you realize that the pig likes it.
12.09.12, 18:30

Group: Friendssavagemessiahzine.com
Messages 1320
Check in: 08.02.12
Huawei U8860 Honor

Reputation:-  60  +

Friends, is it possible for Krivorukov-like me as a separate mod to make transparency on 2.3.x? I think not I alone will be grateful

HUAWEI HONOR OF 2.3.6, SAMSUNG ACE2 OF 2.3.6, TEXET 9743W OF 4.0.3, LENOVO S820 OF 4.2.1, NOKIA X2 OF 4.3, CHUWI Vi10 64gb Win 8.1->10 / OF 4.4
13.09.12, 03:46

Topics Curator
Group: Curators
Messages 1178
Check in: 04.01.08
Xiaomi Redmi Note 4X Snapdragon 3/32

Reputation:-  189  +

transparency specifically what?
here such mod will not suit?Graphic patches for Huawei U8860 Honor / Glory (Post # 15476660)

Ad notamImproving Android Sleep
Argue with the engineer - how to ride in the mud with a pig, hours later, you realize that the pig likes it.
13.09.12, 18:47

Group: Friendssavagemessiahzine.com
Messages 1320
Check in: 08.02.12
Huawei U8860 Honor

Reputation:-  60  +

In principle, I think we must first try and then say whether it suits us or not. One question is what is the icon theme?
Threat what is understood by putting and you can without icons with a white clock in the center, and the panel Loyd does not matter, at 867 they in the blind work stably even though they are smaller

Post has been edited-GA_fLy- - 13.09.12, 20:14

HUAWEI HONOR OF 2.3.6, SAMSUNG ACE2 OF 2.3.6, TEXET 9743W OF 4.0.3, LENOVO S820 OF 4.2.1, NOKIA X2 OF 4.3, CHUWI Vi10 64gb Win 8.1->10 / OF 4.4
14.09.12, 09:39

Topics Curator
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Xiaomi Redmi Note 4X Snapdragon 3/32

Reputation:-  189  +

if the panel, the effect of TV, icons and other dregs is not important, then for the transparency of the curtains - it will be enough to drive through the online kitchen. How to do this is written in the header.

Ad notamImproving Android Sleep
Argue with the engineer - how to ride in the mud with a pig, hours later, you realize that the pig likes it.
17.09.12, 01:05

Topics Curator
Group: Curators
Messages 1178
Check in: 04.01.08
Xiaomi Redmi Note 4X Snapdragon 3/32

Reputation:-  189  +

but did not find a description of how to make the curtain transparent with the help of a pass through the online kitchen

there everything is clear! if you don’t master such a truly primitive operation, which requires minimal skills of the “spear method”, then do you need it?
Shl. in the kitchen, the status bar tab, the Background field — set the required transparency or a picture and press the Generate Preview button — to preview the result.
Ps. absolutely at the edges here you can watch the videohttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qrEt0SCHYIM: D

Post has been editedDemonis - 17.09.12, 01:30

Ad notamImproving Android Sleep
Argue with the engineer - how to ride in the mud with a pig, hours later, you realize that the pig likes it.
17.09.12, 09:38

Group: Friendssavagemessiahzine.com
Messages 304
Check in: 11.02.11
Huawei P9 Standart

Reputation:-  9  +

Hello, please tell me, on Android 2.3, the default is the aHome shell, on which you can change themes, but what is the default shell on Android 4.0 ?? Can I change topics on it?
17.09.12, 09:59

Topics Curator
Group: Curators
Messages 1178
Check in: 04.01.08
Xiaomi Redmi Note 4X Snapdragon 3/32

Reputation:-  189  +

You seem to be in the wrong topic turned. 2D Home is worth. About the topic I do not remember.

Ad notamImproving Android Sleep
Argue with the engineer - how to ride in the mud with a pig, hours later, you realize that the pig likes it.
17.09.12, 10:12

Group: Friendssavagemessiahzine.com
Messages 304
Check in: 11.02.11
Huawei P9 Standart

Reputation:-  9  +

Demonis @ 09/17/2012, 10:59*
You seem to be in the wrong topic turned. 2D Home is worth. About the topic I do not remember.

I just thought that if your topic is called "Ornaments", then it is here for me. I will explain a little, when you press the "menu" key (Android 4.0) on the desktop, a menu appears in which you can select "Theme Settings". Unfortunately there is no choice, except for one theme "Android". I hoped that here they would tell me where else to get these topics, without installing other Launchers. But if I turned to the wrong topic, please excuse me. ;)

Post has been editedscrach - 17.09.12, 10:22

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