Barnes & Noble NOOK - programs | Subtleties of use.

Rep: (1248)
Programs forBarnes & Noble NOOK (The Simple Touch Reader)
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In this topic, there is a discussion of the subtleties of using Android programs under this reader. Please remember that this is still a reader and an overly enthusiastic discussion of programs not related to reading can be removed.

What system applications have the right to live in memory?
Android System
Settings Storage
AnySoftKeyboard (or similar keyboard)
Superuser (Superuser)

All other installed applications, such as:

Cool reader
Super manager
Button savior

or similar - at your personal discretion!

  • aFlibusta- an application to facilitate the search, download and catalog books from Flibusta.
  • AnySoftKeyboard- multilingual keyboard.
  • Bookmate- e-book reader (FB2 / EPUB) with synchronization service between different devices (video, overview).
  • Button savior- on-screen buttons (Back, Home, Menu).
  • Colornote- a simple notebook (notepad) with a reminder function, calendar, backup and synchronization.
  • Cool reader- the best, to date, e-book reader with support for multiple formats and very flexible settings (video, overview).
  • Dropbox- an application and service for storing files, synchronizing and sharing them.2GB is provided free to every user!
  • Dropsync- application to synchronize directories Dropbox and android device.
  • FBReader- e-book reader with convenient style settings and the ability to send quotes to social networks, etc. (video, overview)
  • File manager hd- convenient file manager with ROOT functions, light theme, bookmarks, archiver, network connections, etc.
  • Fora dictionary- Dictionary-translator with support for a variety of dictionaries and integration into the reader Cool Reader and FBReader.
  • Google docs- an application to access the Google Docs service (documents and files stored there).
  • Jbak keyboard- another keyboard (take version 0.95).
  • jkAppSwitch- switching and terminating applications.
  • KeePassDroid- password manager. Works well in conjunction with the Opera browser.
  • Lightning launcher- simple fast and compact launcher.
  • Market Enabler- includes access to all applications from the Market when activating the state operator's profile (T-Mobile or AT & T).
  • MoreLocale- changes the localization (language) of the application interface to ... Russian or another supported.
  • OI File Manager- a simple file manager with a Russian interface, minimal functionality, the ability to open files in associated applications.
  • Opera Mini / Opera Mobile- a browser that works correctly and stably on the Nook Touch (video).
  • Orientation Control- helps to expand the screen in landscape orientation and return to portrait.
  • Orion Viewer- Book reader in the formats CBZ, DjVu, PDF, XPS.
  • Quick boot- quick reboot / shutdown of the device.
  • Relaunch- launcher readers.
  • Screenshot- simple and reliable application for getting screenshots.
  • Search Market- application to search for applications in the Market. Solves the problem of the search system NOOK Touch.
  • Super manager- task manager, applications, files, backups.
  • Web Translator Lite- we translate pages in Opera browser from one language to another using the Google Translate service.
  • UC Browser / Ucweb- Another browser that decently works on the NOOK Touch.
  • WifiWidget- Widget for quick, informative and convenient on / off Wi-Fi.
  • Zeam Launcher Rus- Optimal application launcher and home screen for NOOK Touch with Russian interface.


Installing applications on firmware 1.2.0 is made from the internal memory of NOOK Simple Touch!

If the apk-files do not want to be installed, referring to the ban, launch the Nook Color Tools application and uncheck / check the check box in it that is responsible for third-party applications.

Screensavers :
Thanks -hammerise.

1. auto unlock nuk without svayp -
This is a paid version, after reboot for 2 seconds shows the desktop ...
there is a free version - ,
but after rebooting, it immediately shows not Nuk's desktop, but opens its own window, which is somewhat inconvenient for me personally ... therefore, I have stopped at the paid version ... + glitch with a partial update, as in the case of NoLock noticed ... if I notice, then I will unsubscribe ...
2. more or less worthy analogue of InstaFetch for deferred reading, Andreader prog -
or you can take from the forum -AndReader
from the pros:
- there is a display of pictures in offline mode ...
- supports work with Instapaper and Pocket (Read It later) ...
of the minuses:
- somewhat small text and the inability to use your fonts ...
- the buttons on the Nook do not work, but you can set up tapas - the bottom half is down, the top one is up ...
- no partial update


The curator of the topic isBillard

Post has been editedBillard - 29.01.14, 11:19

Rep: (12)
It is interesting to go with the root pixel smart office and Navitel :)

Post has been editedvad_ist - 29.06.11, 16:59

Rep: (1293)
Vad_ist @ 06/29/2011, 16:58*
go pixel smart office and navitel

Picsel Smart Office - installed and running.
Navitel Navigator - even on NOOK Color does not want to run normally.

Rep: (3)
Funny machine: reader-tablet. The review says / states that there is no Russian set on it. In a sense, not a single Russian clave was established?
And yet - how should Nook touch as a notebook - in theory should be possible? Any thoughts - impressions?
Here I think, for notes to read - NUK - a lot of format, easy, customizable, or Asus Eee laptop 800 - the screen is much faster, but not shared - only the unhurried support of Asus?
In all, Nook is much richer in features, but for notes Asus is "faster" than smart. In the "choice and comparison" is certainly close, but the main thing is still the impression from Nuk.

Rep: (1293)
MNG @ 06/30/2011, 17:38*
Not a single Russian clave was established?

Installed Russian Keyboard.

MNG @ 06/30/2011, 17:38*
As Nook touch as a notebook - in theory it should be possible?

Graphic is not very - slows down the screen. And the text is fine.

MNG @ 06/30/2011, 17:38*
Nuk is much richer in features, but for notes Asus is "faster" faster.

If you need to take notes very quickly (which I doubt), then take NOOK Color.

Post has been editedBillard - 30.06.11, 18:05

Rep: (3)
The ability to doubt is an attribute of the thinking individual: rolleyes: Thanks for the clarification. So, on Nuke, you can view files and type notes - not bad.
Again, not quite the topic. I work mainly on open office. And odt on Android in any way? I would plan to view files from a memory card, but I am afraid that without conversion this is only possible for Word formats. Inconvenient.
It would be nice to have worked on a computer on a memory card - pulled it out and looked at it on the way to Nuk, etc. But, as I understand it on Android in general.

Posted on 06/30/2011, 19:11:

By the way, how did you try a graphic tablet on Nuka? Does Nook look like a finger? That is, you can control (draw) anything with your finger, pencil, etc.?

Rep: (1293)
MNG @ 06/30/2011, 19:07*
I work mainly on open office. And odt on Android in any way?

There is an OpenOffice Document Reader:
If there is a file on trial, I can check.

Posted on 06/30/2011, 19:17:

MNG @ 06/30/2011, 19:11*
That is, you can control (draw) anything with your finger, pencil, etc.?

I did not try with a pencil, and you can draw with your finger.
Only lines appear with a delay ...

Rep: (3)
Thanks again for the clarification.
The other day I decided not to take the smart on Adroid, I refused - there is no Alrieder, there is no Market text, but in general everything was dull - the whole forum was climbing - except for the cries in the desert, "Does the odd read? !!!" met nothing. You are the first of androidovodov who effectively responded to this topic.
Created a simple odt - on one page, with a picture. If it opens, it means, in principle, working. True, while the download did not work.

Rep: (300)
In adw launcher, can you somehow change the background from black to white?
But nefig some labels with labels are not visible ... a trifle, but unpleasant ...

Rep: (1293)
DeepDusky @ 07/01/2011, 10:19*
In adw launcher, can you somehow change the background from black to white?

I could not get.
Even other topics can not be delivered.
Try other launchers ...

Rep: (3)
Wow, another owner has appeared. Congratulations on your purchase: yes2:
About the launcher, I can’t say, alas, I can’t do anything - I don’t know how to do it myself, android.
But I can sketch questions: rolleyes: What are your impressions of Nuk? You read simply, or tried to work with the text? With a case taken?
Well, in general ...

Rep: (3)
One more question.
As I understand, the Russian Keyboard is only installed via the wifi network. Is it possible to install Claudia without access to the network?
And, they write that the search for the Russian clave still does not work yet - is that so?

Rep: (1293)
MNG @ 07/02/2011, 16:42*
The Russian Keyboard is only installed via the wifi network. Is it possible to install Claudia without access to the network? And, they write that the search for the Russian clave still does not work yet - is that so?

RK can be installed from memory (internal or external) if there is already root and the installation of third-party applications is enabled.
The procedure is to copy the apk-file to the system / app directory and reboot.

You can simply replace the original Claudia file, but this is not the best option, as for me.
You can also install an application from the Market on top to have access to the settings of the keyboard.

With the Russian search a little more difficult.
It works and it can be seen on the video reviews of the readers.

The problem is that the native search has no idea about the FB2-files and the android market.
Therefore, there is neither Russian nor French search yields results.

If the reader uses its own search (Cool Reader, for example), then this problem is solved for FB2.
And the task of finding and installing applications from the Market can be solved using the Opera browser.

Post has been editedBillard - 02.07.11, 17:22

Rep: (252)
An unusually pleasant eBook. Since the time of the Sony 500, not a single book has yet been so cozy, it was not in my hand at home. Yes, ergonomics is not perfect - but flaws are so insignificant that they can be neglected. And (infrequently) the book is very convenient both in the cover and without it. The quality of the book is the highest, the cover is also good. Without root, it reads ePub well, and with root it turns into a fairy tale ... :)

For the root, I used a package fromBillard 'a, but with its own changes.
Added byAdvanced task killer , Autostarts I try to clavu superminimalist Paragon Keyboard 1.0.4 . And the launcher took Zeam - ADW freaks on the eInk-screen imkho to anything.

I again have a question about the composition of the package. ;) Filesu lies in \ mods \ and in \ gapps \ bin \ - is it a rebuild cost or is it necessary?

Rep: (1293)
I also decided to watch Zeam Launcher.
It is simpler in terms of settings, but there is no Russian face and it slows down the system, it seems, despite the fact that the size is smaller.

All duplicates are the result of adding a touchnooter to the Google base app directory.
Thank you for paying attention to them ..

Rep: (252)
Billard @ 07/02/2011, 23:37*
Zeam Launcher ... slows down the system
And what is this noticeable? It seemed to me just the opposite ...

Rep: (1293)
On the NOOK Touch, it may not be noticeable due to the slow screen.
And on NOOK Color I have something to slow down.

Rep: (252)
Billard @ 07/03/2011, 00:41*
On the NOOK Touch, it may not be noticeable due to the slow screen.
And, then it is clear. :) On Tache, you really need to select under the screen - the more the launcher is animated, the worse it is to work with him ...

Rep: (1293)
Strange market, however.
And with the applications are installed?

Rep: (16)
Sooner the application NomadReader was installed, but it is not in the list of programs?

Rep: (1293)
Cool Reader is much more interesting.

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