Stopkin @ 03/11/19, 10:05 PM not suitable? on flibust there too.
Amazon doesn’t always fit, there isn’t everything on the filibust, I would like more additional sources, so I asked a question.
Eliy @ 03/11/19, 11:12 PM
Amazon, Gutenberg, rutreker, pirate bay,
Thanks for Gutenberg, I’ll try - I completely forgot about him.
I thought the pirate bay had already been closed for a long time, I’ll also look.
argv @ 03/11/19, 11:43 p.m.
Most reliable source: #bookz channel on Undernet IRC
The source is excellent, but mobi there is usually converted by Caliber and is a terrible gloom. I have to look for epub and convert.
Thanks a lot to everyone for the answers - I’ll add new sources to my piggy bank. : thank_you: