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> Milestone Theme | Russified DroidX theme for Motorola Milestone
22.09.10, 11:09

Group: Friendssavagemessiahzine.com
Messages 157
Check in: 08.06.06
Meizu MX5

Reputation:-  29  +

I post the reassembled topic for Milestones.
The main feature is that the topic is Russified (used framework-res.apk from the Russian firmware SHOLS_U2_02.27.B)
The battery is updated with the following percentages: 0-10-20-40-60-80-100%

Installation via recovery.

Suggestions and suggestions are welcome.

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Download: Attached fileDroidX_RUS_update_nosign.zip(2.48 MB)

Post has been editedfashionon - 30.10.13, 00:39
Reason for editing: Fixed the cap.
21.05.11, 21:38

Group: Friendssavagemessiahzine.com
Messages 186
Check in: 23.04.11

Reputation:-  19  +

6600 @ 21.05.2011, 20:28 *
honestly govarya, all the icons and the lock screen was done manually, using the usual method of copying graphics into your framework. but the battery drove through the kitchen. the kitchen itself has changed since I was doing something for myself there. if the spear method does not roll into the next. Once - sign off, I will make a video instruction. Monday is true. regarding the screening screening, it is just remembered with the release of Froyo 2.2 for our milestone - most asked to do. I did, I thought you were old from 2.1 too, more interesting ... but the main thing is working! and you managed to paint on a black Temka watch in white? If so, tell me how.

There, when you set everything up, it is immediately written that for 2.2 the color is selected only for the date, so the watch is black. To me, in general, it's all the same for the widget in the half-screen: D

tomorrow Today will become yesterday

Siemens A35 ==>Nokia 3310 ==>Samsung X100 ==>Nokia 5500 Sport ==>Nokia 9300 ==>Nokia N95 ==>Motorola Milestone 2.2.1 (MIUI 1.3.11) ==>Motorola RAZR MAXX XT910 (Wakko Mod) ==>Motorola DROID Turbo XT1254 Black Ballistic Nylon 64 5.1
22.05.11, 08:53

Group: Active users
Messages 22
Check in: 19.08.10
Motorola milestone

Reputation:-  0  +

Help please make this topic for Africa :)

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Attached files

Attached fileBlack_2.2.zip(11.64 MB)
22.05.11, 14:47

Group: Friendssavagemessiahzine.com
Messages 186
Check in: 23.04.11

Reputation:-  19  +

Swagga @ 05/22/2011, 09:53*
Help please make this a topic for Africa.

Come inhereand do yourself what you want: rolleyes:

tomorrow Today will become yesterday

Siemens A35 ==>Nokia 3310 ==>Samsung X100 ==>Nokia 5500 Sport ==>Nokia 9300 ==>Nokia N95 ==>Motorola Milestone 2.2.1 (MIUI 1.3.11) ==>Motorola RAZR MAXX XT910 (Wakko Mod) ==>Motorola DROID Turbo XT1254 Black Ballistic Nylon 64 5.1
22.05.11, 23:00

Group: Friendssavagemessiahzine.com
Messages 186
Check in: 23.04.11

Reputation:-  19  +

By the way, why does the topic have no caps ??? It could greatly facilitate life here B)

tomorrow Today will become yesterday

Siemens A35 ==>Nokia 3310 ==>Samsung X100 ==>Nokia 5500 Sport ==>Nokia 9300 ==>Nokia N95 ==>Motorola Milestone 2.2.1 (MIUI 1.3.11) ==>Motorola RAZR MAXX XT910 (Wakko Mod) ==>Motorola DROID Turbo XT1254 Black Ballistic Nylon 64 5.1
19.06.11, 12:33

Group: Friendssavagemessiahzine.com
Messages 56
Check in: 23.10.08
ZTE Nubia M2 NX551J

Reputation:-  1  +

How to put the theme (or shell) on Motorola Droid like on HTC Droid Eris.
22.06.11, 04:29

Group: Friendssavagemessiahzine.com
Messages 61
Check in: 15.07.10
Motorola milestone

Reputation:-  0  +

How to repaint the menu after the "kitchen", the context menu from gray to black? I disassembled the framework, I did not understand a damn, I already sweated ... As I understood, do I need to change the png file? Could you tell the GREAT stupid sucker; (
03.07.11, 22:21

Group: Friendssavagemessiahzine.com
Messages 311
Check in: 28.11.05
Motorola milestone

Reputation:-  47  +

A few more corrected the following topics:

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Attached filenuar.zip(3.46 MB)

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Attached filegingerbread.zip(3.38 MB)

Post has been editedSilent_Bob - 03.07.11, 22:23
Dmitry Dead
10.07.11, 11:33

Group: Active users
Messages 27
Check in: 11.02.11
LG GT540 Optimus

Reputation:-  0  +

And can you make only black bar status for modified Africa as in nuar.zip? with the same battery) nothing else needs to be changed .....
19.07.11, 18:19

Group: Friendssavagemessiahzine.com
Messages 308
Check in: 07.07.10
Sony Xperia XZ1 Compact

Reputation:-  15  +

Yes, I join the request

AppleiPad Air+ Cellular
Appleiphone xs
NT User
24.07.11, 23:41
Xiaomi ludshe!

Group: Friendssavagemessiahzine.com
Messages 4607
Check in: 24.07.11
Apple iPhone X

Reputation:-  434  +

explain noob, if you flash thisTheme for Milestone (Post # 5476658), then after a general reset, for example, will the topic remain or will the standard return?

So questions can not be answered. Well, and therefore, agitate for same-sex marriage. © AndreiL
bucket can drive vidosiki on wifi on TV © Amarock | I don’t have a blame © AndreiL
And if you see not reality, all that you see is only your fantasies. © AndreiL
25.07.11, 22:36

Group: Active users
Messages 27
Check in: 29.09.10
Samsung Galaxy S5 SM-G900F

Reputation:-  1  +

NT User
Explain noob, if you flash this here for Milestone Theme (Post # 5476658), then after for example a general reset the topic will remain or will the standard return?

It will remain ... the default can be returned only by installing the default theme, or by a complete flashing (Pre-dumped nandroid as an option)
18.12.11, 20:01

Group: Friendssavagemessiahzine.com
Messages 908
Check in: 17.11.06
Xiaomi Mi 6 6/64

Reputation:-  83  +

Temka forSHOLS_U2_05.26.3 min - Central Europeat the bottom of the post.
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02.01.12, 21:23

Group: Active users
Messages 38
Check in: 09.09.10
Google nexus 5

Reputation:-  0  +

I put such a temka, but nothing has changed except for the color, and of course the indicators itself. Question: but such a part of the bottom of the screen, where the menu is diced, etc., is it just an android above 2.1 or how can it be done on stock 2.1? And then it is scary to reflash the phone))) ATP in advance for an answer
09.01.12, 11:23

Group: Friendssavagemessiahzine.com
Messages 908
Check in: 17.11.06
Xiaomi Mi 6 6/64

Reputation:-  83  +

If the question is to me, then I did not understand what kind of dice is the speech, if you can specify.
Android 2.2 graphically (except loxrin) is identical to 2.1
Here is 1 Screenshot: Changed Lockscreen, 2 Screenshot: Dark bar status, other icons, transparent curtain, 3 Screenshot: Changed checkbox, combo box icons. 4 Screenshot: Changed loxgrin in the call.
20.01.12, 14:58
a guest

Group: Users
Messages 6
Check in: 31.12.11

Reputation:-  0  +

But you can open it through Xplore, extract the apk file from it, I'm only afraid to install something, Motor xt720?
26.03.12, 09:49

Group: Active users
Messages 27
Check in: 07.05.10
Motorola RAZR

Reputation:-  0  +

Motorola Milestone A2.1
Not drunk sad

If you said without thinking, then you said what you think.
16.12.12, 20:06

Group: Friendssavagemessiahzine.com
Messages 54
Check in: 27.03.08
Apple iPhone 4

Reputation:-  1  +

good day! Friends and how to put this topic on my motorola ??? on the case it is written droid x2 and in the properties of milestone x2 ??? How to enter the recovery and vaasche it is suitable for the Russification of my device ??? motorola tsdma !!!! thanks in advance!!! firmware android 2.3.6

Post has been editedlapteff - 16.12.12, 20:10

God bless you!!!

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