Rep: (1626)
Vertical / Horizontal Network Icons

Tested on: Xiaomi Redmi Note 5
  • Android versions: Android 8.1.0
  • Shell / firmware: MIUI 10 Global Stable

Description / Instruction
  1. Free settings - Free preferences Must be setup

Network icons

  1. upright
  2. Horizontally

Open up
MiuiSystemUI / smali / com / android / systemui / statusbar / SignalClusterView.smali

To find
.method static synthetic -get4 (Lcom / android / systemui / statusbar / SignalClusterView;) Z
.registers 2

iget-boolean v0, p0, Lcom / android / systemui / statusbar / SignalClusterView; ->mNotchEar: Z

return v0
.end method

Replaced by
.method static synthetic -get4 (Lcom / android / systemui / statusbar / SignalClusterView;) Z
.registers 2

invoke-direct {p0}, Lcom / android / systemui / statusbar / SignalClusterView; ->setStatusBarMi () Z

move-result v0

return v0
.end method

Add at the end
.method private setStatusBarMi () Z
.registers 4

const / 4 v2, 0x0

iget-object v0, p0, Lcom / android / systemui / statusbar / SignalClusterView; ->mContext: Landroid / content / Context;

const-string v1, "icon_signal"

invoke-static {v0, v1}, Landroid / preference / MyPreference; ->getKeyInt (Landroid / content / Context; Ljava / lang / String;) I

move-result v1

if-eqz v1,: cond_c

const / 4 v2, 0x1

: cond_c
return v2
.end method

We disassemble Settings.apk
Settings \ res \ values-ru \ strings.xml
<string name = "icon_signal_title">Icon network</ string>
<string name = "icon_signal_on">upright</ string>
<string name = "icon_signal_off">Horizontally</ string>

Settings / res / xml / where you are comfortable
<MyCheckBoxPreference android: title = "@ string / icon_signal_title" android: key = "icon_signal" android: defaultValue = "false" android: summaryOn = "@ string / icon_signal_on" android: summaryOff = "@ string / icon_signal_off" />

Attached Image


Post has been editedMiPokser - 18.09.19, 14:19
Reason for editing: Supplement

Rep: (1626)
* copylov1976 , Latest firmware
Mi9T-RedmiK20 MIUI 9.8.15 Android 9.0

Rep: (1626)
* No_Hammer , To change prices.
Well, I will correct the price. Current new price applies only to North America.
Okay, I'll fix the price. The current new price applies only to North America.

Rep: (1626)
Select the type of bar status in the settings

Tested on: Xiaomi Mi 9T
  • Android versions: Android 9
  • Shell / firmware: V10.3.9.0.PFJMIXM

Description / Instruction
  1. Free settings - Free preferences Must be setup

Attached KB)

Open up
MiuiSystemUI / Lcom / android / systemui / statusbar / phone / CollapsedStatusBarFragment.smali

We find a method .method public onCreateView (Landroid / view / LayoutInflater; Landroid / view / ViewGroup; Landroid / os / Bundle;) Landroid / view / View;
Adding line (+)

Remove (-)
.method public onCreateView (Landroid / view / LayoutInflater; Landroid / view / ViewGroup; Landroid / os / Bundle;) Landroid / view / View;
.locals 2

- const v0, 0x7f0d00ee #<public type = "layout" name = "status_bar" id = "0x7f0d00ee" />

+ Invoke-virtual {p0}, Lcom / android / systemui / statusbar / phone / CollapsedStatusBarFragment; ->onStatusBarCreateView () I

+ Move-result v0

const / 4 v1,0x0

invoke-virtual {p1, v0, p2, v1}, Landroid / view / LayoutInflater; ->inflate (ILandroid / view / ViewGroup; Z) Landroid / view / View;

move-result-object v0

return object v0
.end method

At the end of file add method
.method public onStatusBarCreateView () I
.locals 6

invoke-virtual {p0}, Lcom / android / systemui / statusbar / phone / CollapsedStatusBarFragment; ->getContext () Landroid / content / Context;

move-result-object v4

invoke-virtual {v4}, Landroid / content / Context; ->getContentResolver () Landroid / content / ContentResolver;

move-result-object v4

const-string v1, "ios_toggle"

const / 4 v5, 0x0

invoke-static {v4, v1, v5}, Landroid / provider / Settings $ System; ->getInt (Landroid / content / ContentResolver; Ljava / lang / String; I) I

move-result v1

const v2,0x0

if-eq v1, v2,: cond_0

const v2,0x1

if-eq v1, v2,: cond_1

const v2, 0x2

if-eq v1, v2,: cond_2

const v2, 0x3

if-eq v1, v2,: cond_3

const v2, 0x4

if-eq v1, v2,: cond_4

const v2, 0x5

if-eq v1, v2,: cond_5

const v2, 0x6

if-eq v1, v2,: cond_6

: cond_0
const-string v1, "status_bar"

goto: goto_0

: cond_1
const-string v1, "status_bar_1"

goto: goto_0

: cond_2
const-string v1, "status_bar_2"

goto: goto_0

: cond_3
const-string v1, "status_bar_3"

goto: goto_0

: cond_4
const-string v1, "status_bar_4"

goto: goto_0

: cond_5
const-string v1, "status_bar_5"

goto: goto_0

: cond_6
const-string v1, "status_bar_6"

: goto_0
invoke-virtual {p0}, Lcom / android / systemui / statusbar / phone / CollapsedStatusBarFragment; ->getContext () Landroid / content / Context;

move-result-object v0

invoke-virtual {v0}, Landroid / content / Context; ->getResources () Landroid / content / res / Resources;

move-result-object v0

const-string v2, "layout"

const-string v3, ""

invoke-virtual {v0, v1, v2, v3}, Landroid / content / res / Resources; ->getIdentifier (Ljava / lang / String; Ljava / lang / String; Ljava / lang / String;) I

move-result v0

return v0
.end method


Settings \ res \ values ​​\ arrays.xml

<string-array name = "status_bar_styles_entries">
<item>Default</ item>
<item>IOS Style 1</ item>
<item>IOS Style 2</ item>
<item>Center clock</ item>
<item>Left Battery</ item>
<item>Right Clock</ item>
<item>Left Battery and Right Clock</ item>
</ string-array>
<string-array name = "status_bar_styles_values">
<item>0</ item>
<item>1</ item>
<item>2</ item>
<item>3</ item>
<item>4</ item>
<item>5</ item>
<item>6</ item>
</ string-array>

Settings \ res \ values-ru \ arrays.xml

<string-array name = "status_bar_styles_entries">
<item>Default</ item>
<item>IOS 1</ item>
<item>IOS 2</ item>
<item>Clock in the center</ item>
<item>left battery</ item>
<item>Hours right</ item>
<item>The left and right battery clock</ item>
</ string-array>

Settings \ res \ values-ru \ strings.xml
<string name = "status_bar_styles_title">Location icon</ string>

Settings / res / xml / where you are comfortable
<MyListPreference intent = "my.intent.action.REFRESH_STATUS_BAR" android: entries = "@ array / status_bar_styles_entries" android: layout = "@ layout / preference_ringtone" android: title = "@ string / status_bar_styles_title" android: key = "ios_toggle" android : summary = "% s" android: defaultValue = "0" android: entryValues ​​= "@ array / status_bar_styles_values" />

Attached Image
Attached Image


Post has been editedMiPokser - 02.08.19, 18:50
Reason for editing: Updating

Rep: (1626)
* alixan95r maybe I'll write

Rep: (1626)
Date in status bar through settings

Tested on: Xiaomi Mi 9T
  • Android versions: Android 9
  • Shell / firmware: V10.3.9.0.PFJMIXM

Description / Instruction
Taken from
Open up
MiuiSystemUI / smali / com / android / systemui / statusbar / phone / CollapsedStatusBarFragment.smali

looking for a method
.method public onViewCreated (Landroid / view / View; Landroid / os / Bundle;) V
screenshot where to put
Attached Image

in the method we are looking for a block, it is almost at the end of the method

check-cast v0, Lcom / android / systemui / statusbar / policy / DarkIconDispatcher;

iget-object v1, p0, Lcom / android / systemui / statusbar / phone / CollapsedStatusBarFragment; ->mStatusClock: Lcom / android / systemui / statusbar / policy / Clock;

invoke-interface {v0, v1}, Lcom / android / systemui / statusbar / policy / DarkIconDispatcher; ->addDarkReceiver (Lcom / android / systemui / statusbar / policy / DarkIconDispatcher $ DarkReceiver;) V

To add

invoke-direct {p0}, Lcom / android / systemui / statusbar / phone / CollapsedStatusBarFragment; ->refreshMiSettingsObserverData () I

move-result v0

iget-object v1, p0, Lcom / android / systemui / statusbar / phone / CollapsedStatusBarFragment; ->mStatusClock: Lcom / android / systemui / statusbar / policy / Clock;

if-nez v0,: cond_a_

const / 4 v0, 0x2

invoke-virtual {v1, v0}, Lcom / android / systemui / statusbar / policy / Clock; ->setClockMode (I) V

: cond_a_

Add to end
.method private refreshMiSettingsObserverData () I
.locals 3

invoke-virtual {p0}, Lcom / android / systemui / statusbar / phone / CollapsedStatusBarFragment; ->getContext () Landroid / content / Context;

move-result-object v0

invoke-virtual {v0}, Landroid / content / Context; ->getContentResolver () Landroid / content / ContentResolver;

move-result-object v0

const-string v1, "data_statusbar_mi"

const / 4 v2, 0x1

invoke-static {v0, v1, v2}, Landroid / provider / Settings $ System; ->getInt (Landroid / content / ContentResolver; Ljava / lang / String; I) I

move-result v1

if-eqz v1,: cond_0

const / 4 v0, 0x0

goto: goto_0

: cond_0
const / 4 v0, 0x1

: goto_0
return v0
.end method

Add to Settings

Settings \ res / res / xml / status_bar_settings.xml
intent = "my.settings.RELOAD_UI"
android: title = "Date in status bar"
android: key = "data_statusbar_mi"
android: defaultValue = "false"
android: summaryOn = "@ string / icon_on"
android: summaryOff = "@ string / icon_off" />


Post has been editedMiPokser - 02.08.19, 13:55

Rep: (1626)
* MilkO26 , Throw off all data / system / dropbox folder.

Rep: (1626)
* GRINYOV I have Mi9T.
codec works
Attached Image

Rep: (1626)
* Ant-rg , I do not remember well, aod to have their personal application. And it starts with the latest versions.

Rep: (1626)
Hi all help where does the color white?
Attached Image

The lock everything is fine
Attached Image

Post has been editedMiPokser - 14.07.19, 07:25

Rep: (1626)
Unpack boot.img. Take the programCarliv Image Kitchen for Android
Attached Image

Attached Image

Attached Image

Attached Image

Attached Image
Attached Image

Post has been editedMiPokser - 15.06.19, 00:52

Rep: (1626)
Color settings on the lock screen

Tested on: Xiaomi Redmi Note 5
  • Android versions: Android 9
  • Shell / firmware: MIUI 10

Description / Instruction

  1. Color Settings hours.
  2. Color Settings minutes.
  3. date color settings.

MiuiSystemUI \ smali \ com / android / keyguard / MiuiKeyguardClock.smali
.method public updateTime () V
.method public updateTime () V
.locals 10 # 6 was increased was 10

iget-object v0, p0, Lcom / android / keyguard / MiuiKeyguardClock; ->mCalendar: Lmiui / date / Calendar;

invoke-static {}, Ljava / lang / System; ->currentTimeMillis () J

move-result-wide v1

invoke-virtual {v0, v1, v2}, Lmiui / date / Calendar; ->setTimeInMillis (J) Lmiui / date / Calendar;

iget-object v0, p0, Lcom / android / keyguard / MiuiKeyguardClock; ->mCalendar: Lmiui / date / Calendar;

const / 16 v1, 0x12

invoke-virtual {v0, v1}, Lmiui / date / Calendar; ->get (I) I

move-result v0

iget-boolean v1, p0, Lcom / android / keyguard / MiuiKeyguardClock; ->m24HourFormat: Z

const / 16 v2, 0xc

if-nez v1,: cond_1c

if-le v0, v2,: cond_1c

add-int / lit8 v1, v0, -0xc

goto: goto_1d

: cond_1c
move v1, v0

: goto_1d
move v0, v1

iget-boolean v1, p0, Lcom / android / keyguard / MiuiKeyguardClock; ->m24HourFormat: Z

if-nez v1,: cond_25

if-nez v0,: cond_25

goto: goto_26

: cond_25
move v2, v0

: goto_26
move v0, v2

iget-object v1, p0, Lcom / android / keyguard / MiuiKeyguardClock; ->mCalendar: Lmiui / date / Calendar;

const / 16 v2,0x14

invoke-virtual {v1, v2}, Lmiui / date / Calendar; ->get (I) I

move-result v1

iget-object v2, p0, Lcom / android / keyguard / MiuiKeyguardClock; ->mHorizontalTimeLayout: Landroid / widget / LinearLayout;

new-instance v3, Ljava / lang / StringBuilder;

invoke-direct {v3}, Ljava / lang / StringBuilder; -><init>() V

invoke-static {v0}, Ljava / lang / String; ->valueOf (I) Ljava / lang / String;

move-result-object v4

invoke-virtual {v3, v4}, Ljava / lang / StringBuilder; ->append (Ljava / lang / String;) Ljava / lang / StringBuilder;

const-string v4, ":"

invoke-virtual {v3, v4}, Ljava / lang / StringBuilder; ->append (Ljava / lang / String;) Ljava / lang / StringBuilder;

invoke-static {v1}, Lcom / android / keyguard / MiuiKeyguardUtils; ->formatTime (I) Ljava / lang / String;

move-result-object v4

invoke-virtual {v3, v4}, Ljava / lang / StringBuilder; ->append (Ljava / lang / String;) Ljava / lang / StringBuilder;

invoke-virtual {v3}, Ljava / lang / StringBuilder; ->toString () Ljava / lang / String;

move-result-object v3

invoke-virtual {v2, v3}, Landroid / widget / LinearLayout; ->setContentDescription (Ljava / lang / CharSequence;) V

iget-object v2, p0, Lcom / android / keyguard / MiuiKeyguardClock; ->mVerticalTimeLayout: Landroid / widget / LinearLayout;

new-instance v3, Ljava / lang / StringBuilder;

invoke-direct {v3}, Ljava / lang / StringBuilder; -><init>() V

invoke-static {v0}, Ljava / lang / String; ->valueOf (I) Ljava / lang / String;

move-result-object v4

invoke-virtual {v3, v4}, Ljava / lang / StringBuilder; ->append (Ljava / lang / String;) Ljava / lang / StringBuilder;

const-string v4, ":"

invoke-virtual {v3, v4}, Ljava / lang / StringBuilder; ->append (Ljava / lang / String;) Ljava / lang / StringBuilder;

invoke-static {v1}, Lcom / android / keyguard / MiuiKeyguardUtils; ->formatTime (I) Ljava / lang / String;

move-result-object v4

invoke-virtual {v3, v4}, Ljava / lang / StringBuilder; ->append (Ljava / lang / String;) Ljava / lang / StringBuilder;

invoke-virtual {v3}, Ljava / lang / StringBuilder; ->toString () Ljava / lang / String;

move-result-object v3

invoke-virtual {v2, v3}, Landroid / widget / LinearLayout; ->setContentDescription (Ljava / lang / CharSequence;) V

iget-objectv2, P0, Lcom / android / keyguard / MiuiKeyguardClock; ->mHorizontalHour: Landroid / widget / TextView;

# Color horizontal hours

iget-object v6, p0, Lcom / android / keyguard / MiuiKeyguardClock; ->mContext: Landroid / content / Context;

invoke-virtual {v6}, Landroid / content / Context; ->getContentResolver () Landroid / content / ContentResolver;

move-result-object v6

const-string / jumbo v8, "unlock_clock_custom_color" # disable include Spark

const / 4 v7, 0x0

invoke-static {v6, v8, v7}, Landroid / provider / Settings $ System; ->getInt (Landroid / content / ContentResolver; Ljava / lang / String; I) I

move-result v7

if-eqz v7,: cond8f_

const-string v8, "lock_clock_text_color" # color choice

const v7, -0x1

invoke-static {v6, v8, v7}, Landroid / provider / Settings $ System; ->getInt (Landroid / content / ContentResolver; Ljava / lang / String; I) I

move-result v7

invoke-virtual {v2, V7}, Landroid / widget / TextView; ->setTextColor (I) V

: cond8f_

invoke-static {v0}, Ljava / lang / String; ->valueOf (I) Ljava / lang / String;

move-result-object v3

invoke-virtual {v2, v3}, Landroid / widget / TextView; ->setText (Ljava / lang / CharSequence;) V

iget-objectv2, P0, Lcom / android / keyguard / MiuiKeyguardClock; ->mVerticalHour: Landroid / widget / TextView;

# Color for vertical clock

iget-object v6, p0, Lcom / android / keyguard / MiuiKeyguardClock; ->mContext: Landroid / content / Context;

invoke-virtual {v6}, Landroid / content / Context; ->getContentResolver () Landroid / content / ContentResolver;

move-result-object v6

const-string / jumbo v8, "unlock_clock_custom_color"

const / 4 v7, 0x0

invoke-static {v6, v8, v7}, Landroid / provider / Settings $ System; ->getInt (Landroid / content / ContentResolver; Ljava / lang / String; I) I

move-result v7

if-eqz v7,: cond_b4_

const-string v8, "lock_clock_text_color"

const v7, -0x1

invoke-static {v6, v8, v7}, Landroid / provider / Settings $ System; ->getInt (Landroid / content / ContentResolver; Ljava / lang / String; I) I

move-result v7

invoke-virtual {v2, V7}, Landroid / widget / TextView; ->setTextColor (I) V

: cond_b4_

invoke-static {v0}, Lcom / android / keyguard / MiuiKeyguardUtils; ->formatTime (I) Ljava / lang / String;

move-result-object v3

invoke-virtual {v2, v3}, Landroid / widget / TextView; ->setText (Ljava / lang / CharSequence;) V

iget-objectv2, P0, Lcom / android / keyguard / MiuiKeyguardClock; ->mHorizontalMin: Landroid / widget / TextView;

# Color horizontal minutes

iget-object v6, p0, Lcom / android / keyguard / MiuiKeyguardClock; ->mContext: Landroid / content / Context;

invoke-virtual {v6}, Landroid / content / Context; ->getContentResolver () Landroid / content / ContentResolver;

move-result-object v6

const-string / jumbo v8, "unlock_clock_custom_color"

const / 4 v7, 0x0

invoke-static {v6, v8, v7}, Landroid / provider / Settings $ System; ->getInt (Landroid / content / ContentResolver; Ljava / lang / String; I) I

move-result v7

if-eqz v7,: cond_d9_

const-string v8, "lock_minutes_text_color"

const v7, -0x1

invoke-static {v6, v8, v7}, Landroid / provider / Settings $ System; ->getInt (Landroid / content / ContentResolver; Ljava / lang / String; I) I

move-result v7

invoke-virtual {v2, V7}, Landroid / widget / TextView; ->setTextColor (I) V

: cond_d9_

invoke-static {v1}, Lcom / android / keyguard / MiuiKeyguardUtils; ->formatTime (I) Ljava / lang / String;

move-result-object v3

invoke-virtual {v2, v3}, Landroid / widget / TextView; ->setText (Ljava / lang / CharSequence;) V

iget-objectv2, P0, Lcom / android / keyguard / MiuiKeyguardClock; ->mVerticalMin: Landroid / widget / TextView;

# Color for vertical minutes

iget-object v6, p0, Lcom / android / keyguard / MiuiKeyguardClock; ->mContext: Landroid / content / Context;

invoke-virtual {v6}, Landroid / content / Context; ->getContentResolver () Landroid / content / ContentResolver;

move-result-object v6

const-string / jumbo v8, "unlock_clock_custom_color"

const / 4 v7, 0x0

invoke-static {v6, v8, v7}, Landroid / provider / Settings $ System; ->getInt (Landroid / content / ContentResolver; Ljava / lang / String; I) I

move-result v7

if-eqz v7,: cond_fe_

const-string v8, "lock_minutes_text_color"

const v7, -0x1

invoke-static {v6, v8, v7}, Landroid / provider / Settings $ System; ->getInt (Landroid / content / ContentResolver; Ljava / lang / String; I) I

move-result v7

invoke-virtual {v2, V7}, Landroid / widget / TextView; ->setTextColor (I) V

: cond_fe_
invoke-static {v1}, Lcom / android / keyguard / MiuiKeyguardUtils; ->formatTime (I) Ljava / lang / String;

move-result-object v3

invoke-virtual {v2, v3}, Landroid / widget / TextView; ->setText (Ljava / lang / CharSequence;) V

iget-boolean v2, p0, Lcom / android / keyguard / MiuiKeyguardClock; ->m24HourFormat: Z

if-eqz v2,: cond_10d

const v2, 0x7f110401

goto: goto_110

: cond_10d
const v2, 0x7f110402

: goto_110
iget-objectv3, P0, Lcom / android / keyguard / MiuiKeyguardClock; ->mCurrentDate: Landroid / widget / TextView;

# Color for date

iget-object v6, p0, Lcom / android / keyguard / MiuiKeyguardClock; ->mContext: Landroid / content / Context;

invoke-virtual {v6}, Landroid / content / Context; ->getContentResolver () Landroid / content / ContentResolver;

move-result-object v6

const-string / jumbo v8, "unlock_clock_custom_color"

const / 4 v7, 0x0

invoke-static {v6, v8, v7}, Landroid / provider / Settings $ System; ->getInt (Landroid / content / ContentResolver; Ljava / lang / String; I) I

move-result v7

if-eqz v7,: cond_12e_

const-string v8, "lock_date_text_color"

const v7, -0x1

invoke-static {v6, v8, v7}, Landroid / provider / Settings $ System; ->getInt (Landroid / content / ContentResolver; Ljava / lang / String; I) I

move-result v7

invoke-virtual {v3, V7}, Landroid / widget / TextView; ->setTextColor (I) V

: cond_12e_

iget-object v4, p0, Lcom / android / keyguard / MiuiKeyguardClock; ->mCalendar: Lmiui / date / Calendar;

iget-object v5, p0, Lcom / android / keyguard / MiuiKeyguardClock; ->mContext: Landroid / content / Context;

invoke-virtual {v5, v2}, Landroid / content / Context; ->getString (I) Ljava / lang / String;

move-result-object v5

invoke-virtual {v4, v5}, Lmiui / date / Calendar; ->format (Ljava / lang / CharSequence;) Ljava / lang / String;

move-result-object v4

invoke-virtual {v3, v4}, Landroid / widget / TextView; ->setText (Ljava / lang / CharSequence;) V

iget-object v3, p0, Lcom / android / keyguard / MiuiKeyguardClock; ->mCalendar: Lmiui / date / Calendar;

const / 16 v4, 0xe

invoke-virtual {v3, v4}, Lmiui / date / Calendar; ->get (I) I

move-result v3

iget v4, p0, Lcom / android / keyguard / MiuiKeyguardClock; ->mCalendarDayOfWeek: I

if-eq v3, v4,: cond_14e

invoke-virtual {p0}, Lcom / android / keyguard / MiuiKeyguardClock; ->updateLunarCalendarInfo () V

iput v3, p0, Lcom / android / keyguard / MiuiKeyguardClock; ->mCalendarDayOfWeek: I

: cond_14e
.end method

Settings \ res \ xml \ wherever you feel comfortable
android: title = "color settings on the lock screen">
dependentsHide = "true"
android: title = "color settings on the lock screen"
android: key = "unlock_clock_custom_color"
android: defaultValue = "false"
android: summaryOn = "@ string / icon_on"
android: summaryOff = "@ string / icon_off" />
margin = "1"
android: title = "Text color clock"
android: key = "lock_clock_text_color"
android: dependency = "unlock_clock_custom_color"
android: defaultValue = "0xFFFFFFFF" />
margin = "1"
android: title = "Text Color minutes"
android: key = "lock_minutes_text_color"
android: dependency = "unlock_clock_custom_color"
android: defaultValue = "0xFFFFFFFF" />
margin = "1"
android: title = "color of the date text"
android: key = "lock_date_text_color"
android: dependency = "unlock_clock_custom_color"
android: defaultValue = "0xFFFFFFFF" />
</ PreferenceCategory>


Attached Image
Attached Image

Post has been editedMiPokser - 06.05.19, 16:15

Rep: (1626)
makss1975 @ 11.04.19, 16:44*
So what to do?
How do I know what to do. I have long had another phone.

Rep: (1626)
* makss1975 You may have noticed when you last edited the post so? Of course the phone will not start.

Rep: (1626)
* urii07029 Complaints, questions ??

Rep: (1626)
* hohol77 , Remembers the last task of the auto rotation
Attached fileScreenrecorder-2019-03-06-19-14-11-486.mp4(25.35 MB)

Rep: (1626)
Rusm @ 04/03/19, 20:08*
I want to also check out and innovate

Of course you want well this is not possible.
Rusm @ 04/03/19, 20:08*
The latest norms betka Connect as stabl 2.5.4

I and beta does not work

Post has been editedMiPokser - 04.03.19, 20:10

Rep: (1626)
* burhe Version 2.5.4
Attached Image

Yet not once did not give an error.
But if you put the version 2.6.0
could not connect to the server all day was such crap.

Rep: (1626)
MilkO26 @ 04.03.19, 16:56*
everything falls after assembly

Well, you can throw a log errors may mistake easy!

Rep: (1626)
* StarMixx999 , Well, it should all work. See settings can there. Mistake
Share xml file as added in the settings

Post has been editedMiPokser - 26.02.19, 20:12

Full version

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Time is now: 24/09/19, 23:01