Rep: (77)
Pochemuk @ 07/22/19, 15:55*
It wasexclusively about the game against Schuler on Travel.

Adated allocated. )))

You know, a game of luck, not skill.
Otherwise, they would go broke on slot machines. ;)

Well, Preference - see the cap.

Rep: (77)
Quote from the cap:
AndroidDev @ 01/01/13, 2:55 p.m.*
Short description :
Preference - the most popular Russian card game, the victory in which is more dependent on the skills of the player than on his luck.

But what about this?
MGAlex @ 07/22/19, 3:12 PM*
... you just need to wait for good luck when the card arrives good.

I confirm that it is so.
But then the hat should be corrected, it does not fit ...

Pochemuk @ 07/22/19, 15:43*
In addition, the concept of "re-mortgage" requires the player to never be mistaken in calculating the number of tricks. But you can only win from him if he makes a mistake!

And in Preference, it is he who wins less.
As, however, in chess, and in any other logical game.

The algorithm (debugged) cannot be mistaken.
There is no sense in competing with the algorithm.

Unless it is a slot machine with tokens and a case of fatal luck on the hands, but this is a completely different story ...

Indeed, the topic has been discussed a million times on various resources.
Rules are discussed by people before landing at the table.
Here are such rules, adapted.
Well, let's end there.

But personally, I would very much like to find the Preference with a full AI, with under-orders, errors, risks on the buy-in with a miserable, etc.
As soon as this appears - I’ll buy it for sure, even a thousand for 5 wooden ones. ;)

Post has been editedDust65 - 22.07.19, 16:10

Rep: (77)
I would love to continue the discussion, but my messages are deleted.

Therefore, I will be brief:
Pochemuk @ 07/18/19, 17:42*
The foundations of this Code were laid at the Founding Conference of the Society of Preference Lovers, held in MoscowJanuary 22-23, 1996

Those. Someone rewrote the Rules of Preference, which I personally played somewhere from 1985 in the companies of exclusively officers of the USSR Armed Forces, according to the rules by which Old Man Makhno played.

I agree that the TE rules for sports tournaments are not suitable, since the main purpose of the TOGO Preference was to enjoy communication and a pleasant pastime, and not victory in the competition or the amount of the final win.

Therefore, let's still Preference, intended for the game of people in a sincere company, not to be confused with Maryazh, its truncated version, adapted for sports.
Both that, and that has absolutely identical right to existence, but identity of names introduces confusion.

For some reason, the Paintball Tournament (analogy to the bullet in Preference) and the competition for trap shooting in the shooting gallery (analogy to the party in Maryazh) come to mind.
Both there and there they shoot from a weapon, and there and there is a competition, the difference is only in the process.

du_ @ 07/22/19, 00:41*
... Then you can drag in any hat about re-mortgages / stupid algorithms / etc ...

Well, yes, 23 years have passed since 1996.
Having visited the shooting gallery, a new generation of gadgets is coming out with a used teddy bear and saying "Wow! Cool, I drove paintball today!".
And this is normal!

Only the names of the types of competitions must be applied correctly.

Post has been editedDust65 - 22.07.19, 14:20

Rep: (77)
"Let's argue about the taste of oysters, let's.
Only with those who have tried oysters. "
(c) M.S. Zhvanetsky

MGAlex @ 07/11/19, 11:35*
... the non-existent concept of "under-ordering" ...

OK. There is no concept of under-ordering, for example.

We take the real situation: 4 human players add a bullet. It’s getting light outside the window, the beginning of the fourth morning. In each of them, 0.5 cognac ...: rolleyes:
1. Can a person in such a situation be miscalculated and instead of 7 senior trumps on his hand at his approach, count them as 6 and order a game for 6? Can. Wrong.
2. Or maybe a person who was left without a bribe at the 9th game at the last hand to freak out and at 9 on his hands to order a game for 6? Can. He freaked out and decided to raise the slide from his rivals. So, not for the sake of the final gain, but for the sake of raising the hill with them.

In both cases - UNDERSTANDING.

On the other hand, I agree with you that:
MGAlex @ 07/11/19, 11:35*
HaveAIMATHEMATICAL ALGORITHM such a thing as "under-ordering" is missing by definition. He never sits just because he wants to. He calculates all the options and if there is an option that he may not get it, he will not order more.

That's right, I agree 200%!

Question: So this one, to which you refer to the "Code of Preference", is it related to the game of real people? NOT! This "scribble" has nothing to do with either people or the Preference that people play.

So what does it relate to? That's right, to some MATHEMATICAL ALGORITHM, which is in no way Preference. Moreover, earlier it had the name of a certain game MARYAGE, but not Preference in any way.

1. The game should return the historical name - MARJAGE. What was given to her by the authors of MATHEMATICAL ALGORITHMS trying to imitate partners for playing Preference for a person. But it did not work out, the algorithms of a living person did not replace.
2. The “Preference Code” you mentioned is required to be interpreted as the “Code of Marriage” - a game that has nothing to do with the real Preference. So, some kind of masturbation, due to the lack of a real partner. : blush:

Kpr @ 07/11/19, 13:37*
The other options of preference that I saw play weaker and it’s just not interesting with them.

Personally, I ONLY play on-line Preference with real partner people.
I have not seen a program that could replace or at least imitate living people when playing Preference.

Rep: (77)
* MGAlex, Duc from this version of the preference, I really left. But on 4pda I stay and try to convey to you, as a developer, a few truths. Thanks for the feedback.

1. I have already cited several analogies; I will give one more. The algorithms are wonderful, the computer considers them to be more perfect than the human brain. As a result, playing this “game” is like competing with a calculator, who will multiply two numbers faster and more correctly. Hooray, you won at the "schoolchild" level, correctly multiplied 2x2, won 100 chips, go to the next level, multiply double-digit numbers. Etc. But the calculator, the infection, correctly multiplies both 20-digit and 200-digit numbers. And he has the most correct algorithm. Is it interesting to play such a game with a calculator? Buy chips to beat the calculator by multiplying 15-digit numbers? I don’t.

2. I repeat: these are algorithms. Debugged, error-free, and the concept of AI does not apply to them.

3. And finally, Preference - the game is negotiable. Players sit down at the table, and first of all they discuss, Sochinka or Peter, how much for a whist, how they thank for the gorgeous distribution of the distributor, how they punish the player for under-ordering, how they punish the deliberate infiltration of the second player, etc. etc. Contract players with each other. Within the framework of a "Code of Preference". Like the real life of a person under the Criminal Code. Now this will be a game with AI, replacing real human players. I think that at this stage of IT Co. development, this is still fantastic.

So do it, go for it, and maybe someday we will see this very full-fledged replacement of the person-partner in the game of Preference in the form of a full-fledged AI.

Until next time on 4pda. : thank_you:

Rep: (77)
* kpr to consider probabilities better and faster than a computer algorithm? Are you serious?

Equally well, a weightlifter can compete with a crane.

The question is, what is the interest of the weightlifter to buy more chips in this futile competition?
Intelligence to measure with AI crane? : rofl:

Or ... A weightlifter must still compete with other weightlifters, and not with a "schoolboy" level crane.

Well, or the developer must provide the crane with a full AI, so that he can compete with the human weightlifter, and not stupidly raise 50 tons and dump them on the weightlifter, in full accordance with the established algorithm. And then laugh that you, weightlifter, goof and play by Loch’s rules. But this is from the realm of fiction.

Post has been editedDust65 - 10.07.19, 19:51

Rep: (77)
A bit wrong))
1. With a bookmark on two fourth jacks on one hand after a pair of change no one else will play. What we have. ;)
2. Do not use the term AI anymore. This is not true. The player is dealing with a probabilistic mathematical algorithm, according to which if the probability of the layout of two fourth jacks on one hand is greater than zero, then it will be taken into account.

Rep: (77)
MGAlex @ 07/02/19, 11:27*
The program is an excellent player, it has the best preference game algorithms from the leading Preference players, and not from the gop company in the gateway.
The fact that you are not very versed in the preference, I already understood, but you do not need to blame the program, the developers, anyone, but not yourself.

If we add that this is your personal conclusion (in a compartment with the presenters you mentioned), then I completely agree.
I hope your "elite software" with a total reorder of 6 as 9 will meet massive demand.

Well, we are where it is easier.
Where the candelabrum stands right on the table so that all the players can see it, and where they kill for a “pass on three aces” (c)

One of the first chess super-computers, playing with black, thought for a long time after the first move of a man with the white pawn E2-E4.
Then, without making a single retaliatory move, he issued - I GIVE UP!
And he did it right, withabsolutely faultless White’s play, the first move of the E2-E4 pawn leads to the inevitable victory of White.

Do you think a lot of people bought such a perfect chess computer?
Or did many grandmasters want to fight him?
Oh ...

Rep: (77)
MGAlex @ 07/02/19, 09:11*
This is not the first time that people who are used to playing in the yard according to their far-fetched rules and who believe that there is such a thing as pre-order in preference are writing. There is no such thing in preference.

Right. People are used to playing with people and require the same from the program.
About the under-order, which of the people did not play with, according to different rules, but in all companies there was a "candelabrum for wort" for under-order.
There are other rules, okay, let's move on ...

MGAlex @ 07/02/19, 09:11*
By itself. But it’s human nature to think, bluff and invent non-standard moves. On the meager, this can be very clearly demonstrated when the wrong buy comes. You fold those cards that logically do not need to fold. AI, of course, plays the standard and logical options and often does not guess.

I correctly understood that you yourself perfectly understand thatthis program does not replace a partner person when playing preference?

Rep: (77)
MGAlex @ 07/01/19, 20:58*
So maybe the problem is not in AI, but in a player who can’t easily figure out the options?

I do not pretend to be a mathematician who considers probabilities in the mind in real time, but ...

MGAlex @ 07/01/19, 20:58*
Do you think the first one to write about this?

So I’m talking about this fact that they are not writing to you for the first time, and you are only criticizing the criticism.
And I read the explanations to the screenshots with the calculation of the probabilities and buyback, and alignment.
And even found a bug in them - they do not take into account the "human factor", i.e. whether another player ordered the game, what suit he reached in the order, etc.
Or maybe he’s bluffing at all?

This is not AI, but bare mathematical algorithms.
And the computer considers them better than any person, there can be no doubt.

The mortgage on helicopter handouts at games 6 as 9 can be compared with accident statistics at unregulated pedestrian crossings.
If you give it to this AI, then it will not fit closer than 50 meters to the roadway. And the road will never cross.
Something like that, if in the form of an analogy.

MGAlex @ 07/01/19, 20:58*
Not amenable to? So choose schoolchildren, there you will be God.

Not really, without me.
I will continue to play in another Preference, with a full-fledged online under Android, where I have + ~ 3000 on-line.
Yes, and I play it on the phone.
In glasses of current ...: blush:

Post has been editedDust65 - 02.07.19, 09:09

Rep: (77)
The phrase "support the developer" paid a little less than 200 rubles. without a twinge of conscience.
Well, 4 of some kind of Muhosransk went in years. In the evening I reached Odessa.
The next evening I started from Odessa.

No, the purchase is not in my mirzer issues no questions. Three tricks, so three tricks.
Dudes with order 6 as 9 raise questions. Both.
AI speak? A candelabrum, with 8 on hand, an order for 6?

No guys.
I personally have not met the worst Preference.

Well, the fact that you can only play on a 10 'tablet is a separate topic.
He went to another preference for Android. With full on-line, albeit on candy wrappers. And on the phone everything is visible in it.

Post has been editedDust65 - 01.07.19, 20:13
Reason for editing: Bucket AI

Rep: (77)
Those. it turns out that for a larger mass and a large% rate?

Just stating a fact.

Judging by the completely different SB-online interfaces for Windows and Android, they have different developers.
It may well be that the Vinduz programmers have long been reduced, so there’s no one to change the number in the butt.
But this is only one version of my personal speculation. ;)

Rep: (77)
DkmS @ ​​12.19.18, 12:17*
Deposit rate depending on the brand of phone

The program interface and even the contribution rate depending on the OS - yes.

Rep: (77)
DkmS @ ​​12/18/18, 17:10*
One Sberbank remained of the support.

Here it was necessary to throw money on an online deposit.
Well, so that an easily accessible large amount does not dangle on the account of the card itself, in case of loss of the card ...

So, if you open an "Online contribution" to the Security Council from Android, then it will be (at that time) 6.5% per annum. I tried it myself, checked it.
But the money had to be deposited into the wife’s account, and she had my ex Lumiya 650. So from her “Online deposit” in the Security Council at the same time, the same amount was opened only at 5.3% per annum.
So it supports, but with its interest. } -)

And now she bought Samsung, a black single-lyme Lumiya in very good condition is lying around not in demand.
Who is interested in it “not in Moscow”, “for prestige”, or for what other purposes? : blush:

Rep: (77)
* DkmS, I can help you ...
Seek the truthhere.
: thank_you:

Rep: (77)
Vorobejsawka @ 03/11/18, 08:56*
why so ...

Because you are cool and blunt-handed, and I'm stupid and hand-assed.
But this was not always the case, and I, too, was once abruptly and straight-handed, but now give it so that everything out of the box works as it should. ;)

Rep: (77)
Astropilot @ 03/10/18, 19:14*
Well, how can you get rid of it?


I have HTC HD2 on WM 6.5 still in perfect condition, it’s in the box in a complete set.
You can even call and SMS on it.

Yes, but even the weather can’t be updated, not to mention not working browsers and instant messengers.
The OS developers abandoned, and the butts themselves passed away.

Such is the marketing policy of the richest man.

Rep: (77)
Amosk59 @ 03/10/18, 16:39*
A more or less correct comparison would be with the 640th on WP 8.1 about a year and a half ago.

Inspired by:
“Did you sweat the patient before death?”
- Oh, doctor, sweating, sweating a lot!
- It's good!

So, alas, my main idea “it is necessary to jump off - the fact” remains the same.

Rep: (77)
Amosk59 @ 03/10/18, 16:06*
... and the 650th with its 212m Snaps works on the latest build of W10M.

Well, I don’t mind.
And even I am a fan of Microsoft already with VM2003 and Kutekov, which is why it is triple insulting for such a swindle on their part.
But the fact remains.

Yes, but I never had a Joptafon, it just stuck.
Now I'm with Xiaomi Ridmi 4IKS at MIUI 9-some, the difference on the same type of applications is not just noticeable, but at times.
Well, I never entered the topic about this device, because there is no need, unlike the L650.

Rep: (77)
Duc, for almost 30 rubles now, what kind of "competitor" is the L650?
This is the top category already, a competitor for Nokia 9 or Galaxy S7.

But it is necessary to jump off, fact.
From time to time, you have to take her L650 from my wife - damn, what kind of brake it is, compared to not even the top iron of my Chinese androidphone for 15 rubles.

But the paradox is that she is happy with everything and does not want to change her!

Post has been editedDust65 - 10.03.18, 15:47

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