Rules section "Windows Phone - Firmware"
1. In the section "Windows Phone - firmware" are all Forum ,
unless otherwise provided by these Rules .
2. Rules for creating themes: 2.1. The "Windows Phone - Firmware" section discusses firmware for devices on the Windows Phone platform, recovery via Jtag (other similar hardware), and the creation of unofficial firmware.
2.2. Discussion of the firmware of each device is conducted in a separate topic.
Discussion of specific firmware issues, their flaws and other issues related to these firmware is conducted only in the topics on the corresponding firmware..
2.4. Before you create a topic, check out a list of similar topics — perhaps a similar topic already exists! To do this, use the function
"Search ", type in the search bar the name of the device and mark - look in the headers. Duplication of topics is punishable (at the discretion of the moderator: PO for 1 day, in case of repeated violation for a period of 3 days).
Creating topics that are not subject to the Rules 2.1 - 2.4 sectionprohibited! The topic will be closed, and its author can be punished at the discretion of the moderator.
2.6. Administration of the forum reserves the right to create in the section of topics devoted to the topics of the section and / or the work of the section and forum.
3. Rules for writing posts: 3.1. Before asking a question, read the FAQ on the Device and the Firmware (the link to the FAQ is located in the header of the discussion thread of the device firmware), if there is one. Users asking questions, the answers to which are listed in the FAQ of the corresponding device, can be punished at the discretion of the moderator (PO from 1 to 3 days).
3.2. It is forbidden to ask questions that are not directly related to a specific topic, do not carry a semantic load and have a clearly stimulating character (especially such as "When will you lay out?", "How long should the firmware be?" And similar).
3.3. To discuss the general issues of operating the PDA, there is a section "
Windows Phone - First Aid". Ornaments are discussed in"
Windows Phone - Ornaments". If you are new to the PDA, we recommend to start asking your questions in the subject."
Ambulance on Windows Phone".
3.4. It is forbidden to discuss any device - for this there is a section "
Windows Phone - Devices".
3.5. It is forbidden to post ads for the sale and purchase of something. Any trade on the forum is allowed only in the section "
Flea market"
3.6. It is forbidden to discuss any issues related to the repair and service. For this there is a section "
Repair and Service".
3.7. For violation of rules 3.2 - 3.6, users can be punished at the discretion of the moderator.
Post has been editedkovalDN - 14.03.15, 12:15Reason for editing: Windows Phone