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Member Reputation History6y4 [+3/-4]
UserFrom the topicExplanationLevelTime
NikShelestIn the profile;)27.10.15, 23:48
algatodIn the profileThe reason is begging and breaking the rules.23.10.15, 22:29
NikShelestIn the profilenefig beg23.10.15, 21:11
grigoshaIn the profileMy Orthodox schoolchildren scrapes17.05.15, 14:57
Leha-62RUSIn the profilenot at all30.05.14, 00:11
Alexey883iPhone 5S - DiscussionAn excellent review and the girl is good!25.09.13, 13:25
titan52HTC One - Accessories (M7)For a useful link, brother, and with the first plus of you! :)18.03.13, 21:49
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