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Member Reputation HistoryHeadmast [+14/-1]
UserFrom the topicExplanationLevelTime
RustyConstants for UI view++19.10.16, 15:11
JurchelloWhere does the FB account come from: from the settings, application or browser?Thank!17.09.16, 20:30
directorgeneralIn the profileFor help in the development of the Apple section!17.08.16, 08:34
JurchelloAutomatic transfer of data from the server to the application without a request from the application itselfThanks for the help!26.07.16, 23:49
kaerusContinuous Integration in the CloudThank you for references on hosting12.06.16, 12:18
hunter255Support for software developers and games for Apple iOSfor evaluating my application15.09.15, 17:29
venomzverIn the profileAfter two months08.07.15, 17:32
venomzverIn the profileNot responding (07.07.15, 01:55
FilislavIOS LibraryFor a link to a good course on Swift12.06.15, 19:03
KUKUndrikIn the profileFor work in the subject11.06.15, 08:52
directorgeneralIOS Programming | Making gamesFor help in filling the section10.06.15, 21:19
toxa29In the profilexcode10.06.15, 13:36
directorgeneralIOS Programming | Making gamesFor "Beginning Swift Games Development for iOS"09.06.15, 23:17
directorgeneralIOS Programming | Creating programsFor the list of references21.05.15, 21:04
OrsoBearIn the profileFor my post a year ago .. I read it myself, and I was surprised :)23.02.12, 21:53
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