Member Reputation History
Alex [+1081/-0]
User | From the topic | Explanation | Level | Time |
soshomits | Huawei E173 - Firmware | Helped theme with firmware | | Yesterday, 16:37 |
DIZEN-X | Huawei E5830 - Discussion | Unlock Router Huawei e 5830 | | 01.03.19, 18:09 |
k12shuma | Huawei E173 - Firmware | For information on unlocking Huawei E173 | | 08.12.18, 19:13 |
drummer_ua | Huawei E1550 - Firmware | Thank! | | 03.11.18, 23:27 |
✪Che✪ | In the profile | Thank you for your feedback! | | 13.10.18, 00:47 |
KOT-BE3DEXOD | Huawei E1550 - Firmware | + by Napoliash | | 07.06.18, 18:08 |
uPlayMIX | WP Registry Tweaks | Thanks for tweaks. | | 18.02.18, 12:15 |
outerdrift | Microsoft Lumia 640 XL - Discussion | Important question | | 14.12.17, 16:37 |
KOT-BE3DEXOD | Huawei E173 - Firmware | + by blacksmithkz | | 06.11.17, 10:16 |
ctich | Huawei E173 - Firmware | + from welzan | | 05.05.17, 16:36 |
m.o.n.y | Huawei E173 - Firmware | thanks for the help | | 29.03.17, 09:04 |
ctich | Huawei E160 - Firmware | + by Elena_V. | | 14.03.17, 23:37 |
Nikolay Cheremushinsky | In the profile | For nostalgia | | 10.03.17, 16:58 |
Nikolay Cheremushinsky | In the profile | For nostalgia | | 10.03.17, 16:58 |
davidluiz4 | In the profile | For the button | | 25.02.17, 12:41 |
Akov | In the profile | + | | 27.12.16, 13:32 |
ivanov_lex | In the profile | Help | | 25.08.16, 03:38 |
artem1701 | Huawei E1550 - Discussion | + by serza30 | | 21.08.16, 14:02 |
Bawell | Windows Phone FAQ | The FAQ compiled by this person really helped me! | | 18.08.16, 14:58 |
svm | Huawei E1550 - Firmware | + by liaximka | | 22.07.16, 04:38 |
Shoore | Huawei E173 - Firmware | + from slay1390: „thank you very much“ | | 28.06.16, 20:26 |
nnb.alex | Instructions for connecting file-Internet storages as virtual disks | For a cloud theme like a network drive | | 04.04.16, 22:10 |
fvv34 | Huawei E5830 - Discussion | Thanks, all worked well | | 18.03.16, 18:12 |
StenIvanovich | In the profile | for info on 3g modem | | 06.03.16, 13:38 |
Artemios | Catalog of games for Windows Phone | Found what I was looking for. | | 16.02.16, 19:21 |
svm | Huawei E1550 - Firmware | + by Roman_V_P | | 11.02.16, 21:10 |
Fade in flames | Huawei E1550 - Firmware | + from Captain | | 17.11.15, 18:54 |
bobN | Huawei E150 - Firmware | Cps | | 09.10.15, 11:50 |
Aleksey * 77 | In the profile | very helpful in firmware | | 10.09.15, 21:52 |
Shoore | Huawei E173 - Firmware | + from _ObormoT_: Thank you | | 07.08.15, 16:49 |
smoke7 | In the profile | Thanks for the | | 17.07.15, 18:58 |
KUKUndrik | Windows Phone FAQ | + by d_vaki | | 12.07.15, 17:23 |
fort13 | Huawei E5830 - Discussion | Thanks for the instruction! | | 08.07.15, 09:12 |
tab | In the profile | + from Irina | | 14.05.15, 23:29 |
tab | In the profile | + from Irina | | 14.05.15, 23:28 |
tab | In the profile | + from Irina | | 14.05.15, 23:28 |
tab | In the profile | + from Irina | | 14.05.15, 23:28 |
ctich | Huawei E1550 - Firmware | + from Stiketsosina | | 08.05.15, 16:08 |
Ivan N | In the profile | For the | | 22.04.15, 02:57 |
Cybertron A.D. | In the profile | For Internet settings from Beeline. | | 07.04.15, 17:51 |
John59rus | Huawei E173 - Firmware | m | | 05.04.15, 13:20 |
Twaikyont | ReactOS | + | | 24.03.15, 22:45 |
KOT-BE3DEXOD | Huawei E173 - Firmware | +1 from evgen708090 | | 07.12.14, 15:34 |
xronos92 | In the profile | + | | 25.11.14, 23:43 |
CH.U.SH | [WP8.1] Tetra Lockscreen | + for the completion of the catalog of programs! | | 19.11.14, 11:11 |
CH.U.SH | Cellular data | Thank you for the new program. | | 23.09.14, 14:02 |
SPIDER3220 | [WP8.1] Live Lock Screen | It has long been not seen you! Thanks for the good program that does not work: D | | 17.09.14, 12:47 |
CH.U.SH | [WP8.1] Live Lock Screen | Thanks for the new program! | | 17.09.14, 08:04 |
Yozhig | [WP8.1] Microsoft Remote Desktop | Well, finally I waited for my native RDP! Thank! | | 16.09.14, 14:16 |
fred_912 | Instructions for connecting file-Internet storages as virtual disks | For good advice) | | 02.08.14, 08:36 |
ctich | Huawei E5830 - Discussion | + by asaka40 | | 25.07.14, 16:17 |
flyko | Huawei E1550 - Discussion | Thank you for activating voice calls in the modem. | | 10.07.14, 23:49 |
svm | Huawei E1550 - Firmware | + from [b] vumpel [/ b] | | 28.06.14, 13:46 |
CH.U.SH | [WP8] Tag Editor | Thank you for updating the WP program catalog. | | 04.06.14, 08:50 |
Black fish | Windows Phone Software Directory | + by user2030 | | 27.05.14, 11:17 |
biboy85 | Windows Phone 8.1 Update | Thank ) | | 17.05.14, 00:00 |
SPIDER3220 | [WP8.1] Microsoft Remote Desktop | I'll ruin your perfect byte reputation :) | | 25.04.14, 10:52 |
CH.U.SH | [WP8.1] Microsoft Remote Desktop | Thank you for updating the WP program catalog. | | 24.04.14, 08:05 |
CH.U.SH | Search programs | + by blackarrow | | 22.04.14, 11:03 |
fred_912 | Windows Phone Software Directory | Help | | 17.04.14, 19:02 |
zoroz74 | Windows Phone 8.1 Update | Answer | | 17.04.14, 10:44 |
khv.windrunner | Windows Phone 8.1 Update | OS screens | | 15.04.14, 17:55 |
Antitarakan | Windows Phone 8.1 Update | Thank you for such a complete screenshots session! | | 15.04.14, 09:01 |
Igor37rus | Windows Phone 8.1 Update | Thanks for the detailed screenshots. | | 15.04.14, 08:36 |
Dooin | In the profile | for the button | | 09.04.14, 23:46 |
svm | Huawei E173 - Firmware | + from [b] modjahed911 [/ b] | | 20.03.14, 15:26 |
rambo90 | Windows Phone Power Tools | Thank you, everything worked fine. | | 15.03.14, 19:00 |
Q3min | Skydrive | thank | | 13.03.14, 08:42 |
pccrumb | Huawei E1550 - Discussion | Thanks for the topic on firmware Huawei e1550 modems | | 09.03.14, 09:27 |
DimchoII | Huawei E1550 - Firmware | Some thanks;) | | 02.03.14, 13:14 |
Dexxy | Huawei E173 - Firmware | For the Huawei E173 Firmware FAQ | | 27.02.14, 13:58 |
shrby | In the profile | Good news | | 13.02.14, 23:38 |
ShamanKing11 | Huawei E173 - Firmware | + | | 26.01.14, 20:59 |
Karibou_s | All the Funniest | :) | | 28.12.13, 14:56 |
Dr @ ko_n | Windows Phone FAQ | + | | 07.12.13, 22:23 |
Black fish | Twitter | + from Klyuvka | | 24.11.13, 05:17 |
CH.U.SH | Windows Phone Power Tools | Thank you for updating the WP program catalog. | | 28.10.13, 09:55 |
CH.U.SH | WP8 Registry Tools | Thank you for updating the WP program catalog. | | 28.10.13, 09:54 |
svm | Huawei E5830 - Firmware | + from [b] modjahed911 [/ b]: Thank you! | | 15.09.13, 21:32 |
gabby | Huawei E5830 - Discussion | for help in unlocking Huawei e 5830 | | 08.09.13, 18:25 |
Billard | Huawei E1550 - Firmware | + by fhntvrf | | 05.09.13, 11:36 |
SlaY3RRR | WP Registry Tweaks | thousand | | 05.09.13, 11:01 |
Yasha! | In the profile | pf gjvjom | | 05.09.13, 08:15 |
mfss | In the profile | http: // thanks | | 04.09.13, 21:48 |
Nj_DADE | In the profile | extra for chrome! | | 01.09.13, 23:11 |
Bloodyfoxy | Huawei E5830 - Firmware | The hat is quite good, though the firmware for Huawei is outdated. | | 31.08.13, 14:24 |
Bell071 | In the profile | get out! | | 24.08.13, 19:56 |
vit555 | Instructions for connecting file-Internet storages as virtual disks | For - "Instructions for connecting SkyDrive, Google Docs, 4shared or Dropbox as virtual disks." | | 18.08.13, 02:46 |
Caleb_Crow | Windows Phone Software Directory | Thank. | | 07.08.13, 13:29 |
gu09 | Huawei E5830 - Discussion | For instructions on unlocking the router Huawei e5830 | | 23.07.13, 21:30 |
azruhal | Huawei E173 - Firmware | unlocking huawei e173 | | 21.07.13, 15:35 |
freeztyle | Huawei E173 - Firmware | Huawei E173 | | 18.07.13, 23:01 |
grandfather Nikifor | HTC 7 Mozart - Firmware | thank | | 18.07.13, 09:24 |
wapfy | Windows Phone FAQ | thanks for the WP FAQ | | 03.07.13, 13:27 |
svm | Huawei E5830 - Discussion | + from djfeist: ATP for unlock router | | 27.06.13, 12:32 |
svm | Huawei E5830 - Discussion | + from Evgeny Nick | | 15.06.13, 20:21 |
svm | Huawei E1550 - Firmware | + from ice43: thanks for the posted firmware. Install easily and quickly, and most importantly - no problem. | | 15.06.13, 13:18 |
IroNick_nv | Instructions for connecting file-Internet storages as virtual disks | ATP, what I was looking for | | 08.06.13, 12:38 |
Billard | Huawei E173 - Firmware | + by grabd477 | | 06.06.13, 09:03 |
Billard | Huawei E5830 - Discussion | + from Evgeny Nick | | 02.06.13, 10:05 |