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Member Reputation HistoryMonser [+8/-0]
UserFrom the topicExplanationLevelTime
zzwzzHead unit ML-CK1018 and similar, based on MT / AC8227L processor - Discussionthank you friend10.10.19, 14:38
mbnzHead unit ML-CK1018 and similar, based on MT / AC8227L processor - Discussion+27.08.19, 13:50
Ashik131In the profileAll clear)25.12.18, 18:34
carmusMEKEDE U708 188L processor AC8227l (MTK8227L) - DiscussionFor the answer to the topic24.12.18, 22:48
forenliteIn the profileHelps with firmware16.12.18, 20:28
de_ravenHead unit ML-CK1018 and similar, based on MT / AC8227L processor - DiscussionFor explanation and beastriy answer + in karma11.12.18, 01:17
sandr2010Head unit ML-CK1018 and similar, based on MT / AC8227L processor - DiscussionThanks for the firmware06.12.18, 19:09
sandr2010Manufacturer: TS356XSZTL on the ARMv7 Processor rev 3 (v7l) ac8227l process - DiscussionThanks for the firmware.03.12.18, 16:13
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