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Member Reputation Historyq1LLa [+5/-1]
UserFrom the topicExplanationLevelTime
erevanski777In the profileFor help08.12.20, 23:22
wartoyiPhone 11 - PurchaseTotal: 64990.00 - 4224.35 (Cashbeck.ru) - 6499,10 - 649.00 (Tinkoff) = 53 617,55 (final value of iPhone 11 128 GB)
Cashbek amounted to 4 224.35 + 6 499,1 + 649 = 11 372,45 rub
05.11.19, 20:53
-ReborN-iPhone 11 (2019) - DiscussionHelped with a claim22.10.19, 09:15
EugeneCHNiPhone 11 (2019) - DiscussionThere is a branch marriage21.10.19, 23:17
shornik15In the profile+14.07.17, 17:54
Callump01In the profileTo start30.01.17, 16:12
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