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Member Reputation Historyhamster89 [+85/-1]
UserFrom the topicExplanationLevelTime
ulmeIn the profilethanks for the help and patience15.11.13, 20:07
Sled0pytRussification Motorola ATRIX 2for Russifier for atrix 228.09.13, 21:36
Goone-rRussification Motorola ATRIX 2for Russification for atrix 222.08.13, 12:42
svitaliiaRussification Motorola ATRIX 2For translation22.07.13, 06:44
denwrcIn the profileplus12.05.13, 21:09
Rem_offRussification Motorola ATRIX 2thank03.04.13, 12:58
BespectacledRussification Motorola ATRIX 2+ by Mythistofel18.03.13, 21:09
rotor65In the profile+ for rusik!18.03.13, 18:06
Chester103Russification Motorola ATRIX 2For the crack for Atrix, 19:56
GridzillaRussification Motorola ATRIX 2+ from tumkiv15.03.13, 03:25
serraxerModification of software and decorations for Motorola ATRIX 2thank.10.03.13, 12:38
lordawerdIn the profileWe are waiting for the update of the crack =)04.03.13, 18:16
xxcombatIn the profilefor rusik and T9 for Atrix HD25.02.13, 12:24
lordawerdRussification Motorola ATRIX 2thanks for atrix 2 and for hd24.02.13, 18:39
lordawerdIn the profilefor rusik for ATRIX HD23.02.13, 14:49
vladicsIn the profileAssistance in the Russification of Atrix HD.23.02.13, 12:07
xxcombatIn the profilefor AtrixHD Russian mod23.02.13, 12:03
CarlitoIn the profilefor search23.02.13, 10:55
BespectacledRussification Motorola ATRIX 2+ from tumkiv: Thank you very much for the work done.20.02.13, 17:47
Homyak_PGRussification Motorola ATRIX 2Thank you so much for the translation!20.02.13, 16:18
knol2005Russification Motorola ATRIX 213 rusik at atrix 220.02.13, 12:00
Valeos01Russification Motorola ATRIX 2thank you so much for working with russian20.02.13, 08:52
lordawerdRussification Motorola ATRIX 2Senkyu for Rusik18.02.13, 17:55
sl @ v1Russification Motorola ATRIX 2+11.02.13, 20:25
CarlitoEditing framework-res.apkCamera.apk :) yesterday suffered, while it happened, it was really necessary without compression, and in the morning I read the message! Anyway, the SPS is great :)06.02.13, 12:26
vmaximRussification Motorola ATRIX 2+ from Vermin01303.02.13, 16:27
Valeos01Russification Motorola ATRIX 2thanks for the work done with the locator28.01.13, 21:53
ensaierRussification Motorola ATRIX 2For the crack. Thank.26.01.13, 22:15
knol2005Russification Motorola ATRIX 2Thanks for the Russian scroll bar in contacts.22.01.13, 12:01
08sv80Russification Motorola ATRIX 2THX20.01.13, 22:04
matrix0406Russification Motorola ATRIX 2+03.01.13, 20:18
Lugaru007Russification Motorola ATRIX 2Thanks for the help...11.12.12, 17:53
Valeos01Russification Motorola ATRIX 2thank you for the explanation04.12.12, 17:09
id_snakeRussification Motorola ATRIX 2for crack13.11.12, 11:32
SvÑ–tozarRussification Motorola ATRIX 2+21.10.12, 21:07
GridzillaRussification Motorola ATRIX 2+ by pr0_zu21.10.12, 15:16
id_snakeRussification Motorola ATRIX 2so it was 5004.10.12, 22:56
id_snakeRussification Motorola ATRIX 2for rusik to ICS $)04.10.12, 22:56
Rem_offRussification Motorola ATRIX 2For quick help and invaluable contribution to the Russification)))26.09.12, 16:37
val1313Russification Motorola ATRIX 2For continuing work on Rusik20.09.12, 01:26
FEAR4ikIn the profileEugene, are you?)19.09.12, 16:51
AntonKuznetsovIn the profileRussification Atrix 214.09.12, 09:41
matrix0406Russification Motorola ATRIX 2Thanks for the crack.03.09.12, 13:18
hell1987Russification Motorola ATRIX 2for the cause)03.09.12, 11:59
AI7ENRussification Motorola ATRIX 2for crack30.08.12, 22:20
id_snakeRussification Motorola ATRIX 2for starting work at Rusik, 22:14
sl @ v1Russification Motorola ATRIX 2for crack28.08.12, 23:32
perog24Russification Motorola ATRIX 2for rusik to ICS AT & T 4.0.428.08.12, 12:24
GridzillaRussification Motorola ATRIX 2+ by Dargov28.08.12, 05:51
4ipolinosRussification Motorola ATRIX 2for rusik27.08.12, 23:08
knol2005Russification Motorola ATRIX 2for Russification ics27.08.12, 11:04
ChngzRussification Motorola ATRIX 2for Rusik for Atrix 2, aha)26.08.12, 22:30
Aibolit68Russification Motorola ATRIX 2thanks for the translation26.08.12, 11:47
4ipolinosRussification Motorola ATRIX 2Crack for motorola atrix 226.08.12, 07:01
val1313Russification Motorola ATRIX 2For the support of the theme of Russification. Well, with the past you!26.08.12, 01:22
EorlindRussification Motorola ATRIX 2for work)23.08.12, 09:59
11sword11In the profileFor t9 in Russian in the caller droid pro08.08.12, 02:40
id_snakeModification of software and decorations for Motorola ATRIX 2OK02.08.12, 15:37
id_snakeModification of software and decorations for Motorola ATRIX 2for crack02.08.12, 15:25
val1313Russification Motorola ATRIX 2Congratulations on being a curator!06.07.12, 11:13
~ K ~ A ~ I ~ N ~Modification of software and decorations for Motorola ATRIX 2Thanks for the information!05.07.12, 13:45
EnityMotorola Atrix 2 - Firmware (OS 2.3 Gingerbread)miui mirror27.06.12, 12:44
DarthieModification of software and decorations for Motorola ATRIX 2For a great idea and effort16.06.12, 23:40
DarthieModification of software and decorations for Motorola ATRIX 2Very cool stuff :)16.06.12, 23:39
AbominatorRussification Motorola ATRIX 2Thanks for the contribution to the Russification of Atrix-2Thank you very much:) There is no problem with English, but Russian is more pleasant to see.10.06.12, 20:33
ChngzIn the profilefor rusik for Atrix 207.06.12, 16:38
ChngzRussification Motorola ATRIX 2For an exhaustive answer04.06.12, 04:06
kushnir-aIn the profileThanks for the Russification01.06.12, 22:58
bogdanruslan91Motorola Atrix 2 - Firmware (OS 2.3 Gingerbread)thank19.05.12, 14:39
knol2005Russification Motorola ATRIX 2I use your Russifier10.05.12, 09:57
Esquire5700In the profilefor rusik)))10.04.12, 13:34
sobr2005Russification Motorola ATRIX 2Thank!31.03.12, 18:41
SaiLas82Russification Motorola ATRIX 2+29.03.12, 21:06
SaiLas82Motorola Atrix 2 - Firmware (OS 2.3 Gingerbread)thanks for the framework28.03.12, 16:55
max2327Russification Motorola ATRIX 2For the work done on the Russification.28.03.12, 14:14
NerekanMotorola Atrix 2 - Firmware (OS 2.3 Gingerbread)For responsiveness and adequacy28.03.12, 10:17
DarthieIn the profileFor help :)28.03.12, 00:33
val1313Russification Motorola ATRIX 2Russification for firmware DEODEX27.03.12, 22:03
NerekanMotorola Atrix 2 - Firmware (OS 2.3 Gingerbread)for help27.03.12, 20:12
val1313Russification Motorola ATRIX 2Russian T9 in the diver10.03.12, 01:11
rizrz8Motorola Atrix 2 - Firmware (OS 2.3 Gingerbread)help25.02.12, 06:48
GridzillaRussification Motorola ATRIX 2+ from Sparc_jr "for the work on the Russification of Atrix"24.02.12, 16:27
val1313Russification Motorola ATRIX 2For translation19.02.12, 22:49
val1313Russification Motorola ATRIX 2Search for errors in Rusik07.02.12, 00:45
DarthieRussification Motorola ATRIX 2For work24.01.12, 21:16
val1313Russification Motorola ATRIX 2For participation in the translation !!!18.01.12, 22:00
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