> Announcement: Theme Designing Rules
Device_name_in_RF (preferably byDevdb) - Official (Unofficial ...) firmware (OS X.X)
PictureAll device names (For example: "Bravo, Passion, GT-I9100" ...)
Description | Discussion � | Purchase � | Accessories � | Marriage and Repair � | Firmware �

Important information!

Drivers and Utilities




Survey Screenshots

===================== Template code ========================
[size = 4] [b] Device_name_in_RF - Official (Unofficial ...) firmware (OS X.X) [/ b] [/ size]
[img] // s.savagemessiahzine.com.to / cByJMlUz1n6scHrEb4XbQvJH5seTf3G1C5WvfwNUgfNDLqb4z1.png [/ img] [size = 1] [color = "gray"] all device names (For example: "Bravo, Passion, GT-I9100" ...) [/]] [/]] [/]] [/]] [/]] [/]] [/]] [/]] [/ img]
[url = "http://devdb.ru/"] Description [/ url] | [url = "//savagemessiahzine.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=000000"Discussion[/url] [url = "//savagemessiahzine.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=000000&view=getnewpost"["[/url] | [url = "//savagemessiahzine.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=000000""Purchase[/url] [url = "//savagemessiahzine.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=000000&view=getnewpost"["[/url] | [url = "//savagemessiahzine.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=000000""Accessories//url] [url = "//savagemessiahzine.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=000000&view=getnewpost"["[/url] | [url = "//savagemessiahzine.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=000000""ББрак и ремонт [/ url] [url = "//savagemessiahzine.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=0000000&view=getnewpost"["[/url] | [b] Firmware [/ b] [url = "//savagemessiahzine.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=000000&view=getlastpost"[[By_tre/B[[/url]

[spoiler = [b] [color = red] Important! [/ color] [/ b]] [/ spoiler]
[spoiler = [b] [color = "royalblue"] Drivers and Utilities [/ color] [/ b]] [/ spoiler]
[spoiler = [b] [color = "royalblue"] Firmware [/ color] [/ b]] [/ spoiler]
[spoiler = [b] [color = "royalblue"] Instructions [/ color] [/ b]] [/ spoiler]
[spoiler = [b] [color = "royalblue"] Miscellaneous [/ color] [/ b]] [/ spoiler]
[spoiler = [b] [color = royalblue] Survey Screenshots [/ color] [/ b]] [/ spoiler]

Topic Title:
  • Used variants of the names of topics:
    Device_name_in_RF (preferably byDevdb) - Official firmware (OS X.X) (Discussion only official firmware for the device).
    Device_name_in_RF (preferably byDevdb) - Informal firmware (OS X.X) (Discussion only unofficial firmware for the device).
    Device_name_in_RF (preferably byDevdb) - Firmware (OS X.X) (Discussion of all firmware simultaneously, both official and various unofficial ones).
    Device_name_in_RF (preferably byDevdb) - Firmware (Firmware Name) (Discussion of a specific unofficial firmware and builds based on it).
  • Android OS version as(OS X.X) indicated in the title of the topic only when the topic is selected from the general and / or intended to discuss the firmware on a specific version of the Android OS. If the topic is a discussion of the firmware on different versions of the Android OS and for all other cases, these versions are not listed in the title of the topic.
  • By agreement with the section moderators, it is possible to rename the topic depending on the content discussed in it.

  • All links placed in the topic header should lead to publicly available materials that do not require additional mandatory registration for use (clause 3.9 Rules section "Android - Firmware" ).

  • Spoilers are filled by you, according to their purpose and name. Information as a single archive is prohibited.
  • SpoilerImportant information! : it is intended for entering the most important information connected directly with firmware of devices. In the absence of such a spoiler is not used.
  • SpoilerDrivers and Utilities : this spoiler should contain links and / or descriptions with links to utilities used when flashing the device.
  • SpoilerFirmware : This spoiler should contain links to download the firmware and / or instructions for downloading the firmware.
  • SpoilerInstructions : this spoiler should contain links to instructions (in Russian) on the firmware of the device using drivers and / or utilities from the spoiler "Drivers and Utilities".
  • Spoilermiscellanea : in this spoiler we place links to messages that do not fall under the format of previous spoilers, but are an integral part of the discussion of firmware.
  • SpoilerSurvey Screenshots : designed to save screenshots of past surveys (no more than 5). In the absence of polls screenshots, this spoiler is not used.

General requirements :
  • Placing images outside the spoilers is prohibited.
  • Duplication or arbitrary wordingResource rules, Rules section "Android - Firmware"andUser Moderation - implementation, individual items and excerpts from them are prohibited.
  • Additional spoilers are called arbitrarily, in accordance with the purpose. The total number of spoilers is no more than 10 (if necessary, screenshots of the firmware shell are no more than 5).
  • Any deviations from the theme heading design template can be made only by agreement with the section moderators.

  • Before editing the header, be sure to save a copy of the code to a text file.
  • Do not forget to use the "Preview" before creating a theme.
  • Attention! When editing the survey - it is recommended to take screenshots of the results.
  • To post a large amount of information is used separately created post in the topic (technical post). A link to this post is added to the topic header.
  • In case of questions, erroneous actions, insufficient rights to edit after a certain time - contact the Section Moderators via the buttonPicture.

By decision of the moderators of the section, the topic heading can be transferred to another user without prior notice to the topic author.

 mobile version Now: 05/19/19 5:39 PM